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Old 05-14-2007, 08:22 AM   #76
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>playing the odds with her life

That is what every single parent does every single minute of every single day.

You can't seem to decide, am I an unfit parent for breaking the law or for endangering her life? What about when she starts school, will i be an unfit parent for letting her ride the school bus? That's legal, but it means she won't be wearing a seat belt, so I'm confused as to its parent-worthiness.

>I'm sure that will explain the disfigurment and multiple scars she'll have to endure as a direct result of your carlessness.

Hahahahaha. She'll be the modern elephant man! People will come from miles around to see the hulking monster of a woman whose parents dared to let her ride out of her car seat!

>The Law has the been the arbiter of what is right and wrong since the term "law" was invented.

No, it hasn't, it has been the arbiter of what is legal. I can host a cockfight at my house and feed my kid McDonald's three meals a day and invite all of my friends over to smoke in her room while she's sleeping without breaking the law, but it hardly makes me right, does it? Likewise, I can ignore laws that make absolutely no difference in her life and it doesn't make me wrong.
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