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Isabella 03-23-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
>We do not need a democrat who will raise our taxes.

Presidents don't raise taxes, Congresses do.

True, but if a president is requesting an increase in taxes for whatever and congress votes for the increase then you have it. It is scary when a candidate is advocating raising taxes during their campaign.

Isabella 03-23-2007 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
Texasbelle, I think you must after my heart.... I completely agree with you on taxing the educated. Why must I pay a higher percentage of tax for being successful and advancing the lives of my family, my country, and those who truly need charity? This country has created a welfare system that rewards having children parents can't afford, and the less you do the more entitlements you recieve. Believe me, my life would be less stressful watching jerry springer all day while getting mailbox money. Don't get me started on property taxes for the "so called" award of living in the city of Shreveport. They wonder why people move out of the city.:mad: :mad:

Texasbelle for prez. maybe the middle east would be scared,, we would have a woman with so many emotions swirling they would not know if a nuke was coming or flowers. ( keep em on there toes 40)

My sentiments, too! I have always thought it was unfair to tax people a higher percentage for making more money. There are people who have a trade who make more money than some people with a college education. They work hard and long hours to earn their money, so why should they pay more in taxes than someone who makes half what they do? The rich are the ones that help create jobs for those poorer people, too. If you take all their money away and incentive then you will have higher unemployment.

At this time, I am not for reductions in taxes and I am not for raising them either. Our congress needs to take what is coming in and make a fair budget. The elderly, the disabled, and children should be our first priorities. There is so much waste in government spending that if people were honest we could have a balanced budget.

Welfare causes people to lose self-esteem and the desire to work. It should temporary not a life style.

Isabella 03-23-2007 10:49 PM

What about a sales tax instead of an income tax? Some say it is a fairer tax. Not sure how I feel about this. 25% would be a lot for someone who only makes $12,000 a year. I feel anything over 35% is too high no matter how much you make. You still pay sales tax, property tax, and social security, so you need to have something left over to spend to keep our economy healthy.

rhertz 03-23-2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
I'm going to go out on a limb and say our next President is going to be a middle-aged white male that approximately half the country likes and half the country dislikes.

Wow, I'm nearly in agreement with joepole. I would even go further to say he is going to be "upper" middle-aged, and have had at least one affair! Or else its going to be pretty damn boring race I tell ya...

Isabella 03-24-2007 12:00 AM

rhertz would his first name be Rudy?

Texasbelle 03-24-2007 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Isabella
What about a sales tax instead of an income tax? Some say it is a fairer tax. Not sure how I feel about this. 25% would be a lot for someone who only makes $12,000 a year. I feel anything over 35% is too high no matter how much you make. You still pay sales tax, property tax, and social security, so you need to have something left over to spend to keep our economy healthy.

Isabella, then I wonder how you feel about the almost 45% bracket my husband and I are in? Yes, almost 45% of everything earned in this house goes to TAXES! Somebody pleaasssssssseeeeee explain what is fair about that? I will tell you...nothing. People are penalized because they do better. They went to school, got an education, work longer hours, harder hours, and have to pay dearly for it.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-24-2007 10:27 AM

I would agree with that !!!

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Isabella, then I wonder how you feel about the almost 45% bracket my husband and I are in? Yes, almost 45% of everything earned in this house goes to TAXES! Somebody pleaasssssssseeeeee explain what is fair about that? I will tell you...nothing. People are penalized because they do better. They went to school, got an education, work longer hours, harder hours, and have to pay dearly for it.

I work for myself and have to pay high taxes "and" health insurance is thru the roof. I can deal with taxes because I do not make enough to be in the 45% bracket but the hospital bills and doctor office visits are killing me. This is what is killing the middle class working person. I am for equal taxes for all and depending on their status deductions might be in order. Good luck on these two. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Texasbelle 03-24-2007 07:37 PM

So while I was out slaving away today in my flower beds I was thinking about this thread. I had several thoughts on it and a couple of points I wanted to make that really get me peaved. I am not sure who the next President is going to be but whomever it is I would like to be someone who has kahunas BIG enough to address and do something about some of these issues we are bringing up.

#1 People on Disability: How many people are out there on disability that really don't need to be? There are a whole lot of them and we are paying for it. It sickens me that claim illnesses that keep them from working yet we will pay for them to sit at home, smoke cigarettes so they can get cancer, and then we have to pay to treat them for that. I could go on and on about this, but the whole claiming disability system needs to be overhauled. Cancer patients have the worst time getting disability while people with disease like fibromyalgia (it's a catch all diagnosis for we are not really sure you are sick) can get disability. My vote will go to the one who can work on this.

#2 Politicians: Why can't we find some to elect that will actually do their job and quit fighting all the time? Don't you just get fed up with all the bickering they do instead of getting out into their communities and working to run this country and make it a better place. I really don't think they are listen to the majority of the masses.

That' enough for now. It's just my thoughts after slaving in the roses this afternoon!

Isaac-Saxxon 03-24-2007 08:05 PM

Did you prick your finger or something TB ?

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
So while I was out slaving away today in my flower beds I was thinking about this thread. I had several thoughts on it and a couple of points I wanted to make that really get me peaved. I am not sure who the next President is going to be but whomever it is I would like to be someone who has kahunas BIG enough to address and do something about some of these issues we are bringing up.

#1 People on Disability: How many people are out there on disability that really don't need to be? There are a whole lot of them and we are paying for it. It sickens me that claim illnesses that keep them from working yet we will pay for them to sit at home, smoke cigarettes so they can get cancer, and then we have to pay to treat them for that. I could go on and on about this, but the whole claiming disability system needs to be overhauled. Cancer patients have the worst time getting disability while people with disease like fibromyalgia (it's a catch all diagnosis for we are not really sure you are sick) can get disability. My vote will go to the one who can work on this.

#2 Politicians: Why can't we find some to elect that will actually do their job and quit fighting all the time? Don't you just get fed up with all the bickering they do instead of getting out into their communities and working to run this country and make it a better place. I really don't think they are listen to the majority of the masses.

That' enough for now. It's just my thoughts after slaving in the roses this afternoon!

That post had some fire in it. I think that there are to many bleeding hearts out there to make many of the people work that are on welfare. The Dems get votes from those very people so why would they want to change it. Now with that said the GOP needs to get some brass horns and get the show on the road. The Dems are ready to give it to the dead beats and take it from the working people. I am hoping for a backlash in 08 by the swing voters.
Points for TB on this one :clap: :clap:

Isabella 03-24-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Isabella, then I wonder how you feel about the almost 45% bracket my husband and I are in? Yes, almost 45% of everything earned in this house goes to TAXES! Somebody pleaasssssssseeeeee explain what is fair about that? I will tell you...nothing. People are penalized because they do better. They went to school, got an education, work longer hours, harder hours, and have to pay dearly for it.

It's not fair! The most you should pay is 35% with deductions that everyone else gets. Truthfully, I think it should be no more than 33%. I did not realize there was a tax bracket with 45%. I assumed 35% was the highest. On top of that you have other taxes to pay besides income tax. However, I must admit I would love to have your problem. ;)

Texasbelle 03-26-2007 07:43 AM

I think me has to change my mind a little here on John Edwards. I've been watching an interview of he and his wife on The Early Show this morning. It is quite impressive the care and concern he has for her. Her metastatic disease is just confined to her ribs for now which is not going to require a lot of treatment. I will have to take back my statement that he needs to stay home with her. It would be ridiculous for him to do so since the treatment for metastatic disease for such as she has is pretty straightforward and not toxic. They seem to be a lovely couple, great folks and truly have a passion about serving the country. I would actually like to hear more from him and what he believes in before I make any more judgement on him.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-26-2007 08:41 AM

He is trial lawyer !!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I think me has to change my mind a little here on John Edwards. I've been watching an interview of he and his wife on The Early Show this morning. It is quite impressive the care and concern he has for her. Her metastatic disease is just confined to her ribs for now which is not going to require a lot of treatment. I will have to take back my statement that he needs to stay home with her. It would be ridiculous for him to do so since the treatment for metastatic disease for such as she has is pretty straightforward and not toxic. They seem to be a lovely couple, great folks and truly have a passion about serving the country. I would actually like to hear more from him and what he believes in before I make any more judgement on him.

When someone has cancer stress will not help and running for president is a very stressing thing. If it was my wife no way I would leave her to try to seek public office. They have plenty of money and life is just too short. No I would not vote for him. With that said him running for president has nothing at all to do with that statement I would tell anybody left or right to do the same thing.

Texasbelle 03-26-2007 12:24 PM

I am going to disagree with you Isaac. If they feel this strongly about it, and they have to live with the consequences, then how can I judge their actions? I can't. Did you see the interview? It might change your perspective just a little about their rationale. Personally, I would not run. I think staying in home would be order but I can not judge them. It appears that plenty of thought and prayer went into their decision and they are very comfortable with it. I wish them the best of luck. She sure is going to need it!

Neo 03-26-2007 01:48 PM

Sounds like Mr. Edwards is using this as publicity. That has nothing to do with politics. Wait... that's political trickery. Sounds like a lawyer.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-26-2007 01:57 PM

Sounds like liberal lawyer

Originally Posted by Neo
Sounds like Mr. Edwards is using this as publicity. That has nothing to do with politics. Wait... that's political trickery. Sounds like a lawyer.

=Democratic trickery !

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