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Old 10-13-2007, 10:51 PM   #26
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rhertz – the “nc” in is from where I am now, not initials. So…
I lived across from Dr. Tucker's house. Watched it burn to the ground Christmas Eve (what year? 196_?) because - as it turn out - of faulty wiring in the Christmas Tree.

My folks picked that house cause we are Yankee transplants and that was the "only" house in town at the time with a basement, a basement being a requisite need for us carpet baggers coming down to be a part of the startup team for Western Electric. Well, it wasn’t really a basement, more like split level but close enuff. My mom preferred one over on Thora (never heard the end of that argument).

Now, your info on Campbell as a contractor crosses with a post I saw on fannins blog; the poster there probably mixes up info on Campbell with Lanford (note spelling). So this puts your info as more correct. So “Tackle Industries” may have been owned by Campbell or someone else. The Internets remains silent on who ran “Tackle Industries” but it looks like H&H lures in S. La markets them now.

Oh yeah - nice trick or treat grounds. yes. good memories.

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