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Isaac-Saxxon 04-22-2007 05:15 AM

Angry Alec Baldwin calls daughter, 11, a 'rude thoughtless pig'
1 Attachment(s)
I think it sould be the other way around :rolleyes:
Attachment 343

Sheba 04-22-2007 09:25 AM

I guess as parents we have all experienced that lack of appreciation our offspring can hand us. I can hear myself giving the same "you need to appreciate things" speeches that my mother gave me. Mr. Baldwin seems to have ventured over into the Control Freak side of parenting. Sounds like she had a reason for not wanting to pick up that receiver!!

Kudos to the judge who pulled to plug on visitation. :clap:

Also, I can't help but connect this to the recent shooting!! God, help our children and help us hold them tight and love them enough to mold them into outstanding adults. They are going to have to stand and raise their kids in a world very different from our childhood. They need wisdom and character and courage at the highest level, so we must teach them well. Parenthood is a High Calling. Get out of your own selfish world, Mr. Baldwin.:nono:

Texasbelle 04-22-2007 09:42 AM

There is so much more to this story that this one instance that is being printed around the world. These two have been arguing over this child for years. This mother has worked overtime in trying to keep the daughter from Alex. A year or so ago online they had all the documents and evidence showing where BOTH parents had done all sorts of things to each other interefering in each other's relationship with the child, but more so the mother, Kim Basinger, than the father. The mother has been held in contempt of court a couple of times.

Now I say all of that to make a point. If you have never witnessed a parent doing this to another parent, you can not imagine the point it can push one to. I do not make an excuse for what he said. He did cross a line, but did the mother push and push knowing his temper until she got him to cross the line? Probably so in an attempt to get her way. Who else could have released the tape which was in a direct violation of the custody court? Hint: The mother.

Often times, and I witness it daily in my life, there can be one parent who because of their anger over the divorce, or their personal issues will use the child as a weapon. I believe this is the case here to the upmost. It is very very sad that this happens because the person truly being hurt is the child. If they would only set aside their stupid issues and just stop and do what is best for the child...

Sheba 04-22-2007 09:56 AM

I see parents using their kids as pawns everyday as well, and I am sure that the recording worked well in mom's favor. However, the words "rude, thoughtless pig" were not pointed at mom. They were said in anger to a child of 11 by a man who knew the cost to his own custody case and his daughter's heart.

Long custody battles are not a reason for frustration to outweigh good judgement for either side. I concur that the daughter is the one who loses!!

Texasbelle 04-22-2007 10:04 AM

Oh I agreed that he should not have said it, but I think and believe that he was very obviously pushed to this point by the mother. He is the one though who lost his temper and may have to pay the price.

Some of these children become very "coached" by the parent with custody on what to believe and how to behave. They will sometimes believe ANYTHING that one parent tells them even if it is so blatantly wrong. Case in point:

Friend of ours took their step son on a short vacation while the mother who is a doctor was in drug rehab. The child had a great time on the vacation, loved every minute of it. When the family got back home and the mother was able to talk to him on the phone, it was so appalling what she did. By the time she got done with him on the phone, he truly believed that he had been on the most miserable trip of his life. The child was crying and blubbering to the father about how awful it was and that he never wanted to travel with the dad and step family again. Funny how he loved it right up until the point the mother talked to him but what the mother did not know was that the dad was listening the whole time on another line to see what she was going to do. For you see this had happened on several occassions before and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. He finally figured it out. She worked the kid over until he said what she wanted to hear and until he believed it. Sad but this story plays out all over the country every day. I don't believe the judges ever do enough to stop it.

The Baldwin story is no different than others and there is probably so much more than we know, but it is probably no different than what many of us experience ourselves or with friends. The only difference is that the mother is now using the media to try and benefit herself. She is still forgetting to somehow drop it and put her daughter first.

Pocahontas 04-22-2007 10:19 AM

A no win situation...
Even if Alec was set up or provoked I don't feel he had any excuse for calling his daughter a rude thoughtless pig! Just imagine how that plays over and over in the young girls mind! It's a sad situation and I do feel the daughter is being used as a pawn between the parents as well. :(

Sheba 04-22-2007 10:23 AM

from Texas Belle: "I don't believe the judges ever do enough to stop it.

The Baldwin story is no different than others and there is probably so much more than we know, but it is probably no different than what many of us experience ourselves or with friends. The only difference is that the mother is now using the media to try and benefit herself. She is still forgetting to somehow drop it and put her daughter first.[/quote]""

I'm not sure that judges could ever stop that. It would mean stepping very far into private lives, and still, the good side would not always win.

As far as how guilty the mother is, I'm not familiar enough with the entire story to know. TB, You seem to have followed it over time. Sounds like they both need to grow up and become the parents the daughter needs. Scripture says that out of the heart the mouth speaks. A daddy's words will forever live in his little girl's mind. No excuses!!

Texasbelle 04-22-2007 10:38 AM

Please don't think I am making excuses for Alec Baldwin I am not by no means. He was wrong and he is going to pay a high price for his actions. First he has to answer to the courts, his daughter is never going to forget hearing her father say that, and then he has to answer to his heavenly Father.

I am simply saying that this situation was allowed to escalate to this point. It should have been stopped long ago by the two parents! If they are not capable of stopping it, then the courts should do more. I do not feel the courts do enough in these situations. A better method must be put in place to help children such as this. The rate of divorce is rising unfortunately and so will the cases like this.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-22-2007 12:17 PM

Alec Baldwin is a low life
Kim may be bad too but Alec is sorry as they come. I am glad to see his true colors come out to the public :eek:

Texasbelle 04-22-2007 12:33 PM

Actually, I am thinking they are both pretty scummy at this point. Look at how low they have both sunk now. One much lower than the other but they are both belly crawling pond scum feeders now when you do this to your child. It would be nice if the girl could just get a whole new set of parents, but unfortunately that won't happen for her.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-22-2007 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Actually, I am thinking they are both pretty scummy at this point. Look at how low they have both sunk now. One much lower than the other but they are both belly crawling pond scum feeders now when you do this to your child. It would be nice if the girl could just get a whole new set of parents, but unfortunately that won't happen for her.

You so mean Sista ! I like it :D

cosmo kramer 04-22-2007 10:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Perhaps Alec was frustrated because of his schweddy balls!

Pocahontas 04-22-2007 10:52 PM

Oh Cosmo you are killing me tonight! I'm not going to be able to sleep because I can't stop laughing!! I remember that SNL live skit!! Isn't there another one where Alec's a perverted boy scout leader??? Keep 'em coming!:clap: :laugh:

cosmo kramer 04-22-2007 11:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Saw a picture of Saddam...good Lord, it looks a lot like Alec! Maybe that is causing him some sort of mental imbalance.

cosmo kramer 04-22-2007 11:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh Pokie,
I dug up that scout leader pedifile picture for you! Ha! I had forgotten about that! Poor little Canteen Boy!

Pocahontas 04-22-2007 11:18 PM

Yea that's the skit I remember! Eeewww is that a chinchilla on Alec's chest?:yuck: Poor poor canteen boy indeed!:eek:

cosmo kramer 04-22-2007 11:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Chinchilla indeed.

Isabella 04-22-2007 11:40 PM

LOL, now that is one hairy man!

AnimeSpirit 04-22-2007 11:59 PM

You can so easily tell that photo was doctored, but it's amusing.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-23-2007 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
You can so easily tell that photo was doctored, but it's amusing.

Anime just how can you tell that photo was doctored. I would like to know the doctor that would do that to someone so I will not go to him :laugh: Kramer does it again. Monday, Monday can't stand that day so it is back to work children :yuck: well that is for some of us and the rest of you just think about the ones that are working ;)

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Anime just how can you tell that photo was doctored. I would like to know the doctor that would do that to someone so I will not go to him :laugh: Kramer does it again. Monday, Monday can't stand that day so it is back to work children :yuck: well that is for some of us and the rest of you just think about the ones that are working ;)

What are you trying to say Isaac???

I think that chest is a little on the nasty side but maybe because the owner is so cheesy, sleezy.

BrainSmashR 04-23-2007 07:07 AM

I know it seems like I'm always picking on you Texasbelle, but let me show you way....

In one post you said:
"The Baldwin story is no different than others and there is probably so much more than we know, but it is probably no different than what many of us experience ourselves or with friends."

Then later on you call him scum and imply he'll have to answer to the courts AND his maker.....over chewing his kid's butt out for missing an appointment.

Personally I don't see the big deal. He's not beating the child and he IS taking a form of disciplinary action. You know.....Ward Cleaver is a fictional character:peace:

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 07:14 AM

Brain, you don't call your children pigs and the such. He went on a rant with this child on the phone that was way over the top. He took all of his frustrations with the mother out on the child. Now I unlike some truly understand the level of his frustration and how he got pushed to this point. I understand very much how hard divorce can be on a child and how some parents will make it on the other parent. Some parents will go to an extreme to make on parent look bad when they themselves are the one that is the problem not the other. BUT Alec Baldwin was wrong for what he did. He went about it the totally wrong way, but so did the mother. This tape should have never been made public and the only person who could have released it was her or her attorney. The child will not pay the price for even the release of the tape. Can you imagine being the child and trying to go to school this week when all of your classmates know of this? Surely you understand how cruel kids are and this girl is only 12.

Pick on me all you want, I will stand my ground with you and you know it. This situation is all together wrong on many levels. The little girl is not a toy and deserves better than this out of the parents who are supposed to love and protect her.

By the way Brain, are you a parent?

BrainSmashR 04-23-2007 07:28 AM

Does not having children mean I lack the ability to see that the Baldwins situation isn't any different than any other divorce and that it's the MEDIA who's making a spectacle as well as money (their ultimate goal) out of this?

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 07:43 AM

No Brain I wasn't saying that I was just asking a question. Not implying a thing.

Yes the media may be making some money but I also, having seen this situation first hand, think some good potentially could come from this been put out in the media. People need to see what a father can go through and be put through just trying to see his child or even a mother. The judges far too often do not do enough to stop this or take far too long too stop it.

My trainer's exwife recently decided she didn't want to obey the court order any more that ordered her to drive from Mississippi and meet him in Monroe every other weekend so he could see his daughter. So when he filed contempt of court charges against her in court after not seeing his daughter for two months, the judge ordered them to a mediator. Now to me that is ridiculous. Now this man has not seen his daughter in four months, hasn't talked to her on the phone, the mother now is trying to say well maybe he shouldn't see her at all (it's a move frequently used to get out of the contempt of court charges). To me it is quite simple and if the judge had done his job the first day in court it would all stop in this case. The mom quite simply is in contempt of court. Put her in jail if she inteferes or doesn't show up with the child as scheduled. She should not interefere in the child's relationship with the father. If the judges would do this, a lot of this would stop. Of course the judge is Nesbitt who has all sorts of issues himself!

So that is my point Brain,,,things like this need to be brought to the public's attention so that collectively we can lift our voices and help. This particular judge will come up for re-election soon. He doesn't need back in.

BrainSmashR 04-23-2007 12:00 PM

So you're saying Alec's actions WERE justified and that he just went overboard?:confused: :confused:

So far I've seen you show sympathy for both parents:
"The Baldwin story is no different than others and there is probably so much more than we know, but it is probably no different than what many of us experience ourselves or with friends."

Condemn them both:
"Actually, I am thinking they are both pretty scummy at this point."

Then "excuse" Alec's actions, as the victim if you will:
"People need to see what a father can go through and be put through just trying to see his child or even a mother. The judges far too often do not do enough to stop this or take far too long too stop it."

And you have expressed all of those varying degrees of emotion within the last 24 hours.....

rhertz 04-23-2007 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
He was wrong and he is going to pay a high price for his actions. First he has to answer to the courts, his daughter is never going to forget hearing her father say that, and then he has to answer to his heavenly Father.

And don't forget his fans who buy tickets to his films. That too might be a high price to play for his actions. But of course he never anticipated that his little tirade would show up in the public eye (or ear rather)

rhertz 04-23-2007 12:25 PM

Did anyone disclose how the tape got to the media? Was it the daughter? If so, I wouldn't blame her. Was it Kim? If so, then she's using the media and the pubilc as a weapon, even if he deserves it.

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
So you're saying Alec's actions WERE justified and that he just went overboard?:confused: :confused:

So far I've seen you show sympathy for both parents:
"The Baldwin story is no different than others and there is probably so much more than we know, but it is probably no different than what many of us experience ourselves or with friends."

Condemn them both:
"Actually, I am thinking they are both pretty scummy at this point."

Then "excuse" Alec's actions, as the victim if you will:
"People need to see what a father can go through and be put through just trying to see his child or even a mother. The judges far too often do not do enough to stop this or take far too long too stop it."

And you have expressed all of those varying degrees of emotion within the last 24 hours.....

Brain do you ever stop trying to manipulate people's words. What you are doing is nothing but pure manipulation of my words and trying to put your spin on them to piss me off and start a fight. Not going there with you, not going to do it.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-23-2007 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Brain do you ever stop trying to manipulate people's words. What you are doing is nothing but pure manipulation of my words and trying to put your spin on them to piss me off and start a fight. Not going there with you, not going to do it.

:mad!: :mad!: :mad!:
I told you SOOOOOOOOOOOO ! :crazy: :laugh:

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 01:41 PM

Yes you did. But as I have just witnessed there are rude, thoughtless pigs everywhere, even in Natchitoches it seems.

Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. Not going there again.


Neo 04-23-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I know it seems like I'm always picking on you Texasbelle, but let me show you way....

In one post you said:
"The Baldwin story is no different than others and there is probably so much more than we know, but it is probably no different than what many of us experience ourselves or with friends."

Then later on you call him scum and imply he'll have to answer to the courts AND his maker.....over chewing his kid's butt out for missing an appointment.

Personally I don't see the big deal. He's not beating the child and he IS taking a form of disciplinary action. You know.....Ward Cleaver is a fictional character:peace:

You may not see the big deal, but social services would. Beating the child is physical abuse, Saying things like that constitutes emotional abuse. Physical abuse heals much quicker than emotional abuse. According to the law, no matter the form of abuse, abuse is abuse. Against societal morals, against, good parenting, against the law, and democrats must be proud,,, oh! the ACLU too.

Pocahontas 04-23-2007 03:14 PM

It seems to me it's a pretty cut and dry situation.
Father Alec... wrong! Mother Kim ....wrong! Media... wrong!

Daughter... innocent bystander being manipulated by all of the above!:mad:

Neo 04-23-2007 03:19 PM

I think I see a common thread to all of those Pokey. Damn Deomcrats.

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 03:21 PM

Way to speak out Pokey and Neo!:clap: :clap: :clap:

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 03:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
FURBY in tight shorts.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-23-2007 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo kramer
FURBY in tight shorts.

Does he have someone style his chest hair :laugh:

BrainSmashR 04-23-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Brain do you ever stop trying to manipulate people's words. What you are doing is nothing but pure manipulation of my words and trying to put your spin on them to piss me off and start a fight. Not going there with you, not going to do it.

No, what I'm TRYING to do is show you the NUMEROUS and GLARING inconsistencies and outright contradictions of your opinions.

I have neither manipulated your words, nor taken any statement out of contest, nor "paraphrased' your content while inserting my own meaning. Your complete sentences copied word for word.

So make up your mind already. Is this typical of a divorce situation, or are they both scum, or is the media manipulating them, or are the courts and Kim taking advantage of Alec. You alone have proposed all of these scenarios in the last 24 hours.

BrainSmashR 04-23-2007 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
You may not see the big deal, but social services would. Beating the child is physical abuse, Saying things like that constitutes emotional abuse. Physical abuse heals much quicker than emotional abuse. According to the law, no matter the form of abuse, abuse is abuse. Against societal morals, against, good parenting, against the law, and democrats must be proud,,, oh! the ACLU too.

Nice try, but last time I checked, there were no laws against calling someone a name outside of the workplace....and some of us think scolding your children instead of beating them is part of what makes a person a GOOD parent regardless of how quickly the bruises heal.

Texasbelle 04-23-2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Does he have someone style his chest hair :laugh:

I wonder how much that stylist gets paid to manicure that thing? By the inch, like a mullet, or by the hour?:D

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