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Santabot 04-23-2007 10:14 PM

Some quotes I like.
Just here to share some quotes, some cited, some not, that I think some of you may enjoy, or maybe not. Nevertheless, I'm posting them here anyway for the same of expressing my right to do so.

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen Roberts

"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." -Seneca

"They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to see it." - George Carlin

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." -Robert M. Pirsig

"The mind has no limits, only religion does."

"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfuly as when they do it for religious convictions" -Blaise Pascal

"If you love God, burn a church" -Jello Biafra

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." -Treaty of Tripoly, Article 11

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason" -Benjamin Franklin

"Man created God in his image : intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent."

"Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church"

Isabella 04-23-2007 10:24 PM

I guess you got your point across how you feel about religion.

I definitely don't agree with you. However, you are entitled to your beliefs.

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 10:26 PM

So Santabot...what kind of fun are you going to have after you die?:rolleyes:

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
I guess you got your point across how you feel about religion.

I definitely don't agree with you. However, you are entitled to your beliefs.

Did I say they were my beliefs? Or did I place the word quote multiple times in the post, to show you (since your skull size increases with each post you make) that someone else said it. Those other persons most likely people you have, or once have looked up to as leaders, maybe most you don't even know of because you're not familiar with this "society" thing.

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo kramer
So Santabot...what kind of fun are you going to have after you die?:rolleyes:

I don't know, because, well, I'll be dead, like the rest of you. Personally, I believe that religion is its own archaic immature attempt and holding on to life, something that nobody once or even now knows about postmortem. Have you died before? Can you tell me what this afterlife looks like? Have you ever met a person that has died before? No, because they are dead. I've read plenty of good stories, seen plenty of zombie films, this does not mean to say that I put my (whatever value it has) faith into the authenticity of that resurrected person's life.

If there were a hell, and I died now, sadly, I wouldn't be there, to all of your dismay. I was a born-again Christian once upon a time long passed, and according to you, your book, and your leaders, the change is permanent. I honestly hope I don't live on past this life, I've come to, you know, cherish the life I have, instead of being ignorant about it and trying to understand a falsity that my life will continue after death.

I recommend a few books such as Machiavelli's The Prince for your personal edification on how religion works with tyrannical societies like ours, read up, and don't take the first word for it, educate yourself and never cease. This is how you will become a better person, not by being a stagnant child and believing in archaic texts that proved no more than we can even prove now.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Did I say they were my beliefs? Or did I place the word quote multiple times in the post, to show you (since your skull size increases with each post you make) that someone else said it. Those other persons most likely people you have, or once have looked up to as leaders, maybe most you don't even know of because you're not familiar with this "society" thing.

Are you honestly gonna tell us that you are posting quotes that you like, but do not endorse them yourself? It's not a long jump to assume that you like these quotes because you agree with them.

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 10:41 PM

You rock Anime!:clap: :clap:

Isabella 04-23-2007 10:42 PM


Santabot 04-23-2007 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Are you honestly gonna tell us that you are posting quotes that you like, but do not endorse them yourself? It's not a long jump to assume that you like these quotes because you agree with them.

Sure, I can agree with them, but can I also state that I have the education and experience to back up the statements myself? Of course not. I can; however, point out some quotes originally stated by persons with respectable reputations who have upheld the same country you seem to think is innately designed to be an evangelical superchurchcountrysinpool. I can churn many more out if you'd like some further insight into educated minds of our American History and others which further backup my statements, I did not impose them on you, but objectively shared them for your personal edification.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Have you died before? Can you tell me what this afterlife looks like? Have you ever met a person that has died before? No, because they are dead.

I've met quite a few people in my life who honestly believe they have reincarnated before. I've seen documentaries of people who have had past life regressions and remembered all kinds of stuff from previous lives.

In fact, I once consulted a psychic myself who said I've lived before. Unfortunately, I've had such a long childhood that I can't remember much of what happened before birth. ;)

I don't really know if I've actually lived before and I don't know if others have, but I can't disprove it either so I can't really call anyone a liar.

Isabella 04-23-2007 10:44 PM

Santabot, you are so kind to share.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Sure, I can agree with them, but can I also state that I have the education and experience to back up the statements myself? Of course not. I can; however, point out some quotes originally stated by persons with respectable reputations who have upheld the same country you seem to think is innately designed to be an evangelical superchurchcountrysinpool.

So what? What is reputation worth? I've got a good reputation here on SBLive!, but this doesn't make me an authority of theology. But if you wanna talk religious authorities, I can quote Ray Buckland and Rev. Derek Younger all day.

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Santabutt, you are so kind to share.

Thank you, I enjoy the constant abusive welcome I've gained from this amazingly Christian-like brotherly-loving bunch you all seem to be. It's too bad a lowly non-believer like myself will never make it into your sacred kingdom of magical creatures and corpses.

I honestly don't know how some of you put up with yourselves for as long as you have.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 10:49 PM

Hey there, buddy. Before you label the board as collectively Christian, you should know that SOME of us are not Christian at all, yet we still get along with other members just fine. Why? The keyword is.....TACT.

Isabella 04-23-2007 10:50 PM

LOL, this may be fun!

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
So what? What is reputation worth? I've got a good reputation here on SBLive!, but this doesn't make me an authority of theology. But if you wanna talk religious authorities, I can quote Ray Buckland and Rev. Derek Younger all day.


I'm saying that advocating Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers, intellectuals of our past, and in the next moment repudiating their statements as there is a huge gap in what their beliefs or statements mean?

The reason I quoted as I did was because they're NOT religiously involved at all, not even related to the subject, but in other areas, of secular origin, you would agree that their beliefs were upstanding and would agree. I am not trying to "convert you to the dark side", I'm simply coming here, posting what I feel, and I'm continually bashed by people who believe I'm persona non grata all day. None of you even know me, and I'm the punching bag for your religious intolerance. It's a shame none of you believe the things you preach.

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
LOL, this may be fun!

Can you please remove yourself if you have nothing to share yourself? This isn't the cheerleading forum.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
It's a shame none of you believe the things you preach.

Oh? If you have so keenly ascertained this fact, tell me this. What do I preach and what do I believe?

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 10:56 PM

Hey Emo,
Don't pick on Isabella.:mad:

Isabella 04-23-2007 10:56 PM

Just for the record, Mr. Santabot, I don't force my religion on anyone. I am a Christian who strongly believes that those who call themselves Christians who do evil acts in the name Christianity are not truely Christians. As I said before, you are entitled to believe as you wish, but I believe you came here to ridicule Christians.

AnimeSpirit 04-23-2007 11:00 PM

It sure looks that way to me.

Santabot 04-23-2007 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Just for the record, Mr. Santabot, I don't force my religion on anyone. I am a Christian who strongly believes that those who call themselves Christians who do evil acts in the name Christianity are not truely Christians. As I said before, you are entitled to believe as you wish, but I believe you came here to ridicule Christians.

And that's your belief; be that as it may, that does not mean it's correct, just as you've stated in quote above, that my views may not be right, and nor shall yours be credited as such.

As for Anime, I never mentioned you specifically before, did I? I authored this post for people to read what I had to say, and comment on such, but your militant stance against my "lack of tact and compassion" which is neither, just because I don't emphatically distort facts to be "less harsh" to those who "can't handle it" does not mean I don't have the ability to assert my ideas in an educated and tactful manner, I don't see to many other posts like mine on these boards, not for their content, but for their style and language.

I did not mean to imply that every person here on this board is a Christian of the fundamentalist variety, I simply stated that as I've been told by various sources (persons from the board) that "you're not welcome here, this is a Christian group, and we don't like the ideas you try to impress on us, please leave". Show me where I am so aggressively attacking Christianity? I've only but exposed some facts about the religion, but where can you attack me? You don't know my beliefs, because I, unlike a lot of people here on this board, do not translate these ignorant hand-me-down ideas into my message.

I never had a problem with anyone until they told me I "didn't have the right to be here" and that for some reason, because I wasn't emphatically supporting Christianity solely, that I wasn't welcome and personally ridiculed openly. I come with the same feelings as any other walking human being, treat me like you'd treat someone you've known all your life, why would you take a forum post as my entire personality? I have to take the responsibility here to expose flaws in both mine and everyone else's mindset and ideas, if it looks aggressive, it's not, I calmly and effectively assert them without even using profanity, something that a lot of these self-claimed Christians haven't even abstained from.

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 11:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hmmmm. S A N T A B O T
could it be.... TO B SATAN????

Isabella 04-23-2007 11:10 PM


Isabella 04-23-2007 11:12 PM

LOL, Kramer, thanks!

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 11:18 PM

:peace: you're welcome!

Al Swearengen 04-23-2007 11:21 PM

Santa, did you say you're 17 years old? And what are your beliefs exactly in regards to the existence of God? You DID say you were once a "born again Christian"...has your status changed? Are you now an atheist? I only ask out of curiosity, and to be certain where you stand.

Pocahontas 04-24-2007 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Just here to share some quotes, some cited, some not, that I think some of you may enjoy, or maybe not. Nevertheless, I'm posting them here anyway for the same of expressing my right to do so.

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." -Stephen Roberts

"Those who are willing to sacrifice freedoms for security desire neither." -Benjamin Franklin

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." -Seneca

"They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to see it." - George Carlin

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." -Robert M. Pirsig

"The mind has no limits, only religion does."

"Men never commit evil so fully and joyfuly as when they do it for religious convictions" -Blaise Pascal

"If you love God, burn a church" -Jello Biafra

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." -Treaty of Tripoly, Article 11

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason" -Benjamin Franklin

"Man created God in his image : intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent."

"Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church"

If I went on an athiest board and quoted scripture I would expect to be blasted for that. You know exactly what and why you are doing this Santabot so quit playing coy!:)

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Thank you, I enjoy the constant abusive welcome I've gained from this amazingly Christian-like brotherly-loving bunch you all seem to be. It's too bad a lowly non-believer like myself will never make it into your sacred kingdom of magical creatures and corpses.

I honestly don't know how some of you put up with yourselves for as long as you have.

Well if you don't feel a warm and fuzzy welcome here, then don't let the door hit you in the butt.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I did not mean to imply that every person here on this board is a Christian of the fundamentalist variety, I simply stated that as I've been told by various sources (persons from the board) that "you're not welcome here, this is a Christian group, and we don't like the ideas you try to impress on us, please leave". Show me where I am so aggressively attacking Christianity? I've only but exposed some facts about the religion, but where can you attack me? You don't know my beliefs, because I, unlike a lot of people here on this board, do not translate these ignorant hand-me-down ideas into my message.

Hmmm I wonder who/whom would have done such a thing?:confused:

Neo 04-24-2007 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I don't know, because, well, I'll be dead, like the rest of you. Personally, I believe that religion is its own archaic immature attempt and holding on to life, something that nobody once or even now knows about postmortem. Have you died before? Can you tell me what this afterlife looks like? Have you ever met a person that has died before? No, because they are dead. I've read plenty of good stories, seen plenty of zombie films, this does not mean to say that I put my (whatever value it has) faith into the authenticity of that resurrected person's life.

If there were a hell, and I died now, sadly, I wouldn't be there, to all of your dismay. I was a born-again Christian once upon a time long passed, and according to you, your book, and your leaders, the change is permanent. I honestly hope I don't live on past this life, I've come to, you know, cherish the life I have, instead of being ignorant about it and trying to understand a falsity that my life will continue after death.

I recommend a few books such as Machiavelli's The Prince for your personal edification on how religion works with tyrannical societies like ours, read up, and don't take the first word for it, educate yourself and never cease. This is how you will become a better person, not by being a stagnant child and believing in archaic texts that proved no more than we can even prove now.

I am curious Santabot, I see you know secular works, have you ever read the Bible for comprehension of their beliefs?

Santabot 04-24-2007 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
I am curious Santabot, I see you know secular works, have you ever read the Bible for comprehension of their beliefs?

Indeed, and from the previous misuse of scripture by various users here, and my correction, it would appear that I am somewhat more knowledgeable about the book than even some who entrust their lives in its meaning. This is a common fallacy in many religions, mostly the reason people actually do believe in it is, well, because they don't even really understand what it's saying, only what their preacher puts into words they can understand. Those who can understand it for themselves, like myself, often refute its archaic claims, because of its insanity.

Al Swearengen 04-24-2007 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Indeed, and from the previous misuse of scripture by various users here, and my correction, it would appear that I am somewhat more knowledgeable about the book than even some who entrust their lives in its meaning. This is a common fallacy in many religions, mostly the reason people actually do believe in it is, well, because they don't even really understand what it's saying, only what their preacher puts into words they can understand. Those who can understand it for themselves, like myself, often refute its archaic claims, because of its insanity.

You obviously consider yourself an atheist...a 17 year old atheist. Well I've got news for ya ...there are no true atheists, only those who profess atheism. I could'nt help but notice that one of the quotes you posted was by Blaise Pascal. You should look up "Pascal's Wager" when ya have the time.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Indeed, and from the previous misuse of scripture by various users here, and my correction, it would appear that I am somewhat more knowledgeable about the book than even some who entrust their lives in its meaning. This is a common fallacy in many religions, mostly the reason people actually do believe in it is, well, because they don't even really understand what it's saying, only what their preacher puts into words they can understand. Those who can understand it for themselves, like myself, often refute its archaic claims, because of its insanity.

Please show us where someone has misused it and how you are backing up that it was misused.

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
You obviously consider yourself an atheist...a 17 year old atheist. Well I've got news for ya ...there are no true atheists, only those who profess atheism. I could'nt help but notice that one of the quotes you posted was by Blaise Pascal. You should look up "Pascal's Wager" when ya have the time.

I'm familiar with it, and I never professed atheism, did I?

Declaring such would submit me to claiming a particular organized religion, or loosely based one at that, of which I'm not a part of. I make my own decisions and views based on as much information as I can gather, from all angles of the deal, and from first-hand experience where applicable.

Al Swearengen 04-24-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I'm familiar with it, and I never professed atheism, did I?

Declaring such would submit me to claiming a particular organized religion, or loosely based one at that, of which I'm not a part of. I make my own decisions and views based on as much information as I can gather, from all angles of the deal, and from first-hand experience where applicable.

I sure hope ya dont think you're the first to pull that stunt. The screen name "BrainSmashR" tried the same thing...with the end result being that he is now known as either an "atheistically oriented confirmed lapsed catholic" or a "lapsed confirmed catholically oriented atheist". In short, he lost all credibility, and he's never been able to get it back! So ya may have never actually declared yourself to be an atheist, but your blatant contempt for religion, particularly Christianity and it's Bible, suggests that you are in fact an atheist. Thats why I asked you to clearly state your beliefs in an earlier post. Nobody here wants to jump thru the series of hoops you've set up to figure out where you stand. So heres your chance to clear the air and spell it out for all to see. Choose one of the following...1.You believe in God(s) "The Creator" or "The Prime Mover" etc, 2. you DONT believe in God(s), or 3. You're undecided. Pick an answer...and please TRY to stick with it for at least a week.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 10:49 PM

Hey Al..he's busy on another thread right now justifying his use of drugs..he won't be able to answer you for awhile.

Isabella 04-24-2007 11:03 PM

LOL, you are so funny Tbelle! I wonder if someone is going to call me another ugly name for supporting you again. LOL.

Seriously, I would not waste anymore time with Santabot. He is not credible. I am moving on.

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
I sure hope ya dont think you're the first to pull that stunt. The screen name "BrainSmashR" tried the same thing...with the end result being that he is now known as either an "atheistically oriented confirmed lapsed catholic" or a "lapsed confirmed catholically oriented atheist". In short, he lost all credibility, and he's never been able to get it back! So ya may have never actually declared yourself to be an atheist, but your blatant contempt for religion, particularly Christianity and it's Bible, suggests that you are in fact an atheist. Thats why I asked you to clearly state your beliefs in an earlier post. Nobody here wants to jump thru the series of hoops you've set up to figure out where you stand. So heres your chance to clear the air and spell it out for all to see. Choose one of the following...1.You believe in God(s) "The Creator" or "The Prime Mover" etc, 2. you DONT believe in God(s), or 3. You're undecided. Pick an answer...and please TRY to stick with it for at least a week.

I've stuck with #2 for the past.. 4 or so years, before that, I was a full-fledged believer, somehow. I just had various experiences and tried out new things, within reason, to question my faith (a healthy act, you should never blindly believe in something you have no reason to believe in, always question and test to make your beliefs more valid and more believable).

I'll continue to stick with that, and trust me, I won't deviate from that, hopefully for the rest of my life, but if someone of reasonable intellect that can calmly and orderly avert my views to something other than that, you deserve a box of cookies.

Al Swearengen 04-24-2007 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I've stuck with #2 for the past.. 4 or so years, before that, I was a full-fledged believer, somehow. I just had various experiences and tried out new things, within reason, to question my faith (a healthy act, you should never blindly believe in something you have no reason to believe in, always question and test to make your beliefs more valid and more believable).

I'll continue to stick with that, and trust me, I won't deviate from that, hopefully for the rest of my life, but if someone of reasonable intellect that can calmly and orderly avert my views to something other than that, you deserve a box of cookies.

Thankyou for clearin that up.

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