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sbl_admin 08-28-2007 07:46 AM

Drinking Age Laws - Do They Need To Change?
As college students usher in the start of a new term with beer pong and keg stands, the nation revisits what's now a fixture of collegiate life: drinking age laws.

Pocahontas 08-28-2007 10:05 AM

I think it's all about drinking responsibly. If you are going to drink at any age make sure you stay put or have a designated driver. Kids are drinking at 18 already. When I was in college the legal age was 18 and we were totally unresponsible! I sometimes wonder how I'm still here because yes I drank and drove more than once.:eek: But having a DD wasn't talked about much back then and now it's the norm. Be careful!:wino:

joepole 08-28-2007 10:33 AM

I was in college in that weird time (I believe the law was like this 1985-1995) when the drinking age was 21, but it was legal to sell to anyone over 18, so we were technically breaking the law but nobody cared.

Of course the drinking age should lowered, it's ridiculous to have "graduated" stages of adulthood. I'm not sure how 21 year old drinking laws are even Constitutional. I'm sure there's some lame "greater good" or "protection of the public interest" decisions somewhere back in time.

LSU 08-28-2007 11:02 AM

Teenagers are going to get alcohol regardless of the drinking age. The only difference is being able to get into a bar. The drinking age might get the teenagers to "want what they can't have." I always thought the beer tasted better when i wasn't supposed to have it then after i turned 21!

LateNight 08-28-2007 11:06 AM

yeah, the problem, is the 16 and 17 year olds, driving and drinking.. we should just raise the legal driving age :)

joepole 08-28-2007 11:35 AM

>the problem, is the 16 and 17 year olds, driving and drinking.

How does a law that has nothing to do with 16 or 17 year olds an answer to that "problem?"

LateNight 08-28-2007 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 20371)
>the problem, is the 16 and 17 year olds, driving and drinking.

How does a law that has nothing to do with 16 or 17 year olds an answer to that "problem?"

well.. talking about raising drinking ages or lowering drinking ages from 18-21 or 21-18 I really don't think has much to do with anything.
I suppose someone out there will make the argument that 21 year olds are more 'responsible' than 18 year olds.. The idea, being to keep 18 year olds off the road, drinking and driving.

I'm just saying, that I think even more of a problem, is the kids who are old enough to drive, but aren't old enough to buy beer anywhere, are getting the beer/alcohol anyway, and getting behind the wheel.

Not to mention I know plenty of 16 year olds who have no business behind the wheel of a car, regardless if they are sober or not.

joepole 08-28-2007 01:28 PM

>the kids who are old enough to drive, but aren't old enough to buy beer anywhere, are getting the beer/alcohol anyway, and getting behind the wheel.

But that has nothing to do with whether the drinking age is 18 or 21. And is teen drinking and driving really a problem? How many kids get killed doing that each year? Two?

AnimeSpirit 08-28-2007 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 20378)
But that has nothing to do with whether the drinking age is 18 or 21. And is teen drinking and driving really a problem? How many kids get killed doing that each year? Two?


Is alcohol a significant factor in teenagers' crashes? Yes. Young drivers are less likely than adults to drive after drinking alcohol, but their crash risk is substantially higher when they do. This is especially true at low and moderate blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) and is thought to result from teenagers' relative inexperience with drinking, with driving, and with combining the two.

In 2005, 25 percent of 16-20-year-old passenger vehicle drivers fatally injured in crashes had high BACs (0.08 percent or higher). The percentage of fatally injured drivers with high BACs was much lower among females (15 percent) than among males (29 percent), and also was lower among 16-17-year-old drivers (15 percent) than among 18-19-year-old (26 percent) or 20-year-old (36 percent) drivers.

Drivers ages 16-20 with BACs of 0.05-0.08 percent are far more likely than sober teenage drivers to be killed in single-vehicle crashes — 17 times more likely for males, 7 times more likely for females. At BACs of 0.08-0.10, fatality risks are even higher, 52 times for males, 15 times for females.
I'd say a LOT more than 2.

Al Swearengen 08-28-2007 06:14 PM

I say, if you're old enough to vote, and more importantly, DIE for your country, then you're sure as hell old enough to drink!

howela 08-28-2007 07:59 PM

Age of accountability
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 20389)
I say, if you're old enough to vote, and more importantly, DIE for your country, then you're sure as hell old enough to drink!

I agree. I remember my early years in the military. I couldn't legally buy a beer in Georgia before I shipped out to Vietnam. Al is right... mature enough to die for your country is mature enough to decide how to drink.
Attachment 1424

Pocahontas 08-28-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 20389)
I say, if you're old enough to vote, and more importantly, DIE for your country, then you're sure as hell old enough to drink!

Makes sense to me!:D

LateNight 08-28-2007 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by howela (Post 20395)
I agree. I remember my early years in the military. I couldn't legally buy a beer in Georgia before I shipped out to Vietnam. Al is right... mature enough to die for your country is mature enough to decide how to drink.
Attachment 1424

Hard to argue with that kind of logic.. old enough to be issued a weapon, old enough to fight and die for your country.. but uh.. sorry son, can't sell you a beer.. that's @#$#@$@ :cool:

piemaker720 08-28-2007 09:34 PM

You know I agree if you are old enough to defend your country you should be allowed to drink. On the other hand that should only apply to the military, why would I want some lazy young person who thinks they are too good to join or bad mouths our soldiers to benefit.

AnimeSpirit 08-29-2007 08:40 AM

I was in the military myself. Some commands have cool commanders who feel the same way as most of you. When they pull into a country where the drinking age is lower, they can authorize servicemen under 21 to drink if they want. In some countries, you're old enough to drink if you can see over the bar.

joepole 08-29-2007 10:09 AM

"In 2005, 25 percent of 16-20-year-old passenger vehicle drivers fatally injured in crashes had high BACs."

I can't find numbers for LA, but Colorado (a state with a similar population to LA) had 62 total automobile fatalities for 16-20 year olds in 2006. Assuming 25% are drunk that's about 16 fatalities due to teen drinking and driving. Not exactly an epidemic.

joepole 08-29-2007 10:13 AM

>I say, if you're old enough to vote, and more importantly, DIE for your country, then you're sure as hell old enough to drink!

I've heard that a lot, but it doesn't really make sense. What does drinking have to do with voting or serving in the military? Why not "if you're old enough to drive on public roadways you're sure as hell old enough to drink!" or "if you're old enough to attend public school you're sure as hell old enough to drink!"

On the flip side why is your statement valid but "if you're not old enough to collect social security you're sure as hell not old enough to drink!" isn't?

AnimeSpirit 08-29-2007 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 20423)
>I say, if you're old enough to vote, and more importantly, DIE for your country, then you're sure as hell old enough to drink!

I've heard that a lot, but it doesn't really make sense. What does drinking have to do with voting or serving in the military? Why not "if you're old enough to drive on public roadways you're sure as hell old enough to drink!" or "if you're old enough to attend public school you're sure as hell old enough to drink!"

On the flip side why is your statement valid but "if you're not old enough to collect social security you're sure as hell not old enough to drink!" isn't?

The validity of their statement is this, Joe. The government wants alcohol to be for adults only. The definition of what one would consider an adult is what is in question here. Just when is a person "adult enough" to have a drink? Some people believe that age is the same age in which a person can die for their country. If you believe that age is when you're old enough to drive, then I suppose that would be a valid opinion to some people as well.

As far as your statement about social security, the age at which someone collects social security does not, in any way, mark the beginning of adulthood, thus making it an inappropriate comparison.

joepole 08-29-2007 10:49 AM

>The government wants alcohol to be for adults only.

Nonsense. If that were the case the drinking age would be 18.

AnimeSpirit 08-29-2007 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 20433)
Nonsense. If that were the case the drinking age would be 18.

Right. That's why this topic is being discussed.

joepole 08-29-2007 11:09 AM

You stated is as fact.

Al Swearengen 08-29-2007 05:36 PM

I'd be willin to bet that there's a special place set aside for Joe in "debaters hell"... sittin right between "BrainSmasher" and Oliver North.

Isaac-Saxxon 08-29-2007 06:11 PM

I think Joe has a very nice pen holder in his top pocket along with a Texas Instruments calculator on his belt :laugh::laugh::laugh: M.E. major Joe ?

joepole 08-29-2007 06:14 PM

This shirt doesn't even have a pocket because my wife bought it for me.

piemaker720 08-29-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 20470)
This shirt doesn't even have a pocket because my wife bought it for me.

Well you could take this staement several ways. 1. Your wife brought your shirt because you undoubtly can't, won't or don't so it is left up to her to buy them. 2. You are saying your wife doesn't know how to shop for you but even though you don't like it you wear it anyway. 3. If you have been married a long time then she should surely you want pockets. 4. You are either telling off on you or your wife, which is it.:confused:

rhertz 08-29-2007 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 20463)
I'd be willin to bet that there's a special place set aside for Joe in "debaters hell"... sittin right between "BrainSmasher" and Oliver North.

please don't forget my wife! :D

piemaker720 08-29-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 20474)
please don't forget my wife! :D

What's wrong your wife buys you shirts you don't like either?:confused:

Al Swearengen 08-29-2007 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 20474)
please don't forget my wife! :D

LOL, and my wife too!

piemaker720 08-29-2007 07:54 PM

What is with you men, you can't buy your own clothes but you can bad mouth your wives for buying you something that is wrong or you don't like.:D:D

Al Swearengen 08-29-2007 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 20486)
What is with you men, you can't buy your own clothes but you can bad mouth your wives for buying you something that is wrong or you don't like.:D:D

LOL, Rhertz was just sayin that his wife is one of the all-time champion arguers, and so is my wife! I'm convinced she just loves to argue for the sake of arguin!

rhertz 08-29-2007 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 20476)
What's wrong your wife buys you shirts you don't like either?:confused:

yeah, that too! ;) She is a good debater also. She even went to competitions in high school.

piemaker720 08-29-2007 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 20487)
LOL, Rhertz was just sayin that his wife is one of the all-time champion arguers, and so is my wife! I'm convinced she just loves to argue for the sake of arguin!

Well, she has to, look what both them poor women have to put up with. LOL

joepole 08-30-2007 08:54 AM

I buy most of my own clothes yesterday but the shirt I was wearing yesterday my wife bought for me. I always buy shirts with pockets, she always buys what she thinks will look good on me, regardless of its pocket-ness.

Pocahontas 08-30-2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 20489)
yeah, that too! ;) She is a good debater also. She even went to competitions in high school.

I live with a housefull of debaters! The strongest one is 16 and on the school debate team thus making her the most challenging for me to deal with on a personal basis! She would make a great lawyer. The other two just like to be right but I have stepped up my game!:D:rolleyes:;)

Jesse 08-30-2007 10:50 AM

I think you missed your calling. You should have been a lawyer.
Or ARE you? LOL

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