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Old 09-30-2006, 06:41 AM   #4
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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That quote is very signifigant and applies to the current state of citizen affairs. Because most americans are complacent about issues that affect everyone, we are giving up our rights as free americans. Slowly this has been happening. look at recent events, the smoking ban. it's not about whether people think it is right or wrong. who cares if you agree with it or not. it's about the choice being taken away. Same with the french fry situation in NY. in the name of "good" our civil liberties are being picked off one by one. who is the government to tell us what we can do and what we can't do? if we choose to clog our arteries and blacken our lungs, why shouldn't we be soley responsible for our own health? The government is not sponsoring a nationwide health plan that couls even remotely dictate health guidelines. Most americans pay for their own insurance or don't have any. those of us that do have insurance pay out the kazoo for it. so how do we take our right's back? writing the govenor and writing our congressmen is not enough. we need to speak out and put fear aside.
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