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vixweb 12-06-2007 12:48 AM

What question? I've answered everything you've thrown at me, at least once. If not on this thread, on one of the other ronpaul threads:rolleyes: Are you still going with the"blood money for oil" theory?:laugh: "let them win"? what is that? Y'all sound like Charlie Brown's teacher: blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah......good luck with that-

Isaac-Saxxon 12-06-2007 05:31 AM

WWBD ??? What would Bruce do ?? I do not understand why the worry over our tax dollars that we will never get back that is if we paid them in the first place. This run from the world and hide while they build up more power and land is not the way to go. Pull all our troops out and take our ball and go home. Sounds nice if it would work :nono: I think this issue will hurt RP even if all his other ideas sound good. Tis the season for political debate.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-08-2007 05:57 PM

Don't touch my gun Chuck :D 12-08-2007 11:45 PM

I'm sure Chuck could still kick my a$$. Certain of it. But there comes a point you know. Like whenever they'd trot out Dick Clark in the later years and still have to say the obligatory "America's Oldest Teenager"and "wow Dick, you look great!"... when he obviously... wasn't. Nothin' against good ol' Dick mind you... just talking about how some things get stuck in a meme.

now a Huck/Chuck - Paul/hulk hogan team tag cage match... I'd watch that and would probably be more telling than the debates. I mean really - couldn't be more rehearsed or staged than the debates... so...

vixweb 12-09-2007 02:01 AM

You have to remember that Chuck Norris is the real deal. A TRUE martrial arts Master, who even trained under Bruce Lee. I know we're used to seeing him in movies and tv- but make no mistake: He is a BAD MAN. He faught competetively for years and holds like 7 championship titles, back in the 60's and 70's that type of fighting was kinda underground. People with that level of skill do not lose it with age. I dont know how old Arnold Shwarzzeneger(???) is, but I bet he could still rip your limbs off!:laugh::laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 12-14-2007 10:56 AM


Huckabee 24%
Thompson 17%
Giuliani 16%
Romney 16%
McCain 13%
Paul 11%

LateNight 12-14-2007 07:47 PM

Season's Greetings from the Ron Paul Family


Al Swearengen 12-15-2007 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26278)
You have to remember that Chuck Norris is the real deal. A TRUE martrial arts Master, who even trained under Bruce Lee. I know we're used to seeing him in movies and tv- but make no mistake: He is a BAD MAN. He faught competetively for years and holds like 7 championship titles, back in the 60's and 70's that type of fighting was kinda underground. People with that level of skill do not lose it with age. I dont know how old Arnold Shwarzzeneger(???) is, but I bet he could still rip your limbs off!:laugh::laugh:

Yeah, Chuck was a badass in his day, but have ya seen him lately? Looks like somebody's grandpa, not that he couldnt still kick my ass. That TV show he had was unwatchable though. But you can get this cool book...


joepole 12-15-2007 11:21 PM

For some reason my maid LOVES "Walker, Texas Ranger." She never misses it during the day, that's when she does her ironing so she can watch it in our bedroom.

Al Swearengen 12-16-2007 12:59 AM

There was a case a few years ago...forget the details, but I think it involved a standoff between the authorities and a rural family. The family were big fans of "Walker, Texas Ranger" and asked Chuck Norris to personally intervene to resolve the situation, and HE DID!

As cool as Chuck is, he's nothin compared to Milla Jovovich, who is truly the "world's greatest human"...far superior to Chuck Norris!

Pocahontas 12-16-2007 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 26606)
For some reason my maid LOVES "Walker, Texas Ranger." She never misses it during the day, that's when she does her ironing so she can watch it in our bedroom.

Interesting...I thought she'd rather be watching her "stories" or Jerry Springer.:laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 12-16-2007 10:52 AM

Never did the Chuck Norris thing. Got to like anybody that is pro GOP. I have talk to many folks about Dr. Paul. Some I thought would like him that did not and other I thought would not like him that did? I have covered most of his web site and a few youtubes. Jury is still out with me :confused:

Isaac-Saxxon 12-18-2007 10:46 AM

Ron Paul speaks out.

LateNight 12-18-2007 07:35 PM

Repeat After Me: "Ron Paul
Is NOT Electable!"


"Ron Paul Is Just NOT Electable!"

Ron Paul is "not electable." Ron Paul "doesn't have a chance." Ron Paul is "not a mainstream candidate." "He's a long shot." Ron Paul is a "spoiler." If you vote for Ron Paul, you'd "might as well vote for Hillary." "We've gotta beat Hillary, and Ron Paul will never get the Republican nomination." "Ron Paul won't make it - that's what they're saying in the circles I run in."

If phrases like these come immediately and unbidden to your mind, please take an honest look at your thought processes. Can you look yourself in a mirror and say without flinching:

"The notion that Ron Paul is "not electable" is original with me; I arrived at it by careful consideration of all the evidence."

If you want to prove to yourself that "traditional media" is seriously distorting your world view, try this simple test:
Take a drive around your city and see for yourself all the Ron Paul signs! Who are those people at the mall, on the street corner, and why do they stand there for hours waving to you and holding up those signs that say "Hope for America!" ???
How about that "political nut" at church - you know, the one with the Ron Paul button and the signs on the side of his car. You know who I mean! Why is he so passionate about Ron Paul? Is it possible this Ron Paul guy has more support than you've been allowed to see on the TV?
There is another, better way to get real news. It used to be that we would tune in to short-wave radio to get real news. Today, we can simply log on to the internet. Why not try it?
Look, up in the sky! What's that, a Ron Paul blimp?
Watch the videos, admire the creativity! Read the blogs. See the artwork. Listen to the music. Count the money! Tune in, for God's sake, and for America's sake, and witness a movement for liberty unprecedented in recent American history!
NONE of this massive support for Dr. Paul -- you can see it with your own eyes -- was manufactured by a Corporatocracy!
NONE was generated by the Ron Paul Campaign!
ALL of these efforts are spontaneously generated by a rapidly growing legion of people, people like you and me, people excited to the core by the idea of LIBERTY!
Now, after personally considering all the evidence, can you still say with a straight face "Ron Paul is not electable?"
Maybe it would be worth your while to read a little bit about Ron Paul and his message of Freedom, don'cha think? Then, register or re-register as a Republican and get out and vote to make Ron Paul the Republican nominee for president!
Link to full article

Al Swearengen 12-18-2007 08:04 PM

(The Nation) Move over John Kerry, the best single-day primary fundraising record no longer belongs to the prodigious money-collecting machine of the man who won the 2004 nomination.

Ron Paul is now the champ.

Kerry collected $5.7 million on one day in 2004.

Paul collected more than $6 million Sunday. And, unlike Kerry who raised his money from big donors on the day after he won the key primaries that secured him the Democratic nod, Paul is raising his money when it could actually help his quest for the Republican nomination.

Where the senator from Massachusetts was the insider collecting money from donors to rival candidates who now wanted to get on board with his already successful campaign, the congressman from Texas is a classic insurgent who is still dismissed by party leaders and media elites.

And Paul is continuing to raise money - largely small contributions from individuals who in many cases have never before given money to a campaign - at a remarkable rate.

The congressman's campaign is dramatically exceeding fundraising expectations in the current quarter. The campaign's unreasonable goal of $12 million has been exceeded by more than 50 percent already and there is every reason to believe that Paul will almost certainly finish the quarter with more than $20 million raised.

Paul could well end up raising more than any of the other Republican contenders and providing the only serious competition for Democratic money leaders Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

But what is really fascinating about Paul's enormous haul of December 16 - in an effort organized by music promoter Trevor Lyman, a Paul enthusiast with no previous political experience - is that it drew 24,940 new donors to the campaign in a single day.
What's the trick?

Lyman, who raised more than $4.3 million for Paul on a single day in November, times his "money bomb" appeals to days that have deep historical resonance for those who fancy themselves insurgents against the current order.

The November appeal came on November 5, the anniversary of attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.

Sunday's appeal was timed to coincide with the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.

Paul now has enough money to be a serious presence in the caucuses and primaries through the winter - he's currently tied with John McCain in Iowa and posting credible numbers in New Hampshire - and into the spring.

That means that Lyman may have an opportunity to make an appeal on April 19, the anniversary of "the shot heard round the world" skirmishes at Lexington and Concord that anticipated the American Revolution.

Paul's campaign refers to itself as "The Ron Paul Revolution" and there can be no doubt any longer that it is revolutionizing the way in which grassroots fundraising plays out in American presidential campaigns. Now, the question is whether Paul's crusade can revolutionize the campaign game itself by using the money to upset the political order. Even those who do not share his "Old Right" libertarian views - which tend to be throwbacks to the stay-out-of-trouble abroad and keep-government-small at home positions espoused by Republican Senator Robert Taft in the 1940s and 1950s - can and should be encouraged by the fact that a candidate is breaking the rules and getting a resounding response from grassroots donors.

If Republican primary voters follow - even in reasonable numbers - then Ron Paul's campaign really will be a revolution. And he will be the 2008 candidate who is remembered for doing something that can matter more than winning a party nomination or a November election, and that is changing the politics of a country that needs every new approach to altering a corrupt and dysfunctional status quo.

By John Nichols
Reprinted with permission from the The Nation.

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