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scarlett 03-01-2007 04:59 PM

What is your opinion?
I was born and raised Catholic till I was 14 yrs old then my parents changed to non-denominational. I thought 45 minutes was long w/ the standing up kneeling sitting down etc and hated it. Well then I was in a 2 hr church, 1 hr of singing, the other preaching and I use to just hate it.

Well of course we all grow older and wiser and see things in a different way, at least I did.

What do you think of other religions and their practices?

Jewish (there are alot of those here where i live)
Jehovah's Witness
Atheist (no religion I know)

I'm sure there are many many more those are about all I can think of right now.

Be honest do you think people are crazy? do you think we all have one God and just pray to a different name? What about the practices of other religions? Do you agree with it?

No one is perfect and no religion is perfect this is just a matter of opinion on how people view different ones out there.

Rough Rider 03-01-2007 05:41 PM

Personally, when it gets right down to many of the "organized" religions. I don't get it. I fully believe that someone can be religious, or spiritual, without belonging to any organized religion. I believe that through the love of family and friends, and acts of kindness all bring us closer to God.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-01-2007 07:18 PM

Religion and church man made controls
I do not need a stuffed shirt to tell me what to believe or a group of elders. I can read the Bible and pray alone and find peace with that. I know there are many people that go to church and have a good heart and want to learn. With that said is your preacher preaching or teaching. Does he or her ask for money and have a agenda that is out side of the Word of God ? Christianity is a reality not a religion or a church building and the Bible was written to the individual not the preacher of priest. I do understand why people get turned off with Christianity because of bogus churches wanting control of you and your money. That is where Satan can do his best work is in the pulpit of a fool that calls himself a man of God when they just blow hot air. Sorry but I feel very strong about this and for you naysayers put it on a shelf it is my opinion and faith not yours. READ YOUR BIBLE with out anybody and see for yourself and blessing will follow. See I did not quote verses just my opinion all mine.

Isabella 03-01-2007 11:23 PM

Isaac, I understand your point. However, some people need the structure a church can give them to worship. It is nice to have a church family to call on when you need help. Honestly, I feel there is no true church. The common goal of all churches should be to teach and give support to its members. Churches need money to provide a place to worship and teach. If a church becomes all about money then it is time to move on. A fancy church building is not necessary to worship God.

Scarlett, here is an attempt to answer you.

Catholic- not for me, but I do respect some of the practices.
Baptist- the jury is still out. I was raised Baptist, but have attended many other churches.
Non-Denomination- not sure, this may be for me.
Pentecostal- I respect them, but a little scary.
Jewish (there are alot of those here where i live) - Respect, but I believe Jesus Christ is the Savior!
Buddhism- Don’t really know to give an opinion,
Hinduism- Don’t really know to give an opinion,
Mormons- Respect the people and their sacrifices. There are no paid pastors in the church. Everyone volunteers his or her time. Not sure about all beliefs. Have good friends who are Mormons.
Jehovah's Witness- Know a few and they are very nice. Respect them, but I do not believe everything they teach.
Satanism- Definitely NOT
Atheist (no religion I know) - Feel sorry for them.

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