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Al Swearengen 01-02-2008 08:35 PM

You people are somethin else. Look, do ya want change? Do ya want to take back control of your country? Well, it aint gonna happen with this "wait and see" attitude many of you are goin with now. None of those fake ass republican party hacks are gonna change anything and ya damn well know it. Paul can defeat Shrillery, but he must win the nomination before he can win the general election. But that aint gonna happen if ya dont support him now in the primaries and the caucuses. Get it yet? Understand? A vote for anyone else is a vote for the status quo.

LateNight 01-02-2008 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 27168)
LN, this is the bottom line. Show me a Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS or ABC poll that shows RP as a front runner (1st, 2nd or even 3rd place). If he ain't in the race, he ain't in the race, "votes" be damned. Polls are pretty accurate nowadays. Within a handful of points. Do you really want to place a vote for Ron Paul and by default, place a REAL vote for Hillary or Obama?? Are you willing to take that chance? I mean if RP shows to be in 3rd or 4th place, why vote for him if it isn't going to win by all scientific proof? Wouldn't you vote for George Bush if you could instead of electing Hillary or Obama to the throne (assuming Hillary or Obama are front runners in the polls). If RP is in first or second place in the polls, I will vote for him too just to keep the DNC from gaining more power. it's not what I would have chosen in an ideal world, but it is common sense to tilt the board in the direction you want the ball to roll....

Well.. right now, it's not about obama or hilary.. it's about picking the republican nominee.. regardless of where who is placed where in the polls right now..(I hope to see Paul come in 3rd in either the Iowa or the New Hampshire primaries here in the next few days) a vote for Ron Paul, is a vote for smaller, less intrusive, government and fiscal responsibility.. NONE of the other candidates are talking about this stuff.. If anything Ron Paul is doing his best to keep these other guys honest.. the rest want to go on spending the money we ain't got.. bigger government.. this is least of all about a popularity contest.. Fox news is wanting to keep Ron Paul out of the next debate, he polling higher than Thompson in several states... raising more money than most if not all the candidates.. but they want to exclude Ron Paul....
this sums up why....


We all know why there is such bias against Dr. Paul. It is because he represents something other than the script the other guys will be reading off of. He would have been the only GOP hopeful talking about NOT blowing up the world, true fiscal discipline, and restoring civil liberties. Can't have that on Fox where they pretend to report, but they have already decided. Instead now we will be regaled with tales from the five would be tyrants who all believe they can more efficiently bomb Iran. They will spin yarns about how we need them to protect us and how the democrats are all spineless wimps because they do not lockstep to the war drumbeats and thrashing of our civil liberties. Most important to Fox News of course, is that they get to present their view of the Republican Party unblemished. They get to present the neocon vision as the only articulated platform for the GOP. No more uncomfortable post-debate polls showing how Ron Paul handily defeated their host of war-mongering candidates. Sean Hannity will not have to exclaim how Paul backers somehow rigged a poll. Fox gets to draw the sharp delineation they have been seeking. It is either the big brave republicans or the wimpy ole democrats. Nothing in the middle folks, nope, nothing to see here. Move along and cast your vote for one of our pre-selected candidates.

Al Swearengen 01-03-2008 01:43 AM

LateNight, we've been tryin to get these people to help themselves by helpin Dr. Paul and it aint workin. They just dont get it. If they dont wise up toot sweet and pull their heads out of their asses, they're gonna end up gettin exactly what they deserve. Satisfyin as that'll be to witness, we'll be ridin the sinkin ship down with em, God help us. They'll be even more responsible for the destruction of this once great nation than the one party with two heads and it's hacks, the alphabet agencies and bureaucracies, the bought & sold congress, the federal reserve, the liberal courts and whichever new tyrant they vote into the White House combined.

Isaac-Saxxon 01-03-2008 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 27179)
LateNight, we've been trying to get these people to help themselves by helping Dr. Paul and it ain't working. They just dint get it. If they don't wise up toot sweet and pull their heads out of their asses, they're gonna end up getting exactly what they deserve. Satisfying as that'll be to witness, we'll be riding the sinking ship down with em, God help us. They'll be even more responsible for the destruction of this once great nation than the one party with two heads and it's hacks, the alphabet agencies and bureaucracies, the bought & sold congress, the federal reserve, the liberal courts and whichever new tyrant they vote into the White House combined.

Now, now Al. You can get more ants with sugar than with sour. You tell me I have my head up my ass and should vote for "your" man :rolleyes: that is a great way to get RP up in the vote. The polls do not even show him getting enough votes to be figured in the poll. I am glad to see you guys come out of your political stupor and I respect your right to pick your man be him a loser or winner. I would like to know if you will still vote after RP is gone ????? Who would you choose if RP is MIA ?

vixweb 01-03-2008 07:34 AM

Oh, let me answer that!:D They havent thought that far. I dont really understand the obsession with Ronpaul, but they will obsess......

joepole 01-03-2008 10:33 AM

>None of those fake ass republican party hacks are gonna change anything and ya damn well know it.

Neither will Ron Paul

>Paul can defeat Shrillery,

Hilary is entirely unelectable, anyone can easily beat her.

>but he must win the nomination before he can win the general election. But that aint gonna happen if ya dont support him now in the primaries and the caucuses.

It's not going to happen, anyway.

piemaker720 01-04-2008 10:17 AM

Well I don't understand the purpose of this caucuse crap, not everyone is voting. The way I understand it is that a group of god knows who is determining who we can vote for. Who is these people?
1. U.S. Politics. a. a meeting of party leaders to select candidates, elect convention delegates, etc.
b. a meeting of party members within a legislative body to select leaders and determine strategy
Now I say again who is these people that get to tell us who we can vote for or for better terms that narrow the choices down. I say let them all run and let the voters their self narrow it down. To me that is just like the government tell us that some of the candidates we can't vote for.:nono:

LateNight 01-04-2008 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 27241)
Well I don't understand the purpose of this caucuse crap, not everyone is voting. The way I understand it is that a group of god knows who is determining who we can vote for. Who is these people?
1. U.S. Politics. a. a meeting of party leaders to select candidates, elect convention delegates, etc.
b. a meeting of party members within a legislative body to select leaders and determine strategy
Now I say again who is these people that get to tell us who we can vote for or for better terms that narrow the choices down. I say let them all run and let the voters their self narrow it down. To me that is just like the government tell us that some of the candidates we can't vote for.:nono:

well for the most part.. not "everyone" votes in any election.. but that's by choice.. usually with these primaries etc.. you have to be a registered republican or democrat, and vote for your respective candidate. Some states do have open primaries, where anyone can vote for any affiliation candidate.

Then you get into the whole delegate thing.. and I'm a bit fuzzy on that as well.

joepole 01-04-2008 11:29 AM

These have nothing to do with who is allowed to be on the ballot, they're about who is which party's candidate. You can get on the ballot if you want, you just have to get a few million people to sign you up.

howela 01-06-2008 02:19 PM

Live from New Hamshire.... It's Ron Paul live
January 6, 2008

Tonight on local New Hampshire television and simulcast on our website at, Ron Paul will take questions from an audience of undecided voters in the Granite State.
With the New Hampshire primary just two days away, Dr. Paul will bring his message of liberty and constitutional government directly to the people-real questions, real answers, as fair and balanced as politics gets.

Sunday, January 6
5:00 - 6:00 PM ET
Manchester, New Hampshire

LateNight 01-06-2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by howela (Post 27299)
January 6, 2008

Tonight on local New Hampshire television and simulcast on our website at, Ron Paul will take questions from an audience of undecided voters in the Granite State.
With the New Hampshire primary just two days away, Dr. Paul will bring his message of liberty and constitutional government directly to the people-real questions, real answers, as fair and balanced as politics gets.

Sunday, January 6
5:00 - 6:00 PM ET
Manchester, New Hampshire

Thanks for the tip there howela.

This is in response to Fox news excluding Ron Paul from their next debate.
even though Ron Paul is currently tied with Huckabee at 11% in some of the most recent polls in New Hampshire. Ron Paul is also polling higher than Guiliani and Thompson in these same polls.

on a side note.. anyone find it interesting that the price of oil since 2002 has gone from some $30/barrel to $100

where in 2002 the value of gold per ounce ranged from $270 - $350 in U.S. Dollars

and in 2007 the value of gold per ounce ranged from $610 - $830 in U.S. Dollars

what if anything does this say of the spending power of the U.S. Dollar currently ?

howela 01-06-2008 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 27302)
Thanks for the tip there howela.

This is in response to Fox news excluding Ron Paul from their next debate.
even though Ron Paul is currently tied with Huckabee at 11% in some of the most recent polls in New Hampshire. Ron Paul is also polling higher than Guiliani and Thompson in these same polls.

on a side note.. anyone find it interesting that the price of oil since 2002 has gone from some $30/barrel to $100

where in 2002 the value of gold per ounce ranged from $270 - $350 in U.S. Dollars

and in 2007 the value of gold per ounce ranged from $610 - $830 in U.S. Dollars

what if anything does this say of the spending power of the U.S. Dollar currently ?

I noticed the swipe at FOX as this was from the RP site and they in their announcement use the "fair and balanced" tag line of FOX news.

vixweb 01-06-2008 05:02 PM

RonPaul is not gonna be in the debate on fox because he is IRRELEVANT, not because there's some conspiracy.:rolleyes:

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