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piemaker720 09-22-2007 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 21504)
Hey I'm no scholar, but every egg and every sperm cell is destined to die unless they are united. Then something special happens. Dying eggs and dying sperm is just part of the cycle of life.

So you do agree that a sperm is a living thing even though it dies if it does not unite with an egg. So a snipping kills them before they have a chance to unite. If a woman ask me should I have an abortion I would tell her it is her decision not mine to make. I try not to interfere in other peoples lives[ I mean telling them how to live] unless they are child abusers or spouse abusers. I have always told my kids I brought you in this world and it was not to be no one's punching bag. But back to the subject , the woman that killed her baby should have had a abortion. [I would not have told her to have one, but either way she killed her baby.] She does not need children I can only imagine what that poor baby went through in it's few days of life. That child did't ask to to trowed against the wall. She has another child, I wonder what he's had to go through. I believe if you abuse a child you should be fixed where you can never bring anymore children in for you to mistreat. One thing comes to mind in pass threads we have talked about this. Some say you can't force someone to get themselves fixed that it is against their rights. But you can stop them from abortion. If they was fixed to begin with then there would be no abortion.

vixweb 09-22-2007 11:56 AM

Why do women always approach this issue as if they have all the "rights"? :duck:Is the baby not half the father? When y'all say things like "you couldn't know what the woman is going through"- What about what we are going through? If a woman wants to abort my child, what could I do? NOTHING! Tell me ladies, If your having a child, or NOT, were my decision- seriously, think about that. "Whether or not I have a child is not my decision". Imagine your boyfriend telling you "we were pregnant, but I had an abortion"- "its MY body"! Don't be so quick to dismiss us, we have feelings too. I believe killing babies is WRONG -

piemaker720 09-22-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 21540)
Why do women always approach this issue as if they have all the "rights"? :duck:Is the baby not half the father? When y'all say things like "you couldn't know what the woman is going through"- What about what we are going through? If a woman wants to abort my child, what could I do? NOTHING! Tell me ladies, If your having a child, or NOT, were my decision- seriously, think about that. "Whether or not I have a child is not my decision". Imagine your boyfriend telling you "we were pregnant, but I had an abortion"- "its MY body"! Don't be so quick to dismiss us, we have feelings too. I believe killing babies is WRONG -

You are not getting what I am saying. It is wrong to kill a baby. An abortion should be the woman and her mate's decision. It is not my place to go down the street and interfere with my neighbors life or tell them what they can or can not do. You preach about the father having rights but how many times has the idea of an abortion been the father's idea because he didn't want a child. Do you consult your mate if you decided you didn't want children and went and had a snip job done. Has there been times when men had it done without the woman knowledge. We women can't decide: well I don't want kids so I am going to get fixed. The doctors will not perform one on a young person [ I mean teens and twenties] without a good reason. as for you if you can't talk someone out of aborting your child, get rid of her, she ain't worth it if she can't consider you. But NO you don't know what we women go through. Whether it from abortion or labor. I really wished each man could experience it one time, then they might think twice about doing it with anybody that comes along.Get real here for a moment, if you went out with a girl or woman because you heard she puts out, that being the only reason, and she got pregnant what would you do? Marry her or say it might not be mine! uh

vixweb 09-22-2007 01:48 PM

Yeah, I get what your saying: "men just don't understand." right? :confused: My point was that it is not all about the ladies....we care too.

piemaker720 09-22-2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 21543)
Yeah, I get what your saying: "men just don't understand." right? :confused: My point was that it is not all about the ladies....we care too.

I'll give you that. Some men do care but not all. Your teens now day have one thing on their mind and it ain't what happens if she gets pregnant. Here an example: man gets a girl pregnant, he says it might not be mine, you'll have to have the baby so we can do a paternity test. Then it's am not paying child support even if it is mine. Who is stuck?

vixweb 09-22-2007 02:11 PM

Whos stuck? The man that wanted the abortion, but now he's gonna have to pay $ for 18 years- and YES the law will make him pay(as they SHOULD) I once worked with a guy that just took home $87.00/week because child support was being garnished-You don't think women have babies JUST to be vindictive? I know It happens. What about the women who say they're on birth control, but arent? This is a two-way street, there are PLENTY of sorry women out there too, but I know- we just dont understand Blah-Blah.....:laugh:

piemaker720 09-22-2007 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 21548)
Whos stuck? The man that wanted the abortion, but now he's gonna have to pay $ for 18 years- and YES the law will make him pay(as they SHOULD) I once worked with a guy that just took home $87.00/week because child support was being garnished-You don't think women have babies JUST to be vindictive? I know It happens. What about the women who say they're on birth control, but arent? This is a two-way street, there are PLENTY of sorry women out there too, but I know- we just dont understand Blah-Blah.....:laugh:

That is true, there are some scummy women just as much as scummy men. As for child support, my daughter took her ex to court a year ago. They ordered him to pay, he still hasn't. The suppoet enforcement says the only thing they can do is flag his drivers license, so don't tell me the law will make them pay. There's a lady I know hasn't recieved child support in 3 years, the support enforcer says if he ain't got then there is nothing they can do. No undoubtly you still don't get it. Boo-hoo-hoo.

rhertz 09-22-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 21529)
So you do agree that a sperm is a living thing even though it dies if it does not unite with an egg.

No, sperm is not a sustainable living thing any more than pollen is a sustainable living thing. It has but one purpose, to procreate Life.

Living creatures such as humans have a million purposes. But eggs and sperm individually do not constitute "life". Life always has a "life cycle". This is why it is OK to eat eggs even though the Bible commands us to not kill. This is why it's OK to wash the pollen off your car, but not cut down your neighbor's tree. This is why it is OK to abstain from sex and let your egg and sperm expire, but it is not OK to kill a fertilized embryo in the womb or a birthed baby after a couple chooses to have sex.

Texasbelle 09-22-2007 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 21548)
Whos stuck? The man that wanted the abortion, but now he's gonna have to pay $ for 18 years- and YES the law will make him pay(as they SHOULD) I once worked with a guy that just took home $87.00/week because child support was being garnished-You don't think women have babies JUST to be vindictive? I know It happens. What about the women who say they're on birth control, but arent? This is a two-way street, there are PLENTY of sorry women out there too, but I know- we just dont understand Blah-Blah.....:laugh:

But how much money per week did the guy make and how much were the kids getting? Those are VERY important factors which you perhaps don't know. Most men do absolutely everything within their power to get out of paying child support or try to pay as little as possible. And do this while seeming to forget how much it takes to take care of a child.

You know while you are bemoaning the fact that a woman will lie about birth control...let's not forget that you as a man ALWAYS has the option to put a raincoat on and be safe and sure each and every time. Yes, there are sorry women out there but it's not often you'll find us shirking our responsbilities to our children like the men do.

Isaac-Saxxon 09-23-2007 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle (Post 21557)
But how much money per week did the guy make and how much were the kids getting? Those are VERY important factors which you perhaps don't know. Most men do absolutely everything within their power to get out of paying child support or try to pay as little as possible. And do this while seeming to forget how much it takes to take care of a child.

You know while you are bemoaning the fact that a woman will lie about birth control...let's not forget that you as a man ALWAYS has the option to put a raincoat on and be safe and sure each and every time. Yes, there are sorry women out there but it's not often you'll find us shirking our responsibilities to our children like the men do.

It is all about the American dollar and how many of them can you bring to the table :rolleyes: Put out or get out or no pay no play. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Money it's a trip ...................

Pocahontas 09-23-2007 10:13 AM

Just for the record I don't believe in abortion and in that private decision I pray the woman would choose to have the baby. More than likely she will have the brunt of the responsibility of rearing that baby. There is always adoption and many many loving couples waiting to take that loved one and raise it as their own. Of course money most certainly comes into play from birth to weddings the gravy train keeps a rollin'! :)

piemaker720 09-23-2007 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle (Post 21557)
But how much money per week did the guy make and how much were the kids getting? Those are VERY important factors which you perhaps don't know. Most men do absolutely everything within their power to get out of paying child support or try to pay as little as possible. And do this while seeming to forget how much it takes to take care of a child.

You know while you are bemoaning the fact that a woman will lie about birth control...let's not forget that you as a man ALWAYS has the option to put a raincoat on and be safe and sure each and every time. Yes, there are sorry women out there but it's not often you'll find us shirking our responsbilities to our children like the men do.

Thank you Belle for your comment. It is the woman that has the most responsibility for their child. As I have said abortion is not for me but I will not tell another woman what to do, it has to be their decision. They are the ones that will have to live with their decision. I'm sorry if it is wrong but that is how I feel. Now days you can tell a woman it is wrong to have an abortion, she has the child then kills it then can you truely not feel resonpsable. Or you can tell her to have one then she can't forgive you emotionally. I would rather it be their own decision. In my home town, years ago, there was this man who had 4 little girls, the oldest around 9. His wife left him so he took the girls out one day, stopped on a dirt road told them to get out and run down the road. As they ran he shot each to death, loaded them up in the back of his station wagon and took them to the funeral home. He went in told the workers he killed his children and they were in the back of his car to go get them. All that happened to him he stayed a while in a nut house. Sad, very sad.

rhertz 09-23-2007 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas (Post 21562)
More than likely she will have the brunt of the responsibility of rearing that baby.

If by "rearing" you mean taking the baby to the store or to the doctor, then I agree. But if you mean paying for the visit to the store or to the doctor, then I wholeheartedly disagree. Man and woman each have their part in the cycle of life. Mine seems to be paying bills and insurance premiums.

I am not loved for this. When was the last time my wife or kids said "Hey Dad, thanks for knocking out this months mortgage note". Or "Hey Dad, this electricity sure is nice". But I know I'm more than loved. I'm needed. Just like baby's need their moms.

Pocahontas 09-23-2007 09:58 PM

I was referring to a hypothetical situation where an unmarried couple was having to choose to keep the baby and not abort it. I think in those cases the woman is frequently abandoned by the male and left to take the load on alone! Thus maybe she should opt for adoption!

I'm sure you do work your butt off as my husband does to make the family content. Do you do your part in thanking your wife for ALL she does for you and your children? I do thank mine probably not often enough but we do share the load and he compliments me as well.:)

rhertz 09-23-2007 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas (Post 21593)
I was referring to a hypothetical situation where an unmarried couple was having to choose to keep the baby and not abort it.

Sorry if I read or took things out of context.


Originally Posted by Pocahontas (Post 21593)
I'm sure you do work your butt off as my husband does to make the family content. Do you do your part in thanking your wife for ALL she does for you and your children?

yes I do. Maybe not every day, but deep inside I do appreciate the fact that she in all likelyhood has the hardest job on earth. (raising our children) But on the other hand, kids are resilient and forgiving, but creditors and bill collectors are not. ;) Nor are hospital bill collectors. It can be an awefully cold world men live in. The buck must stop somewhere. But that does not take away from the devotion, dedication, and love that the vast majority of moms give to their children.

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