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Old 01-09-2008, 11:00 PM   #5
Al Swearengen
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I'm sorry Morph, forgive me. I had already decided to come back and tone down my last post, hopin nobody, especially you, had read it yet, but I was too late. They say ya should "never go grocery shoppin when you're hungry"...well "never post when you're pissed off" is probably sage advice also. You're ok in my book too, because I know for a fact I wouldnt have reacted as well as you did to my last post. Listen, it's that serious, people. Ya hafta resist the urge to swallow the complete and utter bullschit the one party with two heads and the main stream media is rammin down your throats. Take a stand with Dr. Paul, help him help you for Christ's sake! He's the only man they dont own, the only one who can turn this clusterphuck around before it's too late, and that scares the bastards half to death. They're pullin out all the stops, doin anything and everything they can to stop him, and I'm beggin ya all not to let that happen...I shouldnt hafta do that because it's your freedom, the fate of your nation that's at stake and because you're all old enough to know better than to take the "wait and see" approach on somethin as important as this, but I'm not too proud to beg if that's what it takes. Wanna know what the "wait and see" approach'll get ya? Exactly what it's always gotten ya...a choice between the lesser of two evils (which really aint a choice at all) and more of the same...that's what! Well it doesnt hafta be that way this time, because this time we have a man of true integrity to champion our freedom! He's the taxpayer's best friend, the businessman's best friend, the gunowner's best to your gun, he's the best friend an American can have! So seize the day! Get over to and donate, get out there and wave signs on 70th, do whatever ya can to take your country back from the oligarchs. Here's your big chance to peacefully reign in our out-of-control government and put it back where it belongs, subordinate to We The People. Cuz hear me now and believe me later, if ya let this opportunity pass ya by you'll regret it for the rest of your lives.

As for the anonymity, phuck it! Whatever anyone has in mind for me and mine I'll give it back in spades! This fight's been a long time comin, Dr. Paul has kindled the righteous fire of freedom and liberty in my heart and I'm as ready as I'll ever be so bring it, ya ratphucks!
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 01-10-2008 at 05:46 AM.
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