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sbl_admin 03-28-2007 07:31 AM

Woman Becomes Man And Wants Ex-Husband To Pay
Lawrence Roach agreed to pay alimony to the woman he divorced, not the man she became after a sex change, his lawyers argued in a Florida court Tuesday in an effort to end the payments.

Texasbelle 03-28-2007 08:20 AM

Hmm...this puts a whole new twist on same sex marriage and divorce, doesn't it? It is going to be very interesting to watch this play out. You do have to wonder ...does Florida now recognize this former female as a male. If so, then why should he have to pay alimony to "him" now. And if he did have to pay alimony to him, does that mean it is almost like a same sex divorce case? This is strange in that it could have far reaching implications.

AnimeSpirit 03-28-2007 09:38 AM

Lol! I can't begin to guess where this one will go. That just wrecks the whole scheme of things.

scarlett 03-28-2007 07:49 PM

I read about this last night and just shook my head. What else will pop up next?????? Gay's marrying gays wanting it to be legal? Husbands not wanting to pay for alimony because their ex wife just became a "man"? The gov't can tap my phone lines w/o my consent? It's illegal to smoke marijuana but you can get drunk 24/7/365 and it's legal? I can't leave my garbage can out by my curb 365 days a year or I will get a ticket!! :confused::eek:;)

Nothing surprises me anymore with anything or any law that comes into affect. So much corruption out there we have no freedoms anymore period. What I can drive whatever car I want and work where I want is that freedom? I have to give the damn gov't 35% of my paycheck and I choose not to so I go to jail? That's not freedom!

Texasbelle 03-28-2007 07:55 PM

Well said girlfriend. I feel your pain. We pay 45% and it sickens me to watch some of these people sit on there behinds while we all slave away. I am glad we live outside of the city though and don't deal with the whole trash can issue, etc. If we dont like our issues (snakes), we just chop off their heads!:eek:

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 02:24 AM

Someone having a old moment ?

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Well said girlfriend. I feel your pain. We pay 45% and it sickens me to watch some of these people sit on there behinds while we all slave away. I am glad we live outside of the city though and don't deal with the whole trash can issue, etc. If we dont like our issues (snakes), we just chop off their heads!:eek:

What thread did you think you were on Tinker ? Have you lost some marbels there toodles >?

Texasbelle 03-29-2007 07:46 AM

No sweet britches...did you read the post above mine? Guess not. You might need to head to Highland Clinic and get those eyes checked.:eek: I was simply responding to Scarlett and her 35% taxes comment! My my my you sound like a man having PMS or something this morning.:D or did you simply get up on the wrong side of the litterbox? :p

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 10:43 AM

No problem here bow head !

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
No sweet britches...did you read the post above mine? Guess not. You might need to head to Highland Clinic and get those eyes checked.:eek: I was simply responding to Scarlett and her 35% taxes comment! My my my you sound like a man having PMS or something this morning.:D or did you simply get up on the wrong side of the litterbox? :p

You sounded like you might have had a nip before you posted or was it just a old moment ? You moving slow this morning after that wild night you had last night ? :eek: :eek:

Texasbelle 03-29-2007 10:46 AM

No nipping last night.
But did you hear..the courts ruled this morning that this man must continue to pay the sheman alimony. Changing your gender in Florida does not change your birth certificate gender. Poor man! He thought he was going to have some extra monthly income!

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 10:51 AM

Gold digger ! Watch out boys once a girl always...

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
But did you hear..the courts ruled this morning that this man must continue to pay the sheman alimony. Changing your gender in Florida does not change your birth certificate gender. Poor man! He thought he was going to have some extra monthly income!

Looking up that tree pays good money and even when coming down the tree there is mone left over. :laugh:

Al Swearengen 03-29-2007 06:39 PM

If I were the husband I'd just quit my job, move somewhere else, and work for cash under the table. I'd be DAMNED if I'd stand for that horse****. I do not believe in alimony. Child support is one thing. Spousal support is a crock of schit...except under a very narrow set of circumstances, and THIS sure as hell aint one of em. Them brokedicks can get jobs just like the rest of us!

Isaac-Saxxon 03-29-2007 06:49 PM

Al how do you really feel about this

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
If I were the husband I'd just quit my job, move somewhere else, and work for cash under the table. I'd be DAMNED if I'd stand for that horse****. I do not believe in alimony. Child support is one thing. Spousal support is a crock of schit...except under a very narrow set of circumstances, and THIS sure as hell aint one of em. Them brokedicks can get jobs just like the rest of us!

Your making me laugh Al. Got a glass of red wine and LOL big time. Thanks I need that. Sit down in that chair right there and let Al tell ya how its done :laugh: :laugh:

rhertz 03-29-2007 06:56 PM

I don't think the husband should have to pay for the operation. I think that either the insurance company or else the government should have to pay for it! (ducking)

Texasbelle 03-29-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
I don't think the husband should have to pay for the operation. I think that either the insurance company or else the government should have to pay for it! (ducking)

You should duck...:barf: I had to vomit when you said that. You honestly think my tax dollars should pay to add one to a woman or cut one off a man. I think that's crap. If they want that kind of bologney stuff done to their bodies because their screwed up and don't know where they want to swing, then I am not paying for it. Why don't they just find somebody and donate theirs to her if she wants one? And help pay for each others surgery. We are already paying for enough freeloaders without adding more to it.:mad:

Al Swearengen 03-29-2007 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Why don't they just find somebody and donate theirs to her if she wants one? And help pay for each others surgery.

Now THAT is using your noggin. Brilliant, my dear!

"Hey...what the hell...ya got YOUR chocolate in my peanut butter"
"Well, you got your peanut butter on MY chocolate"

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