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Santabot 04-25-2007 08:29 PM

Books that may interest some of you.
Isn't it sad there's no literature section here? Maybe I'm the only one that would use it often, *shrugs*

Here's a small list of books I've read in most recent time (the past couple of weeks or so) that I would recommend to people in general. I'm not sure any of you agree with any of the beliefs or statements of the books, but I almost always seek books that I know do NOT hold my ideas, because it will always teach you much more than reading a book you can just nod your head through. Explore. View new angles, even if you don't agree. At least be aware of the stance other people hold, rather than get your information from mass media or somebody you don't trust to hold reliable, full, researched information.

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
The Making Of A Counter Culture - Theodore Roszak
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx/Friedrich Engles
Dianetics - LL Cool Ron Hubbard (Read it for fun, I don't advocate any of it at all, I looked at it entirely from an anti-Scientologist perspective, and I enjoyed the comedy it provided)
Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis - Jimmy Carter
Fat Land - Greg Critser

Please, submit some others if you think I or others would enjoy them, hopefully this can be a small ring for exchanging books and information for those that have the time and will to read and educate themselves :)

(P.S. - Do not recommend The Holy Bible, I've read it thoroughly multiple times, and it's not funny to think that I haven't explored its meanings.)

Santabot 04-27-2007 05:25 PM

I really recommend The Power Of Now, it's not anti-religious, and even actually corrects minor errors that people have when accepting religious lifestyles, but by reinforcing certain ideas about religion and spirituality, in order to accomplish the book's goal: something you'll find out by reading it.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-27-2007 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Isn't it sad there's no literature section here? Maybe I'm the only one that would use it often, *shrugs*

Here's a small list of books I've read in most recent time (the past couple of weeks or so) that I would recommend to people in general. I'm not sure any of you agree with any of the beliefs or statements of the books, but I almost always seek books that I know do NOT hold my ideas, because it will always teach you much more than reading a book you can just nod your head through. Explore. View new angles, even if you don't agree. At least be aware of the stance other people hold, rather than get your information from mass media or somebody you don't trust to hold reliable, full, researched information.

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
The Making Of A Counter Culture - Theodore Roszak
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx/Friedrich Engles
Dianetics - LL Cool Ron Hubbard (Read it for fun, I don't advocate any of it at all, I looked at it entirely from an anti-Scientologist perspective, and I enjoyed the comedy it provided)
Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis - Jimmy Carter
Fat Land - Greg Critser

Please, submit some others if you think I or others would enjoy them, hopefully this can be a small ring for exchanging books and information for those that have the time and will to read and educate themselves :)

(P.S. - Do not recommend The Holy Bible, I've read it thoroughly multiple times, and it's not funny to think that I haven't explored its meanings.)

You know Satabot I could not ask more of anyone than to just read the Bible one time before disagreeing. :clap: You say you have done that and in that I have much respect for you. You seem way ahead of your age group and I believe that a young man should seek truth and that means looking at everything out there good or bad. You must have discernment and use that brain to determine good from bad. If you are not liberal at 20 you do not have a heart and if you are not conservative at 40 you do not have a brain. I think that was Churchill. I think am starting to like your post. Keep a open mind and unplug from the matrix young people can and most folks over thirty have a hard time letting go and thinking on their own. Welcome to the board. :clap:

Santabot 04-27-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
You know Satabot I could not ask more of anyone than to just read the Bible one time before disagreeing. :clap: You say you have done that and in that I have much respect for you. You seem way ahead of your age group and I believe that a young man should seek truth and that means looking at everything out there good or bad. You must have discernment and use that brain to determine good from bad. If you are not liberal at 20 you do not have a heart and if you are not conservative at 40 you do not have a brain. I think that was Churchill. I think am starting to like your post. Keep a open mind and unplug from the matrix young people can and most folks over thirty have a hard time letting go and thinking on their own. Welcome to the board. :clap:

Thank you, Isaac. This "matrix" is EXACTLY what The Power Of Now tries to release you from. I HIGHLY recommend this book. It's considered "self-help", but even myself and a couple friends read it a few months back, it really is an EXCELLENT book to at least explore rekindling the exciting experience of life again.

AnimeSpirit 04-28-2007 12:17 AM

I prefer reading Raymond Buckland and Ted Andrews. They are style. ;)

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