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AnimeSpirit 02-15-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
It was on the other hand the Christians that left England and brought with them the Bible and that is where our base comes from for our Constitution. It was and is all about freedom of religion.

I know this isn't entirely on-topic, but I feel compelled to share some historical facts on this matter.

Historically speaking, the country wasn't officially founded until the signing of the Declaration of Independance. The 55 men who took part in this act of treason against the British did not do so as Christians, they did so in a patriotic sense. However, if you want to bring religion into the picture, I can point out that 9 of the 55 signers of the Declaration were, in fact, Freemasons. Among them included Benjamin Franklin and Jon Hancock.

Whether or not you consider Freemasonry a religion is still open to debate today. Officially, the Masons do not consider themselves a religion, but it has been said that one cannot be a devout Christian and an informed Mason at the same time as their principles will clash. Masons, officially speaking, acknowledge all religious traditions and do not try to favor any one specific practice. This is why the manuals of every major religion are found on the podium at most major Mason lodges.

In addition to this, I also happen to know that the Statue of Liberty, despite being a gift from France, is actually a depiction of the Roman Goddess Libertas, from whom we get the word "liberty." With this in mind, you begin to see that this country was not founded solely on Christian principles and not solely by Christians. America was, and is, a country of numerous different races, religions, and diversities. We are brought together not by our differences, but by what we have in common: the ground we all tread on.

I agree that Judge Moore was wrong when he refused the order to remove the Commandments he put up, but this doesn't mean that I agree that the order was legal or constitutional. It is on this ground that I can understand Judge Moore's position.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-15-2007 02:18 PM

Sounds like AnimeSpirit has been to visit the Oracle
Good post Mr. Spirit. This is the mixing bowl and there where natives here when the English got here and other ethnos peoples. Some might say Clovis Man what ever the case you have a very good point with your post. Christianity was sent to the lost tribes as a blessing and every where It went blessings came with It. When I say Christianity I do not mean churches and religion which are part of the man made construct. Thank you for you post :clap:

AnimeSpirit 02-15-2007 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Thank you for you post :clap:

Thanks! I watch a lot of History/Discovery channel when my anime isn't on yet, so I see a lot of documentaries every week. :D Congrads on reaching 500 posts.

joepole 02-15-2007 03:33 PM

>Historically speaking, the country wasn't officially founded until the signing of the Declaration of Independanc.

Actually, it wasn't officially founded until the ratification of the Constitution.

AnimeSpirit 02-15-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Actually, it wasn't officially founded until the ratification of the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776, which was the day we became an indepedent nation free of British rule. This day is the origins of our Independence day celebrated on the 4th of July every year as America's Birthday.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-15-2007 04:07 PM

Either way God Bless America
I think most Americans say 25 and up have a deeper appreciation of History than do the younger kids. We are the super power of super powers and blessed with plenty of food and live on a fertile continent at latitude and longitude that is a place to grow food. I love ancient history more than say civil war but here recently have been reading some great books on George Washington and the French and Indian war. What a turbulent past was our birth as a nation. I love anything to do with history and will always take any correction with a smile :D I will do my home work tonight just for fun on it.

AnimeSpirit 02-15-2007 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I think most Americans say 25 and up have a deeper appreciation of History than do the younger kids.

Being only 24 myself, I guess that makes me an oddity of sorts, especially since my appreciation for history is already years old.

joepole 02-15-2007 04:25 PM

You don't get to be an independent nation just by declaring it, ask the Confederacy.

Also, a nation without a government isn't a nation. We didn't have a government (well, we didn't have the one that makes our country what it is) until the ratification of the Constitution).

BrainSmashR 02-15-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
yes you got it wear it. Your name calling along with your post speak for themselves. You may like to be PC but not me not now not ever. I know you will never agree so be it. I have made my point and that point is Judge Roy Moore may have not obeyed the law that was handed down by ACLU judges but he stood up and called a spade a spade. The attack on Christianity has reached to a level of no return. There will be a correction and it will not be the hand of any man !

What zealots like you are incapable of understanding is that no one is attacking Christians or Christianity, we're just tired of you forcing your religion on us. Practicing your faith when and where it's appropriate isn't good enough for you, you want to do it when and where you feel like it.

Did Roy Moore erect a monument in his own front yard? No, he wanted to do it on public property in direct violation of the law.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-15-2007 04:37 PM

American History Civil War
I do know why I do not like to study much in the American Civil War is that is the saddest thing ever to see brother kill brother some times in the most literal way or cousins. It hurt us and made us stronger and 200 to 250 years is yesterday in terms of history. If you ever get a chance read "The Bullet Proof George Washington" about 100 pages paper back very, very good when he led the Brits in a campaign against the French Indians and had two horses shot out from under him multi bullet wholes in his uniform with our a cut. The Indians thought he was a god of sorts because they could not kill him after many tries he could not be killed so they had great respect for him after the war. Great book.

geodood 02-15-2007 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
It only took 26 posts in this thread for someone to mention Nazis

Nazis? Did someone mention Nazis? LOL, don't make me invoke Godwin's Law!!! :D's_law

Al Swearengen 02-15-2007 06:39 PM


The nazis were not socialists
That statement is incorrect. Socialism is a system in which a centralized government plans and controls the economy. Nuff said!

Joepole takes issue with the following:

The country is founded on Christian principles and the Ten Commandments are the base root of the entire legal system
This statement is correct. I believe the word "Creator" appears in the Declaration of Independance. Yes, I know there is no mention of Him in the U.S. constitution, but since the Declaration predates the Constitution, score one for me!:clap: Besides, the Ten Commandments are a smaller part of the larger body of divine law recognized and early incorporated into America's civil documents. For example, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, established in 1638-39 as the first written constitution in America and considered the direct predecessor of the U.S. Constitution, declared that the governor and his council of six elected officials would "have power to administer justice according to the laws here established, and for want thereof according to the rule of the word of God."

I could go on but I think I've made my point. Oh, and the Confederacy was never interested in forming a nation, quite the contrary. Nations by definition have a centralized government. The Confederacy was the antithesis of nationhood.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-15-2007 07:00 PM

Rude Dude

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
What zealots like you are incapable of understanding is that no one is attacking Christians or Christianity, we're just tired of you forcing your religion on us. Practicing your faith when and where it's appropriate isn't good enough for you, you want to do it when and where you feel like it.

Did Roy Moore erect a monument in his own front yard? No, he wanted to do it on public property in direct violation of the law.

You have made your point SmashR. I could think of quite a few names that would fit you but for the sake of the people on this post I will with hold those
vivid descriptions. May be time you to go punch the clock. I guess you do not think you are a zealot :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Bob 02-15-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I do know why I do not like to study much in the American Civil War is that is the saddest thing ever to see brother kill brother some times in the most literal way or cousins. It hurt us and made us stronger and 200 to 250 years is yesterday in terms of history. If you ever get a chance read "The Bullet Proof George Washington" about 100 pages paper back very, very good when he led the Brits in a campaign against the French Indians and had two horses shot out from under him multi bullet wholes in his uniform with our a cut. The Indians thought he was a god of sorts because they could not kill him after many tries he could not be killed so they had great respect for him after the war. Great book.

I've developed a love for the history of our Country. Especially early there in the late 1770's and into the 1780's The task that they undertook, win the war, and THEN had to create the freakin' "government". no easy task. I'm looking forward to the HBO series about John Adams when ever it is completed.

Regarding your book about George washington.. doubt I'll read it, don't read much. But when ever the History channel does a special on him, I usually catch it.. Or any of the early contributors to the founding of our Nation.

And you are right 200 years is a blink of an eye. the Civil War was like "yesterday" Don't have to go back to far on my family tree to find info on those who fought in the Civil War.

To get back to the topic at hand, I'm a pretty easy going guy. I believe in live and let live, do what you want, as long as it doesn't bother me too much, and i'm fine.

This judge wants to put up the 10 commandments, I say LET HIM, no big deal, doesn't bother me any.

but I can also see the problem, with him disobeying higher court decisions against him. Did he Stand up for what he thought was right.. why yes he did, and for that I will give him MUCH credit. :clap:

But there is this nasty thing about the Judge disregarding orders from the higher courts. I can see the problem with this. Sure it's a hot topic because he was standing for his beliefs.

Through different times in this country, different things have been against the law. Possesssion of Alcohol was illegal for a time in this country. We did however CHANGE the law on this one (think you very much).

Currently the possession of Marijuana is illegal in this country. Regardless if you think it should be legal, it's not, it's illegal, and you'll go to jail for it.

Abortions were illegal in the country, now they are legal (currently)

Laws change, but what the law currently is, it needs to be enforced.

A judge knows this, and he knew what he was getting into, and again, I'll give him credit for giving the good fight. in the end he lost his job, and I understand why.

If someone wants to pass a law that says we can have the 10 commandments posted in every Court building in the country.. I got no problem with that either.

What I have a problem with.. is some of the coments made in this thread. I understand the differences of opinion, and some posts have made an attempt to civilly define their opinions.. But when people start throwing around name calling.. I'm offended to think I'm a socialist because I can believe in the legal system.

As citizens of the Republic we have the ability to change these laws, just have to get involved.

Again I completely understand/appreciate both sides of this issue.
I commend the Judge for making his stand, I feel for his loss, but that's the way it goes.

Hey whatever happened to that ruling, somewhere out west, they ruled to remove One Nation "UNDER GOD" from the Pledge of Allegiance.. after some father sued. did that **** ever go through ? I'm not a religious person, but I got no problem with my country being One Nation UNDER GOD. I'll take all the good karma I can find :)

I would just seem to me, there could be some debate on this issue, a more positive debate, not involving the name calling.

:peace: To you and yours.

BrainSmashR 02-15-2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
You have made your point SmashR. I could think of quite a few names that would fit you but for the sake of the people on this post I will with hold those
vivid descriptions. May be time you to go punch the clock. I guess you do not think you are a zealot :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

...and maybe it's time for you to put the Bible down and pick up a Dictionary.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-16-2007 05:29 AM

Maybe it's time for you to pick up a Bible before you attack
Has life delt you a bad card ? Then why so sour ? Mean spirited :nono: You say your in you mid 30's then act like it.

BrainSmashR 02-16-2007 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Has life delt you a bad card ? Then why so sour ? Mean spirited :nono: You say your in you mid 30's then act like it.

Is everyone who disagrees with your propaganda and speaks out against it "sour", or just those that play the name game better than you?

Isaac-Saxxon 02-16-2007 07:22 AM

Children of the Tares
I just watched your filth video and my it says wonders. You see young man even the dark side has their own way of worshiping their master. This is a free country and the purpose of this short clay life is to make our mind up as to which path we will take. I think that is called freedom of choice. It is for you to make up your mind what is best for you and no one else and the same goes for me I just picked a different direction that's all. I am a zealot as by definition because I have read the Bible more than once and I have studied for over 20 years and I KNOW what I believe and do not need a avatar or a preacher to tell me what to think. I study on my own. Now you choose to not like the Christian way of doing things that is fine I choose to not like the way anti-Christians do things either. So we agree to disagree. I have many friends that believe many things but none of them are attack dogs and for them I have respect not to push my views. Then there is always fox hole converts and I think we all know what that means. Calm yourself and go enjoy being with your people for your birthday at the concert and have a great trip. No more name game and I will stick to the subject when and if I have to address you in the future you do the same and show some respect for others around you it will make this forum much more fun.

LateNight 02-16-2007 07:29 AM

Sounds to me like this thread has run it's course, gettin' a little off topic there eh fellas ? play nice.



Isaac-Saxxon 02-16-2007 07:35 AM

Thanks LateNight
I agree this thread has gone far enough. Much has been said and everybody can go back and read it and not have to guess where anybody stands. Have a great weekend to you ALL :clap:

Lions Welp 02-16-2007 01:21 PM

Judge Moore should have a right to speak his mind
Once the order came down to remove them he should have and then fought it in court and tried that way. I am not sure but do they have them on display at the Supreme Court ? I am sure it would not be hard to find a lawyer to take the case there is no shortage of lawyers in our country. They are very good rules to try to live by.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-16-2007 03:53 PM

Everybody caves to the ACLU
I do not think he could win with the liberal judges that sit on the bench these days.

BrainSmashR 02-16-2007 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lions Welp
Once the order came down to remove them he should have and then fought it in court and tried that way. I am not sure but do they have them on display at the Supreme Court ? I am sure it would not be hard to find a lawyer to take the case there is no shortage of lawyers in our country. They are very good rules to try to live by.

He did appeal the decision, and lost.

Furthermore, it's the Supreme Courts job to interpret the Constitution and they have determined the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment means government actions must have a secular purpose.....meaning Moore would have lost there too.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 03:31 AM

Sad state of affairs in our courts

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
He did appeal the decision, and lost.

Furthermore, it's the Supreme Courts job to interpret the Constitution and they have determined the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment means government actions must have a secular purpose.....meaning Moore would have lost there too.

Should he have lost this case ? NO :nono: But due to the liberal poison that is being poured in to our ears by a group of people that think they can change laws from the bench we all have to pay the price for few that sit in seats of power. Interpret the law ? not make the law.

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 03:36 AM

You're lack of understanding about our political and legal processes is no surprise.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 03:46 AM

Your lack of what is morally correct comes as no surprise

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
You're lack of understanding about our political and legal processes is no surprise.

You think because it is a law handed down from a judge that it is morally correct then you are blind to the facts by "Choice" and this is the very thing that is bringing this country to the moral decline that is causing our jails to be full of young kids. So wise man do you believe in God or any god as far as that goes ?

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 03:56 AM

Laws are made by Congress, not by judges, and very rarely have anything to do with morals.

Try reading a different book if you want to debate law and politics with your mental superiors.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 04:11 AM

Laws are made by Congress

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Laws are made by Congress, not by judges, and very rarely have anything to do with morals.

Try reading a different book if you want to debate law and politics with your mental superiors.

The law is made by Congress and are changed by slack jawed liberal judges as they see fit. You are one to talk about mental superiors when you have your head so far off track you can not even see the forest for the trees young man. Look around you and you will see your mental superiors every where you look. :laugh:

(Note: Darrell Scott's daughter was killed at Columbine. His thoughts are expressed in this poem.)


By Darrell Scott

Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Laws are made by Congress, not by judges, and very rarely have anything to do with morals.
Now there BSr this is the first thing you have written that is right on the mark they do not have anything to do with morals just like you. Almost time for you head down to your Pit of Filth and hang out with you boys. Happy birthday :D

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 04:20 AM

As I stated earlier, your ignorance comes as no surprise, be it law, politics, or morals....hence the suggestion of picking up a different book occasionally.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 04:37 AM

Hey Boy BSr you are the one that needs a new Book

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
As I stated earlier, your ignorance comes as no surprise, be it law, politics, or morals....hence the suggestion of picking up a different book occasionally.

You are but a clay shell waiting for the worms. Enjoy your ride in this life for it is a short one. You attack the Book that you will not even read well this says a lot about what a uneducated boy you are BSr :laugh: Almost time for you to go punch the clock and do another shift.

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 08:04 AM


I'm a confirmed Catholic and it's a safe bet I've read the Bible more than the average person. Funny how zealots like you always forgets what it says about passing judgment against others....

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 08:27 AM

Religion is a man made thing !

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR

I'm a confirmed Catholic and it's a safe bet I've read the Bible more than the average person. Funny how zealots like you always forgets what it says about passing judgment against others....

It is nice to know you have read the Bible and are a "confirmed Catholic" ! That makes all the things you have said to me about being a Christian just fine then :laugh: You might think you have found your "thread in life" but BSr you might just change that tune if you got handed the "BIG PINK SLIP" tomorrow just like any man you would do some soul searching. I think Judge Roy Moore has found himself and believes in himself and enjoying life more than anyone still hard wired into the matrix. I wish him God Speed and I hope more American Patriots will make a stand for their God. :clap:

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 08:37 AM

Standard holier than thou surprises here.

I'm glad Roy Moore has found himself too. That should help out a great deal while he's standing in line waiting for his welfare check from the government he doesn't support.

Who would have thought that zealotry and hypocrisy go hand-in-hand?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 08:49 AM

I do not think Judge Roy Moore will have to wait for a good job

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Standard holier than thou surprises here.

I'm glad Roy Moore has found himself too. That should help out a great deal while he's standing in line waiting for his welfare check from the government he doesn't support.

Who would have thought that zealotry and hypocrisy go hand-in-hand?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

He is very qualified to do many jobs and none of them will have to be with a union type job where politics are shoved down his throat and the block vote mentality. I love being a zealot for a moral cause and not for tearing down but for building up morals. You like to use the word hypocrite well you fine confirmed Catholic you meet the qualifications for that word that would be in the Greek language : to be a play actor ! You are a cartoon boy aren't you so play acting is right up you ally :nono: :nono: :nono:

Lions Welp 02-17-2007 09:24 AM

He is not worth the time boys
Who would have thought that zealotry and hypocrisy go hand-in-hand? I guess you do not thing much if you can not tell something this simple. You are a zealot and a bigot and a hypocrite by reading your web site you are full of hate and you spew poison from your mouth. I would recommend that anyone reading this thread go read BSR web site and take a look for yourself and you can see that this guy talks out of both sides of his mouth at once. :nono:

Neo 02-17-2007 09:38 AM

I saw the website.. The UAW and marylin manson would be proud..... and after debating another thread with BrainSmashR..His handle should be SmashBrainR go figure. Laws used to be made by the people and for the people, not sure these days...:peace:

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 11:53 AM


It must be terrible living in a world where your self-esteem is so low you have to attack others in order to give your existence some type of meaning.

Hey, I know, why don't you pray for things to get's worked so well for the last 2007 years, right?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 12:14 PM

I do pray for things to get better all the time

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR

It must be terrible living in a world where your self-esteem is so low you have to attack others in order to give your existence some type of meaning.

Hey, I know, why don't you pray for things to get's worked so well for the last 2007 years, right?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I have had many, many prayers answered and I am a very big believer in prayer. You laugh at the power of Christ and that is your CHOICE there BSr and your right. Not my right to judge your eternal soul just make judgment calls about people all the time. They can be good people or bad but spiritual determent is a alive and well and as for our souls for the eternity well that would be Christ that gets to do that and we will all meet Him one day and all we have with us at that point are our works. How ya doing there BSr ? Now don't you think it is time for you to go to another site and cause problems I for one have had enough of your Anti American Anti Christian crap. You have your own web site use it.

BrainSmashR 02-17-2007 12:19 PM


I'm neither anti-American nor anti-Christian.

I'm anti-lunatic who can't separate the real world from fantasy. Imagine us not getting along....

Isaac-Saxxon 02-17-2007 12:32 PM

So does this quote sound like anti Christian to you
Quote from BSr: Hey, I know, why don't you pray for things to get's worked so well for the last 2007 years, right?

Did you finish High Scool ? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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