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sbl_admin 09-13-2006 07:57 AM

Louisiana Boardwalk Enforces Dress Code And Gets Sued
A Shreveport couple are suing Louisiana Boardwalk and Bossier City over the enforcement of the shopping areas dress code, which they claim unfairly targets blacks.

Rough Rider 09-13-2006 10:15 AM

so here's the deal

The Fullers allege that a security guard targeted them when they walked into the shopping center, telling Demarcus to straighten his hat and Patrick to pull up his pants.
So here's the deal.. Now if someone got into trouble for wearing his hat the wrong way or what ever, that IS a bit much.. BUT if he was walking around with his pants fixing to fall off, like I see too much of, then sure run them off.

I appreciate what they are trying to do over there at the Boardwalk, creating a safe place for families to shop and dine etc.. And if their Code of Conduct says "NO SAGGING" that's exactly what it means. And I don't care what your color is.

Code of Conduct:

  1. Appropriate attire at all times. Shirt and shoes are required - No exposed underwear, hats worn backwards, dew rags, baggy pants below waist, brimless hats, bandanas, or gang colors
  2. Gang related dress and activities are prohibited.
  3. No disorderly, disruptive conduct or behavior that endangers others -- skateboarding, roller blades, bicycles, radios, cat calls, profanity, etc.
  4. Any federal, state, or local criminally recognized act is prohibited.
  5. No picketing, distributing handbills, soliciting, or petitioning without
  6. No pets allowed.
  7. Use trash receptacles.
  8. No loitering, blocking storefronts/escalators, or walking groups
  9. School truancy policy enforced.
  10. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed beyond the restaurant's
  11. Smoking prohibited in the parking structure. (Ord. #21 of 2005 City of Bossier City)
  12. No firearms or other weapons are allowed, regardless of whether bearer
  13. This list is not all inclusive and may be modified at any time by the management.

which i agree with for the most part.. but "Brimless hats" what is that about ? and what's wrong with bandanas .. but I do recognize the problem with "Gang Colors" and the trouble that could cause, and I guess that's where the poblem with bandanas come in..

but these signs are posted throughout the Boardwalk area.. if it's what they want, I suppose they have the right to refuse service to whoever if they go against it.. just like a restaraunt that might requre suit and tie ?

rhertz 09-13-2006 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
which i agree with for the most part.. but "Brimless hats" what is that about ? and what's wrong with bandanas .. but I do recognize the problem with "Gang Colors" and the trouble that could cause, and I guess that's where the poblem with bandanas come in..

Dunno, but maybe it is because to be completely politically correct they cannot pick on the saggers (primarily black?) without picking on the biker hippies (primarily white?) in order to be fair? Everybody must give up something... Just try to outlaw Birka’s and see what happens! Speaking of “brimless hats”, what is a jewish “kippah”? (skull cap) Are those illegal to wear at the boardwalk? Or does that depend on how someone wears it?


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
if it's what they want, I suppose they have the right to refuse service to whoever if they go against it.. just like a restaraunt that might requre suit and tie ?

Personally I think Hooters should require topless attire! ;-) It only seems fitting…

kansast 09-13-2006 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Personally I think Hooters should require topless attire! ;-) It only seems fitting…

Hooters makes a great Hooterburger :cool:

Meet Bob 09-13-2006 11:56 PM

Meet Bob... :D

Al Swearengen 09-14-2006 02:31 AM

I hadnt even read the article yet and I KNEW they'd play the race card!
What part of the rule did they not understand? If youre walking around with your underwear showing or your ballcap on askew you will be asked to leave, end of story! Being black doesnt have a damn thing to do with it, but lets cut right thru the crap and admit its mostly blacks that dress that way. Frankly, people are tired of seeing this sort of thing. I know they had problems at Pierre Bossier Mall with groups of similarly dressed teens and young adults sitting on the plantars in the middle of the walkways with their legs stretched out so that shoppers have to step over them, as if daring someone to say something about it. I used to work as a security guard at South Park Mall, and I can tell you this sort of thing is exactly what led to that mall's demise. People go to malls with their families to shop and have a good time, not to encounter a bunch of shiftless worthless malcontents with chips on their shoulders looking to start something. Lets show our support for the security guards and police officers that do a damn fine job of keeping the riff-raff in check at all of our public areas. I visited the boardwalk myself for the very first time last weekend, and I was as impressed as hell with the high-profile presence of Bossier City's finest. Dont be afraid to walk up to these folks and let them know you appreciate them.

Now, I DO have a problem with rule#12 which states that no weapons will be allowed, regardless of whether the bearer has a permit. This is the height of idiocy if you think about it. First of all, that rule isnt going to deter the bad guys from carrying weapons. And for that reason and that reason alone the rule should be scrapped. Because sure as hell, when some nutcase decides to go on a shooting spree there, itll be at the exact moment that the police and security types are at the other side of the boardwalk, and by the time they make their way to that location itll be too damn late to do anything about all the dead bystanders. See, theres something you all need to understand about the police and that is that they are a REACTIONARY force. Once in a while they prevent bad things from happening, but they usually get there after the damage has been done. Security guards are a PROPHYLACTIC force, but its hard to tell who the bad guys are until they show their hands(and by "bad" I dont mean some punk with his hat on backwards and showing off his panties, I mean the really dangerous ones). I know what Im talking about because Ive been a security guard for about 13 years now. Thats why I carry a concealed handgun with me EVERYWHERE I go. I even applied for and purchased a permit that allows me to have the weapon concealed on my person. Each applicant for these permits has his/her background checked out thoroughly and is given a block of instruction(classroom and range) on the rules and regulations of concealed weapons carry. I took the time and expense to do this because (1.) as a law-abiding citizen I wanted to exercise my 2nd amendment rights and NOT get arrested for doing so and (2.) because since I dont rate having a Secret Service detail surrounding me, I know damn good and well that I cant count on someone else to protect myself and my loved ones 24/7. So lets not throw the baby out with the bath water here.

Rough Rider 09-14-2006 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Now, I DO have a problem with rule#12 which states that no weapons will be allowed, regardless of whether the bearer has a permit. This is the height of idiocy if you think about it.

well here's the deal Al.. first off, sure I agree with what you are saying.. but at the same time, you have to understand, and admittedly you must as well, as indicated by the beginning of your post. that it's THEIR rule. They don't want you there if your hat is on backwards, and they don't want you there carrying a concealed gun. The Rules are clearly indicated, and if you don't like it, don't go. or don't go with a concealed gun.

Again, I understand your argument, I understand your concern, but bottom line, it's their rule, clearly posted, and you don't have to go if you don't want to. An argument could be made that, more trouble is likely to happen with you and your gun than me going in with my hat on crooked, but bottom line, they wouldn't want either one of us in there :)

Of course your argument comes into full play, once they fail to keep one of the bad guys out, who is carrying a gun.

windshop 09-14-2006 01:22 PM

are dress codes racist?
Many feel that askewed caps are fashion statements expressing a free-spirited lifestyle and not gang related. The hip-hop crowd wear them like that with the intent or distinguishing themselves from others less in tune with style. Most people in tune with the hip-hop scene are black. No wonder that dress codes that ban this style are considered racist.

LateNight 09-14-2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by windshop
Many feel that askewed caps are fashion statements expressing a free-spirited lifestyle and not gang related. The hip-hop crowd wear them like that with the intent or distinguishing themselves from others less in tune with style. Most people in tune with the hip-hop scene are black. No wonder that dress codes that ban this style are considered racist.

one could say that wearing hats askewed, or wearing "brimless" hats affects the white 'skateboarder' as well.

Now I personally have a problem with the 'sagging' of pants.. that just makes no sense to me anyway, but what to do I know. I'm old :)

It's kind of like Pleasantville, "The wearing of hats askewed has been determined to be unpleasant, and will no longer be aloud"

When we live in a time when someone is likely to walk up beside you and shoot you for lookin' at 'em funny, (which is really bad for business). We have a place like the Boardwalk, that is trying somehow to prevent that from happening, as well as any other "less" foolishness to happen there.
And in the process, they are asking us to "give up a little something".

So what do they say about wearing hats BACKWARDS? I know lots of folks who like to do that.

Al Swearengen 09-14-2006 06:05 PM

Rough Rider wrote

ofcourse your argument comes into full play once they fail to keep one of the bad guys out, who is carrying a gun
Which I guarandamntee ya will surely happen sooner or later.

rhertz 09-14-2006 10:57 PM

The good thing about the sagging pants is that they must be very hard to run in. I can't imagine having to make a get-a-way with my pants between my butt and my knees. And forget about jumping fences..

But what really gets me is the reason why young people dress the way they do. I know the answer. :D To get chicks.. Or to get guys... You know, that old chestnut. Dress to be cool...

So I'm just left here wondering what kind of young girl thinks that a guy with his pants falling off his butt is hot! I mean really attractive! To see those boxers or tighty-whities and say dang, I got to have me some of that fool who can't even been seen in public (by law).

scarlett 09-15-2006 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz
The good thing about the sagging pants is that they must be very hard to run in. I can't imagine having to make a get-a-way with my pants between my butt and my knees. And forget about jumping fences..

But what really gets me is the reason why young people dress the way they do. I know the answer. :D To get chicks.. Or to get guys... You know, that old chestnut. Dress to be cool...

So I'm just left here wondering what kind of young girl thinks that a guy with his pants falling off his butt is hot! I mean really attractive! To see those boxers or tighty-whities and say dang, I got to have me some of that fool who can't even been seen in public (by law).

Well when I was growing up tight jeans were in and those were HOT on guys I personally think the saggy baggy jeans is so ghetto looking. If you read the history on it it comes from the prisons so yes lots of girls these days think it's hot looking but I think they are all lying to themselves. I like to see ass and only in the shape of jeans not your boxer shorts w/ jeans to your knees.

Kids do anything these days for attention and this is one of them.

trkshot8 09-15-2006 09:39 AM

Let's Compare
My wife and I decided to get a babysitter a few weeks ago and have a night out. We started at On The Border for food and drinks and then feeling a little nostalgic decided just to go to downtown Shreveport to see what it was like these days. Mind you this was the Saturday of Labor Day weekend.

Well, if you have any doubts about the reasons the Boardwalk has a strict dress code, venture to the Red River District. In my eyes, the way people dress is a symbolism of their culture. The people's culture at the Red River District made me feel a little unsafe. We quickly left.

Rough Rider 09-15-2006 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by trkshot8
Well, if you have any doubts about the reasons the Boardwalk has a strict dress code, venture to the Red River District. In my eyes, the way people dress is a symbolism of their culture. The people's culture at the Red River District made me feel a little unsafe. We quickly left.

It's hard to approach this topic, and not sound .. I don't know racist ?
But like you said.. and even "Al" touched on this topic when he mentioned what happened to SouthPark Mall.

It seems there was a few shootings around South Park Mall, and business took a nose dive out there. I'm not sure how business down at the "Red River District" ever was, but I know they had a drive by shooting down there some time ago. I'm sure business suffered.

Bottom line, the owners of the Boardwalk and store owners are going to to try to protect their investments any way they can. There will be those of us who appreciate a 'safe' 'family oriented' place to shop and dine, and there are those of us who are going to despise having any of our freedoms removed, such as wear clothes in a GOOFY way :-)

Walking around at the Boardwalk is strange, I feel like I'm in another city, so nice and clean. Now that it's starting to get cooler, I'll probably spend some time down there every now and again.

scarlett 09-15-2006 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
It's hard to approach this topic, and not sound .. I don't know racist ?
But like you said.. and even "Al" touched on this topic when he mentioned what happened to SouthPark Mall.

It seems there was a few shootings around South Park Mall, and business took a nose dive out there. I'm not sure how business down at the "Red River District" ever was, but I know they had a drive by shooting down there some time ago. I'm sure business suffered.

Bottom line, the owners of the Boardwalk and store owners are going to to try to protect their investments any way they can. There will be those of us who appreciate a 'safe' 'family oriented' place to shop and dine, and there are those of us who are going to despise having any of our freedoms removed, such as wear clothes in a GOOFY way :-)

Walking around at the Boardwalk is strange, I feel like I'm in another city, so nice and clean. Now that it's starting to get cooler, I'll probably spend some time down there every now and again.

Honestly no matter how you approach this it will sound racist heck just say White Entertainment Network you will be a racist!!!

This is a fact about the dress code you have to draw the line somewhere. You can wear short skirts ladies and look cheap a'hem but you can't wear pants down to your ankles. GO figure!!! I am totally against the baggy saggy pants understand but in todays society people judge us on our appearance it's human nature. So dress cheap or ghetto you will be judged and labeled.

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