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sbl_admin 09-15-2006 08:06 AM

Pope Benedict XVI Under Fire For Comments About Prophet Mohammed
Muslims are furious at pope for jihad comments.

trkshot8 09-15-2006 12:37 PM

I need to be informed here. I've heard several say that the Muslim religion in all of the world teaches that if you kill non-believers or so called infidels you will earn a spot in heaven. Is this anywhere near accurate?

If so, we need to banish every Muslim in the US.

scarlett 09-15-2006 03:03 PM

rhertz 09-15-2006 04:23 PM

I hear a lot of knowledgable people on Radio and TV say that this "War on terror" is not a war on Islam but rather a war on "Islamic Fundamentalists" aka "Islamic Facists" which sounds very politically correct.

However my problem with buying that is that the word "Jihad" is not a Fundamentalist term, or a Fascist term. It is an Islamic term printed in their version of a religous book (the Koran)

The other thing that keeps me from buying into this is that I rarely see non-fundamentalist, non-facist muslims speaking out, and I mean really get pissed off at Osama bin laden or what happened on 9/11. At best they seem to say, "yeah it was bad, but no worse than we suffer all the time." like it is our fault or something rather than decrying or rejecting Jihad.

Al Swearengen 09-17-2006 09:06 PM

Ok. Somebody please explain to me why in the hell the muslims CARE what the Catholic Pope SAID. In the eyes of the muslims, everyone else including the Catholics are infidels. So then, why would they give a rat's ass what the infidels are saying? Why would any importance be placed on ANYTHING the infidels say? Lets turn it around here for the sake of argument..lets say Mullah Achmed or Ayatolla Togarolla or some other outspoken and highly visible Islamic leader comes out and says "Christians, Jews, and Hindis are agents of the devil and offensive to Allah so be a good muslim and kill these folks where ever ya find em!" OHHHHHH, thats right, they've always said that sort of thing. Well, as a Christian, I DEMAND that they apologize, and atone in the form of one U.S. penny for every time theyve made statements along these lines. Now that we've got that out of the way Im gonna start planning my early retirement.

rhertz 09-17-2006 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Lets turn it around here for the sake of argument..lets say Mullah Achmed or Ayatolla Togarolla or some other outspoken and highly visible Islamic leader comes out and says "Christians, Jews, and Hindis are agents of the devil and offensive to Allah so be a good muslim and kill these folks where ever ya find em!" OHHHHHH, thats right, they've always said that sort of thing. Well, as a Christian, I DEMAND that they apologize, and atone in the form of one U.S. penny for every time theyve made statements along these lines.

True, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never apologized for his statements to wipe the Jews off the planet, yet the Pope has apologized already for his statement, not that it will be good enough. I think in order to be politically correct, the Pope should convert to Islam right away, then his apology will be accepted.

Rough Rider 09-18-2006 10:01 AM

This says it all
From the following CNN Article Al Qaeda threat over pope speech


An al-Qaeda-linked extremist group warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that he and the West were "doomed," as protesters returned to the streets across the Muslim world to demand more of an apology from the pontiff for his remarks about Islam and violence.

The Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremist groups that includes al-Qaeda in Iraq, issued a statement on a Web forum vowing to continue its holy war against the West.
They want a freakin' Apology, or they will CONTINUE their HOLY war against the west. So like what ? they planned on stopping , but now changed their minds ??? Give me a break !

Al Swearengen 09-18-2006 08:04 PM

Now see, this kind of thing pisses me off to no end!
Pope EggsBenedict reads a passage from a medievel text and suddenly he's doomed? Along with the rest of the west? Its this sort of behavior that made me want to support "W's" war against radical Islam. When I was a high school kid in the early 80's, you couldnt turn on the TV without seeing hoards of muslims/arabs marching in the streets, burning effigies of OUR leaders, burning our flag, whipping and cutting themselves into a bloody frenzy while shouting "death to the Great Satan"! Its always been that way. It'll always BE that way...long as they live! It was pretty damn clear, even to a 15 year old, that these insane religious fanatics were just asking for a serious asskicking. There aint no appeasing them, even if we wanted to, and I sure as hell dont. These nuts cant get along with anyone..not even each other. Its either convert to Islam or die..and even if you convert its no guarantee that they wont just up and kill ya anyway! But hey, what would you expect of a religion based on the teachings of a murderous pedophile? I dont see that a good case can even be made for allowing these vermin to continue sharing the planet with the rest of the human race. Its a good thing for them Im not in my darker moments I could easily be persuaded to just wipe them off the face of the earth and be done with it. Just think of how many problems that would solve!

PS...these turds just shot an elderly nun in the the BACK!

rhertz 09-19-2006 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
what would you expect of a religion based on the teachings of a murderous pedophile?

What are you saying? That the great Muhamid molested youngin's?? Or killed a fellow human being? Let me guess, he married a bunch of virgins, and that is where the Islamofacists got their kink for suicide bombing followed by myrterdom and 72 virgins and all that. This might explain how that particular freaky "myth" came to be. As for the murderous part, I take it that you believe their prophet didn't "turn the other cheek". In fact, I'd be curous what Islam has to say about forgiveness.

Al Swearengen 09-19-2006 01:40 AM

Well, Islam says (via the Qur'an) alot of things. It says women are to be revered and given equality, but they are not. It says that Christians and Jews are "people of the book", and as such, should never be harmed, and in fact, Muslims are commanded to protect Christians and Jews, but theres not alot of that happening either. As to Mohammed's taking liberties with 9 to 13 year old girls, scholars tend to agree there is little doubt. So much for mythology! And yes, the prophet was a warrior who frequently raided his neighbors.

windshop 09-19-2006 08:38 AM

Why do religions need interpreters?
Relying on interpreters puts us at risk of not getting the right story.

Why do Muslims feel that there is a need for Clerics, Holy Men, etc? Is it a matter of interpretation of their gospel?

Why do Catholics need a Pope? Same reason? Christians - Ministers? Jews - Rabbi?

It seems that all ar at least most religions require interpretation for the masses to understand. If religion is so hard for people to understand, then maybe we don't really need religions.

Ol' Blue Eye 09-19-2006 12:48 PM

Nothing to Fear or Die For..No Religions, Too

Originally Posted by windshop
It seems that all ar at least most religions require interpretation for the masses to understand. If religion is so hard for people to understand, then maybe we don't really need religions.


LateNight 09-19-2006 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ol' Blue Eye

Just knew it was a matter of time before someone said that :)

geodood 09-19-2006 11:47 PM

Cichlid Man 09-27-2006 02:39 PM

Everybody to there own room
The Muslims do not like us in there countries then we should
get them out of ours.

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