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Isaac-Saxxon 12-01-2006 08:00 AM

Darwin as theory now parish policy
The cancer of Darwin is being poured in our children's ear and the people doing it are very proud of what they have done. They think they are ahead of the curve.

Link to column :

MattyMattyChooChoo 12-01-2006 09:30 AM

And people wonder why I will homeschool my kids.

Bob 12-01-2006 12:09 PM

am I to understand that you all are against the teaching of the theory of evolution in Louisiana public schools ?

rhertz 12-02-2006 11:07 AM

This is my take on the subject. The controversy surrounds the word "theory" as in "Darwin's theory of evolution" as opposed to proven scientific fact. Do you want evolution taught as theory or as fact?

Speaking for myself, I believe in micro-evolution as proven fact, but I still believe that macro-evolution (Darwin) is still a theory. There seems to be no solid evidence but only scattered pieces that lend support to a theoretical puzzle, but no conclusion beyond a doubt.

Personally I do not see it as very "scientific" to believe that "evolution" and "creation" are mutually exclusive of each other. In the famous words of Forest Gump, "Maybe they are both happening at the same time". Yes "Darwin Evolution" might be mutually exclusive of creationism, but maybe that in itself means that Darwin overextended his projections and assumptions all the way back to single cell live in the ocean.

joepole 12-02-2006 01:40 PM

I don't think I've ever heard anyone that is both in favor of teaching creationism and able to successfully explain what the word "theory" means. Most seem to think it means "guess" or "idea" instead of its actual definition: Explanation that is supported by the underlying science. Evolution is a theory, creationism is an idea.

Other popular theories that creationists don't seem to have a problem with:

Quantum mechanics
Lister's germ theory
Pretty much every other concept in the history of science

rhertz 12-02-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Quantum mechanics
Lister's germ theory
Pretty much every other concept in the history of science

F=MA E=MC2 X=1/2AT2 etc. All these can be demonstated and proven.

But I can no more prove that we were created by a superhuman being that you can prove that we slithered out of the ocean millions of years ago. The same holds true for other beliefs like we were transplanted here or genetically engineered by aliens. History only goes back so far, and the rest is relatively unknown and therefore theorized upon by man.

But a faith in science should not preclude anyone from believing in God, and a faith in God should not preclude anyone from believing in science. I believe that each can actually help to explain the other. Both are taught at the school my children attend.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-03-2006 11:58 AM

Yes quite right rhertz
But a faith in science should not preclude anyone from believing in God, and a faith in God should not preclude anyone from believing in science. I believe that each can actually help to explain the other. Both are taught at the school my children attend.

I could not agree more ! In fact science does prove the Bible correct and the talking heads that are the leaders of big churches would not hear of such but it is true that this planet is millions of years old.

rhertz 12-03-2006 10:30 PM

I spent some time today watching the tv show "Mysteries of the Bible" on History channel, and yes sometimes science seems to offer explanations of biblical events. (and sometime not) Maybe we need to have room to choose our beliefs rather than be served indisputable "proof" on a silver platter. How else do we demonstrate our faith to God if none is required?

Bob 12-03-2006 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Maybe we need to have room to choose our beliefs rather than be served indisputable "proof" on a silver platter. How else do we demonstrate our faith to God if none is required?

Well, I suppose until they can prove what happens to your soul after you die, we still got that goin' for us :)

Betty Boop 12-04-2006 12:58 PM

For your consdiration


I think there is a need in humans to beleive in a higher power.

If religion did not exist we would have invented it, and perhaps we did.

During times of hopelessness, and despair, people turn to prayers, God, to get them through science does not provide comfort when a loved one is in danger, or has died, etc.

Science may give us hope of a reality (curing cancer and AIDS), the idea of God gives humans hope, strength, ability to believe against all odds, faith, which in turn enbale us to keep going when all realities may dictate against it.

Humans need to be loved, and need to have hope. In the idea of God,we can believe we are loved by God, even if by no one else. In the idea of God, we can find hope.

By contrast, science does not offer humans love, and only very limited hope.

There is no reason why God and science cannot live side by side. WHat complicates the issue are closed minded folks who through the interpretation of their own beliefs in God want to obliterate science, and scientific discovery.

We as humans need both God and science.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-04-2006 02:09 PM

We as humans need both God and science.
I would agree that we need God and science. God created science. Science proves God. The idea that evolution exist ? Would there not be a human in every phase of evolution at this time ? well maybe there is :-)

rhertz 12-04-2006 06:00 PM

Funny comic strip. But it appears to reinforce my point. TB evolves into a stonger TB, not into a dog, cat, or man. At least that is what science tells me.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-05-2006 07:24 AM

Evolution is a theory, creationism is an idea.
Joepole do you think you evolved from a monkey ? What about that poor monkey did he come from a single cell in puddle of water ? Just a theory. If we did not have a creator or God would we make one ? I think maybe a golden calf would do in a rush. This question of infinity and who created God has made man crazy for a long time. I am sure we will all get our answer when the great leveler comes a calling. I will stick with my faith in Christ ! Every man for him or her self on that flight final. Creationism is a idea that takes that leap of faith. Red pill or blue pill for you ?
God Bless

Is that air you think your breathing ?

Rough Rider 12-05-2006 01:34 PM

I believe that an early primate of some kind.. came down out of the trees.. learned to walk upright, so as to see over the high grass plains..
At some point learned the use of "tools", then learned to harness the power of fire.. once he was able to cook his meat, and spend his time sitting around the ol' camp fire.. the sky was the limit, just took some time.

now what caused that first primate to come down out of the trees.. I don't know.. divine intervention ? aliens from outer space ?

rhertz 12-05-2006 01:47 PM

Then the existence of "missing links" spoken of by scientists doesn't bother you? I would say it takes a kind of "faith" to believe something over and above that which scientists still ponder.

Hey just some "food for though" there RR. I'm not a heavy holy roller. :) But I am scientifically minded yet I believe in a one living God. So this is JMO is all. Wouldn't it be something if we solved the mystery of man right here on :D

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