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sbl_admin 10-30-2007 11:51 AM

Comments on: Broadmoor Civil Defense Siren full view
Reader comments and feedback for the Broadmoor Civil Defense Siren full view photo.
This image is part of the Historic Photos photo gallery

Civil Defense Siren , located on Akard Avenue (between Atlantic and Pennsylvania Aves.), on the East side of Broadmoor Junior High property. (4/2005)<br />
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Tested every Saturday at noon. Loud. Though I never was next to it when it went off, it could be heard all over Broadmoor, South Highlands and probably beyond.<br />
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Appears to be a Thunderbolt 1000 series.<br />
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Pictures and sounds here<br /><br /><br /> 10-30-2007 11:52 AM

Maybe someone can describe how the actual tone sounded. I don't recall if it was a single steady tone or whatever.

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Isaac-Saxxon 10-30-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 23727)
Maybe someone can describe how the actual tone sounded. I don't recall if it was a single steady tone or whatever.

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Good post ! The horn would blow for about 10 minuets with out stop. I could not imagine what it would be like to live right next to it. I remember the wooden pole with the pegs that started so high off the ground we could not climb it at all. 10-30-2007 04:12 PM

I-S, the specs for the Thunderbolt 1000 say it outputs 125 dB measured at 100 ft.

Also for perspective, the cone is 56" long and the opening ~28"x29".

I think there used to be one on top of a building downtown. Wonder where others were located?

Isaac-Saxxon 10-30-2007 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 23757)
I-S, the specs for the Thunderbolt 1000 say it outputs 125 dB measured at 100 ft.

Also for perspective, the cone is 56" long and the opening ~28"x29".

I think there used to be one on top of a building downtown. Wonder where others were located?

I could hear the one on Akard when I was on Preston loud and clear. That is the only one I knew about but I was riding a bike at the time.

purpahurl 10-30-2007 08:33 PM

This thing used to rotate. I lived two blocks north of Broadmoor School and it would get really loud and then start to fade. All of a sudden kids would start coming outside and start playing after this. It signalled the end of cartoons on Saturday.

vixweb 10-30-2007 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 23771)
That is the only one I knew about but I was riding a bike at the time.

Now THAT must have been a looooooonnnggg time ago!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

purpahurl 10-30-2007 10:27 PM

Speaking of riding a bike. This same time period, we would be riding along and the mosquito trucks would come by. We would ride behind them untill the smell hit us and then it was all we could do to not fall off our bikes. I'm still waiting to get cancer from that. Maybe I'm not waiting anymore, who knows. 10-30-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by purpahurl (Post 23813)
Speaking of riding a bike. This same time period, we would be riding along and the mosquito trucks would come by. We would ride behind them untill the smell hit us and then it was all we could do to not fall off our bikes. I'm still waiting to get cancer from that. Maybe I'm not waiting anymore, who knows.

LOL -yeah. The trucks always came by our area at dusk or late at night.

And anyone remember the WWII surplus aircraft (pretty sure it was a B-25/24? I knew exactly what it was at the time but memory fades) tricked out to fly treetop level practically and spray for fire ants? I recall them flying over VERY low in South Highland area.

Google Note: found a citation that said WWII aircraft were routinely used to apply mirex bait 1962-1978 timeframe (states got matching federal $ in the program). Before that it was granular dieldrin or heptachlor. They don't sound like good things to drop on people. A lot of good it did too -those buggers are chewing my ass up all the way up here in the Carolinas today.


Originally Posted by purpahurl (Post 23796)
This thing used to rotate. I lived two blocks north of Broadmoor School and it would get really loud and then start to fade. All of a sudden kids would start coming outside and start playing after this. It signalled the end of cartoons on Saturday.

Of course - doh! reading about this model of siren learned it didn't vary in pitch so I couldn't figure why my memory had it changing - it was cause it rotated - completely overlooked that obvious point. Thanks purpahurl :beerchug:
... and nice memory shared too :)

xt235 01-15-2008 08:14 AM

I think the horn produced a steady tone, but it gave the impression of an up and down tone as the horn rotated around. It seemed to take about 30 to 45 seconds to complete one turn around. 01-15-2008 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by xt235 (Post 27549)
I think the horn produced a steady tone, but it gave the impression of an up and down tone as the horn rotated around. It seemed to take about 30 to 45 seconds to complete one turn around.

Well hey xt235! SBLive Forum, meet my little bro'

Pocahontas 01-15-2008 04:25 PM

Welcome aboard xt! We are in need of new members. Several regulars are MIA??:confused:

rhertz 01-15-2008 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by xt235 (Post 27549)
I think the horn produced a steady tone, but it gave the impression of an up and down tone as the horn rotated around. It seemed to take about 30 to 45 seconds to complete one turn around.

Would this be the "Doppler Effect"? Where is joepole when you need him..

Seriously this is how I remember it. I lived about a mile from Broadmoor. The dogs all over would go nuts howling at the siren... Especially our dachshunds.

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