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LateNight 12-01-2006 11:56 AM

Woof! Woof!

Hattie Thomas 12-01-2006 12:11 PM


Walmart employee taking casual friday way too far!

LateNight 12-01-2006 12:22 PM

that is sooooo wrong !! :eek:

Snow Man 12-17-2006 12:47 PM

That is so wrong !
Ya know why ? There are no old crackers at Wal-Mart. If you are going to find any thing in that place you will have to find it for yourself or go to the front of the store and ask the "meet and great lady" and heck she does not know a thing she just works there.
Snow Man :cool:

rhertz 12-17-2006 04:07 PM

Nothing could be worse than Circuit City and Best Buy. Last night I went to Best Buy to purchase a small TV. After waiting I finally found a salesperson to help me. She looked it up on the computer and said they had one left. When I went to check out, the cashier said it sold in the past few minutes to the lady in line ahead of me. OK....

So I go across the street to City City to buy the same model at the same price. The salesperson rang me up and charged my card and told me to go to customer service to pick it up. When I got over there, they said they had none. Why charge my card in that case? Well then the manager said they have some in their main warehouse and they could "special order" it for me. I said OK, and then for some reason, they tranferred that amount to a gift card then went to special order the tv. But the computer then said "no special order" for that particular item. hmmmm.

They had two on display so I asked for an "open item" price. They told me they had the remote and tv but no box or manual. fine I said. They gave me back 90 bucks for the open item discount and started to load it up and there is no remote control. After spending 2 hours at CC, they found an old scratched up remote. From now on, I'm ordering online. Those stores are totally mismanaged. By the time I left that store I had 3 receipts about 3 or 4 feet long (total) with all sorts of debts and credits. totally uncomprehendable.

joepole 12-17-2006 10:35 PM

I never shop at either of those places, I hate them.

rhertz 12-18-2006 07:45 PM

Yep well OK now I need another dishnetwork hookup for the new tv. So I called up Dish Network and placed my order last Thursday. They said the earliest appointment was Sunday and gave me the choice of 8am-12 or else 12-5pm. I choose 12-5...

I get a phone call at 7:30am Sunday asking if they could come now. Having made plans to sleep in, I said no, come at the time I picked. They need 24 hour notice to reschedule, well so do I. :D Come 5pm, no show. I called Dish and they said he was on his way. 6pm, still no show. Another call, "he is on his way". Then at 7pm I called and asked why they aren't being truthful with me? They assured me he is on his way now. I asked where the call center is located. The assistant told me "the Phillipines". I said "Oh that explains it".. sigh

At 7:15pm he showed up by himself to climb on the roof and run cable in the dark. After looking around he promptly told me he didn't have the parts to do the job. He didn't have the right "switch" on his truck because the call center screwed up the work order. He rescheduled for tomorrow.

Please pray for me and wish me luck!!! Playing Santa has never been so difficult!

Al Swearengen 12-18-2006 08:46 PM

Pugsly, its a rare day indeed when I'd put up with that sort of nonsense! I think I wouldve just told the dish network folks they'd just lost a customer, demanded what ever refunds were due me and then I'd have called Direct TV or the cable company.

rhertz 12-18-2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Pugsly, its a rare day indeed when I'd put up with that sort of nonsense! I think I wouldve just told the dish network folks they'd just lost a customer, demanded what ever refunds were due me and then I'd have called Direct TV or the cable company.

LOL, well directv once threatened to sue me over a smartcard reader. I quit them and never looked back. As for comcast, well I hold a grudge against them too. that leaves dish network which is the lesser of three evils in my mind. Sad but true.

The only thing that can save us is true competition. On that note, I expect directv and dishnetwork to merge any minute now. :D

LateNight 12-18-2006 10:19 PM

I've got to say I've been pretty satisfied with DirecTV, have had that for several years now. Don't seem to have to wait long for support calls, and it seems I'm able to talk to someone who speaks English as their first language (no offense intended :) )

personal Service calls have been handled in a timely and professional manner.

They have a pretty good selection of HD programming as well. Just wish I could get some local channels via HD as well. They only have that in a few select cities as of now I believe.

Wow, we got a long way from the subject matter of this thread "Woof Woof"

rhertz 12-18-2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
Wow, we got a long way from the subject matter of this thread "Woof Woof"

yeah its all Snowman's fault for mentioning Wal-mart! ;)

rhertz 12-19-2006 05:47 PM

As a followup to this soap opera, Dish Network was a "no show" again today. When I called, they said that I do not have an appointment today, my appointment is Thursday. Oh well, after taking off half a day of work today, I decided to call up directv who said they have no HD DVR's and they don't know when they will get caught up. But they can't help me before Christmas. So it is Dish Network or nothing. If they stand me up again on Thursday, I might even call Comcast. LOL

Isaac-Saxxon 12-20-2006 07:08 AM

So it is Dish Network or nothing
I have Dish Network at home and in my office for the last three years never a problem. Good quality picture and good programs. Now as for Wal-Mart I agree with Joepole that the best thing to do is not go in that place. They hire
the people that could not get a job any other place in the public sector. They are a act of last resort for me. Ever notice how the employees have there own language ?

rhertz 12-20-2006 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I have Dish Network at home and in my office for the last three years never a problem. Good quality picture and good programs.

What is your address? I may have to break-in and steal your gear in order to have Dish Network in my daughter's bedroom for Christmas. ;) *jk*

Snow Man 12-20-2006 02:25 PM

Good quality picture and good programs
I do not know who you have used but I have Dish Network too and I used Southern Satellite and they where quick and did a good job. This time of year may be different. I have cable too so if one is out the other is working at least so far that has been the case. Some very nice people on this site I think I will stay a while and with time I can read some the other older post to get a idea who everybody is.
Snow Man :cool:

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