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piemaker720 10-21-2007 03:31 PM

Spankings Work,2933,303541,00.html


Should we eat babies? That's a terrible question and I'm offended you'd bring it up. But a leading shrink reports that kids allowed to run wild as toddlers will inevitably turn into violent adults. He says children are most aggressive between 18 to 48 months, which is when they need discipline most.
But the sad truth is the reason why kids become violent creeps is because no one stops them. And by that, I mean, slapping them upside the head.
Is it no surprise that when you stop saying no to kids, what you're left with is Charles Manson in Osh Kosh B'gosh.
Now, I know corporal punishment is a "touchy" thing but spankings work. I know. I was spanked regularly and not only did it teach me right from wrong, but also how much I really liked spanking.
The fact is the moment we replaced spanking with self-esteem classes, we screwed up.
Now, I'm not a parent — it's part of a contract I signed with the state of New York. But that won't stop me from having ideas about kids, just like not having a unicorn never stopped me from knowing the right and wrong way to love one.
My idea: A baby circus, where babies perform hellish acrobatics to win food and freedom. This will teach discipline, as well as entertain us, which is the whole point of kids anyway.
Okay, this guy has it going on. {I wonder if he is kin to Joe}:laugh::laugh:

Morpheus 10-21-2007 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 23141),2933,303541,00.html

Okay, this guy has it going on. {I wonder if he is kin to Joe}:laugh::laugh:

Odd view for a granny. Honestly, I'm not sure if spankings work or not. It seems like all spanking did was teach her to hit. Maybe that comes naturally; it's my first child, but I do think that the more we spank, the more aggressive my child is with us. She laughs when we spank her anyway. I don't want to beat her. Time out doesn't seem to work either. Ditto for "standing in the corner". The only thing that really seems to work is redirecting her into another activity. My wife and I often wonder if we're doing the right thing.

Isaac-Saxxon 10-21-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23146)
Odd view for a granny. Honestly, I'm not sure if spankings work or not. It seems like all spanking did was teach her to hit. Maybe that comes naturally; it's my first child, but I do think that the more we spank, the more aggressive my child is with us. She laughs when we spank her anyway. I don't want to beat her. Time out doesn't seem to work either. Ditto for "standing in the corner". The only thing that really seems to work is redirecting her into another activity. My wife and I often wonder if we're doing the right thing.

I will say when you show the child the rod in the right way they will always know you can beat that ass and you should not have to revisit it. Just knowing it is alive and well is good. Discipline is consistency and consistency is discipline. :whip: Spare the rod .................... Good behavior is no accident ;) I live to call it hard love !

piemaker720 10-21-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23146)
Odd view for a granny. Honestly, I'm not sure if spankings work or not. It seems like all spanking did was teach her to hit. Maybe that comes naturally; it's my first child, but I do think that the more we spank, the more aggressive my child is with us. She laughs when we spank her anyway. I don't want to beat her. Time out doesn't seem to work either. Ditto for "standing in the corner". The only thing that really seems to work is redirecting her into another activity. My wife and I often wonder if we're doing the right thing.

Morpheus, I agree with Isaac. You have to show them it can be done. You don't you beat them. I have 2 grown children, both will tell you the whipping they got were far and few in between, they can count them on their fingers only. But I taught them I could do it and if they pushed me it could be done again. But you have to teach them NO and mean it. My son one time when he was 3 got a new pair of cowboy boots for Christmas. We were in the car, he was standing on the seat beside [this was before seatbelt law, he is now 25] his sister who was 4 was on the other side of him. He kicked her square under the chin with the toe of them boots, I swear I heard her teeth rattle. I stopped in the middle of the road, took his boots off and threw them out the window. I drove off and told him until he learned what the boots was for he would not get anymore. I didn't even go back for them. But he learned a good lesson.:laugh::laugh: So you don't have to beat a child but get your bluff on them early and keep it. Find something she doesn't like and use that. My grandkids I will take their hand in mine and pop the back of theirs with mine. Gets their attention.

Pocahontas 10-21-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23146)
Odd view for a granny. Honestly, I'm not sure if spankings work or not. It seems like all spanking did was teach her to hit. Maybe that comes naturally; it's my first child, but I do think that the more we spank, the more aggressive my child is with us. She laughs when we spank her anyway. I don't want to beat her. Time out doesn't seem to work either. Ditto for "standing in the corner". The only thing that really seems to work is redirecting her into another activity. My wife and I often wonder if we're doing the right thing.

I have to say I wasn't much of a spanker and only did so as a last resort, but you do have to make it painful (unfortunately) so as for it to be effective.
If she's laughing it's because she can't feel it.
Have you tried removing a special object (toy/blanket) she enjoys and not giving it back to her til you see improvement of the bad behavior? I'm all for trying other venues first.:)

rhertz 10-21-2007 10:28 PM

My favoirite quote from Talledaga Nights:

I hereby declare Granny Law.
And if you don't obey...Granny Law...
I'm gunna paint your back porch RED!!

:hifive: Shake and Bake!!

AnimeSpirit 10-22-2007 09:41 AM

Now I don't have kids myself yet, but I would like to point out the difference between a beating and a spanking. The difference is in the aggression you use. You should NEVER NEVER attempt to spank your child during a moment when you have lost your temper. Your aggression is almost guaranteed to be more than what is needed. That is what teaches your child aggression is ok.

The proper way to spank a child is not unlike the way it was typically done in school years ago when teachers could use corporal punishment. Send the child out of the room for a few moments and tell them to wait outside. This is useful because it gives you a few moments to compose yourself and gives them a few moments to dread what they know is coming. Tell them to bend over and give em a few shots calmly. Afterwards, you sit them down and explain to them why their actions were wrong and express your unwillingness to let it happen again.

Isaac-Saxxon 10-22-2007 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit (Post 23173)
Now I don't have kids myself yet, but I would like to point out the difference between a beating and a spanking. The difference is in the aggression you use. You should NEVER NEVER attempt to spank your child during a moment when you have lost your temper. Your aggression is almost guaranteed to be more than what is needed. That is what teaches your child aggression is ok.

The proper way to spank a child is not unlike the way it was typically done in school years ago when teachers could use corporal punishment. Send the child out of the room for a few moments and tell them to wait outside. This is useful because it gives you a few moments to compose yourself and gives them a few moments to dread what they know is coming. Tell them to bend over and give em a few shots calmly. Afterwords, you sit them down and explain to them why their actions were wrong and express your unwillingness to let it happen again.

Anime sounds like you need a few kids ;) Make your mom a grandmother again. Did you vote ?

Pocahontas 10-22-2007 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 23174)
Did you vote ?

I've been wondering that as well, Anime?!:peace:

joepole 10-22-2007 11:23 AM

It takes a lot for me to hit my daughter (I have "don't hit girls" so burned into my brain) but my wife can swat with the best of 'em.

Isaac-Saxxon 10-22-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 23184)
It takes a lot for me to hit my daughter (I have "don't hit girls" so burned into my brain) but my wife can swat with the best of 'em.

Come on Pyle I know you are good at spanking :laugh::laugh: If you can't spank them now there will be a price to be paid when they go through the change. I will say when that first "real" boyfriend comes along they will still love daddy BUT see ya later gator :mad: sux but it is the natural order of things.I have three daughters 23,21 and 16 :w00t:

joepole 10-22-2007 11:35 AM

I am doing everything in my power to make them gay.

Texasbelle 10-22-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 23188)
I am doing everything in my power to make them gay.

Good luck with that one!

AnimeSpirit 10-22-2007 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 23174)
Did you vote ?

No, unfortunately, I missed the polls this time around. But I'll catch the next one if TBelle will get me a date.

Pocahontas 10-22-2007 03:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by joepole (Post 23188)
I am doing everything in my power to make them gay.

Be careful what you wish for Joepole!:D Isn't she lovely?
Attachment 1658

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