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Rough Rider 10-11-2006 08:16 PM

Question: Why are we in Iraq
politics aside.. and maybe that's impossible.. Just read another local Louisiana native has died in Iraq. I feel so sorry for their families. I admire those who serve in our armed services, as well as those such as firefighters and police who put themselves in harms way to protect us.

But I honestly have to ask the question.. .WHY are we in Iraq? after spending some 300Billion dollars and rising, some 2000+ dead service men and woman who have died. WHAT will see for our efforts when it is all said and done? besides the likes of Haliburton who are making a fortune over there. and the uncertainty of it all rising gas prices... what will we see as American Citizens ? what will get in return ? The people of Iraq do not concern me, o.k. sure we got rid of Sadam, and he was a bastard.. and he's OUT Of control.. now what ? Will they ever see a true democracy ? I have my doubts, but for sake of argument, say they do ? What do we care ? in a few years they'll be a Coup or something.. I don't see the Iraqi people being forever grateful for our sacrifice. I certainly don't feel "safer" because of what we are doing over there ? I feel there's more dangerous nations on this planet.. Iran... North Korea.. And you can't say we've scared them any because of Iraq.. they just see us "Stuck" over there. So can someone enlighten me.. tell me what we gain for our efforts over there ? So i don't have to feel these young men and woman dying over there is for nothing ???

rhertz 10-11-2006 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
politics aside.. and maybe that's impossible.. Just read another local Louisiana native has died in Iraq. I feel so sorry for their families. I admire those who serve in our armed services, as well as those such as firefighters and police who put themselves in harms way to protect us.


Politics aside as you say, why are we in Iraq? I do not pretend to hold all the answers to such hard questions, but I do feel that our individual answers depend on our ultimate belief in our government; its intelligence and military agencies, various branches of government, and their motives. You know, those guys we send 35% of our paychecks to!

Perhaps the answer is as simple, if you are a government cynic. When the “no-bid contracts” finally run out, we will pull out because that’s what the war was all about. Or maybe we are there for “big oil” which isn’t paying off, so we should pull out.

For those less jaded by government, maybe the answer is equally simple. Maybe they got it right. Yes you heard me; they received intelligence of a possible threat and acted on it, only the huge delay in action caused Saddam to prepare by moving the threat to a neighboring country such as Syria or else bury it in the sand. This is very possible, even likely given the “countdown” that we gave him. What would you do in his shoes given a stopwatch ticking downward? Is Saddam evil or dysfunctional?

I have no idea which answer is “the truth”, or if there is a third answer to consider. Imagine being president after 911 and having a second attack occured. This hasn’t happened in half a decade. But it could have. Maybe the question is why haven’t we been attacked on homeland soil in the past 5 years? And if we had, would the number of deaths equal 2000 plus? Or exceed it? Who knows?

Rough Rider 10-11-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
but I do feel that our individual answers depend on our ultimate belief in our government; its intelligence and military agencies, various branches of government, and their motives. You know, those guys we send 35% of our paychecks to!

The "blind faith" answer.. that's always bad news.


Originally Posted by rhertz
For those less jaded by government, maybe the answer is equally simple. Maybe they got it right. Yes you heard me; they received intelligence of a possible threat and acted on it, only the huge delay in action caused Saddam to prepare by moving the threat to a neighboring country such as Syria or else bury it in the sand. This is very possible, even likely given the “countdown” that we gave him. What would you do in his shoes given a stopwatch ticking downward? Is Saddam evil or dysfunctional?

O.K. I'll give you that one for sake of argument... So when Bush stood on the aircraft carrier and declared "Mission Accomplished" why didn't we pull out then ??


Originally Posted by rhertz
I have no idea which answer is “the truth”, or if there is a third answer to consider. Imagine being president after 911 and having a second attack occured. This hasn’t happened in half a decade. But it could have. Maybe the question is why haven’t we been attacked on homeland soil in the past 5 years? And if we had, would the number of deaths equal 2000 plus? Or exceed it? Who knows?

Well if that's the case, why haven't we spent half the time/money/troops in Afganistan and surrounding area looking for BIN LADEN ?? as opposed to our cost in Iraq. Iraq does not = Al Quaida and Bin Laden.. There are people, factions.. nations in this world who want us dead a lot more than the people of Iraq do.

Apparently your answer sounds like .... We have to "Fight them over there" so we don't have to fight them here.. fine, lets freakin' go after somebody like Bin Laden, or Iran. Something we can all get a grip on .

thanks for the reply..

Rough Rider.

rhertz 10-11-2006 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
The "blind faith" answer.. that's always bad news.

You got it! Blind faith is a hard and difficult thing to deal with. (on all sides of all equations) Blind faith is what separates Christians from Muslims. That is, until God stands up and declares a winner.


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
O.K. I'll give you that one for sake of argument... So when Bush stood on the aircraft carrier and declared "Mission Accomplished" why didn't we pull out then ??

Good point, and I'm sure Bush rue's the day he said that. :)


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
Well if that's the case, why haven't we spent half the time/money/troops in Afganistan and surrounding area looking for BIN LADEN ?? as opposed to our cost in Iraq. Iraq does not = Al Quaida and Bin Laden.. There are people, factions.. nations in this world who want us dead a lot more than the people of Iraq do.

Hell I don't know. :) I said I don't have any real answers. :D Why didn't the earth quake take out Bin Ladin if he is hanging out in Pakistan? He could be in LA for all we know.. :) Doesn't give me the warm and fuzzies about our multi-billion dollar satellite network. LOL


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
Apparently your answer sounds like .... We have to "Fight them over there" so we don't have to fight them here.. fine, lets freakin' go after somebody like Bin Laden, or Iran. Something we can all get a grip on .

Yep, that's about the way of it, as I see it.


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
thanks for the reply..


Isaac-Saxxon 10-12-2006 07:39 AM

The evil element is there
With all the lines in the sand drawn they do not set the boundary for good
and evil. These people (Arabs, Russians, N. Koreans and China) all do not
like the western civilization. Never have never will. I might add that when
Cain left the garden he went and took wives and spread his evil seed thru
Russia, Mongolia and China. This is the same fight that started in the garden
and will not end until Christ comes at the second advent. We must take the
fight to them before they take it to us. We should have let George Patton
at the end of WWII go thru Moscow and kick some Russian butt and we
would not be dealing with this problem as it is. The answer is still the second
advent of Christ and no one knows the day or time but the season is ripe !

Isabella 10-12-2006 10:48 PM

Because we have a stupid president! He gets an F for going to war with Iraq.
Before this I was all for him. I liked how he handled the economy after his election the first time and how he handled things after 9/11, but then he blew it!

windshop 10-13-2006 08:37 AM

Iraq For Sale
Anyone who has an opinion on this topic should attend the Shreveport screening of "Iraq For Sale". 7:30 pm Sunday October 15th at 846 Texas St in Shreveport. Get your free tickets at:

It will open your eyes as to WHY WE ARE IN IRAQ!

rhertz 10-13-2006 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by windshop
Anyone who has an opinion on this topic should attend the Shreveport screening of "Iraq For Sale". 7:30 pm Sunday October 15th at 846 Texas St in Shreveport. Get your free tickets at:

It will open your eyes as to WHY WE ARE IN IRAQ!

If it's free, they should just post the video on the Internet for everyone to watch at their lesure. :) What building is at 846 Texas? If it's true (whatever "it" may be) then it seems like ABC or CBS would pick it up on 60 minutes or something. Or maybe they are in on "it" to.. LOL, I must admit you have piqued my curiousity.

scarlett 10-13-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
If it's free, they should just post the video on the Internet for everyone to watch at their lesure. :) What building is at 846 Texas? If it's true (whatever "it" may be) then it seems like ABC or CBS would pick it up on 60 minutes or something. Or maybe they are in on "it" to.. LOL, I must admit you have piqued my curiousity.

google maps will get you there

Isaac-Saxxon 10-14-2006 08:04 AM

The swing vote !

Originally Posted by Isabella
Because we have a stupid president! He gets an F for going to war with Iraq.
Before this I was all for him. I liked how he handled the economy after his election the first time and how he handled things after 9/11, but then he blew it!

The swing vote runs this country and they are the crowd that likes to talk the
dog into not biting. What happens when your run from the dog it will bite
the heck out of you. The enemy is counting on us to loose our resolve and
there are plenty of the swing voters who just might loose nerve but God
has blessed America and we will always hold our gates. Our men and women
have paid the price for many years going back into our countries history and
this is no time to disgrace what they bought for us at a very large price.
God Bless America

Rough Rider 10-14-2006 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
The swing vote runs this country and they are the crowd that likes to talk the
dog into not biting. What happens when your run from the dog it will bite
the heck out of you. The enemy is counting on us to loose our resolve and
there are plenty of the swing voters who just might loose nerve but God
has blessed America and we will always hold our gates. Our men and women
have paid the price for many years going back into our countries history and
this is no time to disgrace what they bought for us at a very large price.
God Bless America

Question: At what point would you decide that this just isn't working? how many years, what would it take ?

And I don't buy the argument, that we have to KEEP FIGHTING in the name of those that have already died. THE ONLY TIME I would buy that argument, is if some foreign invaders had invaded this country and we were considered the 'insurgents' ... THEN I could say lets fight until the last man is standing.

Isaac-Saxxon 10-15-2006 11:02 AM

What point you ask ?

Originally Posted by Rough Rider
Question: At what point would you decide that this just isn't working? how many years, what would it take ?

And I don't buy the argument, that we have to KEEP FIGHTING in the name of those that have already died. THE ONLY TIME I would buy that argument, is if some foreign invaders had invaded this country and we were considered the 'insurgents' ... THEN I could say lets fight until the last man is standing.

When evil governments are not the norm that is when we stop the fight
and the idea that just because they have not breached the borders of
the USA we wont fight is just wrong. NO I dont think we can change the
whole world but we must fight the GOOD fight until Christ returns and turning
tail and running is not fighting the good fight. That is just what they would
like is to get into the minds of our people that its not worth it. Midterm elections should say alot about how we the
USA would like to go.

Shreveopolis 11-28-2006 03:42 PM

so I'm reading today that a 20 year old from Bossier has died in Iraq from a car bomb I believe ? He's not the first, and probably won't be the last.
I want to say something.. I just don't know what.
What prompts me to say anything, is while reading today, I read where the President has declared WE WON'T PULL OUT TROOPS UNTIL MISSION ACCOMPLISHED or some such.. I want to know what the DAMN PLAN IS ??? just sending over these boys to play cop just isn't going to work !!
what is the misssion ? will we know when we are done ?

My heart goes out to these families.. and I pray that I'm completely wrong about everything.

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