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-   -   Easter (Astarte) is of pagan orgins. (

Texasbelle 04-03-2007 09:48 PM

Mother Belle doesn't have anything else to say to Brain Jr. I am quite sure that he got my point the first time and it won't happen again son will it?

There are times when people do things that just leaving you scratching your head and saying to yourself "What were they thinking?". This was one of those times. Now we have to move on past Brain Jr.'s moment of insanity.

LateNight 04-03-2007 11:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Now we have to move on past Brain Jr.'s moment of insanity.

LOL, I vote that we rehash this bit of insanity until the cows come home, and see if we can make this the NUMBER ONE THREAD.


Titus Pullo is with me !!

Attachment 214

Al Swearengen 04-04-2007 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Pagans believe in God as well (and the Goddess), so I've long since come to know Him, but probably not the way you've come to know him yourself.

"God" being "The Prime Mover", and "Goddess" being "Mother Earth"...correct? Nothing wrong with Wicca. Always liked the Wiccan saying "An it harm none, do what thou wilt". "An" being an arcane version of "if".

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 07:18 AM

Do you have your eggs ready for the Queen of heaven ?
Time for those fertility rights to be celebrated Sunday morning as the sun worship begins. The queen of heaven in all her glory will save your soul from being turned into chocolate. They will have the egg roll on the white house lawn so if you leave now you can make it. Wake up Christian America and use your eyes for the first time :eek: I wonder if the pagans get mad about the Christians using one of there gods ? Anime what do you think ? I know Tbelle has all her eggs in a row :nono: :nono:

AnimeSpirit 04-04-2007 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I wonder if the pagans get mad about the Christians using one of there gods ? Anime what do you think ? I know Tbelle has all her eggs in a row :nono: :nono:

I can't speak for every Pagan in the world. However, traditionally speaking, those who practice the tradition that I do find it rather flattering to see others acknowledge our deities. I don't want to open a heated debate by saying this, but many modern holidays have Pagan origins as well as cooresponding Pagan deities.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 08:59 AM

This is exactly my point Anime

Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
I can't speak for every Pagan in the world. However, traditionally speaking, those who practice the tradition that I do find it rather flattering to see others acknowledge our deities. I don't want to open a heated debate by saying this, but many modern holidays have Pagan origins as well as cooresponding Pagan deities.

I could not agree more. Christians will not step up to the plate and separate the two. So called preachers in churches find it much easier to leave the pagan practices in the Christian churches and so the flock will follow :nono: The facts are all there and "TRADITION" takes the place of the Bible. What say you Sister Tbelle :confused: I could not think of a better post for my millennium post. We do not need preachers but real teachers that read the Word as it is written. Great thread :clap: :clap: :clap:

AnimeSpirit 04-04-2007 09:07 AM

Congrads on making your 1,000th post! :D You're, by far, the busiest member on SBLive! Rep+

refugen3 04-04-2007 04:02 PM

Passsover vs easter
So if you observe God by observing Passover then you must continue with the Feast of unleavened bread? Right. Observing easter all these past years and then discovering that I may be wrong in my actions has completely rocked my world. As well as reading all these comments. Tell me how y'all deal with the "traditions" you may have been brought up with. My mother-in-law would have me tarred and feathered if I didn't attend the yearly easter get together:laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 04:14 PM

That is easy to deal with

Originally Posted by refugen3
So if you observe God by observing Passover then you must continue with the Feast of unleavened bread? Right. Observing easter all these past years and then discovering that I may be wrong in my actions has completely rocked my world. As well as reading all these comments. Tell me how y'all deal with the "traditions" you may have been brought up with. My mother-in-law would have me tarred and feathered if I didn't attend the yearly easter get together:laugh:

Just quietly observe and let them have their fun. You know the truth and that is what matters. Maybe you should get mother-in-law to read this thread :laugh:

refugen3 04-04-2007 04:41 PM

easy you say
I sure am glad Christ didn't just sit back and observe when He knew the truth! Of course, it would make my life quite a bit easier. Then that raises another question....
I think I will sit back this year untill I've studied up and become better balanced concerning all this. :D
Thanks for the response. You seem very active on this sight. Is that because you got rid of the TV? Sure does free up some time.

BrianSmashR 04-04-2007 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Mother Belle doesn't have anything else to say to Brain Jr. I am quite sure that he got my point the first time and it won't happen again son will it?

No Ma'am. I'm sorry. Won't happen again. :footinmouthL

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 07:46 PM

Christ did not force feed the people

Originally Posted by refugen3
I sure am glad Christ didn't just sit back and observe when He knew the truth! Of course, it would make my life quite a bit easier. Then that raises another question....
I think I will sit back this year untill I've studied up and become better balanced concerning all this. :D
Thanks for the response. You seem very active on this sight. Is that because you got rid of the TV? Sure does free up some time.

They rejected Him and he did not make them love Him. He opened the door for those who would believe. Unconditional love is what Christ wanted from his children not forced love just like a parent would. Let those who want to get caught up in the traditions of man and the world do so but for the wise there is a thread of truth and once it is found well it is like unplugging from the matrix once you do you can not go back :clap: :clap: Thank God for the truth will set you free and until you taste it you can not know what it is like just as everything else in life.

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