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-   -   Rep. Ron Paul ! What do you think ???? ( 12-04-2007 10:53 PM

maybe it is time for a drag queen to run the country. So I''m all for Ron Paul.

[edit: oooooooohhh, that's RuPaul. Nevermind.

Pocahontas 12-04-2007 10:57 PM

Many months and threads ago I posted a RuPaul pic too. I hadn't a clue then who Ron Paul was and kept envisioning the drag queen as well. I guess great minds think alike, huh?;):laugh: 12-04-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas (Post 26042)
Many months and threads ago I posted a RuPaul pic too. I hadn't a clue then who Ron Paul was and kept envisioning the drag queen as well. I guess great minds think alike, huh?;):laugh:

Cheers Pocs and Well done :) :wino:
I didn't hope to be original as much as I just couldn't help myself (as usual). Funny, this yearI had to renew my DL and and they ask you in the DMV to check abou you voter registration. I asked could I change my party affiliation and the DMV office said "sure". So I switched to "unafilliated" after umpteen years as a voting member of one of the standard parties. Just fed up I suppose, unafilliated amounts to independent.

Noite: The battery in my wireless keyboard need a changin' - and i'm a terrible typer on top of that - so please excusethe double doseof bad typing. (The spacebar seemsthe first to go ona bad batter) My boys have used up all the spare bateries

LateNight 12-04-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26033)
I'm not gonna explain it to you

LOL good answer :rolleyes:

that's about what I thought.

here let me try...

is it "we have to fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here" ?

Isaac-Saxxon 12-05-2007 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 26045)
LOL good answer :rolleyes:

that's about what I thought.

here let me try...

is it "we have to fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here" ?

We have been fighting them over there and are doing a very good job. The DNC is changing their platform because the voters see a victory is near. They should come home when the job is done and not before. Some people look presidential but RP does not. America is run by the swing vote and they like the way someone looks. :peace:

vixweb 12-05-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 26045)
LOL good answer :rolleyes:

that's about what I thought.

here let me try...

is it "we have to fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here" ?

No, its not what you thought. (shocker) Apparently you don't think much....and you left out the word "again". Ln, if your gonna try to debate me, your gonna have to do better-:rolleyes:

LateNight 12-05-2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26062)
No, its not what you thought. (shocker) Apparently you don't think much....and you left out the word "again". Ln, if your gonna try to debate me, your gonna have to do better-:rolleyes:

seems like I tried, but I received no answer from you.

at any rate, it's a waste of time. We've been through this topic a dozen times right here on this message board. Seems some folks are simply happy with the status quo.


vixweb 12-05-2007 09:10 PM

And others just dont get it......tsk, tsk

LateNight 12-05-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26064)
And others just dont get it......tsk, tsk

tell me.. what do you see, 5 years from now, 10 years from now.. should we stay in Iraq until the "job is finished" tell me the future you see ?

vixweb 12-05-2007 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 26066)
tell me.. what do you see, 5 years from now, 10 years from now.. should we stay in Iraq until the "job is finished" tell me the future you see ?

That depends on who is in power, in all three branches of government. If Hillary becomes president.....I think you know-
As far as Iraq is concerned: We wont need to stay because it is already becoming stabilized.:jawdrop: I realize you probably don't get that either, regardless, its happening RIGHT NOW. What will Ronpaul do? Put his head in the sand and hide? "Mind our own buisiness"? Yeah, that will work:rolleyes:
Do you think if we pull our troops home we wont have to worry about the islamic terrorists? Oh yeah, you think its Bush's fault that they hate us, right?:laugh: Where have you been all these years? This is not new. And it will NOT go away. Your living in a fantasy world- WAKE UP!!!

LateNight 12-05-2007 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26067)
That depends on who is in power, in all three branches of government. If Hillary becomes president.....I think you know-
As far as Iraq is concerned: We wont need to stay because it is already becoming stabilized. I realize you probably don't get that either, regardless, its happening RIGHT NOW. What will Ronpaul do? Put his head in the sand and hide? "Mind our own buisiness"? Yeah, that will work:rolleyes:
Do you think if we pull our troops home we wont have to worry about the islamic terrorists? Oh yeah, you think its Bush's fault that they hate us, right?:laugh: Where have you been all these years? This is not new. And it will NOT go away. Your living in a fantasy world- WAKE UP!!!

"It's already becoming stabilized" o.k. great, so bring the boys home, what's the problem ?????
apparently I 'got that'....

Hey, I agree, lets go after the "islamic terrorist" blow them up.. burn them, carpet bomb them.. I got no freakin' problem with that.. taking over a country and parking our troops in it, is another freakin' thing ALL TOGETHER. but apparently YOU don't GET THAT.

Did I say it was Bush's fault they hate us.. nope, never did. I've been right here buddy. watchin' everyone get fed this bull****.. go into the likes of Afghanistan, take out the the Taliban, take out Al Quada, three cheers for that.. I GET THAT... however, they weren't in Iraq (they are 'now').. but my, what a great war it's been.. who you suppose is going to PAY for this ongoing cluster ??

you know when Bush ran for President the first time around, he stated that we had to GET OUT of the Nation Building business.. cause it causes way more problems than it's worth. but damn if we didn't go head long into it..
where do you think the money is going to come from to pay for this **** ??

Answer me this one question.. if it's all about the WAR ON TERROR.. why did we go into Iraq in the FIRST PLACE. ?

Who decided to spend my Tax dollars on this war in Iraq ? Congress sure didn't vote on it, didn't declare war.. where was the eminent danger in Iraq ? I understood Afghanistan.. THERE THEY ARE, Bin Laden and his group are there, connections to 9-11 GO KILL THEM.. I UNDERSTAND THAT. 12-05-2007 10:01 PM

I say we take off. Nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

vixweb 12-05-2007 10:05 PM

This is like beating a dead horse:laugh::laugh:
Are you the ONLY one that still doesn't know why we went into Iraq? There werent terrorists already in Iraq? Can't you come up with something better than that? That is really pathetic-I'm beginning to question your sincerity, are these really your views?

LateNight 12-05-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26075)
This is like beating a dead horse:laugh::laugh:
Are you the ONLY one that still doesn't know why we went into Iraq? There werent terrorists already in Iraq? Can't you come up with something better than that? That is really pathetic-I'm beginning to question your sincerity, are these really your views?

Just trying to get some answers out of you.. have not received them.. other than to hear the "Let them win" sound byte out of you.

If you think that region of the world is ever going to be stabilized.. you haven't been paying attention to your world history.

Al Swearengen 12-05-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26075)
This is like beating a dead horse:laugh::laugh:
Are you the ONLY one that still doesn't know why we went into Iraq? There werent terrorists already in Iraq? Can't you come up with something better than that? That is really pathetic-I'm beginning to question your sincerity, are these really your views?

Quit beatin around the Bush and answer the question, Vix.

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