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scarlett 03-01-2007 08:19 AM

American Idol
How many of you guys and gals watch american idol? I don't miss a night of it and have watched it for 2 yrs. Plays tuesday, wednesday and thursday right now

Rough Rider 03-01-2007 08:39 AM

I could go on a rant about this one. I think 'reality' t.v. is the worse thing to happen to t.v. in a long time. Shows like this and Survivor. However, I'm always surprised to see just how many people, including friends of mine watch these shows. Something about people getting on t.v. to only humiliate themselves and others around them, I find disturbing. but apparently that's just me. :)

LateNight 03-01-2007 08:41 AM


scarlett 03-01-2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
I could go on a rant about this one. I think 'reality' t.v. is the worse thing to happen to t.v. in a long time. Shows like this and Survivor. However, I'm always surprised to see just how many people, including friends of mine watch these shows. Something about people getting on t.v. to only humiliate themselves and others around them, I find disturbing. but apparently that's just me. :)

This is the only reality tv show i do watch and i understand what you are saying. Survivor to me is like rap music can't stand it. I know it's pathetic how people will humiliate themselves just to be on tv? I personally couldn't do it no matter how UNSHY I am.

joepole 03-01-2007 09:25 AM

I am proud to say I have never watched a minute of American Idol. I would be embarrassed to tell people I spend an hour a week doing that.

scarlett 03-01-2007 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
I am proud to say I have never watched a minute of American Idol. I would be embarrassed to tell people I spend an hour a week doing that.

But you are open to tell people you look and get off on porn and it's ok????


Rough Rider 03-01-2007 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by scarlett
But you are open to tell people you look and get off on porn and it's ok????


LMAO!! whooo.


joepole 03-01-2007 10:37 AM

Sweet Christ yes. Porn is much less embarrassing than American Idol.

scarlett 03-01-2007 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
Sweet Christ yes. Porn is much less embarrassing than American Idol.

You use Christ's name in this porn post? :faint::crazy::rolleyes2:

joepole 03-01-2007 11:05 AM

Why wouldn't I? Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.

scarlett 03-01-2007 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
Why wouldn't I? Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.

What God says about lust: Lust is sin (Matthew 5:28) and sin is death (Romans 6:23). Jesus said, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28 NKJV).When we entertain fantasies through pornography, masturbation, voyeurism, adultery, fornication, phone sex, etc., we sin with our minds. According to Jesus, that's the same as committing the act.

joepole 03-01-2007 11:29 AM

That's not what God says, that's what King James says that somebody else said that they think is what Jesus may have said.

Even so, I don't really care what Jesus said. My life is none of his damn business. If the Bible is true he's kind of an *******. If it's not (and seriously, does anyone think it really is? Seriously?) then he's fiction.

BrainSmashR 03-01-2007 11:34 AM

OMG...I HATE that show!!!

Watched season 1 because of this girl I was fooling around with and I swore I'd never watch it again.

I really don't see the appeal at all.

scarlett 03-01-2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
That's not what God says, that's what King James says that somebody else said that they think is what Jesus may have said.

Even so, I don't really care what Jesus said. My life is none of his damn business. If the Bible is true he's kind of an *******. If it's not (and seriously, does anyone think it really is? Seriously?) then he's fiction.

Well you told me eh? I'm not liable for your soul you are as i stated in my last post morals values none from you for sure.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh what a great day it is. :clap::angel::hifive:

joepole 03-01-2007 11:42 AM

Morals and values have nothing to do with religion.

scarlett 03-01-2007 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
Morals and values have nothing to do with religion.

Has everything to do with it. If you have the right morals and values you have some sort of relationship with God.

Gosh how blind some people are? Maybe ignorant to the truth?

BrainSmashR 03-01-2007 11:45 AM

Or maybe just not holier than thou?

scarlett 03-01-2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Or maybe just not holier than thou?

I am assuming you directed this to me since it's only me and joepole at this moment replying back and forth. I never claimed to be holier than thou nor will I ever. We are all human this topic was about pornography and I'm giving my opinions as everyone else has.

Are you holier than thou? no you sure aren't I am very far from perfect as we all are and we all have our faults. If you want to bring your faults public then people will give their opinions and views as we all have.

Don't assume what I am ask me and I'll be honest about it. I have nothing to hide.

joepole 03-01-2007 11:54 AM

>I never claimed to be holier than thou nor will I ever.

Yes you did. You claimed you were moral because your particular religion is the correct one and I was immoral because I don't believe that story is true.

scarlett 03-01-2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
>I never claimed to be holier than thou nor will I ever.

Yes you did. You claimed you were moral because your particular religion is the correct one and I was immoral because I don't believe that story is true.

No I didn't i said i have morals correct! Don't try to make something up that's not true. I never mentioned religion you did I just quoted stuff out the bible has nothing to do with religion.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-01-2007 02:01 PM

There is no reason to beat a dead dog
I am ok with being in the minority when it comes to being a Christian and I am ok with those that choose not to be. They tried to kill Christ for telling the truth and failed. Hey joe do you know the numbers on how many Christians in the world compared to the entire population ? I am sure that Christians are well in the minority and I am ok with that. Do I think you all are going to hell ? No I do not because I am not the Judge and be glad of that. I do not think I would make a good judge. I do have a opinion like all people do and it is just that "my" opinion. I am sure there are many good people that do not believe as I do and I can be their friend any day of the week but do not think I will be used for a door mat because of what I believe. We all must pick our "thread" in life and no matter what you believe or think the great leveler comes to us all and when faced with that there are many that have a change of heart. To me American Idol is vain and a waste of time. Never have watched it never will but that goes for most TV. History channel and others like that are what "I' choose to watch. Casting my pearls before swine is the wrong thing to do. This is not a Christian forum but it is a public forum and I respect what everybody post I just don't happen to agree. I choose to read and post here just like everybody else so I take the bad with the good and I enjoy this site. Helps me to keep up to date as how other people think.

Al Swearengen 03-01-2007 06:45 PM

Yeah, old Al doesnt care too much for the "reality TV" genre...with the possible exception of "Fear Factor"! What could be more fun than watching somebody eat a mouthful of slugs, or pig snouts, or cod sperm for the big bucks? There are also many physical/athletic obstacles the contestants must overcome to win. Now THATS entertainment! As for "American Idol", all I can say is when a Kelly Clarkson tune comes on the radio I change the channel. The premise of the show is fatally flawed in my opinion, as I dont believe a person can be made into an American Idol just by enduring the contrived judgement of three no-talent losers like Paula Abdul, Ryan Somethingorother and that obnoxious douchbag Simon Whatshisface. Dont need anyone TELLIN me who the next American Idol is, I"LL decide who the **ckin American Idols are, thankya very much!

Isaac-Saxxon 03-01-2007 06:59 PM

obnoxious douchbag Simon Whatshisface

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Yeah, old Al doesnt care too much for the "reality TV" genre...with the possible exception of "Fear Factor"! What could be more fun than watching somebody eat a mouthful of slugs, or pig snouts, or cod sperm for the big bucks? There are also many physical/athletic obstacles the contestants must overcome to win. Now THATS entertainment! As for "American Idol", all I can say is when a Kelly Clarkson tune comes on the radio I change the channel. The premise of the show is fatally flawed in my opinion, as I dont believe a person can be made into an American Idol just by enduring the contrived judgement of three no-talent losers like Paula Abdul, Ryan Somethingorother and that obnoxious douchbag Simon Whatshisface. Dont need anyone TELLIN me who the next American Idol is, I"LL decide who the **ckin American Idols are, thankya very much!

Goooooooo Al :laugh: I always enjoy your post they are written with such a zing that I can tell you have a broad band way of thinking.

scarlett 03-01-2007 07:01 PM

AI is on right now :banana::rotflol:

Isabella 03-01-2007 11:37 PM

I don't watch it. I have caught the last show on a few seasons. Don't understand how Taylor Hicks won last year. Has anyone watched Nashville Star? I watched it tonight and it was great. The winner is much better than Taylor Hicks. The last two contestants were brother and sister and both could sing. They did a duet that was fantastic.

Scarlett what do you think about this year's American Idol? Who do you want to win? I may watch next week to see if I agree with you. What time does it come on?

scarlett 03-02-2007 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Don't watch it. I have caught the last show on a few seasons. Don't understand how Taylor Hicks won last year. Has anyone watched Nashville Star? I watched it tonight and it was great. The winner is much better than Taylor Hicks. The last two contestants were brother and sister and both could sing. They did a duet that was fantastic.

Scarlett what do you think about this year's American Idol? Who do you want to win? I may watch next week to see if I agree with you. What time does it come on?

Last year I feel Chris Daughtry should have won he had the best vocal so I totally agree with you about Taylor Hicks. I think it was his personality that got him american.

At this moment I am not sure who I would want to win but I will say Melinda Doolittle is great. Most of the girls that are black are the best the others need to go. As for the guys, there are 3 I really like, Blake Lewis, Chris Richardson and Chris Sligh.

I am not as happy this year with the people like I was last year I knew all their names back then now I have to go look on the site to see who they are. Maybe it's because they haven't gotten down to the last 12. Next week is the last 4 eliminations to get to 12.

LateNight 03-02-2007 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by scarlett
Next week is the last 4 eliminations to get to 12.

Stay Tuned next week, to see WHO gets voted off the island !

Oh wait, wrong show :D


scarlett 03-02-2007 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
Stay Tuned next week, to see WHO gets voted off the island !

Oh wait, wrong show :D



Isaac-Saxxon 03-02-2007 12:45 PM

New show you kids should watch

Originally Posted by scarlett

Foxworthy has a show called " are you smarter than a first grader ? " I think that would be to much for some people and yes I watched a little bit with my daughter and the adults on the show could not come up with the correct answers and the first graders could. Funny how things are. :laugh:
Glass of red please and no kids around tonight just me and my wife and it will be a great evening. I hope "ALL" you avatars have a great weekend even the goats. :clap:

scarlett 03-02-2007 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Foxworthy has a show called " are you smarter than a first grader ? " I think that would be to much for some people and yes I watched a little bit with my daughter and the adults on the show could not come up with the correct answers and the first graders could. Funny how things are. :laugh:
Glass of red please and no kids around tonight just me and my wife and it will be a great evening. I hope "ALL" you avatars have a great weekend even the goats. :clap:

Actually I watched it after AI last night heh Are you smarter than a 5th grader I think it's called. Pretty interesting how we forget things as we grow older. I was able to answer most of those questions but not all. I hated geography!

You and the Mrs. have a great evening w/o the children I have no more kids at home so I can relate to the peace and quiet. It's very different and does take getting use to.

scarlett 03-06-2007 12:05 PM

American Idol Tonight
Don't forget all you idol fans, tonight the guys sing!:clap:

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