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Texasbelle 04-09-2007 10:45 PM

I am so glad that the girls here on the board can help you boys out at home from time to time.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-10-2007 04:32 PM

So red heels you do house calls

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I am so glad that the girls here on the board can help you boys out at home from time to time.

Do you charge is it for free ? Nothing like a woman to tell the guys what to do and when to do it :laugh: and charge for it :eek: yes they will take their pay in shoes and hand bags no knock offs either. :nono: :nono:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-11-2007 12:22 PM

Has anybody seen a post for JoePOLE ?

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I am so glad that the girls here on the board can help you boys out at home from time to time.

He knows all about porn and red high heels :laugh: Tell them how it really is Joepole. Maybe all this new digital porn has him tied up to the bed post :rolleyes:

AnimeSpirit 04-11-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
He knows all about porn and red high heels :laugh: Tell them how it really is Joepole. Maybe all this new digital porn has him tied up to the bed post :rolleyes:

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Joe in a few days. I wonder where he's gone?

rhertz 04-11-2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Joe in a few days. I wonder where he's gone?

Probably all this religion talk chased him off. I wouldn't blame him. I like joepole. He can be funny as heck sometimes.

Santabot 04-15-2007 03:32 PM

It's a market such as anything else. If you are opposed to the pornographic images, don't enter the sector that they are displayed in.

But don't go hunting for pornography, hardcore or not, looking to make trouble and say that it's getting too far. If people do not like it, the producers would not make it, and obviously these things are so obscurely located that it isn't a mainstream problem and hasn't gotten out of hand so far.

AnimeSpirit 04-15-2007 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
It's a market such as anything else. If you are opposed to the pornographic images, don't enter the sector that they are displayed in.

But don't go hunting for pornography, hardcore or not, looking to make trouble and say that it's getting too far. If people do not like it, the producers would not make it, and obviously these things are so obscurely located that it isn't a mainstream problem and hasn't gotten out of hand so far.

That's respectable. But what's your take on the overall question of this thread? Do you think it's ok for someone in a commited relationship to view porn?

Texasbelle 04-15-2007 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
It's a market such as anything else. If you are opposed to the pornographic images, don't enter the sector that they are displayed in.

But don't go hunting for pornography, hardcore or not, looking to make trouble and say that it's getting too far. If people do not like it, the producers would not make it, and obviously these things are so obscurely located that it isn't a mainstream problem and hasn't gotten out of hand so far.

But it is a market that has corrupted society. It has caused significant problems, it exploits people often times, and does it serve any useful purpose? The only people who find it ok are those who are trying to justify it and typically have a bad habit with it.

BrainSmashR 04-15-2007 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
But it is a market that has corrupted society. It has caused significant problems, it exploits people often times, and does it serve any useful purpose? The only people who find it ok are those who are trying to justify it and typically have a bad habit with it.

You mean like alcohol and tobacco?

Let me ask you a question......your husband/boyfriend/significant other cheats on you with the excuse that "I was drunk" that an acceptable answer or will you leave him over his actions?

In other words, do you really believe alcohol made your husband do something he wasn't already thinking about?

AnimeSpirit 04-15-2007 10:37 PM

You mean like this guy?


Larry wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table. He sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. Larry looks around the room and sees that it is in a perfect order, spotless, clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins and notices a note on the table, "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping. Love you."

So he goes to the kitchen and sure enough there is a hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Larry asks, "Son, what happened last night?" His son says, "Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and delirious. Broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and gave yourself a black eye when you stumbled into the door." Confused, Larry asks, "So, why is everything in order and so clean, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?" His son replies, "Oh that! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off you said, "Leave me alone lady, I'm married."
Seriously though, I would not accept alcohol as a valid excuse for misbehavior because the person in question chose to drink in the first place. If I had a steady girl who cheated on me because of alcohol (or any other reason), my decision on whether or not to break up would depend entirely on her honesty, humility, and her level of regret. If I sense that she did not regret her mistake, then I'd break up without a second thought. Otherwise, I'd probably forgive under the condition that she quit drinking.

Pocahontas 04-15-2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
You mean like this guy?

Seriously though, I would not accept alcohol as a valid excuse for misbehavior because the person in question chose to drink in the first place. If I had a steady girl who cheated on me because of alcohol (or any other reason), my decision on whether or not to break up would depend entirely on her honesty, humility, and her level of regret. If I sense that she did not regret her mistake, then I'd break up without a second thought. Otherwise, I'd probably forgive under the condition that she quit drinking.

That was a great story Anime! I feel there's NO excuse for cheating on a significant other. Why even put yourself in a position where that could happen? Mine would be out the door if he cheated and vice versa.:nono: :nono:

Isabella 04-15-2007 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
You mean like this guy?

Seriously though, I would not accept alcohol as a valid excuse for misbehavior because the person in question chose to drink in the first place. If I had a steady girl who cheated on me because of alcohol (or any other reason), my decision on whether or not to break up would depend entirely on her honesty, humility, and her level of regret. If I sense that she did not regret her mistake, then I'd break up without a second thought. Otherwise, I'd probably forgive under the condition that she quit drinking.

Anime, you keep impressing me. You are so wise for your age. The girl who captures your heart will be one lucky girl.

Pocahontas 04-15-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Anime, you keep impressing me. You are so wise for your age. The girl who captures your heart will be one lucky girl.

Yes I totally agree Isabella! Now Anime why don't you just go on and register to vote so Texasbelle can fix you up with a long tall Texan or La. girl? You better get busy mister!!:)

AnimeSpirit 04-16-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Yes I totally agree Isabella! Now Anime why don't you just go on and register to vote so Texasbelle can fix you up with a long tall Texan or La. girl? You better get busy mister!!:)

I'll get right on it. :)

BrainSmashR 04-16-2007 05:27 AM

So if a mind altering substance like alcohol IS NOT responsible for the delinquent activity of an individual.

Why is a non-mind altering substance like porn responsible for the delinquent behavior of someone else?

Simply put, blaming human behavior on outside and inanimate objects is ludicrous regardless of the circumstances or the alleged catalyst.

Santabot 04-23-2007 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
But it is a market that has corrupted society. It has caused significant problems, it exploits people often times, and does it serve any useful purpose? The only people who find it ok are those who are trying to justify it and typically have a bad habit with it.

Name these problems. The only issues I've ever experienced were those seen in obscure news cases where teachers or other administrative figures were in trouble for accidentally showing minors pornography, whether an accidental popup, or a kid snooping in their stash. Is the act illicit? Sure. If you're not used to taking showers daily and seeing a taste of your own medicine.

The body is naked always, and sexual acts are as they are displayed, they don't usually change over time, and they've been just as "illicit" or demeaning as ancient times. I believe the reasoning behind the aggressive stance on nudity and sex in America was the solid foundation from Puritanical settlers with views that sexual acts were strictly to be partaken in during marriage (a religious foundation itself) and that was their own view. Whether or not you believe in these things are your own personal opinion, but in the Treaty of Tripoly (if you're familiar with the events taken place during Andrew Jackson's presidency and that period, where slave trading was soon to be abolished worldwide): "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." Almost unanimously, the Founding Fathers upheld these statements, that religion was the closing of the eye of reason, and that would be a fallacy, the downfall of the country.

I'm not against your little religion, don't fret; I've only stated that this epidemic of pornography becoming such a widespread source of media in America, and also a large "problem" in the same location seems to discredit one side or the other. If you contest that there are so many people viewing pornography, committing illicit acts, then with the 85% of Americans that claim they believe in a Judeo-Christian deity, some of them have dissented from the original texts, or possibly it's not so wrong, even in God's terms.

People aren't having more sex, I'm not sure of your age exactly, but if you're familiar with the Baby Boomer generation, THAT was a time where more sex was taking place, not now. Recently, there has been only a sharp decline in the amount of babies being born, despite the increasing shame taken upon those who decide to abort (a woman AND a man's decision, not the Church's).

If you don't view pornography, don't. But I'm sure you don't complain about foodstuffs that you don't eat just because they're displayed in your local grocery store. You also don't enter those stores that you don't intend to purchase goods from, or are interested in; so do the same for pornography, instead of showing your ass out and making someone else's decisions for them.

Isabella 04-23-2007 10:16 PM


Santabot 04-23-2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella

I enjoyed reading your extensive and educated rebuttal.

Isabella 04-23-2007 11:18 PM

Thank you sweetie!

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 11:37 PM

Use swear words sparingly, Santabot. Anywho, I can understand some of your points. Pornography is being obscured fairly well in society. The Internet is the only real problem, but we have tools for that too.

But what's your take on people who are in commited relationships viewing porn? I think if you're in a relationship, put the porn away unless you and your partner mutually agree to use it.

Isabella 04-23-2007 11:43 PM

He is too young to answer that question. My son had NetNanny until he was 18 on his computer.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
He is too young to answer that question. My son had NetNanny until he was 18 on his computer.

Too young to share his views on whether or not porn is ok while in a relationship? I wouldn't think so. Anyone who has experienced romance of any kind would surely have an opinion to share on this topic.

Isabella 04-24-2007 12:00 AM

17 is a little young to truly understand about relationships. Sorry to disagree with you.

LateNight 04-24-2007 12:08 AM

considering the views thrown about on SBLive!.. I must say I'm surprised by the poll.. a MAJORITY of SBLive views believe it to be O.K.

Isabella 04-24-2007 02:06 AM

You think some people are hypocrites? LOL

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
considering the views thrown about on SBLive!.. I must say I'm surprised by the poll.. a MAJORITY of SBLive views believe it to be O.K.

Let's redo that poll this week. I would love to know who voted on that because I find it hard to believe with this many conservatives on the board it ended that way unless of course some people have more than one Avatar and used them to manipulate the vote!:eek:

AnimeSpirit 04-24-2007 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Let's redo that poll this week. I would love to know who voted on that because I find it hard to believe with this many conservatives on the board it ended that way unless of course some people have more than one Avatar and used them to manipulate the vote!:eek:

Actually, I think the polls are open to the public here on SBLive! so anyone can vote whether they have an account or not.

kansast 04-24-2007 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Actually, I think the polls are open to the public here on SBLive! so anyone can vote whether they have an account or not.

The polls in the SBLive Polls forum are the ONLY forum that are open to any non-registered-members. So this poll here, is all SBLive! Members.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-24-2007 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by kansast
The polls in the SBLive Polls forum are the ONLY forum that are open to any non-registered-members. So this poll here, is all SBLive! Members.

Your back ;) or did you ever really leave ? :rolleyes: How is the Boss :laugh:

geodood 04-24-2007 12:46 PM

I'm fine Isaac, thanks for asking. Yes we try to read as many posts as we can between jobs. Although I must admit that this is one thread that I am not very interested in reading. Our system has the ability to "close" a particular thread after it has "run its course" or "served its purpose", or however you wish to say it. But I have never done so. Perhaps I will put this to a member vote someday. Time for me to get back to work! :sweatdrop:

Santabot 04-24-2007 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
17 is a little young to truly understand about relationships. Sorry to disagree with you.

Despite your statement, I've had plenty of true, meaningful relationships, mostly because I don't start them with people who aren't as true about them as myself, and by my posts here, I think you'll notice that I'm not too near the "normal" ignorant childhood tree.

Also, I am 17, but the fact that "18+ only" doesn't stop ANYONE, especially those who seek it. I won't confirm or deny my involvement with internet-distributed pornography, but I don't see it as a problem, personally. If a child can view pornography since age 12 and still be okay, all the power to them, some do it nowadays. I've once had CyberPatrol, CyberSitter, NetNanny, and many others installed on my computer by parental types, none of which were difficult to disable with even minimal hack-like skill, I've been programming and teching since elementary school days, so I'm not unfamiliar with how to disable these types of programs.

Anyway, good responses from some of you, all it takes is knowledge overall to make a better judgment, not reading someone else's opinion and accepting it as your own.

EDIT: Sorry, Anime, that I didn't answer your question. I do believe it's an acceptable personal choice for either party to view pornography, no matter the relationship status, whether or not the parter agrees with it/finds out about it is between them. If you are caught lying about the topic, you're most likely to get their opinionated response, whether it be okay, negative faction, or even watching it together. I prefer a don't-ask-don't-tell style for that issue, although if someone confides to me they partake in that activity, I will understand and accept it as their own personal choice, I can't make any other than that for them, I can't personally get angry over someone's personal decisions. I can give my opinion and share my initial emotional response, but I believe I'm a more reasonable person in the realm of personal decision-making.

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