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sbl_admin 03-29-2007 07:43 AM

Should We Continue To Fund Our Troops?
President Bush and his Democratic opponents in Congress are squaring off in a high-decibel, high-stakes game of chicken over a bill to fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 11:19 AM

Hell yes we should keep funding them
Those bleeding heart liberals would do anything to bring this country down and I know our President will veto that crap. Tell them how it is George !

Bubba McMillian 03-29-2007 11:31 AM

I'm with you Isaac
We can't win this war if we leave or if we stop funding our troops. If we leave all we are doing is setting the stage for another attack on our own soil - it will happen - we just don't know when.
Maybe this is what we need to stop this Democratic B...S...
The next attack is not going to just kill 3000 people but many many more -


Rough Rider 03-29-2007 12:51 PM

I am a patriot, and I love my country.
The fact that I believe this 'war' is going nowhere in Iraq.
That I'm tired of the privatizing of this war, watching big business line it's pockets, while troops are dying, while trying to play "police". The fact that I feel the current administration has no clue on the End Game.
Does Not make me a bleeding heart liberal.

It's a stupid question, "Should we fund our troops?" -- NO ****.
The question is do our troops need be over there anymore.

Yes, I am a patriot. No, I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.
No I don't want to have my taxes raised. But riddle me this. How do we plan on paying for this war ? it sure ain't free.

I don't care who the heck it is.. republicans, democrats, independents.. somebody come up with a fracking plan over there besides lets throw more money and more troops at it. I've heard time and again from our Military leaders over there. There is NO MILITARY answer to the problem over there.
Unless of course you want to nuke the place and start over. Which I got no problems with.

But don't call me a bleeding heart liberal, because I think our troops don't need to be hanging around over there, waiting to be shot first!

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 01:38 PM

Don't hurry off as if nothing had happen RR

Originally Posted by Rough Rider
I am a patriot, and I love my country.
The fact that I believe this 'war' is going nowhere in Iraq.
That I'm tired of the privatizing of this war, watching big business line it's pockets, while troops are dying, while trying to play "police". The fact that I feel the current administration has no clue on the End Game.
Does Not make me a bleeding heart liberal.

It's a stupid question, "Should we fund our troops?" -- NO ****.
The question is do our troops need be over there anymore.

Yes, I am a patriot. No, I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.
No I don't want to have my taxes raised. But riddle me this. How do we plan on paying for this war ? it sure ain't free.

I don't care who the heck it is.. republicans, democrats, independents.. somebody come up with a fracking plan over there besides lets throw more money and more troops at it. I've heard time and again from our Military leaders over there. There is NO MILITARY answer to the problem over there.
Unless of course you want to nuke the place and start over. Which I got no problems with.

But don't call me a bleeding heart liberal, because I think our troops don't need to be hanging around over there, waiting to be shot first!

Yes that is on your post ! Well cut bait and run will never get it. I support our troops and president big time and we must make a stand for freedom and what is right. You need to quit listening to "retired" military people on talk TV and talk to some of our fine young soldiers and know they are doing the right thing and they see it everyday. I would not use the word patriot to much :nono:

Bubba McMillian 03-29-2007 01:45 PM

"What Is Your Plan?"
This is a different sort of enemy that we have never fought before - Do we cut, run, tuck our tales and hope they don't stike us at home.

When they do strike what is your response and who do you go fight?

What is your plan?

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Yes that is on your post ! Well cut bait and run will never get it. I support our troops and president big time and we must make a stand for freedom and what is right. You need to quit listening to "retired" military people on talk TV and talk to some of our fine young soldiers and know they are doing the right thing and they see it everyday. I would not use the word patriot to much :nono:

"Cut bait and run" sounds like a good sound byte. Sells well. But it's nothing but crap. I wouldn't say it was time to leave, if anybody who was running this show had a plan. And by the way, if we did leave, what would we be leaving, but a country so caught up in it's own troubles, we just happen to be the only people they hate more than themselves.

A stand for freedom ? Fight for what's right ?? How are our troops standing around, playing cop, waiting to get shot at first 'standing for freedom' ??? not to mention those people could care less about freedom, they just want the power on and the water on.

No, i'm not listening to "retired-talk show hosts" military folks.. These are commmanders ON THE GROUND, saying such things.

I'll use the word Patriot all I want to, thank you very much. I'm tired of having my patriotism being brought into question, because I've got my own head on my shoulders. And I don't agree with all the propaganda that gets thrown my way.

I'm against the continuation of this war for some very obvious reasons. most importantly, there is no plan. But to throw more money and troops at it. That's not a solution. I have to ask why you are so FOR THIS WAR. ? Can you give me something other than a canned sound byte from talk radio ?
"Fight them there so we don't have to fight them there" is the stupidest damn thing I've ever heard. I mean if it were true that would be great. If these "people" we are fighting had a country, that would make sense. Just because we fight them in Iraq doesn't keep them from our soil. These people are very patient. it was back in '93 when they bombed the World Trade Center the first time. Go forward 8 years to 9/11 and they are back again. Fighting them in Iraq, is not going to keep the few who want to sneak into this country from getting in.

IF we're looking for a fight.. let's find BIN LADEN for cryin' out loud.. Let's shut IRAN UP for cryin' out loud.

BrainSmashR 03-29-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
"Cut bait and run" sounds like a good sound byte. Sells well. But it's nothing but crap. I wouldn't say it was time to leave, if anybody who was running this show had a plan. And by the way, if we did leave, what would we be leaving, but a country so caught up in it's own troubles, we just happen to be the only people they hate more than themselves.

A stand for freedom ? Fight for what's right ?? How are our troops standing around, playing cop, waiting to get shot at first 'standing for freedom' ??? not to mention those people could care less about freedom, they just want the power on and the water on.

No, i'm not listening to "retired-talk show hosts" military folks.. These are commmanders ON THE GROUND, saying such things.

I'll use the word Patriot all I want to, thank you very much. I'm tired of having my patriotism being brought into question, because I've got my own head on my shoulders. And I don't agree with all the propaganda that gets thrown my way.

I'm against the continuation of this war for some very obvious reasons. most importantly, there is no plan. But to throw more money and troops at it. That's not a solution. I have to ask why you are so FOR THIS WAR. ? Can you give me something other than a canned sound byte from talk radio ?
"Fight them there so we don't have to fight them there" is the stupidest damn thing I've ever heard. I mean if it were true that would be great. If these "people" we are fighting had a country, that would make sense. Just because we fight them in Iraq doesn't keep them from our soil. These people are very patient. it was back in '93 when they bombed the World Trade Center the first time. Go forward 8 years to 9/11 and they are back again. Fighting them in Iraq, is not going to keep the few who want to sneak into this country from getting in.

IF we're looking for a fight.. let's find BIN LADEN for cryin' out loud.. Let's shut IRAN UP for cryin' out loud.

Ummm, exactly how many attacks on American soil or on American interests outside of the middle east have taken place since we decided to "fight them there instead of over here"?

While that's certainly not a reason to question your patriotism, it's certainly reason enough to question your logic. The last administration did nothing in the face of ever increasing attacks and the end result was a major atrocity perpetrated on our own soil. We start fighting them in their own homeland, and 6 years later, not one significant terrorist attack abroad and none on American interests.

As far as a's the same plan we've always had. Remove the tyrant, establish a Democracy, defend that Democracy until it can defend itself. You want a time line when that will be completed? No problem, just get a time line from the insurgency detailing when they will stop attacking the newly established Democracy and we can't start shipping troops out the next day.

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
As far as a's the same plan we've always had. Remove the tyrant, establish a Democracy, defend that Democracy until it can defend itself. You want a time line when that will be completed? No problem, just get a time line from the insurgency detailing when they will stop attacking the newly established Democracy and we can't start shipping troops out the next day.

Remove the tyrant, establish Democracy, blah blah as you say. what does this have to do with attacks on the U.S. ? Iraq was not involved in 9/11.

Go freakin' fight them in Afghanistan, at least there's a chance they might run into Bin Laden.

Fighting for democracy of a country that could care less about democracy ?? We could be over there for 10 damn years, those people will still be blowing themselves up until they either STAND UP, or some dictator STANDS UP. our troops standing around playing cops, is never going to get the job done.

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
We start fighting them in their own homeland, and 6 years later, not one significant terrorist attack abroad and none on American interests.

Ummm their OWN HOMELAND ?? are you kidding ? these people have no homeland.. many of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia !
again they weren't from Iraq.

Look people, I'm not about your so called "Cut bait and run" BS. You want a fight, let's go after them. Lets find Bin Laden. Lets shut IRAN the hell up.
But this crap in Iraq is going to go on and on and on. Long after we leave, that country is still going to be a hell hole.

AnimeSpirit 03-29-2007 04:05 PM

The purpose of the War on Terror was to remove the terrorist elements from the countries with the highest terrorist occupancy which are potential threats to America. I support this effort, but I don't see why it is taking so long in Iraq. In addition, there are other terrorist countries behind Iraq too (i.e. Iran, Libia, North Korea). For all we know, this may go on for a long long time after we're done with Iraq.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 04:15 PM

I do agree with Brain

Originally Posted by Rough Rider
Ummm their OWN HOMELAND ?? are you kidding ? these people have no homeland.. many of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia !
again they weren't from Iraq.

Look people, I'm not about your so called "Cut bait and run" BS. You want a fight, let's go after them. Lets find Bin Laden. Lets shut IRAN the hell up.
But this crap in Iraq is going to go on and on and on. Long after we leave, that country is still going to be a hell hole.

If you think that these people Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan are not all part of the same war then you are blind. You think getting one man Binladin is going to fix the problem ? Get your head out of the sand. They started this crap and we will finish it and Iran is going to get their ass kicked and they should they (Persians) have long been a pain in our ass. It is time for the Brits to step up and we need to blow those sob's away. You might think that they will not step up attacks here but you are wrong. Listen to them they want to kill Americans and they make no bones about it. It is time for Bush to get brass horns and really kick some ass over there and talk loudly and carry a very big stick.
God Bless America & President Bush

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
If you think that these people Iraq and Iran and Afghanistan are not all part of the same war then you are blind. You think getting one man Binladin is going to fix the problem ? Get your head out of the sand. They started this crap and we will finish it and Iran is going to get their ass kicked and they should they (Persians) have long been a pain in our ass. It is time for the Brits to step up and we need to blow those sob's away. You might think that they will not step up attacks here but you are wrong. Listen to them they want to kill Americans and they make no bones about it. It is time for Bush to get brass horns and really kick some ass over there and talk loudly and carry a very big stick.
God Bless America & President Bush

You are not listening to me. Sitting there, occupying that country, gives us NOTHING. But body bags sent home and a HUGE monthly bill.
As long as our troops are standing around, manning check points and the like, they will keep blowing us up, and ON AND ON AND ON. with NO END.

You got some targets. military targets. Sure lets bomb the crap out of them.
Us occupying Iraq, is not keeping these terrorist who live in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else, from sneaking on a plane and causing trouble here in the U.S.

if you are all so caught up in, and bought into this crap about fight them there so we don't have to fight them here.. I'm done. the propaganda machine has done it's job. The terrorists who got us on 9/11 weren't from Iraq. there are plenty of fights to be fought.. Holding Iraq up on it's feet while we get blown up IS NOT ONE OF THEM. But I guarantee, there's money being made in the process. only not by "US"

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 04:28 PM

I don't even understand what we are really arguing about. I mean, I think we want the same things. We want the bastards dead, and I mean all of them.
I simply disagree that we should be spending ALL this TIME, MONEY, LIVES bringing democracy to a country, that doeesn't want it. and never will in our lifetime.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 04:39 PM

Well RR we can agree do disagree

Originally Posted by Rough Rider
I don't even understand what we are really arguing about. I mean, I think we want the same things. We want the bastards dead, and I mean all of them.
I simply disagree that we should be spending ALL this TIME, MONEY, LIVES bringing democracy to a country, that doeesn't want it. and never will in our lifetime.

I know you love your country and the fighting men and I respect that. I do not think we are on the same page when it comes to prevailing in the world war of terror. I say we stay the coarse and kick some Arab ass and Iran too and the Brits need to step up to the plate too. Looking like it is time for another major world war to set evil back and free many people who other wise would be nothing more than slaves to dictators. The left has no back bone and rely on softies to get their votes.

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bubba McMillian
This is a different sort of enemy that we have never fought before

Well Mr. Bubba, that's exactly right. It's an Enemy WITHOUT a country.
Fighting this enemy is not about invading and occupying another country. It's about identifying terrorists where they are, and WIPING THEM OUT. If for example someone like the Taliban take over a country like Afghanistan, THEN sure we go in there, bomb them back to the stone age. But this crap about sitting around in Iraq with young troops playing cops on street corners, just isn't getting us anywhere. And again, I don't want to hear about spreading democracy, if they want it in Iraq, they'll get it. But they don't want it, and they surely don't want it as a handout from us.

Al Swearengen 03-29-2007 06:26 PM

As long as we have people over there, they SHOULD be funded. Ya dont wanna fund em, FINE, bring em home. End of story.

rhertz 03-29-2007 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
Yes, I am a patriot. No, I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.
No I don't want to have my taxes raised. But riddle me this. How do we plan on paying for this war ? it sure ain't free.

No, it ain't free. Freedom was never free. It always cost dollars and lives. Now and then. But here is the answer, probably an answer you might disgree with. We pay for this war with lives saved. You heard me right. We have not been hit by a muslim faction on our own soil since 9/11. So far so good. I'm sorry to see our boys die in Iraq but I am even more sorry to see our boys die in New York frickin City, USA! One new attack in a major US city and everyone will be changing their tune yet again.

I'm not saying that I agree with how some of our boys are dying over there, I think we should take the gloves off and get "effective" on their @ss! No way a Iranian or Syrian insurgent is tougher, more trained, more equipped, or better in any way over our boys. We should win and win fast, but that is not the PC way. If Bush is guilty of anything, it is for living in an earlier less politicly correct world which I admit is a bit dilusional.

Rough Rider 03-29-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
We pay for this war with lives saved. You heard me right. We have not been hit by a muslim faction on our own soil since 9/11. So far so good. I'm sorry to see our boys die in Iraq but I am even more sorry to see our boys die in New York frickin City, USA! One new attack in a major US city and everyone will be changing their tune yet again.

I simply don't accept that "fighting in Iraq" has diminished anyone's ability to surprise us with an attack. Bagdad could become a shining city of democracy, but this will do nothing to stop the al-quaidas of this world from coming after us. The 9/11 attackers weren't even from Iraq

Right, no attacks since 9/11, and it was 8 years before that when they bombed the Trade Center in '93. Like I said before, they are very patient.


Originally Posted by rhertz
I'm not saying that I agree with how some of our boys are dying over there, I think we should take the gloves off and get "effective" on their @ss! No way a Iranian or Syrian insurgent is tougher, more trained, more equipped, or better in any way over our boys. We should win and win fast, but that is not the PC way.

Exactly. This hanging around simply waiting for the next suicide bomb to go off isn't working.


Originally Posted by rhertz
If Bush is guilty of anything, it is for living in an earlier less politicly correct world which I admit is a bit dilusional.

Please explain.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-30-2007 06:08 AM

It has done a bunch to stop the attacks

Originally Posted by Rough Rider
I simply don't accept that "fighting in Iraq" has diminished anyone's ability to surprise us with an attack. Bagdad could become a shining city of democracy, but this will do nothing to stop the al-quaidas of this world from coming after us. The 9/11 attackers weren't even from Iraq

Right, no attacks since 9/11, and it was 8 years before that when they bombed the Trade Center in '93. Like I said before, they are very patient.

Exactly. This hanging around simply waiting for the next suicide bomb to go off isn't working.

Please explain.

So do you think that Churchill would have sat around and waited for the next attack ? NOT ! He would have picked a big stick and kicked some ass like we are doing. You think bring everyone home and shutting the door will make all this go away ? Well dig deeper in the sand RR and stick you head in because that is the only way to make this problem go away out side of taking the fight to the bastards and keeping them on their heels and not letting them get on their toes. Oh so passive I swear. Seems hard to live by your own word.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
--Sir Winston Churchill

Hurry off alright by running home and not having the back bone to stand up to our enemies. :nono: :nono: :nono: The liberals have polluted our country and the fruit is on the vine. You can tell a vine by its fruit. Our President will stay the coarse even when the slack jawed liberals do not.
Good Morning

Isabella 03-30-2007 07:55 AM

Should We Continue To Fund Our Troops?

Rough Rider 03-30-2007 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
So do you think that Churchill would have sat around and waited for the next attack ? NOT ! He would have picked a big stick and kicked some ass like we are doing. You think bring everyone home and shutting the door will make all this go away ? Well dig deeper in the sand RR and stick you head in because that is the only way to make this problem go away out side of taking the fight to the bastards and keeping them on their heels and not letting them get on their toes. Oh so passive I swear. Seems hard to live by your own word.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
--Sir Winston Churchill

Hurry off alright by running home and not having the back bone to stand up to our enemies. :nono: :nono: :nono: The liberals have polluted our country and the fruit is on the vine. You can tell a vine by its fruit. Our President will stay the coarse even when the slack jawed liberals do not.
Good Morning

If you are going to quote me, then please try to pretend you are reading what I have to say. Yes there are enemies to be had. And as I have said, lets go after them. This whole Iraq thing is just plain and simple not going anywhere. These Insurgents or what ever you want to call them, in Iraq, will aways be there. As long as we are there. when we leave, they'll quit blowing us up, and start blowing up each other. Iraq does not = 9/11, I say lets go after those involved in 9/11, and then lets shut IRAN up. I'll say it one more time, I'm not about CUT AND RUN I'm about taking the fight to where it needs to be. And NOT leaving our troops in a situation, where they are trying to play COPS, and have to be shot at first, before they can reply. I'll go as far as to say, that even though IRAQ, does not equal 9/11, I'm glad Saddam is gone. But this HANGING AROUND, and FOR WHAT ? how long does that need to last ? Until it's DONE ? it'll NEVER BE DONE.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-30-2007 08:54 AM

Good morning RR glad to see you could make it

Originally Posted by Rough Rider
If you are going to quote me, then please try to pretend you are reading what I have to say. Yes there are enemies to be had. And as I have said, lets go after them. This whole Iraq thing is just plain and simple not going anywhere. These Insurgents or what ever you want to call them, in Iraq, will aways be there. As long as we are there. when we leave, they'll quit blowing us up, and start blowing up each other. Iraq does not = 9/11, I say lets go after those involved in 9/11, and then lets shut IRAN up. I'll say it one more time, I'm not about CUT AND RUN I'm about taking the fight to where it needs to be. And NOT leaving our troops in a situation, where they are trying to play COPS, and have to be shot at first, before they can reply. I'll go as far as to say, that even though IRAQ, does not equal 9/11, I'm glad Saddam is gone. But this freakin' HANGING AROUND, and FOR WHAT ? how long does that need to last ? Until it's DONE ? it'll NEVER BE DONE.

Oh your wrong about that last part " it'll never be done" it will be done on earth as it is in HEAVEN so no reason to drop the ball now. We the Christian nations have and have had a commission to uphold freedom and defend our country and faith and if that means taking it to the enemy then that is what has to be done. You may not have to wait long before some of them leave Iraq :eek: They may have to cross over into Iran to finish this mess and shake Iran down to their roots. (Daniel Chapter 11) just read it this morning you might if you are so inclined read that and gird yourself up man this is the real deal and stand and be counted. Not trying to be mean to you RR just dare to make a stand. Thanks for your post.

sbl_admin 04-11-2007 07:52 AM

Updated News Story
A new story has been added to the "Read More" section of this topic, as follows

CNN -- Apr 11 2007 7:52 AM
No yielding on war funding as Bush proposes talks

sbl_admin 04-11-2007 08:29 AM

Updated News Story
A new story has been added to the "Read More" section of this topic, as follows

FOX NEWS -- Apr 11 2007 8:29 AM
Republicans Battle Democrats Over Funding U.S. Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan

Isaac-Saxxon 04-11-2007 08:45 AM

Democrats are doing their best to bring the country down
Fancy Nancy wants to go to Iran now and try to play president again. She is for cutting our troops off and all in a attempt to hurt the GOP and try and rule this country from seat three. It is time that the power of the veto be used and support our troops. Sad times we live in when the bleeding hearts are running our country in the ground :nono: :nono:

Pocahontas 04-11-2007 03:35 PM

God bless the soldiers!
Yes indeed we should continue funding our troops! It is absurd to think otherwise!! We should continue spiritually, mentally, physically, and fiscally supporting them and our President. Our enemies love it when we aren't in support of the troops and the president and that's very scary. We should all unite until this war is over and we are out of there.:peace:

Neo 04-11-2007 03:46 PM

Are you sure the dems are not accepting donations from Iran, Al Queda, North Korea, and BrainsmshR in order to destabilize the US gov.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-11-2007 03:50 PM

Well spoken Pocahontas !

Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Yes indeed we should continue funding our troops! It is absurd to think otherwise!! We should continue spiritually, mentally, physically, and fiscally supporting them and our President. Our enemies love it when we aren't in support of the troops and the president and that's very scary. We should all unite until this war is over and we are out of there.:peace:

There is still a core of Christian America that supports our troops in every way just like we support our President. Thank you Pocahontas for your comments. Support is not to feel sorry for them and have them leave just because we have lost some good men. We are the super power of the world and we need to pull together and stand as one nation Under God. I think America is on the leading edge of a wake up call and I do not think it will be to late and I see many people my age moving in that direction. It is a good thing. American by birth and southern by the Grace of God :clap:
God Bless our troops and their families I keep them in my prayers all the time.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Isabella 04-11-2007 04:04 PM

I hate this war as much as the liberals, but we must continue to fund it. We destoyed their country, therefore we need to clean up our mess.

Bush had my vote twice, but he made a huge mistake invading Iraq. We needed to put all our efforts into finding Bin Laden. Looks like Iran is stirring things up to start a war with us and our resources are extremely low, so I don't know how we will be able to afford to go to war with a country that most likely did have something to do with 9/11.

Isabella 04-11-2007 04:07 PM

Yes we do need to support our troops. I am not into Bush bashing either. However, he sure is making a lot of mistakes in this last term in office.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-11-2007 04:18 PM

I agree Isabella

Originally Posted by Isabella
Yes we do need to support our troops. I am not into Bush bashing either. However, he sure is making a lot of mistakes in this last term in office.

Bush needs some brass horns and to take this to those Iranians and get it done quick before the bleeding hearts can get in office in 08 :clap:

rhertz 04-11-2007 04:36 PM

I think war with Iran and war with Iraq is the same war, just a larger theater is all. Maybe I'm wrong. But if we ever did go to war with Iran, I bet all of a sudden our presence in Iraq would take on a whole new meaning, while we are parked right on Iran's doorstep. Now if we never go to war with Iran, then maybe invading Iraq was a mistake and had little real benefit for Americans. My point is that everything is relative, and right now, invading Iraq looks to be a mistake. But flick a switch and it might be the smartest thing we have ever done over there. just my .02 is all.

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