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Old 05-03-2007, 07:40 AM   #9
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Well I can say that we face the Alec Baldwin problem in our house on a daily basis. I have a step son who's mother does not ever has never in 12 years EVER adhered to the court ordered custody arrangement. She has never supported his father's right to a relationship with his son unless it is on her terms. She has interferred, manipulated, and done everything imaginable at every opportunity she can. This is a professional woman (think medical degree) with a history that would make all of your heads spin if I laid it all out for you. In the twelve years of this I can honestly say we have tried it all in order to be a part of this child's life. Her home is a "no rules" house, totally free spirit. Our home has rules, my children are disciplines when needed (not physically), must take baths, they do go to church, they must do homework, they must treat others with respect, they are not allowed to watch just anything on TV, etc. I think you might get the idea here. So present day, he hates being here, he's been taught to hate being here because we have rules and he just can't come and go at the age of 16 and do as he pleases. His mother will lie about his whereabouts, his current use of illegal drugs, the grades on his report card, etc.

I am saying all of this because I understand after having watched my husband endure all of this with his child how a parent can truly get pushed to a breaking point. Now Alec Baldwin went absolutely way too far with his language to his daughter and should never have spoken to her in the manner he did. I do feel for him though. Divorce is hard enough on a child but when one parent is interferring with the rights and relationship of the other parent it can be devastating and extremely frustrating. Yes, you can always turn to the court system, but have you tried that lately? It is a ridiculous. My step son's mother was in drug rehab (and it wasn't her first trip through) at one point and in our custody and we were ordered to still continue to pay her child support AND to turn custody back over to her as soon as she left rehab. Go figure that. Battling in court with the other parents often does more harm to the child than good because one parent will often take it out on the child in all sorts of various forms.

I say all of this because I would like for you all to try and be somewhat understanding of Alec's situation. He's not in an easy place and probably has just gotten to the point after years of the battle where he's at his wits end. Let's hope that he gets help for the anger which is what he needs and gets resolution to the custody/visitation problem for the sake of the child.
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