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Morpheus 10-22-2007 07:27 PM

cure for the common cold
Well the cold front has brought me a present. My first cold of the season. Actually I think my two year old is to blame. So far a combo of sudafed, chicken soup, and benadryl is not having any effect. Next up is a hot shower and then it's nyquil time baby! Anyone have any remedies that they like. What about vit C and Zinc???

Isaac-Saxxon 10-22-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23224)
Well the cold front has brought me a present. My first cold of the season. Actually I think my two year old is to blame. So far a combo of sudafed, chicken soup, and benadryl is not having any effect. Next up is a hot shower and then it's nyquil time baby! Anyone have any remedies that they like. What about vit C and Zinc???

Nyquil and the chicken noodle soup with a very large glass of water and hit the bed. Maybe a hot tub before bed. Take two days and back to work. The kids will bring it home. Wash those hands.

rhertz 10-22-2007 08:03 PM

We use Zicam and think it works very well. Some say you can get zinc poisoning from it though. But definitely check it out (for adults). It comes in pills, swaps, sprays, and all sorts of forms which is confusing. We use the lozenge form and like it best. I haven't had a bad cold catch me in years...

Morpheus 10-22-2007 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 23226)
Nyquil and the chicken noodle soup with a very large glass of water and hit the bed. Maybe a hot tub before bed. Take two days and back to work. The kids will bring it home. Wash those hands.

A good recipe I think. Especially the hand washing. If only I had a hot tub. Maybe a sponge bath from Mrs. Morph.

Morpheus 10-22-2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 23230)
We use Zicam and think it works very well. Some say you can get zinc poisoning from it though. But definitely check it out (for adults). It comes in pills, swaps, sprays, and all sorts of forms which is confusing. We use the lozenge form and like it best. I haven't had a bad cold catch me in years...

I've used the Zicam nasal gel before, but got spooked by reports of anosmia.

Haven't seen the lozenges so I'll look for those, but it may be too late. I hear it works best at the first sign of a cold.

Texasbelle 10-22-2007 10:05 PM

Saline Nose Drops, some good decongestant like Claritin D or Zyrtec D, and Tylenol. Of course you know it's probably a virus and has to run it's course! (I hate it when people say that.)

joepole 10-23-2007 08:23 AM

Don't go to Rite-Aid, they only have the crappy Ny-Quil. Go pretty much anywhere else and get the real Ny-Quil you have to ask the Pharmacist for. Whatever they put in the new stuff doesn't work nearly as well as pseudoephedrine. Too bad you have to feel like a meth dealer to buy it.

rhertz 10-23-2007 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23238)
Haven't seen the lozenges so I'll look for those, but it may be too late. I hear it works best at the first sign of a cold.

Oh definitely. Its a "nip it in the bud" proposition. I've only used the lozenges and it works for me if taken early enough. Plus I don't stay on them long. In those cases it is probably too late anyway.

Morpheus 10-23-2007 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 23256)
Don't go to Rite-Aid, they only have the crappy Ny-Quil. Go pretty much anywhere else and get the real Ny-Quil you have to ask the Pharmacist for. Whatever they put in the new stuff doesn't work nearly as well as pseudoephedrine. Too bad you have to feel like a meth dealer to buy it.

holy cow! I've been scammed! Took the nyquil last night around 9:40pm. I'm awake and miserable at 1:30am. Ditto 2:30am, 3:30, 5:00, 6:00 -time to get up for work. I read your post and ran to the med cabinet. Right on the label they advertise "New pseudoephedrine free formula!" like it's something to be proud of. New plan tonight. Two glasses of wine, a 12 hour sudafed and the nyquil.

Morpheus 10-23-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle (Post 23241)
Saline Nose Drops, some good decongestant like Claritin D or Zyrtec D, and Tylenol. Of course you know it's probably a virus and has to run it's course! (I hate it when people say that.)

*Warning* Do not read if you are easily grossed out! Yeah I guess it's a virus. My snot seems to be clear so far. I have heard: clear snot=virus. Colored snot=bacterial. Claritin doesn't work for me. Zyrtec makes me feel like I am under a wet blanket for 3 days. I don't like to take tylenol because I drink alcohol regularly. Really though I'm already feeling somewhat better.

rhertz 10-23-2007 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23311)
My snot seems to be clear so far. I have heard: clear snot=virus. Colored snot=bacterial.

Yeah that's what I heard... :D Green and yellow snot is particularly bad. :p Plus there is that whole "head cold" verses "chest cold" thing. And I have allergies to boot.


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23311)
I don't like to take tylenol because I drink alcohol regularly.

Yeah me too! :hifive:


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 23311)
Really though I'm already feeling somewhat better.

Glad to hear it. Get well soon!

Texasbelle 10-24-2007 07:43 AM

Ya see I told ya it was a virus. Dr. Mom is always correct!!!! and the whole colored snot thing doesn't gross me out. I've raised three kids. You can't gross me out.

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