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sbl_admin 06-07-2007 06:12 PM

Paris Hilton is out of jail and confined to her home
Hotel heiress Paris Hilton is now confined to her home in West Hollywood for the next 40 days

Texasbelle 06-07-2007 06:56 PM

I believe that Piemaker already scooped you guys on this one and we already have a thread going on this. Could you please keep up or at least hire Piemaker to help you stay on top of things?

piemaker720 06-07-2007 08:28 PM

You go girl, they kinda slow Uh.:laugh: :clap:

rhertz 06-07-2007 09:15 PM

I keep hearing rumors of "white justice" in this case. I don't believe that. I think this is a case of "green justice". OJ, was black but got green justice if you ask me. Good lawyers are expensive. Too bad that not everyone can afford one.

LateNight 06-08-2007 10:59 AM

LOL the saga continues.. looks like she might be headed back to jail..

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Paris Hilton will have to appear in court after all.

The judge in her court hearing has ordered the L.A. Sheriff's Department to pick her up and bring her to the L.A. Superior Court this morning, CNN has learned.

Hilton, who is serving her jail sentence from her Hollywood Hills home, was headed for a courtroom showdown that could put her back behind bars, as prosecutors sought to hold sheriff's officials in contempt for releasing her early from jail.

guitarman 06-08-2007 11:08 AM

Another case of the haves and the have knots.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-08-2007 02:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
She is not looking so happy here :eek:
Attachment 710
Back to the judge you go little girl ;)

scarlett 06-08-2007 03:02 PM

This topic has been pretty big in the home and there are only 2 of us living here. We both agreed and I"m sure most of the nation, that her money has kept her out of jail. I honestly didn't think she would even get that far monday.

All I could think of was if I committed the same crime would I have the same sentence and get to come home if I didn't eat? Imagine all those prisoners in jail with her, how many will try to pull the starving method to see if they can go home. I WOULD!!!

After reading this last article and it's followed through, then my faith in the system may increase a bit. As someone stated earlier it's not about color, MY GOD PEOPLE GET OVER YOUR SKIN COLOR, it's about money here as it was w/ OJ Simpson.

Till today I think OJ is guilty and it has nothing to do w/ his color, but had all to do with money.

Money talks, BS walks............. a way of life it seems.

Texasbelle 06-08-2007 09:19 PM

Scarlett we too have debated this issue heavily in our house today. My 21 y/o daughter thinks she is being treated so unfairly and that the judge is trying to make an example of her. I disagree strongly but what if he is? She's the one who on Sunday prior to going to turn herself in said "I want to show people that I can do this and I don't want preferential treatment". I may have paraphrased it a wee bit but you get the point. Well, she sure changed her mind in a hurry.

The biggest thing I see wrong with Paris in the whole saga is her very blatant disregard for the laws of this country and the sentence imposed upon her. She did not do her community service, she did not sign up for the "alcohol" class, she did continue to drive without a license, and basically just threw pie in the face of the judge and everybody. She did all that because she thought she'd get away with it, that money would talk, and nothing could happen to her because she's Paris. WRONG! I think she should serve the whole sentence. If she needs psychiatric or medical help, well call the prison doctor.

scarlett 06-08-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Scarlett we too have debated this issue heavily in our house today. My 21 y/o daughter thinks she is being treated so unfairly and that the judge is trying to make an example of her. I disagree strongly but what if he is? She's the one who on Sunday prior to going to turn herself in said "I want to show people that I can do this and I don't want preferential treatment". I may have paraphrased it a wee bit but you get the point. Well, she sure changed her mind in a hurry.

The biggest thing I see wrong with Paris in the whole saga is her very blatant disregard for the laws of this country and the sentence imposed upon her. She did not do her community service, she did not sign up for the "alcohol" class, she did continue to drive without a license, and basically just threw pie in the face of the judge and everybody. She did all that because she thought she'd get away with it, that money would talk, and nothing could happen to her because she's Paris. WRONG! I think she should serve the whole sentence. If she needs psychiatric or medical help, well call the prison doctor.

You know if the judge is trying to make an example of her, I think thats great. Maybe it will show the hollywood stars that they are just as human as the next person in line buying groceries. Remember these people have a$$holes just as everyone else and theirs isn't made of platinum and mine of brass. That I WILL PROMiSE YOU. The titanic days are over and if you live in a mansion and I in a trailer that doesn't make you better than me if we break the same laws. A law is a law.

I am totally with you, I feel she needs to serve the full sentence and I assume it's that way now due to her little charade she pulled this week and really upset the judge.

Texasbelle 06-09-2007 07:30 AM

I was watching one of the news channels last night which they were all full of this story. I heard one person making the most absurd statement which I will paraphrase for you all. It was a psychologist I believe trying to explain away the actions of Paris. She said, "These kids brought up in Holllywood don't understand the difference between right and wrong often times. They are used to having someone tell them everything they can and can not do. Apparently no one ever told Paris that driving drunk was not allowed, etc."

This chick actually believed what she was saying and that Paris needed someone to tell her EVERYTHING she should and should not do. I thought I was going to vomit. "She didn't understand driving drunk was wrong." Oh puh lease, everybody short of someone in a coma, knows that it is wrong. These people out there are idiots, enough said.

piemaker720 06-09-2007 08:08 AM

I also saw a news interview where it had Paris saying before she went to jail that she was going to prove she was like anyone else. That if she did something wrong she would take her punishment like other do. That lasted what 3 days then they claimed her was deterioting mentally. Now they claim she is going to be put in the jail's special medical unit because she may be a threat to herself. Ha what a pity party she has going. I have no feeling for her except I think she trys to play everyone because she is rich.

scarlett 06-09-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
This chick actually believed what she was saying and that Paris needed someone to tell her EVERYTHING she should and should not do. I thought I was going to vomit. "She didn't understand driving drunk was wrong." Oh puh lease, everybody short of someone in a coma, knows that it is wrong. These people out there are idiots, enough said.

TB I am with you on this one....... :throwup: She can try to play the dumb blonde part but there are somethings you can't and drunk driving is one, hellooooooooooooooooooo :eek:

Pocahontas 06-09-2007 08:49 PM

This all could have been avoided had Paris simply hired a limo when she was wanting to drink and drive! I feel sure her family has plenty of chauffeurs. That way the party could continue with all her cronies and a paid designated driver at her disposal. A pretty simple solution if you ask me. Too little too late I suppose!:confused:

Texasbelle 06-09-2007 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
This all could have been avoided had Paris simply hired a limo when she was wanting to drink and drive! I feel sure her family has plenty of chauffeurs. That way the party could continue with all her cronies and a paid designated driver at her disposal. A pretty simple solution if you ask me. Too little too late I suppose!:confused:

I guess somebody forgot to tell her that is what she should do!

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