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Santabot 04-24-2007 09:21 PM

Drugs: Your Stance and Experiences?
I won't go too in-depth personally until I get some responses, but an open topic: What are your experiences and views on drugs and their usage, whether medicinally or recreationally, in America in general or even here in Shreveport?

Don't be close-minded in this topic, just state what you feel about them, no aggressiveness here, hopefully. I'm interested in what the consensus here is about drugs, whether legal or illegal, abusive or not.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 09:54 PM

I'll just jump in here.

Illegal drugs: They are illegal for a reason. I have never used them and never will. I am speaking specifically of drugs such as marijuana, and the likes. I have witnessed first hand the harmful effects the use of illegal drugs can have on one's person, career, children, and family. You can argue this all day long, but ask all the drug addicts their thoughts and you will find proof enough why drugs should be kept illegal.

Legal drugs: There are thousands upon thousands of drugs prescribed daily for medical reasons. Years of research go into a drug before it ever enters the market. Legal pharmaceuticals are on the market for everything from diabetes to migraines to treating cancer. These drugs provide a valuable and useful service to our species and even pets. Without these drugs we would not enjoy the quality of life as we know it now.

I daily take a drug to prevent migraines and am thankful every day that God gave someone the knowledge to create the medicine. It certainly changed my life to be headache free.

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I'll just jump in here.

Illegal drugs: They are illegal for a reason. I have never used them and never will. I am speaking specifically of drugs such as marijuana, and the likes. I have witnessed first hand the harmful effects the use of illegal drugs can have on one's person, career, children, and family. You can argue this all day long, but ask all the drug addicts their thoughts and you will find proof enough why drugs should be kept illegal.

Legal drugs: There are thousands upon thousands of drugs prescribed daily for medical reasons. Years of research go into a drug before it ever enters the market. Legal pharmaceuticals are on the market for everything from diabetes to migraines to treating cancer. These drugs provide a valuable and useful service to our species and even pets. Without these drugs we would not enjoy the quality of life as we know it now.

I daily take a drug to prevent migraines and am thankful every day that God gave someone the knowledge to create the medicine. It certainly changed my life to be headache free.

You'll ingest substances you can't pronounce because somebody says it's okay, yet you would deffer from a plant that could arguably be seen as the greatest source of innovation of mankind, the cannabis plant. I'm also not going to debate with someone who doesn't know the beginning of drugs and their content, qualities, history, effects, etc, while only viewing the negative consequences of people's lack of responsibility.

Change the word marijuana in your statement to war, money, gambling, xanax, hydrocodone, sex, politics, or ANYTHING that has both a positive and a negative possibility for effects, and it will go right along with what you've stated. You trust the FDA and DEA to control drug use, while over $500 per person (of the 55.1% of the prison population in America being jailed for drug offenses) to keep them locked up, away from families, unable to even begin a new life or continue theirs, however disparaged or prominent they may have been.

There are countless, countless historical and current figures I could list that have used and abused drugs and gone on to live very successful lives and careers, some based on their drug use, some as a subsidiary. Nevertheless,
someone without the proper education on drugs most ought not be required to understand what really goes on, especially those who haven't experienced them first-hand, no matter what you've seen anybody else do, just like anything else, people can make wrong choices with seemingly good products and activities.

The legality of certain substances is hotly debated for one reason: there are two sides to the problem. If there weren't, nobody would have anything to debate and our court system, jailing system, and drug users of america (75% of which have reported trying drugs at least once, 25% daily users, all the while 85% are reported "born-again Christians", 10% other religions, and only 5% atheists) while the "problem" goes on, you may or may not be aware of what truly happens underground and in the political system, but at least you'll be able to spend your "earned" religious republican vote, and the kings and queens of Washington (whom you've never met, and whom don't give two ****s about you or your well-being) control your daily life regardless of your consent or opinion. Some people like to educate themselves of all of the facts before denying somebody their freedom to enact upon themselves how they wish, too bad Christianity doesn't base itself on humanitarianism, and is frequently intolerant.

Isabella 04-24-2007 10:33 PM

It appears you worship drugs, Santabot. Marijuana does harm people. I have seen the effects it has had on people's lives. You are too young to know what I know. You can say all you want to make your case, but I have living proof of what marijuana does as well as other drugs. Legal drugs can be harmful if they are not used for what they were intended. Why do you need a substance to make you feel better? Why would you want to feel out of control? What is wrong with feeling normal? Why would you want to act stupid? Absolutely nothing good comes from drug use. I am not talking about drugs prescribed to heal you by a physician. By the way, I don't drink alcohol either, so don't try to accuse me doing that. I have seen what alcohol does to people, too. My life is not complicated by any of those substances, but I have been caused great pain by others' use in the past. My home is alcohol free and of course drug free. No one is allowed to smoke in my home or use profanity. Everyone loves visiting in my home because it is a happy place to be.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
You'll ingest substances you can't pronounce because somebody says it's okay, yet you would deffer from a plant that could arguably be seen as the greatest source of innovation of mankind, the cannabis plant. I'm also not going to debate with someone who doesn't know the beginning of drugs and their content, qualities, history, effects, etc, while only viewing the negative consequences of people's lack of responsibility.

Change the word marijuana in your statement to war, money, gambling, xanax, hydrocodone, sex, politics, or ANYTHING that has both a positive and a negative possibility for effects, and it will go right along with what you've stated. You trust the FDA and DEA to control drug use, while over $500 per person (of the 55.1% of the prison population in America being jailed for drug offenses) to keep them locked up, away from families, unable to even begin a new life or continue theirs, however disparaged or prominent they may have been.

There are countless, countless historical and current figures I could list that have used and abused drugs and gone on to live very successful lives and careers, some based on their drug use, some as a subsidiary. Nevertheless,
someone without the proper education on drugs most ought not be required to understand what really goes on, especially those who haven't experienced them first-hand, no matter what you've seen anybody else do, just like anything else, people can make wrong choices with seemingly good products and activities.

The legality of certain substances is hotly debated for one reason: there are two sides to the problem. If there weren't, nobody would have anything to debate and our court system, jailing system, and drug users of america (75% of which have reported trying drugs at least once, 25% daily users, all the while 85% are reported "born-again Christians", 10% other religions, and only 5% atheists) while the "problem" goes on, you may or may not be aware of what truly happens underground and in the political system, but at least you'll be able to spend your "earned" religious republican vote, and the kings and queens of Washington (whom you've never met, and whom don't give two ****s about you or your well-being) control your daily life regardless of your consent or opinion. Some people like to educate themselves of all of the facts before denying somebody their freedom to enact upon themselves how they wish, too bad Christianity doesn't base itself on humanitarianism, and is frequently intolerant.

You know I am coming to realize that for all of your knowledge you are basically a snot nosed brat when you make some of your statements. Where in the heck did you decide and I never said that I could not speak the names of the drugs I ingest? For your peace of mind and for you to tuck away in your brain, I can in fact name each and every one of them. I know the background on them, and know all of the research done on them PRIOR to ingesting them. I really don't think you want to go down this road with me. I do have a medical background and will eat the ever loving daylights out of your lunch on medicine.

Why must you take everything and make it a twist on your hatred of Christians? Christians don't claim to be perfect. The only perfect person to ever walk this earth got hung on a cross two thousand years ago. Christians will fall and make mistakes just like you. The difference between you and I though is that I know where I am going at the end of this road. I have chosen to accept Jesus as my Savior. I have chosen to try my best each and every day not to fall down, but I will stumble. When I stumble, he is going to help me get up. I know you don't believe this, but again it's your choice.

Where are your references for all the facts you have laid out? Because for all of the facts you have laid out someone else can do a little more homework if they want to waste time and find some more that will quickly refute yours.

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
It appears you worship drugs, Santabot. Marijuana does harm people. I have seen the effects it has had on people's lives. You are too young to know what I know. You can say all you want to make your case, but I have living proof of what marijuana does as well as other drugs. Legal drugs can be harmful if they are not used for what they were intended. Why do you need a substance to make you feel better? Why would you want to feel out of control? What is wrong with feeling normal? Why would you want to act stupid? Absolutely nothing good comes from drug use. I am not talking about drugs prescribed to heal you by a physician. By the way, I don't drink alcohol either, so don't try to accuse me doing that. I have seen what alcohol does to people, too. My life is not complicated by any of those substances, but I have been caused great pain by others' use in the past. My home is alcohol free and of course drug free. No one is allowed to smoke in my home or use profanity. Everyone loves visiting in my home because it is a happy place to be.

Time to refute miscommunication and misunderstandings given to you by mass media and selective casing.

Nobody claimed to "worship" drugs, I even stated clearly that I did NOT want that to be the overall consensus that "Santabot is a drugged out loser that doesn't know what he's speaking about". I also never said I "needed" drugs to feel "normal". Drugs also do not make you go out of control, a far far far popular misunderstanding, mostly by those who don't know more than what they see in the movies and from rogue family/friends who abuse drugs incorrectly and irresponsibly.

"Nothing good comes from drug use. I am not talking about the kind from a physician..." This is where you're wrong. In many states even, there ARE physicians legally able to serve marijuana and opiates (very, extremely common) and other synthetic and organic chemicals that are scheduled under the DEA's list of illegal substances. Their legality does NOT affect their content or their effects, and it was actually ILLEGAL to NOT have hemp plants on your land until the turn of the 20th century. Please, please educate yourself on drugs and their history even in America before discrediting their ability to heal and make true changes.

I agree, I don't do much alcohol either, it's probably on my list of least favorite drugs to do, that and tobacco. But if you're aware of toxicity levels and the lethality of substances like those that are legal, compare them to Marijuana, LSD, even MDMA (ecstasy) and you will come to find out they are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH safer than anything you can buy in a store (alcohol is ****ing cheaper than water, can you imagine this country?).

It's nice and all your home is drug-free. That's your decision, and as you make yours, I'll make mine. It's people that are afraid of drugs and their legality that end up believing these interest groups and their propaganda about drugs via mass media to persons like you who do not know first-hand, and I mean TRUE first-hand, I don't care what your friend or your family member or someone you saw on TV ended up doing, that's not a real account and shouldn't even be mentioned as even having knowledge of a drug's ability to do anything. Like many things, there's a right to privacy, and invading that privacy usually doesn't allow you to get the whole facts about a situation, that person could have various reasons involving their complications with drugs, but that doesn't mean the drug forced them to enact on it, they could have had mental issues related, etc.

Just, please, say what you want about drugs, but you won't convince somebody who knows far far much more than you ever will about them from clinical knowledge and first-hand experience. I never claimed to know all there is, but I do an extensive amount of research and act as responsibly as I possibly can before taking any substance that could alter my state of consciousness, whether or not you or anyone else agrees with how I act. I did not harm you or anyone else in the act, so I do not see why you would try to impede my right to enact on myself how I wish, educated on the matter.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 10:48 PM

Obviously you are on LSD Santabot if you are believing what you are typing. God help you.

AnimeSpirit 04-24-2007 10:52 PM

Personally, I think people use drugs too much. We have drugs these days that helps keep your legs still while you're sleeping. :freaky: Illegal drugs, even more worthless. I have never...never...NEVER had a reason to even consider illegal drugs of any kind. I don't even smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. I have better things to waste my brain cells on.

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
You know I am coming to realize that for all of your knowledge you are basically a snot nosed brat when you make some of your statements. Where in the heck did you decide and I never said that I could not speak the names of the drugs I ingest? For your peace of mind and for you to tuck away in your brain, I can in fact name each and every one of them. I know the background on them, and know all of the research done on them PRIOR to ingesting them. I really don't think you want to go down this road with me. I do have a medical background and will eat the ever loving daylights out of your lunch on medicine.

Why must you take everything and make it a twist on your hatred of Christians? Christians don't claim to be perfect. The only perfect person to ever walk this earth got hung on a cross two thousand years ago. Christians will fall and make mistakes just like you. The difference between you and I though is that I know where I am going at the end of this road. I have chosen to accept Jesus as my Savior. I have chosen to try my best each and every day not to fall down, but I will stumble. When I stumble, he is going to help me get up. I know you don't believe this, but again it's your choice.

Where are your references for all the facts you have laid out? Because for all of the facts you have laid out someone else can do a little more homework if they want to waste time and find some more that will quickly refute yours.

Okay, and to your dismay, you may find out that I am a born-again Christian,
so I hopefully will either see you in your playground in the sky, or rest peacefully in my grave.

Isabella 04-24-2007 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Time to refute miscommunication and misunderstandings given to you by mass media and selective casing.

Nobody claimed to "worship" drugs, I even stated clearly that I did NOT want that to be the overall consensus that "Santabot is a drugged out loser that doesn't know what he's speaking about". I also never said I "needed" drugs to feel "normal". Drugs also do not make you go out of control, a far far far popular misunderstanding, mostly by those who don't know more than what they see in the movies and from rogue family/friends who abuse drugs incorrectly and irresponsibly.

"Nothing good comes from drug use. I am not talking about the kind from a physician..." This is where you're wrong. In many states even, there ARE physicians legally able to serve marijuana and opiates (very, extremely common) and other synthetic and organic chemicals that are scheduled under the DEA's list of illegal substances. Their legality does NOT affect their content or their effects, and it was actually ILLEGAL to NOT have hemp plants on your land until the turn of the 20th century. Please, please educate yourself on drugs and their history even in America before discrediting their ability to heal and make true changes.

I agree, I don't do much alcohol either, it's probably on my list of least favorite drugs to do, that and tobacco. But if you're aware of toxicity levels and the lethality of substances like those that are legal, compare them to Marijuana, LSD, even MDMA (ecstasy) and you will come to find out they are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH safer than anything you can buy in a store (alcohol is ****ing cheaper than water, can you imagine this country?).

It's nice and all your home is drug-free. That's your decision, and as you make yours, I'll make mine. It's people that are afraid of drugs and their legality that end up believing these interest groups and their propaganda about drugs via mass media to persons like you who do not know first-hand, and I mean TRUE first-hand, I don't care what your friend or your family member or someone you saw on TV ended up doing, that's not a real account and shouldn't even be mentioned as even having knowledge of a drug's ability to do anything. Like many things, there's a right to privacy, and invading that privacy usually doesn't allow you to get the whole facts about a situation, that person could have various reasons involving their complications with drugs, but that doesn't mean the drug forced them to enact on it, they could have had mental issues related, etc.

Just, please, say what you want about drugs, but you won't convince somebody who knows far far much more than you ever will about them from clinical knowledge and first-hand experience. I never claimed to know all there is, but I do an extensive amount of research and act as responsibly as I possibly can before taking any substance that could alter my state of consciousness, whether or not you or anyone else agrees with how I act. I did not harm you or anyone else in the act, so I do not see why you would try to impede my right to enact on myself how I wish, educated on the matter.

Boy are you STUPID! Your post above proves it! You are only 17! I am much older and wiser than you little boy. Drug use hurts the user, family, and friends! I know this! I am not going to waste any more time with you. Fine go make yourself happy. In the end it will make you extremely unhappy and you may find out first hand if there reallly is a GOD when you die from drug use. Your parents need a good spanking for not having more control over their child.

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Boy are you STUPID! Your post above proves it! You are only 17! I am much older and wiser than you little boy. Drug use hurts the user, family, and friends! I know this! I am not going to waste any more time with you. Fine go make yourself happy. In the end it will make you extremely unhappy and you may find out first hand if there reallly is a GOD when you die from drug use. Your parents need a good spanking for not having more control over their child.

Okay. But as I've stated plenty of times, your opinion is to be retained to yourself, I really won't learn from or try to change anything I'm doing if all I'm being barraged with are "You're wrong, **** your ideas, and I know more than you do, without supporting any evidence or facts whatsoever other than general stereotypical circumstances".

I would LOVE for someone to educate me further, it's what I strive for, learning. I probably learn at a 1:5 ratio for school vs at home and outside reading etc. I don't try to dismantle your moral beliefs or anything, did I ever tell you that you were wrong? Not a once, I simply questioned you further in hopes of you educating me on something based on factual evidence to support it; you've disappointed me, clearly.

Isabella 04-24-2007 11:07 PM

You don't listen to facts, so I will not be wasting anymore of my time on you. Go make yourself happy! Learn the hard way!!!!!

Isabella 04-24-2007 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Personally, I think people use drugs too much. We have drugs these days that helps keep your legs still while you're sleeping. :freaky: Illegal drugs, even more worthless. I have never...never...NEVER had a reason to even consider illegal drugs of any kind. I don't even smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. I have better things to waste my brain cells on.

Anime, you keep impressing me! I applaud you! :clapbig: :clapbig:

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Anime, you keep impressing me! I applaud you! :clapbig: :clapbig:

Easily impressed.

Also, to your previous post: Where have you given me "facts" to prove that your claims are in the least bit valid at all? You've only said "I know from experience", yet you don't know the first thing personally about drugs. I don't care who you are, even if you're a doctor studying medicine, specifically these drugs, if you haven't experienced their use, do not ever make claims about what they do to you. There are varied degrees of reactions to drugs, I can agree I've once gone over the edge and been a bit tweaky at times, but I've also been the clearest I've ever been in my life in the period of using drugs. I don't take them to remove any ailments, I don't take them to make any statement, I take them (maybe 80% alone) because I enjoy the experience and the increasingly substantial amount of knowledge and spirituality they've given me over time, I've only rarely regretted doing certain drugs, and once I realized they were bad for me, I discontinued their use.

AnimeSpirit 04-24-2007 11:31 PM

You want references, SB? Here you go!

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
You want references, SB? Here you go!

I've seen it, and I could bring you plenty of real-life local references that have tried it themselves after seeing this particular episode and completely laughing at the false view it has on the drugs represented. Sorry, but I don't have an belief that you're familiar with the effects first-hand to take you seriously here.

AnimeSpirit 04-24-2007 11:38 PM

I don't even care about the effect first-hand. There are people out there who have DIED because they messed around with drugs. The simple cut and dry question is WHY would you even want to risk it?

Bring me all the local references you want. My money says their heads won't be in the proper place to speak honestly about this topic.

List of celebreties who are dead due to DRUGS:

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
I don't even care about the effect first-hand. There are people out there who have DIED because they messed around with drugs. The simple cut and dry question is WHY would you even want to risk it?

Bring me all the local references you want. My money says their heads won't be in the proper place to speak honestly about this topic.

List of celebreties who are dead due to DRUGS:

You don't honestly want me to crack out the lists of prominent Americans and historical figures that have been very active in drug use, do you?

AnimeSpirit 04-24-2007 11:54 PM

By all means, so long as they are all still alive and healthy and your source is legit.

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
By all means, so long as they are all still alive and healthy and your source is legit.

Many have died of natural causes, many are still alive and "kickin'"

I'll compile it tomorrow, bedtime for now.

LateNight 04-25-2007 12:07 AM

santabot, don't expect any straight answers from anyone here about Marijuana. take any poll, more people have TRIED, or USE marijuana, than are willing to publicly admit. And many of us have children, and were not about to encourage a 17 year old to use ANY drugs.


Santabot 04-25-2007 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
santabot, don't expect any straight answers from anyone here about Marijuana. take any poll, more people have TRIED, or USE marijuana, than are willing to publicly admit. And many of us have children, and were not about to encourage a 17 year old to use ANY drugs.


Of course, and I agree fully, I would never openly advocate their use, they are not for everyone; however, I've personally found plenty of use and their experience in my life is no doubt one of the most profound. I've been through about every drug and type there is, and I'm much less of a regular user now, although I still do continue for personal use and to prevent my tolerance from getting so low that I bug out again when I smoke the next time etc.

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Easily impressed.

Also, to your previous post: Where have you given me "facts" to prove that your claims are in the least bit valid at all? You've only said "I know from experience", yet you don't know the first thing personally about drugs. I don't care who you are, even if you're a doctor studying medicine, specifically these drugs, if you haven't experienced their use, do not ever make claims about what they do to you. There are varied degrees of reactions to drugs, I can agree I've once gone over the edge and been a bit tweaky at times, but I've also been the clearest I've ever been in my life in the period of using drugs. I don't take them to remove any ailments, I don't take them to make any statement, I take them (maybe 80% alone) because I enjoy the experience and the increasingly substantial amount of knowledge and spirituality they've given me over time, I've only rarely regretted doing certain drugs, and once I realized they were bad for me, I discontinued their use.

You are clearly a drug addict and don't understand that you are. Sad.

You state that even if a doctor who studies medicine who knows these drugs and their outcomes where on this board and what they could do to you that you would not listen so why do you want anyone to provide any information to you? You are not going to listen. You state you want first hand information. I gather this must come from someone who has clearly experienced them? So it would take an addict getting on here who has overdosed themselves, died, and been brought back from the dead to speak to you in order for you to understand? Those of us who have left with a family member that was addicted to drugs is not good enough for you? No, it's not because you want to continue to justify your use of the drug. You know it's wrong but because you are an addict and a smart one at that you are going to continue down this path until you self destruct. But don't worry, we are going to be sure today and pass along this information to the proper authorities. Don't be surprised when they come a knockin!!!!

You'll probably find that you aren't quite as smart as you think you are!!!!

LateNight 04-25-2007 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
and I'm much less of a regular user now, although I still do continue for personal use and to prevent my tolerance from getting so low that I bug out again when I smoke the next time etc.

LOL, to be 17 again. That has to be about the goofiest thing you've said so far. "Hey Doug, Hold my beer... watch this!" LOL

Isaac-Saxxon 04-25-2007 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
LOL, to be 17 again. That has to be about the goofiest thing you've said so far. "Hey Doug, Hold my beer... watch this!" LOL

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :laugh:

Sheba 04-25-2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Of course, and I agree fully, I would never openly advocate their use, they are not for everyone; however, I've personally found plenty of use and their experience in my life is no doubt one of the most profound. I've been through about every drug and type there is, and I'm much less of a regular user now, although I still do continue for personal use and to prevent my tolerance from getting so low that I bug out again when I smoke the next time etc.

Wow! Is it really OK to use this forum to openly discuss current use of illegal substances? I guess I'm naive enough to think SBL's board would at least raise an eyebrow at this info. I happen to know that here are readers and posters who are younger than 17. SBL, what's your stand?:confused:

Neo 04-25-2007 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Sheba
Wow! Is it really OK to use this forum to openly discuss current use of illegal substances? I guess I'm naive enough to think SBL's board would at least raise an eyebrow at this info. I happen to know that here are readers and posters who are younger than 17. SBL, what's your stand?:confused:

Not only should the forum raise an eyebrow due to content, what about the f bomb dropped earlier in Santa's post. He is not quite of age to even buy a cd with that as a lyric. I guess laws are easily broken, just as easily it is to escape reality with drugs.

I can speak from experience, that widening of your senses and discoveries mentally you seek will eventually elude you. During the pursuit, you will require more fuel to chase the fleeting trance. Right now you feel you are under control, however, if you look to alter the mind are you really under control, or just looking to escape the Santabot.

You should speak from a recreational point of view as opposed to the advertisement of false facts.

Enjoy it don't preach it.

Allen Marsalis 04-25-2007 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sheba
Wow! Is it really OK to use this forum to openly discuss current use of illegal substances? I guess I'm naive enough to think SBL's board would at least raise an eyebrow at this info. I happen to know that here are readers and posters who are younger than 17. SBL, what's your stand?:confused:

I should start by saying what I hope is obvious to everyone. The opinions expressed within the blogs, forums, etc. on this site are the individual opinions of members and do not reflect the opinions of the providers of this free service in any way.

In addition to that, if a member chooses to break the law, it is up to the local authorities to police that matter, not the service provider. For example if a robber uses the telephone to commit a crime, it is not up to BellSouth to police that. It is the duty of legal authorities who then can obtain a court order and/or subpoena for information from the service provider if it is deemed necessary by the authorities.

In other words, Shoot the messenger if you must, but please don't shoot the innocent horse he is riding! :D

In addition to the requirement to abide by all applicable laws, we do require members to agree to our Terms of Service (ToS) agreement when registering, which clearly states that our service will not in any way be used to commit a crime or break the law. Here are some highlights of interest:

“You are only authorized to use the SBLive! Services (regardless of whether your access or use is intended) if you agree to abide by all applicable laws and to this Agreement.

Prohibited activity includes, but is not limited to:
1.criminal or tortuous activity, including child pornography, fraud, trafficking in obscene material, drug dealing, gambling, harassment, stalking, spamming, spimming, sending of viruses or other harmful files, copyright infringement, patent infringement, or theft of trade secrets;

11.furthers or promotes any criminal activity or enterprise or provides instructional information about illegal activities including, but not limited to making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone's privacy, or providing or creating computer viruses”

A possible violation that I do see here is that we require members to be 18 years of age or older. SantaBot has willing stated that he is 17 years old and therefore his account could be subject to termination until such time that he turns 18. I have never had the occasion to terminate any accounts thus far, and I will have to take this matter under consideration.

It is not our desire to moderate, edit, or control this board unless something obviously gets out of hand demanding our action, which would be very unfortunate situation. Nobody likes their opinions or views suppressed or edited out, but we do require our members to abide by all applicable laws and our ToS agreement. Just keep in mind that we are NOT lawyers ourselves but rather Internet service providers. If you witness anyone committing a crime on this site or elsewhere, we suggest you contact your local authorities and report it.

Allen Marsalis 04-25-2007 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
Not only should the forum raise an eyebrow due to content, what about the f bomb dropped earlier in Santa's post. He is not quite of age to even buy a cd with that as a lyric. I guess laws are easily broken, just as easily it is to escape reality with drugs.

Although we do not "moderate" this forum, we do censor certain words as profanity. If you notice any profanity that our filter did not catch, please let us know by emailing or else sending a private message to sbl_admin. I am reviewing the list right now and I will probably add some new words and rules to the profanity filter today. Please keep in mind that this doesn't stop someone from posting a "variation" of the word by misspelling it.

Santabot 04-25-2007 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
You are clearly a drug addict and don't understand that you are. Sad.

You state that even if a doctor who studies medicine who knows these drugs and their outcomes where on this board and what they could do to you that you would not listen so why do you want anyone to provide any information to you? You are not going to listen. You state you want first hand information. I gather this must come from someone who has clearly experienced them? So it would take an addict getting on here who has overdosed themselves, died, and been brought back from the dead to speak to you in order for you to understand? Those of us who have left with a family member that was addicted to drugs is not good enough for you? No, it's not because you want to continue to justify your use of the drug. You know it's wrong but because you are an addict and a smart one at that you are going to continue down this path until you self destruct. But don't worry, we are going to be sure today and pass along this information to the proper authorities. Don't be surprised when they come a knockin!!!!

You'll probably find that you aren't quite as smart as you think you are!!!!

It doesn't take addiction or death to have a bad enough experience with drugs to understand the adverse affects. Enjoy knowing that I've lost reason to believe anything you say and I should not hope to read or respond to you from here on out.

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
It doesn't take addiction or death to have a bad enough experience with drugs to understand the adverse affects. Enjoy knowing that I've lost reason to believe anything you say and I should not hope to read or respond to you from here on out.

Oh dear boy, you don't have to respond to anything I say. But know that I know the real reason you don't want to is not because you don't believe me. It's because you know that I and the others on the board are dangerously close to the truth about you.

Did you happen to read the post below mine by the owner of the board? That should be the most important read of the day for you. Perhaps you should move on, do your homework, and then go confess to your parents and get some help. I hope that you do.

rhertz 04-25-2007 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Oh dear boy, you don't have to respond to anything I say.

LOL, ever seen that movie "Must Love Dogs?" Ms Belle the way you talk to Santabot sorta reminds me of the way Stockard Channing (Dolly) spoke to that teenage boy from San Francisco who she met online and fell in love with her! :D

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 04:29 PM


Need I say more?

rhertz 04-25-2007 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle

Need I say more?

ROFL, let him down easy now! Don't crush his soul. He is young and fragile. :laugh:

It's those sexy shoes I tell ya! Drives young boys (and even old men) mad! Add to that your firm voice, and well, you are what many a boy's dream is made of. hehehe (ducking)

Just tell that young man to stop smoking weed and move on. I bet he does it......

Santabot 04-25-2007 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
ROFL, let him down easy now! Don't crush his soul. He is young and fragile. :laugh:

It's those sexy shoes I tell ya! Drives young boys (and even old men) mad! Add to that your firm voice, and well, you are what many a boy's dream is made of. hehehe (ducking)

Just tell that young man to stop smoking weed and move on. I bet he does it......

I'm absolutely weeping from her persistent abuse, of course.

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 05:09 PM

Hey Rhertz you know a good spanking every now and then does you some good!


Santabot 04-25-2007 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Hey Rhertz you know a good spanking every now and then does you some good!


Enough S&M, and I don't think I've ever encountered a less attractive person, to reply to rhertz and yourself.

Pocahontas 04-25-2007 08:14 PM

Santa, I think most of us on this board are significantly older than you and are really trying to give you our "wisdom" on drug use. You did ask for opinions. I don't personally like drugs or use them but I do know what they can do to someone. I have a very close relative who began by overdosing on cough medicines (of all things) at a very young 13. He is now 22 and has been in rehab 5 times and continues to fail at sobriety. He is very intelligent but chooses to keep using so what's he doing now? Moving from carpet salesman, to fruitstand boy, to busting tables, to construction not ever achieving or using any of his knowledge. He too went to LSU but bombed out due to drugs went to Community College bombed out etc. It's a very sad never ending cycle. So you need to be very careful in what drugs you are using because this too can happen to you. You sound intelligent so why continue to do so? Do you feel these drugs are beneficial to you some how?:(

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Enough S&M, and I don't think I've ever encountered a less attractive person, to reply to rhertz and yourself.

Of course you find me unattractive. I am not saying what you want to hear.

Santabot 04-25-2007 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Santa, I think most of us on this board are significantly older than you and are really trying to give you our "wisdom" on drug use. You did ask for opinions. I don't personally like drugs or use them but I do know what they can do to someone. I have a very close relative who began by overdosing on cough medicines (of all things) at a very young 13. He is now 22 and has been in rehab 5 times and continues to fail at sobriety. He is very intelligent but chooses to keep using so what's he doing now? Moving from carpet salesman, to fruitstand boy, to busting tables, to construction not ever achieving or using any of his knowledge. He too went to LSU but bombed out due to drugs went to Community College bombed out etc. It's a very sad never ending cycle. So you need to be very careful in what drugs you are using because this too can happen to you. You sound intelligent so why continue to do so? Do you feel these drugs are beneficial to you some how?:(

I am very, extremely aware of the possibility of adverse effects from drug use and abuse, I've witnessed them both first-hand and from very close friends and family; I never denied their existence, and I think that is a main point that you guys seem to think differently, I never advocated the use of drugs nor suggested that drugs are safe to use, I am VERY aware that they are not, I just choose to make that decision for myself, and don't involve anybody else in my endeavors as to not harm anyone.

I know none of you who have not tried them personally will understand what kind of changes it can make in your life. Obviously something that profound can make a negative spot (maybe permanent) in your life, but with the right knowledge, practice, use, and responsibility, like any other mainstream drug that is sold over-the-counter, you can enjoy the entire opposite spectrum of an experience.

I am only speaking from personal behalf that the drugs of choice I have done are only on that list because they have been tried repeatedly and have shown zero adverse affects to me. If I had seen any negative effects of any kind, no matter my attachment to the substance, I would quit them, and I have done this numerous times for different substances. I know a lot about many types of drugs, but I do not claim to know all there is to know, nor do I claim to know all there is about experiencing drugs. I daily research based on interest and personal edification for drugs of all kinds just to be more aware and conscious of drugs and their use in society. You really can't stop people from using and abusing substances, but you can give proper knowledge and allow people to make decisions for themselves, even if they may ruin their lives, at least it was by their own choice and they will have to responsibly ask for help or never receive it. I've been in holes like that before, it hurts, trust me.

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