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sbl_admin 03-19-2007 07:50 AM

Do You Think Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized?
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that a California woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive is not immune from federal prosecution on drug charges.

AnimeSpirit 03-19-2007 08:04 AM

I strongly disagree with drugs of this kind, with the rare exception of medical marijuana. I always thought med marijuana was already legal so long as a doctor approves it.

If you observe the root of the drug issue, there is nothing morally wrong about using a drug. It is illegal because people misuse them and constant use can cause severe health decline and eventually death. In cases where the individual's health is already declining and marijuana helps to ease the pain, I don't see any reason why she can't use it unless she begins to abuse it.

joepole 03-19-2007 10:36 AM

There is absolutely no legitimate or sensible reason for marijuana to be illegal for any use. All prohibition does is make it expensive, make it so that criminals can profit from it, and make it easier for minors to acquire.

Old Soul 03-19-2007 12:22 PM

I wish it was legal. I miss it. Set it aside once and forever when I decided to start a family, didn't want to teach children to be disrespectful of the law. Personaly, I find alcohol to be more damaging. But alcohol we can tax.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-19-2007 12:29 PM

Sounds like a poll is in order here

Originally Posted by Old Soul
I wish it was legal. I miss it. Set it aside once and forever when I decided to start a family, didn't want to teach children to be disrespectful of the law. Personaly, I find alcohol to be more damaging. But alcohol we can tax.

Hey Old Soul you do not sound that old young lady. For the family and the kids ? Could you just be in the closet ? Gets smoky in there so bring water and plenty to eat :laugh: Alcohol taxes me the next morning so I get the tax coming and going !

AnimeSpirit 03-19-2007 12:37 PM

I don't smoke or drink alcohol of any kind. Personally, I've never seen any reason to get into those kinds of activities.

Isabella 03-19-2007 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
I don't smoke or drink alcohol of any kind. Personally, I've never seen any reason to get into those kinds of activities.

I feel the same way!

:clapbig: :clapbig: Yea for you AnimeSpirit! I commend you.

joepole 03-19-2007 01:17 PM

I drink occasionally, but haven't smoked weed since college or shortly after. I'd probably smoke it every once in a while if it were legal, probably instead of drinking.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-19-2007 06:24 PM

What is funny about that

Originally Posted by joepole
I drink occasionally, but haven't smoked weed since college or shortly after. I'd probably smoke it every once in a while if it were legal, probably instead of drinking.

Joe you are 31 and "since college or shortly after" was not very long ago :laugh: so you softened your stance since you last post and well I know just what a worldly guy you are and way a "head" of the curve when it comes to knowing the facts and I do respect your opinion even though we do not agree most the time your post are fun to read. :D :D :D :D :peace:

LateNight 03-19-2007 06:45 PM

How marijuana can be illegal, and a bottle of whiskey isn't.. I'll never understand. Given the number of alcohol related deaths and accidents, and health related issues.

Especially medicinal marijuana. If it can give some relief to someone in need, I say WHY THE HECK NOT ????

AnimeSpirit 03-19-2007 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
How marijuana can be illegal, and a bottle of whiskey isn't.. I'll never understand. Given the number of alcohol related deaths and accidents, and health related issues.

Especially medicinal marijuana. If it can give some relief to someone in need, I say WHY THE HECK NOT ????

I'll tell you why! You gotta line the pocket of the nearest 3 bureaucrats first! That's why! ;)

scarlett 03-19-2007 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
How marijuana can be illegal, and a bottle of whiskey isn't.. I'll never understand. Given the number of alcohol related deaths and accidents, and health related issues.

Especially medicinal marijuana. If it can give some relief to someone in need, I say WHY THE HECK NOT ????

I am with you on this one it has always confused me. As someone said once to me, when was the last time someone was stoned and driving and killed someone????????? If they are driving they are heading for BK or Mikey D's and well aware of all their surroundings.

Al Swearengen 03-19-2007 08:29 PM

People will abuse potato chips. Some people will abuse anything, regardless of whether its legal or not. If I want to abuse drugs or whatever, thats my damn business and nobody else's. The government rarely does anything for altruistic reasons, so dont for a second think grass is illegal because the government feels its not good for your health. As the Wiccan motto says: "an it hurt none, do what thou wilt"!

Texasbelle 03-19-2007 08:55 PM

Being closely tied to an oncologist...
I can tell you this that there is never a reason for a cancer patient or any patient to need an illegal drug to ease their suffering. If a patient is suffering from nausea, there are plenty of perfectly legal drugs available to them to control it. Examples: Anzemet, Zofran, Compazine, etc. If a patient is suffering with pain, there are plenty of pain medicines available to them as well. All capable of keeping the patient comfortable and giving them quality of life as well. There are so many options available to a patient. There is no need to resort to marijuana. This is just an excuse people are using to use the drug. I am sick so I want this drug. But it's just an excuse which is just like a butthole...everybody's got one!

People who are sick such as the terminally ill require a very good physician who knows how to manage these problems such as nausea and pain and give them the correct medicines so that they don't have to suffer.

Al Swearengen 03-19-2007 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I can tell you this that there is never a reason for a cancer patient or any patient to need an illegal drug to ease their suffering. If a patient is suffering from nausea, there are plenty of perfectly legal drugs available to them to control it. Examples: Anzemet, Zofran, Compazine, etc. If a patient is suffering with pain, there are plenty of pain medicines available to them as well. All capable of keeping the patient comfortable and giving them quality of life as well. There are so many options available to a patient. There is no need to resort to marijuana. This is just an excuse people are using to use the drug. I am sick so I want this drug. But it's just an excuse which is just like a butthole...everybody's got one!

People who are sick such as the terminally ill require a very good physician who knows how to manage these problems such as nausea and pain and give them the correct medicines so that they don't have to suffer.

Ok, in the first place, why the hell would ANY adult need an excuse to use a drug? Who the hell ever said anybody needed an excuse? In the second place, if I have a debilitating illness, be it terminal or otherwise but MOST ESPECIALLY IF ITS TERMINAL, you can bet your sweet patootie Im gonna goddamn well do whatever the f**k I wanna do as far as using drugs is concerned. What the f**k are they gonna do about it? Arrest me? Incarcerate me? Please! Youre scaring me! Listen, if the day ever comes when I get the news that "its terminal", all bets are off, folks. Old Al is gonna have it his way and you can either like it or lump it! If I'm dying and I wanna snort a 55 gallon drum full of cocaine you can either help me snort it, you can sit your ass down quietly and watch, or we can shoot out...those are your choices, and unless you've got a terminal disease too, thats a shootout you'd damn well better win.

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