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rhertz 04-04-2007 12:48 PM

What's the grossest thing you ever ate?
I never did watch fear factor much. But I got to thinking, what is the grossest thing you have ever eatten?

My wife went to the fridge one morning (half awake) and grabbed the pitcher of orange juice and poured a glass and took a big swigg. It was cold chicken broth!

For me, I once inhaled a mosquito hawk and had to swallow it.

Funny how some things look gross and taste good. Black beans and mole sauce come to mind. I also like snails, octopus, squid, just about anything that crawls or swims. It was a brave person who first looked at a lobster and said, Oh, that looks good to eat!

AnimeSpirit 04-04-2007 02:01 PM

I'm pretty careful about what I eat, but I'd say an Italian pizza is the grossest thing I've ever eaten. In Italy, pizzas are made VERY differently than the way they're made here. I couldn't stand them. :yuck:

joepole 04-04-2007 02:11 PM

I think you got a bum pie. I've had pizza in Italy and it was great. Different (but not radically so) but great.

FACT 04-04-2007 03:06 PM

Pizzas made in Itlay are the ultimate best! Eggplant pizza sounds gross, but it is delicious. After eating the real thing, American pizzas taste awful.
Fisting teen

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 03:25 PM

The Worm yes the Worm at the bottom of the bottle
Hearts of blue agave plants grown in the Tequila Region and the agave worm that if found at the bottom of the bottle :nono: aint no friend of mine :D Just don't try to chew that puppy up right Neo ! It will bite back :laugh:

refugen3 04-04-2007 03:32 PM

What's the grossest thing you ever ate?
Personally, I've never met a pizza I didn't like. I'd have to say liver and onions is the worst! My parents thought it was something we needed to eat every once in a while. Some expert said it was good for you, I would like to know what crazy person ever thought the cleaning organ of the body would be benificial for your health. Can you imagine all the gunk that is probably trapped in that thing! Needless to say, as an adult I never touch the stuff.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 03:54 PM

refugen3 you are showing your age

Originally Posted by refugen3
Personally, I've never met a pizza I didn't like. I'd have to say liver and onions is the worst! My parents thought it was something we needed to eat every once in a while. Some expert said it was good for you, I would like to know what crazy person ever thought the cleaning organ of the body would be benificial for your health. Can you imagine all the gunk that is probably trapped in that thing! Needless to say, as an adult I never touch the stuff.

Visceral parts with onions and gravey yes sir this is what keeps those cardiac doctors in business. Eat the filters and throw away the meat :laugh: :laugh:
Isaac welcomes you to the fire ;)

rhertz 04-04-2007 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Hearts of blue agave plants grown in the Tequila Region and the agave worm that if found at the bottom of the bottle :nono: aint no friend of mine :D Just don't try to chew that puppy up right Neo ! It will bite back :laugh:

I always wondered about that. I thought that Tequila had no worm, and that it was Mescal (sp?) that is a cheaper form of agave beverage that has the worm at the bottom of the bottle. My favorite Tequila is Patron Silver. It is expensive but fortunately I don't drink it that often. LOL, yeah I can see how getting the worm would get your attention!

LateNight 04-04-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by FACT
Pizzas made in Itlay are the ultimate best! Eggplant pizza sounds gross, but it is delicious. After eating the real thing, American pizzas taste awful.

Real pizzas are made in New Jersey :)
Just ask anybody :)

Isabella 04-04-2007 09:23 PM

If someone offered me a million dollars to eat liver and onions I would refuse! I would not eat squid, or sushi either. The grossest thing I ever ate was my mother-in-law's cornbread dressing.

Texasbelle 04-04-2007 09:32 PM

The grossest thing I have ever eaten is an oyster. I tried one when I was 15 years old (yes Isaac that was 25 years ago!) and it was just the worst thing ever. BRRHHHH who wants to eat something that looks like a giant cow booger? Not me. Never will eat one again.

My best friend's daughter was on Fear Factor (she won!) and had to eat fermented squid guts. She said it was so horrible you can't imagine. Well I can imagine what I would do if I had to eat it!:barf:

LateNight 04-04-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
The grossest thing I ever ate was my mother-in-law's cornbread dressing.

LOL, does your mother-in-law know that ? ? That's FUNNY!! :laugh:

Isabella 04-04-2007 10:47 PM

No, she is deceased now. I always made sure we did not go visit on holidays, so I would not have to be rude.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-05-2007 08:20 AM

Mother-in-law will try to poison you with out dated food

Originally Posted by Isabella
No, she is deceased now. I always made sure we did not go visit on holidays, so I would not have to be rude.

I try not to eat anything my mother-in-law has out or on the table. She does not throw stuff away. I would run up to Sonic or something but no more poison from her table. I am glad my dear wife did not pick up that trait. Well not yet anyway :laugh: :laugh:

LateNight 04-05-2007 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Isabella
No, she is deceased now. I always made sure we did not go visit on holidays, so I would not have to be rude.

Sorry. :( :footinmouthL

What is it about the holidays.. seems they're always full of added stress.
Speaking of Mother-in-laws, mine is alright, but I also have a step-mother-in-law.. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED !!!

For those of you that have Friday off. TGIT !!! :)

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