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sbl_admin 11-06-2006 08:15 AM

Democrats and the Oil Industry Agendas are Much Different
Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, wants to eliminate about $2.6 billion in tax breaks to the industry if her party takes over the House

joepole 11-06-2006 11:39 AM

Having Nancy Pelosi as their public face is one of the worst things that could ever happen to the Democrats.

Isaac-Saxxon 11-06-2006 01:34 PM

Nancy Pelosi is perfect for the Dems
Nancy Pelosi stands for the socialist agenda along with Barbara Boxer and Howard Dean all for tearing down our country and giving it to the people
that will not work. I think she is the poster child that the GOP would hope for and a lighting rod that will divide the Dems post election IF they win.

Neo 11-10-2006 12:47 PM

Why is it there is free enterprise for most ventures in the US, however if you make too much the government (or whomever) seeks to control it.....for example oil, Bill Gates, and medicine.... Why not Lawyers

Isaac-Saxxon 11-10-2006 01:17 PM

Why not Lawyers
Lawyers have there agenda and getting there money coming and going as the greedy hands always will. We have to have Doctors why not milk them for everything they are worth and that is the DNC way. It seems the bulk of
politicians are either lawyers or someone connected to the left wing media.
The next two years we are going to have to revisit all those tax cuts that the
president got passed.

joepole 11-10-2006 06:31 PM

Free Enterprise
>Why is it there is free enterprise for most ventures in the US, however if you make too much the government (or whomever) seeks to control it

Because sometimes companies can become successful enough that normal rules are inadequate to ensure free enterprise.

rhertz 11-10-2006 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
Why is it there is free enterprise for most ventures in the US, however if you make too much the government (or whomever) seeks to control it.....for example oil, Bill Gates, and medicine.... Why not Lawyers

Telecommunications.. and even ISP's in the case of municipal wireless WIFI networks............

Neo 11-11-2006 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
>Why is it there is free enterprise for most ventures in the US, however if you make too much the government (or whomever) seeks to control it

Because sometimes companies can become successful enough that normal rules are inadequate to ensure free enterprise.

That sounds like successful people have to be slowed down in order for slow people to catch up. Don't get me wrong, I would not like to see potential dictatorship nor slowing of commerce to allow stragglers to catch up. I feel there should a normal set of rules based commerce sector and not based on the amount of success. What happen to competition, an even playing field for everyone (without restraints biased on race, population percentages, and general shortcomings through life choices), and to the victor go the spoils!!!!!!

joepole 11-11-2006 01:35 PM

Even playing field
>What happen to competition, an even playing field for everyone

The company that got too big made that impossible. The laws of economics do not apply blindly to companies of different sizes so why should the laws of the nation not reflect that? Monopolistic behavior is bad for everyone except the monopoly.

joepole 11-11-2006 01:36 PM

>That sounds like successful people have to be slowed down in order for slow people to catch up.

No, it sounds like once an entity progresses to the point that the laws of economics that apply to everyone else no longer apply to that entity, it must start following other rules.

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