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Isaac-Saxxon 01-17-2007 03:22 PM

School teacher gets education
A United States Marine was attending some college courses
between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member
of the ACLU.
One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He
looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I
want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15
minutes." The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten
minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still
waiting." It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got
out of his Chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him;
knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.
The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The
other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in
silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at
the Marine and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you
do that?" The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting
America's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid **** and
act like an *******. So, He sent me."
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED :D

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
A United States Marine was attending some college courses
between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One of the courses had a professor who was a vowed atheist and a member
of the ACLU.
One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He
looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I
want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15
minutes." The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten
minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still
waiting." It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got
out of his Chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him;
knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.
The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The
other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in
silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at
the Marine and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you
do that?" The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting
America's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid **** and
act like an *******. So, He sent me."
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED :D

Nice story, but isn't God omnipresent? If I agreed, I would say it's a decent anecdote, but not much substance as truth.

cosmo kramer 04-23-2007 10:28 PM

Isaac, wish I could have been student in that classroom! He was asking for it!:clap:

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 07:04 AM

See Isaac, this is the problem I have with zealots like you. You REALLY don't see anything wrong with this story, do you?

You REALLY don't see anything wrong with a striking another human being on the a trained killing machine no less?

You REALLY don't see anything wrong with initiating violence over words?

You REALLY don't see anything wrong with initiating violence over your religious know, like a muslim terrorist or something....

Well let let me break it down for ya....expelled from school, charged with some degree of assault in a school zone(are marines considered "deadly weapons" we just went from misdemeanor to felony), and will surely face some type of military punishment as well.

One would hope a Marine has more intelligence than the likes of the character in this story.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 07:17 AM

Great story!:clap:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-24-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
See Isaac, this is the problem I have with zealots like you. You REALLY don't see anything wrong with this story, do you?

You REALLY don't see anything wrong with a striking another human being on the a trained killing machine no less?

You REALLY don't see anything wrong with initiating violence over words?

You REALLY don't see anything wrong with initiating violence over your religious know, like a Muslim terrorist or something....

Well let let me break it down for ya....expelled from school, charged with some degree of assault in a school zone(are marines considered "deadly weapons" we just went from misdemeanor to felony), and will surely face some type of military punishment as well.

One would hope a Marine has more intelligence than the likes of the character in this story.

How is my buddy today ;) did you forget your Prozac buddy ? Maybe time for a refill :D

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
How is my buddy today ;) did you forget your Prozac buddy ? Maybe time for a refill :D

Did you forget to answer the question or is this the standard christian method for pleading the 5th?

That's ok, we already know people like you are why we enjoy separation of church and state in this country. I bet you're right proud too, aren't ya?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

purpahurl 04-24-2007 12:36 PM

use of force
Hey Brain, What language would you be speaking and reading if it wasn't for our military?

Isaac-Saxxon 04-24-2007 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by purpahurl
Hey Brain, What language would you be speaking and reading if it wasn't for our military?

I could not say it better :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He would be speaking in Mullet slang :laugh:

rhertz 04-24-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Nice story, but isn't God omnipresent? If I agreed, I would say it's a decent anecdote, but not much substance as truth.

Regardless of the outcome, it is quite arrogant for someone to tell God what to do, and expect him to do it pronto. That doesn't even work on normal human beings or even children a lot of the time. That teacher was acting childish rather than proving anything about religion.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by purpahurl
Hey Brain, What language would you be speaking and reading if it wasn't for our military?

Probably German.

So are you of the opinion that military service gives one the right to simply disregard any law they see fit to overlook? Should we let them slide on murder and DWI too, or is assaulting teachers for expressing their own opinions in their own classroom where you draw the line?

Like I said, I would like to think a Marine is vastly more intelligent than the character portrayed in this story.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I could not say it better :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He would be speaking in Mullet slang :laugh:

Questioning my patriotism doesn't change the fact that once again, you are in approval of criminal activity. It merely supports the corruption we've witnessed from the christian community for over two thousand years.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Regardless of the outcome, it is quite arrogant for someone to tell God what to do, and expect him to do it pronto. That doesn't even work on normal human beings or even children a lot of the time. That teacher was acting childish rather than proving anything about religion.

Still doesn't justify an act of violence against his person by a trained professional.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 04:12 PM

It's all about what perspective you want to look at it from.

rhertz 04-24-2007 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Still doesn't justify an act of violence against his person by a trained professional.

Well under most circumstances I would agree with you, and maybe even this one, because I really do not know all the facts. Sure I would prefer that God do all his own “dirty work” and make it easy for all of us here on earth. But sometimes we humans are particularly well suited to do God’s will on his behalf. Why else were we created? We are here not only to pray to Him but to act in service to Him and he gave us a the “owners manual” to do so.

Sometimes God divinely inspires us and sometimes this inspiration calls us to action. For example, if a Good Samaritan sees someone in need on the side of the road and asks why, God may call him or her to action in order to ease that persons suffering. Is there a flip side to this type of deed?

Certainly “revenge is mine” said the Lord. I do not think a good Christian would assault someone else for revenge. But is possible that God can act through a person other than Jesus to get his message across? In other words, it is possible this person was willing to break the law and assault someone and be willing to suffer the earthly consequences, even jail time, believing his actions were God’s will?

No one can say if this guy acted 100% under his own motivation, or if he may have been divinely inspired to do what he did. We cannot peek inside someone’s mind like that. Or else a lot of lawyers would be out of a job!! :D

cosmo kramer 04-24-2007 05:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Gomer to the rescue!:peace:

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
It's all about what perspective you want to look at it from.


The law is the law, there are no alternate perspectives when a Marine strikes a teacher in front of a classroom full of witnesses.

Separation of church and state...get used to it.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Well under most circumstances I would agree with you, and maybe even this one, because I really do not know all the facts. Sure I would prefer that God do all his own “dirty work” and make it easy for all of us here on earth. But sometimes we humans are particularly well suited to do God’s will on his behalf. Why else were we created? We are here not only to pray to Him but to act in service to Him and he gave us a the “owners manual” to do so.

I'm pretty sure this is a fictional piece and we have all of the facts we are going to get.

So the question is, what laws are you willing to let the "divinely inspired" break. If punching an atheist is ok, what about stabbing a Satanist?

Sometimes God divinely inspires us and sometimes this inspiration calls us to action. For example, if a Good Samaritan sees someone in need on the side of the road and asks why, God may call him or her to action in order to ease that persons suffering. Is there a flip side to this type of deed?
C'mon Dude.....Comparing punching someone in the face to helping an old lady change her tire is a stretch even for you!!!

Certainly “revenge is mine” said the Lord. I do not think a good Christian would assault someone else for revenge. But is possible that God can act through a person other than Jesus to get his message across? In other words, it is possible this person was willing to break the law and assault someone and be willing to suffer the earthly consequences, even jail time, believing his actions were God’s will?
I reiterate...what laws are you willing to let the "divinely inspired" break. If punching an atheist is ok, what about stabbing a Satanist?

No one can say if this guy acted 100% under his own motivation, or if he may have been divinely inspired to do what he did. We cannot peek inside someone’s mind like that. Or else a lot of lawyers would be out of a job!! :D
Lawyers wouldn't be out of a job because no aspect of our law is built around divine intervention. You either broke the law or you did not and the marine in this story clearly broke the law.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-24-2007 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Questioning my patriotism doesn't change the fact that once again, you are in approval of criminal activity. It merely supports the corruption we've witnessed from the christian community for over two thousand years.

Hey Buddy ! You see the marine will do what is the right thing and lay the teacher out no matter what your ACLU thinks. He would be charged with a simple assault misdemeanor, there will be a fine and well worth paying to not let that slack jawed liberal get away with with his insults like you make to Christians. I would never go to your home and bring up things I know you do not agree on but if you walked in my home and pop off about Christianity or mock God this "old man" would bust your ass right out the door. My domain. So as the teacher addressed the class you address this forum with condesending attacks to get people to reply to you so you can do more of your demonic attacks. Were your parents anything like Alec Baldwin and Kim Baysinger ? :mad!: :whip:

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Hey Buddy ! You see the marine will do what is the right thing and lay the teacher out no matter what your ACLU thinks.

Try first amendment, stupid.

He would be charged with a simple assault misdemeanor, there will be a fine and well worth paying to not let that slack jawed liberal get away with with his insults like you make to Christians.
First of all, he didn't insult any christian. YOU and the Marine took insult at the expression of his beliefs.

In the second place, crimes in school zones carry heavier penalties. This isn't the same as two guys dukeing it out at the bar on friday night.

and last but certainly not least, his college career at that institution is over and I'd be interested to hear what the military would do to someone expelled from school and charge with assault for striking a teacher in the classroom.

I would never go to your home and bring up things I know you do not agree on but if you walked in my home and pop off about Christianity or mock God this "old man" would bust your ass right out the door. My domain.
You mean like the teacher did in his own classroom, his domain. damn you're stupid.

So as the teacher addressed the class you address this forum with condesending attacks to get people to reply to you so you can do more of your demonic attacks. Were your parents anything like Alec Baldwin and Kim Baysinger ? :mad!: :whip:
I Dad wasted his time with a belt.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-24-2007 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Try first amendment, stupid.

First of all, he didn't insult any christian. YOU and the Marine took insult at the expression of his beliefs.

In the second place, crimes in school zones carry heavier penalties. This isn't the same as two guys dukeing it out at the bar on friday night.

and last but certainly not least, his college career at that institution is over and I'd be interested to hear what the military would do to someone expelled from school and charge with assault for striking a teacher in the classroom.

You mean like the teacher did in his own classroom, his domain. damn you're stupid.

I Dad wasted his time with a belt.

Poor Abby Normal Brain the teacher is being paid to be in a room full of students ( I am sure you would not know about that) and the students are paying to get a education not listen to someone put down their faith. Now bull**** boy you do not understand marines. I am sure they would not let your kind in the Marines. :laugh: :laugh: Do you think your Christian family as you called them are scum as you have said in other post about Christians ? The serpent seed is alive and well :mad: So pretty boy is it girls or boys for you ? or both :laugh:

rhertz 04-24-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
What laws are you willing to let the "divinely inspired" break.

Assuming that is indeed a question, the answer is none, and I never implied otherwise. Some people who are inspired by God end up in jail for their belief. Nobody ever said life was fair, not even God almighty.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
If punching an atheist is ok, what about stabbing a Satanist?

Who said punching an athiest or anyone for that matter is OK? Not me. Assault and battery is a serious crime.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I reiterate...what laws are you willing to let the "divinely inspired" break. If punching an atheist is ok, what about stabbing a Satanist?

Punching anyone is not OK by legal standards in which I agree with. But if God told me to punch you out, and I did it, that would be OK in the sense that I would be sued by you and go to jail, etc. Maybe it would be "worth" it and maybe it wouldn't.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Lawyers wouldn't be out of a job because no aspect of our law is built around divine intervention. You either broke the law or you did not and the marine in this story clearly broke the law.

I see your point, and I agree with it. lets say that God told me to do something that is illegal and I choose to do it on purpose knowing full well that there are legal consequences, then that is my sole business or "karma" if I may be so bold. Many have suffered personally and even gone to jail to bring the bible to you and me. I consider it a gift. A very dear gift paid for with solid "currency".

cosmo kramer 04-24-2007 08:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Did I mention tis the time for all good men to have a glass of wine?

Santabot 04-24-2007 08:39 PM

I agree with Brain almost entirely here, about all I could do is quote him and nod.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Poor Abby Normal Brain the teacher is being paid to be in a room full of students ( I am sure you would not know about that) and the students are paying to get a education not listen to someone put down their faith. Now bull**** boy you do not understand marines. I am sure they would not let your kind in the Marines. :laugh: :laugh: Do you think your Christian family as you called them are scum as you have said in other post about Christians ? The serpent seed is alive and well :mad: So pretty boy is it girls or boys for you ? or both :laugh:

I understand bull****ters like you generally don't have anything to add to a conversation other than more bull****.

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I Dad wasted his time with a belt.

hmmm....maybe he should have invested his time into taking you to a shrink instead.

rhertz 04-24-2007 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I agree with Brain almost entirely here, about all I could do is quote him and nod.

Santabot, two things are expressed by your avatar. (1) You are a white guy with a bad hair cut, and (2) you like to trip on LSD.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Assuming that is indeed a question, the answer is none, and I never implied otherwise. Some people who are inspired by God end up in jail for their belief. Nobody ever said life was fair, not even God almighty.

So if some people who are divinely inspired end up in jail, and you openly approve of the illegal activity that landed them in prison in the first place, then why shouldn't I consider you untrustworthy as well and more likely than the average person to commit a crime of your own?

Who said punching an athiest or anyone for that matter is OK? Not me. Assault and battery is a serious crime.
Everyone that approved of the actions of the marine portrayed in the story.

Punching anyone is not OK by legal standards in which I agree with. But if God told me to punch you out, and I did it, that would be OK in the sense that I would be sued by you and go to jail, etc. Maybe it would be "worth" it and maybe it wouldn't.
Well, I promise you only one of us is anxiously waiting to die.


I see your point, and I agree with it. lets say that God told me to do something that is illegal and I choose to do it on purpose knowing full well that there are legal consequences, then that is my sole business or "karma" if I may be so bold. Many have suffered personally and even gone to jail to bring the bible to you and me. I consider it a gift. A very dear gift paid for with solid "currency".
The teacher was in no way, shape, or form impeding on the right of anyone in that class to worship as they see fit.

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz

Santabot, two things are expressed by your avatar. (1) You are a white guy with a bad hair cut, and (2) you like to trip on LSD.

If you've read around, you'd note this isn't me in my avatar, I've taken it from another forum from someone else because I liked it.

My hair isn't cut like that, I am white, and you can't determine my likes and dislikes about drugs from any of my posts thus far, but I will reveal that I've ingested my fair share of LSD in my time, yes.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
hmmm....maybe he should have invested his time into taking you to a shrink instead.


Which one of us do you think worships omnipotent beings living in the clouds again?

Isabella 04-24-2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
If you've read around, you'd note this isn't me in my avatar, I've taken it from another forum from someone else because I liked it.

My hair isn't cut like that, I am white, and you can't determine my likes and dislikes about drugs from any of my posts thus far, but I will reveal that I've ingested my fair share of LSD in my time, yes.

Santabot, do you have parents? There is no way my son would be doing those things at your age. He is now 23 and does not do those things. Yes, I do know that for a fact! It is not healthy. Back in my day, the people I know who did LSD are not normal today. Some are dead. Drugs are for losers. I have never used drugs, but I have seen first hand what drugs can do to people. You appear to be fairly intelligent. Don't fry your brain.

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Santabot, do you have parents? There is no way my son would be doing those things at your age. He is now 23 and does not do those things. Yes, I do know that for a fact! It is not healthy. Back in my day, the people I know who did LSD are not normal today. Some are dead. Drugs are for losers. I have never used drugs, but I have seen first hand what drugs can do to people. You appear to be fairly intelligent. Don't fry your brain.

Then please don't criticize my actions, I appreciate that privacy and ability to do with my body what I wish.

I agree with your concern, and I was afraid at first also, but 3 years ago, I began my drug endeavors, and honestly, after all of the things I've done (there's not much I haven't), I could honestly, in my most sober state of mind (I'm not a drug-addled youth like you may think, even though I have had my fair fair share of experience) tell you that the ONE singular thing I would never take back in my life would be my experiences with drugs.

I can tell you no greater thing that has enhanced my person in ways I never imagined feasible before doing them myself. I appreciate your concern, but I don't need any sympathy or parenting, I've pretty much done that for myself my entire life, and it's made me a bit more rigid than I'd like, but I do think that from what I've seen from the forum, I know quite a bit more about the truth of drugs and their use than many, if not all of you. I don't aim to please or scare or show off here, I simply state that even if you had reason to believe I was a drugged-out kid, sure, think of me as one, but you'll be cutting yourself short of really even knowing who I am, and that's a large failure to do to anyone, I never did that to you guys :(

rhertz 04-24-2007 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
So if some people who are divinely inspired end up in jail, and you openly approve of the illegal activity that landed them in prison in the first place, then why shouldn't I consider you untrustworthy as well and more likely than the average person to commit a crime of your own?

You shouldn't. Both Christians and non-Christians commit crimes everyday. That doesn't make it right or wrong. Being Christian does not mean you are without sin, much less without breaking man's laws.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Everyone that approved of the actions of the marine portrayed in the story.

According to man's assault and battery laws true. But according to God's laws not to tempt thy Lord, well perhaps justice was served. We do not know what was in that marine's mind, much less God's mind.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
The teacher was in no way, shape, or form impeding on the right of anyone in that class to worship as they see fit.

He was challenging it. Testing it. no doubt. But dont' fret, with a decent lawyer he will never have to work another day in his life. how much justice do you want to see served in this case?

Texasbelle 04-24-2007 10:42 PM

I beg to differ. You seem to assume a whole lot about us whenever you are replying to our post. You are a 17 y/o child. It is illegal for you to ingest these drugs. Furthermore, if there is a law enforcement officer viewing this thread you can bet they are going to be sure and track you down now. LSD is no laughing matter and I don't care how you try and justify it. If you were my son, I would hope that someone took the time to be sure that the proper authorities saw the post and took the proper measures to seek you out. You think you are intelligent and obviously you are, but the folly of youth is that we often don't realize what you are truly doing to your body until it is far too late. Such would be the case with LSD and the likes.

You can rest assured that this is no laughing matter and will not be taken as such. It's not up for debate.

Isabella 04-24-2007 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Then please don't criticize my actions, I appreciate that privacy and ability to do with my body what I wish.

I agree with your concern, and I was afraid at first also, but 3 years ago, I began my drug endeavors, and honestly, after all of the things I've done (there's not much I haven't), I could honestly, in my most sober state of mind (I'm not a drug-addled youth like you may think, even though I have had my fair fair share of experience) tell you that the ONE singular thing I would never take back in my life would be my experiences with drugs.

I can tell you no greater thing that has enhanced my person in ways I never imagined feasible before doing them myself. I appreciate your concern, but I don't need any sympathy or parenting, I've pretty much done that for myself my entire life, and it's made me a bit more rigid than I'd like, but I do think that from what I've seen from the forum, I know quite a bit more about the truth of drugs and their use than many, if not all of you. I don't aim to please or scare or show off here, I simply state that even if you had reason to believe I was a drugged-out kid, sure, think of me as one, but you'll be cutting yourself short of really even knowing who I am, and that's a large failure to do to anyone, I never did that to you guys :(

That's what drug use does to you, gives you a false sense of safety. You think it broadens your mind, etc... well, I have 2 dead brothers who felt just like you. One was a genius. He had a friend who skipped 2 grades in school. He also, was just like you and you know where he is today? He is in prison and his brain is fried. He had such a good future ahead of him and he wasted it! When he was out of prison he could not support himself. You need to be straight and witness what someone is like when they are using drugs. It does not matter what they are using. One word to describe them STUPID!

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
You shouldn't. Both Christians and non-Christians commit crimes everyday. That doesn't make it right or wrong. Being Christian does not mean you are without sin, much less without breaking man's laws.

I shouldn't be more suspicious of someone who overlooks crimes of a religious nature because crimes happened everyday? Gee, should I not lock my doors since houses get broken into everyday too?


According to man's assault and battery laws true. But according to God's laws not to tempt thy Lord, well perhaps justice was served. We do not know what was in that marine's mind, much less God's mind.
You asked who said it was ok, not what BS excuse they might use for breaking the law.

He was challenging it. Testing it. no doubt.
So stating his own beliefs is testing Christians beliefs?

Well, hopefully you can figure out why we have separation of church and state then.

But dont' fret, with a decent lawyer he will never have to work another day in his life. how much justice do you want to see served in this case?
I'm of the opinion it's a fictional situation. I'm merely expressing my disgust at those who feel that striking another individual over his or her opinion is an acceptable form of behavior in a civilized society.....

LateNight 04-24-2007 11:35 PM

Granted.. kids will be kids.. and they're gonna do, what they're gonna do. I have teenagers of my own. And I can very easily remember my experiences as a teenager myself ;)

I've known plenty of people, who have experimented with many drugs. some made it through o.k., and some didn't.

But I would suggest to you.. being the young lad that your are.. doing drugs or drinking at such an early age.. has far more lasting effect, than if you would wait a few years.

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I beg to differ. You seem to assume a whole lot about us whenever you are replying to our post. You are a 17 y/o child. It is illegal for you to ingest these drugs. Furthermore, if there is a law enforcement officer viewing this thread you can bet they are going to be sure and track you down now. LSD is no laughing matter and I don't care how you try and justify it. If you were my son, I would hope that someone took the time to be sure that the proper authorities saw the post and took the proper measures to seek you out. You think you are intelligent and obviously you are, but the folly of youth is that we often don't realize what you are truly doing to your body until it is far too late. Such would be the case with LSD and the likes.

You can rest assured that this is no laughing matter and will not be taken as such. It's not up for debate.

If you, yourself knew of these laws, you'd know that I can't be convicted for any confessions of anything. You and your God can come to my home and search me for all I care, and you won't find a single illegal substance. I am responsible enough to do that on my own time and not involve my family in the matter, although it may be considered irresponsible to break the law, I do not believe the laws based around those actions are legitimately founded and will aim to edit them in the future when able.

I know what I'm doing to my body, and it never changed me. I don't believe I've ever experienced any negative repercussions to any drug activity I've ever partaken in, other than the occasional hangover or similar after effects. All is well now and taken account for. You make a decision every day to risk your life by driving on the road, just like myself, the difference is nil when you consider you are ingesting the substance and not risking anyone else's life in the process, or even endangering anyone but yourself, if at all.

Being alive is dangerous to your health, breathing the polluted air is dangerous to your health, driving a car, operating heavy machinery, being outside or in public are all dangerous things. Partaking in drug related activities is just another of them, and I personally made the educated decision to go forward with my pursuit of this. This does not mean at any time that I've become addicted to any substance or that the next day I will be hindered in any way, or even while on the substance. I know, I know, you may have a medical background, but from the personal perspective, you really can't argue on the same level I am with the first-hand experience discussion. You just clearly don't know what it's like to experience these drugs and there is no substitute for that.

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
Granted.. kids will be kids.. and they're gonna do, what they're gonna do. I have teenagers of my own. And I can very easily remember my experiences as a teenager myself ;)

I've known plenty of people, who have experimented with many drugs. some made it through o.k., and some didn't.

But I would suggest to you.. being the young lad that your are.. doing drugs or drinking at such an early age.. has far more lasting effect, than if you would wait a few years.

As stated, I don't drink, and I don't do anything that I have found from very extensive (monthlong+) research before doing it, as carefully and properly coordinated an event as I can do.

Santabot 04-24-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
That's what drug use does to you, gives you a false sense of safety. You think it broadens your mind, etc... well, I have 2 dead brothers who felt just like you. One was a genius. He had a friend who skipped 2 grades in school. He also, was just like you and you know where he is today? He is in prison and his brain is fried. He had such a good future ahead of him and he wasted it! When he was out of prison he could not support himself. You need to be straight and witness what someone is like when they are using drugs. It does not matter what they are using. One word to describe them STUPID!

Then, as stated multiple times, I will take my chances. If your brother hadn't been subject to bull**** laws like the ones the DEA enforces, he wouldn't be in jail, would he? He would be going through normal life, and could do all of the drugs he wanted do, and that's still his decision.

Maybe some of you need to research the term "police state" and what the implications of laws grant the government and subject you to. Even if you don't agree or partake in any activities that would otherwise be illegal, think of the OTHER PEOPLE that it DOES affect, make wiser decisions that reflect EVERYONE's best interest, and you will do this world one better.

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