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scarlett 02-27-2007 05:56 PM

Internet Pornography, Harmless Fun?

here are a few things it says about it. It took me a while to read all the comments but I will say very interesting how women think vs men.

Harmful Effects of Internet Pornography
Internet Pornography:
-Threatens marital and intimate relationships.
- Is experienced as being isolating and depressing.
- Shares many qualities of other addictions, such as not being able to control the impulse to view it.
- Threatens employment if done at work.
- Is extremely unproductive and leads to frustration on the part of the viewer.
- Due to the interactive nature of the Internet, can lead to direct contact with the models on the adult sites.
- Can harm the self esteem of some men who feel adolescent in viewing these sites and masturbating.
- Is offensive to many wives and girl friends who often feel rejected and not good enough as a result.
- Angers people who consider it to be exploitive and debasing to women.
- There is always worry that children could discover the pornography on computers used at home.

Al Swearengen 02-27-2007 06:06 PM

I'd be willing to bet it would bother most men if they discovered their wives/girlfriends kept a stash of beefcake mags hidden somewhere or were viewing it on the net. It'd sure as hell bother me...only way such a thing would NOT bother me is if I had no romantic interest in said woman.

joepole 02-27-2007 07:14 PM

That is the most BS-laden thing I've ever read.

-Threatens marital and intimate relationships.

No, it doesn't. Someone who abuses pornography (or abuses anything) threatens a relationship.

- Is experienced as being isolating and depressing.

By whom? not by me.

- Shares many qualities of other addictions, such as not being able to control the impulse to view it.

It also shares many qualities of religion, eating, or being an astronaut.

- Threatens employment if done at work.

So what? That's a problem with your choice of venue, not with your chosen pastime. Other things that threaten employment if done at work: Swearing, sleeping, arguing, eating, drinking, staring at the wall, praying, smoking, and farting.

- Is extremely unproductive and leads to frustration on the part of the viewer.

On the contrary, it is extremely satisfying if done correctly.

- Due to the interactive nature of the Internet, can lead to direct contact with the models on the adult sites.

You can pick up women anywhere. I would wager that porn stars are less approachable than most other women due to all the crazies.

- Can harm the self esteem of some men who feel adolescent in viewing these sites and masturbating.

If you feel bad for masturbating then there's all kinds of things wrong with you that have nothing to do with pornography.

- Is offensive to many wives and girl friends who often feel rejected and not good enough as a result.

Those women are offensive to me, we're even.

- Angers people who consider it to be exploitive and debasing to women.

People who consider it to be exploitive and debasing to women anger me. Again, we're even.

- There is always worry that children could discover the pornography on computers used at home.

No, there is not always that worry. I don't worry about it.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-27-2007 07:57 PM

Internet Pornography, Harmless Fun?
Yes it has been around for thousands of years and many cultures have used children to meet the lust of adults. There are some very sick porn movies and freaky stuff with animals. I know you guys may think I am judging here but porn is not good a very best. You do as you please but I am with Al and I would not be happy to find my wife with porn flicks in the closet and I know she would be very unhappy to find them in mine. That is my family and yes this is America and your choice is just that your choice. Moral decline never ever helped a country ever :nono: :nono:

AnimeSpirit 02-27-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
So what? That's a problem with your choice of venue, not with your chosen pastime. Other things that threaten employment if done at work: Swearing, sleeping, arguing, eating, drinking, staring at the wall, praying, smoking, and farting.

LOL! You got a point there. Although porn at work would probably get you fired quicker than staring at the wall. Still though, I agree with you on that respect.

My position on this topic is simple. If you're single, then by all means, check out all the porn you like and keep it to yourself, but put them away and delete them from the computer when/if you enter a steady relationship. However, if you're already in a relationship, you shouldn't need the porn and shouldn't risk offending your other with it. It is not hard to understand that some women (particularly women with low self-esteem) may feel inadequate when faced with a man who would prefer porn instead of her. It's insulting and too many men are ignorant of this fact! If you are truly committed and attracted to another person, there is NO good reason for having or even desiring porn! If you truly do prefer the porn instead, then you are not committed and should not waste her time! Nuf said!

Now, I am not beyond the concept that some committed lovers like to watch video porns together to excite themselves or discover more exotic means of satisfying each other's sexual desires. This, when mutually agreed upon, can be productive to the relationship if both parties are comfortable in doing so.

Bob 02-27-2007 09:05 PM

LMAO. You all are too funny. Interesting thread.
I suppose there's porn, and then there's porn. You know.
Who's to say a good porn flick couldn't be the inspiration for you and your partner to try something new and exciting .. TOGETHER ??
just a thought.

I should get bonus points for that one ;)


Al Swearengen 02-27-2007 09:07 PM

Bomp chikka bow now bomp chikka bow now

Bob 02-27-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Bomp chikka bow now bomp chikka bow now

LOL.. I GET IT ! I'm a little slow this evening :)

joepole 02-27-2007 10:38 PM

>If you are truly committed and attracted to another person, there is NO good reason for having or even desiring porn!

That's absurd. One has nothing to do with the other.

AnimeSpirit 02-27-2007 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
That's absurd. One has nothing to do with the other.

Sure they do! When you have a woman to look at and satisfy your sexual desires, why would you need porn? Now, I admit that some men complain that their women do not do so often enough. However, this is an issue aside of propriety. Reversely, if your woman finds that you prefer pornography, then she would feel like she doesn't look good enough for you. It would naturally upset her.


Originally Posted by Bob
Who's to say a good porn flick couldn't be the inspiration for you and your partner to try something new and exciting .. TOGETHER ??
just a thought.

Exactly! That is not unlike the suggestion I made in my previous post.

joepole 02-27-2007 11:09 PM

Porn and real women satisfy different desires. One does not take the place of the other.

Isabella 02-27-2007 11:24 PM

LOL, now we know how some people spend their time.

LateNight 02-27-2007 11:54 PM

uh oh.. all this talk of pornography, we're sure to attract the attention of the Shreveport Police Internet division :D

AnimeSpirit 02-28-2007 07:46 AM

You know, maybe we should've made this topic a poll.

scarlett 02-28-2007 10:07 AM

All of my comments are after his


Originally Posted by joepole
That is the most BS-laden thing I've ever read.

-Threatens marital and intimate relationships.

>No, it doesn't. Someone who abuses pornography (or abuses anything) threatens a relationship.

Apparently it does read the replies after this I'm shocked honestly at them. I figured most were like you which 99% of women can't stand in a man.

- Is experienced as being isolating and depressing.

>By whom? not by me.

Of course not you have no morals it pretty much shows.

- Shares many qualities of other addictions, such as not being able to control the impulse to view it.

>It also shares many qualities of religion, eating, or being an astronaut.

Delusional and lying to yourself that's for sure. Pretty obvious with this astronaut comment

- Threatens employment if done at work.

>So what? That's a problem with your choice of venue, not with your >chosen pastime. Other things that threaten employment if done at work: >Swearing, sleeping, arguing, eating, drinking, staring at the wall, >praying, smoking, and farting.

Well it's everyone's problem that would be involved if you were fired for it. Your wife with those 2 small girls would just love for you to get fired and not be able to provide for your family due to pr0n!

- Is extremely unproductive and leads to frustration on the part of the viewer.

>On the contrary, it is extremely satisfying if done correctly.


- Due to the interactive nature of the Internet, can lead to direct contact with the models on the adult sites.

>You can pick up women anywhere. I would wager that porn stars are less >approachable than most other women due to all the crazies.

But most men won't pick up women so they tend to have the fantasies in their own home about the sluts they are jerking off to. Sure makes your wife/girlfriend feel great about herself i'm sure. Unless she doesn't mind you jerking off to slutty women.

- Can harm the self esteem of some men who feel adolescent in viewing these sites and masturbating.

>If you feel bad for masturbating then there's all kinds of things wrong >with you that have nothing to do with pornography.

Well I have to agree with you this one time. I believe masturbating can be done w/o pr0nography and this wouldn't hurt anyone.

- Is offensive to many wives and girl friends who often feel rejected and not good enough as a result.

>Those women are offensive to me, we're even.

Men like you need to be single and don't deserve anything more than a slut off the internet, nuff said!

- Angers people who consider it to be exploitive and debasing to women.

>People who consider it to be exploitive and debasing to women anger me. >Again, we're even.

Well you seem to fit this profile nuff said!

- There is always worry that children could discover the pornography on computers used at home.

>No, there is not always that worry. I don't worry about it.

Unless your 2 yr old and infant can understand how to search your computer I'm sure you don't worry about it. Just as I suspected you had very small children. It's your type of attitude that thinks it won't happen to me well wake up and smell the roses, never say never because you NEVER KNOW!

have a good day

Isaac-Saxxon 02-28-2007 10:12 AM

You know, maybe we should make this poll a topic

Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
You know, maybe we should've made this topic a poll.

A greedy and perverse generation that we live in. Hey guys I like the curve as much as anybody but my curve sleeps next to me and I do not need porn to hit my buttons. I guess some people need that little extra to help them in the bed :rolleyes:

scarlett 02-28-2007 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I guess some people need that little extra to help them in the bed :rolleyes:


AnimeSpirit 02-28-2007 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
A greedy and perverse generation that we live in. Hey guys I like the curve as much as anybody but my curve sleeps next to me and I do not need porn to hit my buttons. I guess some people need that little extra to help them in the bed :rolleyes:

There! You see? When you're committed to someone, you don't NEED porn. ;)

scarlett 02-28-2007 04:23 PM

Added A Poll
Ok I added a poll so vote away

Al Swearengen 02-28-2007 06:09 PM

Tom Anderson (of Beavis and Butthead fame): "Hey, youre the two kids thatve been whackin in my tool shed...boy I'll tell ya what, theyre just like a couple o lil old spidermonkeys"

Al Swearengen 02-28-2007 06:24 PM


Porn and real women satisfy different desires. One does not take the place of the other.
I think I understand Joe's point here. Ya see, there are just SOME things ya cant/dont/wont ask your wife or girlfriend to do...or maybe the guy just hasnt worked up the courage to ASK her to do those things...or maybe he just cant bring himself to ask her with a straight face...or maybe he already knows she WONT do IT, whatever IT is! So instead he can safely take his, uh, lets say somewhat unorthodox request(s), to this imaginary, completely uninhibited fantasy woman. THAT woman might even be his own wife/girlfriend...or not. Any man knows that wives and girlfriends say and do lots of things in our heads that they wont in our beds. Dealing with his fantasies in this way might sympathetically be viewed as a prophylactic (no pun intended) means of satisfying his desires without putting his marriage/relationship or anyone's health at risk.

scarlett 02-28-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
I think I understand Joe's point here. Ya see, there are just SOME things ya cant/dont/wont ask your wife or girlfriend to do...or maybe the guy just hasnt worked up the courage to ASK her to do those things...or maybe he just cant bring himself to ask her with a straight face...or maybe he already knows she WONT do IT, whatever IT is! So instead he can safely take his, uh, lets say somewhat unorthodox request(s), to this imaginary, completely uninhibited fantasy woman. THAT woman might even be his own wife/girlfriend...or not. Any man knows that wives and girlfriends say and do lots of things in our heads that they wont in our beds. Dealing with his fantasies in this way might sympathetically be viewed as a prophylactic (no pun intended) means of satisfying his desires without putting his marriage/relationship or anyone's health at risk.

I think hurting your wife/gf/sigother is worse now if both are consenting adults with this that's fine but if the wife (as i have read the ratio is very high out there) most don't agree with the porn and feel like the sluts are taking their place and fulfilling a need as you are saying that they can't fulfill. I would say ask most women would do anythign to satisfy their man especially if they knew a tramp was taking her place visually.

Just my .03 of course........

Al Swearengen 02-28-2007 06:36 PM

I agree with ya there Scarlett, which is why I dont keep a porn stash. I know how it would make my better half feel if she were to find it. I also admit that I wouldnt like it if I found HER porn stash. So I guess if youre gonna look at it, the lesson here is "dont get caught"!

joepole 02-28-2007 06:45 PM

Saying "if you really love sex with your spouse then you don't need pornography because your spouse should be able to fulfill all your desires" is like saying "if you really enjoy spending time with your spouse then you don't need to read books, watch television, or go to to movies because your spouse should be able to fulfill all your desires."

I love my wife and we have great sex. That doesn't mean I don't also like to watch 3 midgets have sex with a horse once in a while.

LateNight 02-28-2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
I love my wife and we have great sex. That doesn't mean I don't also like to watch 3 midgets have sex with a horse once in a while.

I nominate this for QUOTE OF THE YEAR !! :clap: :clap: :clap:

scarlett 02-28-2007 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Saying "if you really love sex with your spouse then you don't need pornography because your spouse should be able to fulfill all your desires" is like saying "if you really enjoy spending time with your spouse then you don't need to read books, watch television, or go to to movies because your spouse should be able to fulfill all your desires."

I love my wife and we have great sex. That doesn't mean I don't also like to watch 3 midgets have sex with a horse once in a while.

Comparing tv, books and watching television to porn means you have a twisted delusional mind and trying to justify what you do. Apparently most disagree with you, MEN AT THAT.

You have to love people that find the most stupid things to justify their sinful acts or their immoral ways or just making a stupid decision.

Poor wife with a twisted sick mind of a husband. tsk tsk tsk

I wouldn't be so quick to brag on midgets and horses having sex but hey whatever your fetish is go for it. Some may say T M I!!!!

Bob 02-28-2007 06:59 PM

o.k. 'women' what's your thought on your man havin' a little 'porn' while you are say, out of town ? Just curious. For those that are 'offended' .
Certainly I could understand that, being a real problem, should the porn be used in "place of" just curious about some other circumstance ?

scarlett 02-28-2007 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bob
o.k. 'women' what's your thought on your man havin' a little 'porn' while you are say, out of town ? Just curious. For those that are 'offended' .
Certainly I could understand that, being a real problem, should the porn be used in "place of" just curious about some other circumstance ?

I guess i don't need to post my opinions here but i will anyway. If you want it when you are out of town call me up i'll give you a great 900 phone call. Heck I have a video camera and real camera so I can make all the videos and take all the pictures you want.

If this doesn't do it for you well you have a problem.......

Shrevenator 02-28-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bob
I should get bonus points for that one ;)


There ya go Bob! My pleasure.
Hey you aren't the "meet bob" dude are ya?

Bob 02-28-2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by scarlett
I guess i don't need to post my opinions here but i will anyway. If you want it when you are out of town call me up i'll give you a great 900 phone call. Heck I have a video camera and real camera so I can make all the videos and take all the pictures you want.

If this doesn't do it for you well you have a problem.......

Damn! did it just get hot in here ??? :D

I expect Scarlett's "Rep" points to go through the roof their boys !! LOL

LateNight 02-28-2007 07:12 PM

LOL leave it to scarlett to start up a fun thread. :)

Might I offer everyone a drink ?

Al Swearengen 02-28-2007 07:13 PM

Hey! Pass the Kleenex!:D

scarlett 02-28-2007 07:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by LateNight
LOL leave it to scarlett to start up a fun thread. :)

Might I offer everyone a drink ?


Al Swearengen 02-28-2007 07:39 PM

Off topic, but Ive seen those "Blue Moon Belgian Wheats" at the store...are they good? Sure looks refreshing!

Bartender, make mine a "Margaritaville Island Lime" and Seven! Oh, and an "Acid Cold Tea Infusion"!

scarlett 02-28-2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Off topic, but Ive seen those "Blue Moon Belgian Wheats" at the store...are they good? Sure looks refreshing!

Bartender, make mine a "Margaritaville Island Lime" and Seven! Oh, and an "Acid Cold Tea Infusion"!

I am NOT a beer drinker and this is the only beer I drink. It really is good has a unique taste i can't explain. Not many places have it on tap but there are some places that do. cheesecake factory here in Florida has it on tap. I also drink Yuengling beer on tap that's my 2nd choice.

I am more of a wine drinker Reisling anyday!

Al Swearengen 02-28-2007 07:55 PM

Your endorsement is good enough for me! I'll give it a try. Yuengling eh...I watched a History Channel Special on Breweries...Yuenglings actually stores their brew in a cold, underground cave..natural refridgeration! I bet its damn good too. I recently tried a "Samuel Adams" variety that cant be found here in Shreveport..its the Sam Adams "Pale Ale". Excellent brew, I highly recommend it!

joepole 02-28-2007 08:58 PM

>Comparing tv, books and watching television to porn means you have a twisted delusional mind and trying to justify what you do

Of course I'm trying to justify it, isn't that the whole point of this conversation?

Why does that mean I have a twisted delusional mind? All four are forms of fiction that provide the reader/viewer with mental images of events that aren't actually happening. What is it about sex-related entertainment that makes it fundamentally different than a spy thriller, love story, or sitcom?

My wife has a fine sense of humor, is it somehow insulting to her that I enjoy funny movies? Why is it OK to be entertained by someone other than your spouse if that person is being funny but not OK if that person is being sexual?

My wife is also an excellent cook. Should she be angry if I eat at a restaurant?

scarlett 02-28-2007 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
>Comparing tv, books and watching television to porn means you have a twisted delusional mind and trying to justify what you do

Of course I'm trying to justify it, isn't that the whole point of this conversation?

Your justification isn't good enough and won't convince many, especially me. You can keep rambling on and trying to justify i still think you are delusional.

rhertz 02-28-2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
My wife is also an excellent cook. Should she be angry if I eat at a restaurant?

Depends on if she was invited to pig out with you, or stay home to watch the kids! (duck)

Isabella 02-28-2007 09:15 PM

Joe I think you are outnumbered here.

Hey how do you get Rep points? I have none? Is it good or bad to have them?

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