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Isaac-Saxxon 05-20-2007 02:08 PM

Causes of Aging Skin
1 Attachment(s)
Research shows that there are, in fact, two distinct types of aging. Aging caused by the genes we inherit is called intrinsic (internal) aging. The other type of aging is known as extrinsic (external) aging and is caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to the sun’s rays.

Attachment 597

Pocahontas 05-20-2007 03:31 PM

Thanks for that friendly reminder as I'm about to go to the beach for a week!
I better lather up with the sunscreen!:sweatdrop: :cool:
Another huge factor in skin aging is your skin pigmentation. Darker skinned people (especially blacks) don't show age as quickly as lighter folks. People with naturally lighter haircolors and light colored eyes, I think, don't fair as well in the sun either. Now days it's hard to tell what type of skin anyone has due to year round tanning beds...which are supposed to be worse than the sun for premature aging!

rhertz 05-20-2007 05:08 PM

The worse thing about skin damage from the sun is cancer. Once a spot of melanoma breaks out, it can spread to lungs and other organs, not just skin. So if you notice a flaky or colored patch of skin that doesn't heal normally, it is best to go see a dermotologist to freeze it. "Nip it in the bud", is the best policy for cancers that metastasize and spread. The earlier the detection the better. I have a family member with melanoma and radiation and chemo don't work well on it. It's hard to imagine that squirt of liquid nitrogen on the skin years earlier could possibly save a life.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-21-2007 07:12 AM

Big floppy hats and long sleeve cotton shirts and sun screen. I have been a fisherman all my life and I like early mornings for the most part so the sun does not get to me as bad. I fish in the Keys and all the guides have those hats and light cotton shirts and long cotton pants this is still the best protection but aging comes to all of us that live long enough. ;)

Isaac-Saxxon 05-21-2007 03:33 PM

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Colombia clothing is my choice but there are others with the light cotton pants and shirts.

Attachment 614
I know you girls would look hot in one of these ;)

Pocahontas 05-21-2007 04:06 PM

Not exactly my idea of beach attire! :rolleyes:

rhertz 05-21-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Not exactly my idea of beach attire! :rolleyes:

I'm not pro-arab, but I do understand why they dress like they do. :D

Isaac-Saxxon 05-22-2007 05:35 AM

Hey rhertz there is sun screen and light cotton closes but the berka is just there to cover up the ugly faces :laugh: :laugh: I do not think you should buy the wife one and expect to have any luck ;)

Isaac-Saxxon 05-24-2007 11:57 AM

The Darker Side of Tanning
Why doesn't the skin of young people show these harmful effects?
Skin aging and cancer are delayed effects that don't usually show up for many years after the exposure. Unfortunately, since the damage is not immediately visible, young people are often unaware of the dangers of tanning. Physicians and scientists are especially concerned that cases of skin cancer will continue to increase as people who are now in their teens and twenties reach middle age.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-25-2007 08:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Welcome "back" Tbelle ;) How was the weather down there ? Do you feel like my new avatar just got ya :rotflol: :rotflmao:

Attachment 630

Just kidding :rolleyes:

scarlett 05-25-2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Colombia clothing is my choice but there are others with the light cotton pants and shirts.

Attachment 614
I know you girls would look hot in one of these ;)

this is for hiking only!!!!!

Texasbelle 05-25-2007 10:30 PM

Oh Isaac, I did get my tar baby tan on and it looks GOOD! I am one of the olive skin ones who tans easily and therefore ages quite well. It is the fair skin folks that don't age quite so nicely as us darker ones.

I do happen to have the inside track on the melanoma/tanning/sunblock line.

Melanoma: Rhertz...a doctor would never touch this by freezing it. You must be confusing it with squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell. Melanoma is the deadly kind which does metastasize to other organs. Often times it usually goes to the brain and lungs. It is not an easy death not that any are but some are worse than others. Did you know that you can get melanoma in your eye? Yes, you can. If you can take a step to prevent this disease, then by all means you should.

Now the best protection against it in terms of sunscreen is Aveeno's sunblock. It has an ingrediant in it proven to do the job. There was an article in US News and World Report last week giving the whole low down on sunblocks last week and explaining this. If you can find it and read it, do so and educate yourself.

Tanning is only ok in moderation. A tanning bed is not safe. It is deceiving and is not good for teenagers. The teens overuse the beds. I think you should have to be 21 before you can use them, but that is just my thoughts.

Well, now I have had my say and given out some material. Hope it helps somebody.

Sheba 05-26-2007 08:19 AM

Do teenagers know moderation in anything? I agree that they should wait on tanning and plastic surgery and so many other things! Life is about so much more than high school! My advice to my daughter, slow the roll, baby. Real life's coming soon enough.

Guess I sound like the mom of a recent graduate, huh?

Isaac-Saxxon 05-26-2007 08:26 AM

Juan Ponce de León was looking for that fountain of youth too ;) Like the brass ring it is so hard hold onto for very long.

Pocahontas 05-26-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Oh Isaac, I did get my tar baby tan on and it looks GOOD! I am one of the olive skin ones who tans easily and therefore ages quite well. It is the fair skin folks that don't age quite so nicely as us darker ones.

I do happen to have the inside track on the melanoma/tanning/sunblock line.

Melanoma: Rhertz...a doctor would never touch this by freezing it. You must be confusing it with squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell. Melanoma is the deadly kind which does metastasize to other organs. Often times it usually goes to the brain and lungs. It is not an easy death not that any are but some are worse than others. Did you know that you can get melanoma in your eye? Yes, you can. If you can take a step to prevent this disease, then by all means you should.

Now the best protection against it in terms of sunscreen is Aveeno's sunblock. It has an ingrediant in it proven to do the job. There was an article in US News and World Report last week giving the whole low down on sunblocks last week and explaining this. If you can find it and read it, do so and educate yourself.

Tanning is only ok in moderation. A tanning bed is not safe. It is deceiving and is not good for teenagers. The teens overuse the beds. I think you should have to be 21 before you can use them, but that is just my thoughts.

Well, now I have had my say and given out some material. Hope it helps somebody.

Welcome back Tbelle!!! I am going to buy some of that Aveeno you were talking about. I too have olive skin and usually no matter how much sunscreen I use I will come back looking like an Indian...oops! no pun intended! We are leaving next Sat. I can't wait!:cool:

Texasbelle 05-26-2007 09:43 PM

Hey warned. It's much more expensive than the other lotions but the benefits are worth it!

Sheba 05-27-2007 08:27 PM

Pocahontas does have beautiful skin - no tar baby look. Just a really nice glow! I tan easily, but I am jealous of that woman!!

Isaac-Saxxon 05-28-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Hey warned. It's much more expensive than the other lotions but the benefits are worth it!

So Mrs. Pasty White did you get to be :toast: :toast: while you had two weeks off in the sand ? :cool: almost forgot my sunglasses there snow girl :laugh: Just what all is that lotion good for ? Will it help with elasticity ? What about age spots ? I think you need that cotton fishing clothing and a big floppy hat would hate to see looking like those shoes of yours ;)

Sheba 05-28-2007 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
So Mrs. Pasty White did you get to be :toast: :toast: while you had two weeks off in the sand ? :cool: almost forgot my sunglasses there snow girl :laugh: Just what all is that lotion good for ? Will it help with elasticity ? What about age spots ? I think you need that cotton fishing clothing and a big floppy hat would hate to see looking like those shoes of yours ;)

Don't most fisherman have that raccoon tan from wearing sunglasses on the water? Bet TB doesn't have that, Mr. Crusader. :D

Isaac-Saxxon 05-28-2007 06:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Sheba
Don't most fisherman have that raccoon tan from wearing sunglasses on the water? Bet TB doesn't have that, Mr. Crusader. :D

You would be making a bad bet there Sheba :nono: I think Tbelle has those raccoon eyes and the Lobster Girl look but I am only guessing I have not seen her in a while. I bet tomorrow she will be back at work. Silly girls you make me laugh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Post card from Texasbelle ;)
Attachment 660

Pocahontas 05-28-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sheba
Don't most fisherman have that raccoon tan from wearing sunglasses on the water? Bet TB doesn't have that, Mr. Crusader. :D

Yes they not only have that they have farmers tan usually too from wearing those cotton shirts 24/7!:laugh: :laugh:

Sheba 05-28-2007 08:50 PM

[quote=Isaac-Saxxon]You would be making a bad bet there Sheba :nono: I think Tbelle has those raccoon eyes and the Lobster Girl look but I am only guessing I have not seen her in a while. I bet tomorrow she will be back at work. Silly girls you make me laugh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't think Pokie, TB, nor I own any of those cotton shirts!! Everything's better bronzed!!

Isn't that why you started this thread in the first place - to pick and laugh. It's OK, we silly girls laugh at ourselves!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Texasbelle 05-28-2007 08:57 PM

No T'belle DOES NOT have coon eyes. I am not like your fisher boys who don't know better than to get them. I also do not get the farmer's tan either. I do have the tan lines from a bikini though, does that count for something? I also need to add there is not any lobster skin to be found except a little on the feet where I forgot to add a little sun screen!!! It has now turned a nice shade of brown to match the rest though.

You know Isaac I think you are a little jealous of us nice, tan, long legged ladies!

Isaac-Saxxon 05-29-2007 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
No T'belle DOES NOT have coon eyes. I am not like your fisher boys who don't know better than to get them. I also do not get the farmer's tan either. I do have the tan lines from a bikini though, does that count for something? I also need to add there is not any lobster skin to be found except a little on the feet where I forgot to add a little sun screen!!! It has now turned a nice shade of brown to match the rest though.

You know Isaac I think you are a little jealous of us nice, tan, long legged ladies!

Not jealous there Tbelle. I live with a long tall beauty queen with real olive skin and drop dead gorgeous :D I never wanted to be a female to many plumbing problems ;) besides way to much work and why not have you girls carry all the fun around and us guys there to keep things in order :D

Sheba 05-29-2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
You know Isaac I think you are a little jealous of us nice, tan, long legged ladies!

Uh, I can definitely do the tan part - but at 5'2", I cannot lay claim to the long leg part. Sorry, TB! I just have to be the short member of the girls' club... :flirt: Bronzed is still better, Isaac!

Isaac-Saxxon 05-29-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sheba
Uh, I can definitely do the tan part - but at 5'2", I cannot lay claim to the long leg part. Sorry, TB! I just have to be the short member of the girls' club... :flirt: Bronzed is still better, Isaac!

Are you really that tall ? I do not think TB is more than about 5'5" and with those heals a bit taller :D Now if that Avatar is any indicator Pokie is brown by birth and very tall ;)

Texasbelle 05-29-2007 11:55 AM

Isaac, you know well enough that my legs alone are 5'2". :D Add the stilettos and I am well over the 6 foot mark. The legs go all the way up!

Pocahontas 05-29-2007 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Are you really that tall ? I do not think TB is more than about 5'5" and with those heals a bit taller :D Now if that Avatar is any indicator Pokie is brown by birth and very tall ;)

Hint,'s a pretty good indicator!;)

rhertz 05-29-2007 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Melanoma: Rhertz...a doctor would never touch this by freezing it. You must be confusing it with squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell. Melanoma is the deadly kind which does metastasize to other organs. Often times it usually goes to the brain and lungs. It is not an easy death not that any are but some are worse than others. Did you know that you can get melanoma in your eye? Yes, you can. If you can take a step to prevent this disease, then by all means you should.

I'm not saying that a doctor would ever freeze melanoma. I'm saying that doctors should freeze any "pre cancerous" spots on skin that are not cancer (yet), but if ignored and left unattended, could over years develop into cancer. This includes all forms of skin cancer. It is best to "nip it in the bud" years before the spot actually turns into melanoma which is then too late since it has already metastasized and potentially spreading to other organs.

Sheba 05-29-2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Are you really that tall ? I do not think TB is more than about 5'5" and with those heals a bit taller :D Now if that Avatar is any indicator Pokie is brown by birth and very tall ;)

Yep - every bit that tall! Dynamite comes in small, tan packages, Mr. Saxxon, so be advised!! Brown by birth and very tall is a great indicator for Pokie - the height factor being another reason to envy that woman.

BTW - :bday: Pokie!!

Isaac-Saxxon 05-29-2007 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sheba
Yep - every bit that tall! Dynamite comes in small, tan packages, Mr. Saxxon, so be advised!! Brown by birth and very tall is a great indicator for Pokie - the height factor being another reason to envy that woman.

BTW - :bday: Pokie!!

I thought dynamite came in long red packages :D How about plastic explosives :eek:

Isaac-Saxxon 05-29-2007 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Hint,'s a pretty good indicator!;)

Just how tall are you Pocahontas ? I see it is your birthday too how old are you ? :D Does fire water make you crazy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 05-29-2007 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Isaac, you know well enough that my legs alone are 5'2". :D Add the stilettos and I am well over the 6 foot mark. The legs go all the way up!

Now if your legs are 5'2" then does it look like your walking down hill everywhere you go :rolleyes: Just how far do those legs go up to :rotflol: :freaky:

Texasbelle 05-29-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Now if your legs are 5'2" then does it look like your walking down hill everywhere you go :rolleyes: Just how far do those legs go up to :rotflol: :freaky:

ALL THE WAY UP BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Sheba 05-29-2007 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I thought dynamite came in long red packages :D How about plastic explosives :eek:

I guess that depends on the type dynamite you're looking for. You are such a bad boy, Isaac. Does your wife ever let you off your short leash? :laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 08-21-2007 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 13544)
I guess that depends on the type dynamite you're looking for. You are such a bad boy, Isaac. Does your wife ever let you off your short leash? :laugh:

Leash :laugh::laugh::laugh: never could you use that word. Now plastics there is a word. I know they can fix just about anything a girl could ever want done. Heck they could fix a couple of broken arms or even just tell you bye, bye and off to another Doctor. Long time no Sheba or Pie ? Wind must be out of the East on Cherry Tree Lane :eek:

Al Swearengen 08-21-2007 07:14 PM

"Them legs go all the way up?" LOL, my old man use to answer that question with somethin I cant repeat here! But it sure was funny!:eek:

howela 08-21-2007 08:17 PM

More sun damage

Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 12880)
The worse thing about skin damage from the sun is cancer. Once a spot of melanoma breaks out, it can spread to lungs and other organs, not just skin. So if you notice a flaky or colored patch of skin that doesn't heal normally, it is best to go see a dermotologist to freeze it. "Nip it in the bud", is the best policy for cancers that metastasize and spread. The earlier the detection the better. I have a family member with melanoma and radiation and chemo don't work well on it. It's hard to imagine that squirt of liquid nitrogen on the skin years earlier could possibly save a life.

Don't forget to protect your eyes. I had to have both lens replaced with artificial ones due to sun damage before age 50. But oh, those endless summers on the island.

Pocahontas 08-21-2007 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 19940)
Long time no Sheba or Pie ? Wind must be out of the East on Cherry Tree Lane :eek:

Quite right, quite right!:D

rhertz 08-21-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by howela (Post 19946)
Don't forget to protect your eyes. I had to have both lens replaced with artificial ones due to sun damage before age 50. But oh, those endless summers on the island.

Nodding, been wearing the Maui Jim's for years when on the beach. Went 20 years in a row. Unfortunately I haven't been to the beach since '04. I miss it!

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