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sbl_admin 04-04-2007 07:45 AM

Sex And Fifth Graders!
Four students at the North Louisiana school -- two 11-year-old girls, a 12-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy -- were arrested on felony charges of obscenity.

AnimeSpirit 04-04-2007 08:33 AM

WTF?! Kids are losing it at such young ages these days. I had a cousin who was expelled for this very thing in junior high. She was caught in the locker room with a boy. Needless to say, the family was rather tough on her for a while after that.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 09:21 AM

I wonder if those kids ever watched porn ?

Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
WTF?! Kids are losing it at such young ages these days. I had a cousin who was expelled for this very thing in junior high. She was caught in the locker room with a boy. Needless to say, the family was rather tough on her for a while after that.

Moral decline and everybody wonders why :confused: :confused:

AnimeSpirit 04-04-2007 09:29 AM

I'm going to step out and mention that it wasn't right to leave the kids unsupervised while the teacher attends an essembly. There are teachers' aides for that purpose.

joepole 04-04-2007 10:27 AM

I don't think it was intentional, some kind of scheduling mix-up.

rhertz 04-04-2007 11:43 AM

Back in the 60's, we didn't have sex at that age. We played doctor! ;) But we sure didn't do it at school! The difference was probably because we had never seen sex on tv, movies, etc., but we all had been to the doctor many times! The other difference is that supervision is different now than in the 60's....

scarlett 04-04-2007 05:22 PM

I was fixing to post this and looked before I did. I about fell out on the floor here reading this stuff. Isaac is so right w/ the moral issue and there is just too much sex on tv today but guess what? SEX SELLS!! The world is going to hell faster everyday.

You can't even watch a deodorant commercial without seeing some sexy babe w/ hardly anything on. What so the young teens will dream of her when they put it on?

I'll go on a tangent about this so let me shut up while I'm ahead

refugen3 04-04-2007 05:46 PM

If the actual program doesn't sell sex then the commercials will fill you in.
Esp the ones about E.D. What's up! Well I guess that's obvious:laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-04-2007 06:56 PM

It has become the meat factory

Originally Posted by refugen3
If the actual program doesn't sell sex then the commercials will fill you in.
Esp the ones about E.D. What's up! Well I guess that's obvious:laugh:

Music videos to commercials to any thing with a young curve it is all used to make the American dollar. Children with access to porn is a cancer that we will all reap as a country.

Texasbelle 04-04-2007 10:06 PM

You know I read this story and I'm just appalled at the whole situation. I world is in a fast decline to hell. I would like to think that my 12 y/o son doesn't know how to have sex at this point but I am probably wrong. Thanks to TV commercials, TV shows, and the like. It seems like no matter how hard you try to protect them, it is almost impossible anymore. At least I can home school him and know that he won't be in the back of my classroom with a girl! And yes he is getting a great education at home that is Christ centered.

LateNight 04-04-2007 10:17 PM

I think back on my own life.. those years between 14 and oh I don't know 18. I honestly feel I was lucky to make it through those years alive. And to be honest... it's not that I feel I was all that crazy. At least compared to others that I've known. But when it was all said and done. I can honestly say, except by the grace of God and angels looking down on me.. I made it out alive, and with my sanity in tack.

I see my son, who's fixing to turn 15. And I'm pretty sure he's got more distractions than I ever had at that age.

Ughh :(

Isaac-Saxxon 04-05-2007 08:33 AM

The last thing you need to hear is ......
Your going to be a grandparent real soon with a 15 year son or daughter telling you that :eek: This moral decline I just do not understand how this could be happening to our children ?????????????????? What happened to "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" ? Call your local ACLU and they would be happy to tell you. Fish from the right side of the boat and go vote ! Anime I hope you get registered to vote before the next election :rolleyes:

AnimeSpirit 04-05-2007 09:28 AM

No comment! :D

Neo 04-05-2007 10:16 AM

Maybe this a new pilot sex ed. program. Everyone is quick to complain, but slow to ensure the problem is fixed. go figure, it's the new American way.

sbl_admin 04-05-2007 12:02 PM

Updated News Story
A new story has been added to the "Read More" section of this topic, as follows

KSLA -- Apr 5 2007 12:02 PM
Students Arrested For Allegedly Having Sex In Classroom

Pocahontas 04-06-2007 09:59 AM

A sad state we are in
I know I'm dating myself but back in the 5th grade the most we did was "go steady". It was a big deal to wear your boyfriends i.d. bracelet. Sex was only what we heard about from our older siblings and we thought "no way would our parents do something so gross!" It's so shocking that these kids even know what to do at that age! I guess though girls are sure physically developing alot sooner so that sure doesn't help either!

sbl_admin 04-10-2007 11:40 AM

Updated News Story
A new story has been added to the "Read More" section of this topic, as follows

KTBS -- Apr 10 2007 11:40 AM
Principal of school where students had sex in classroom resigns

Al Swearengen 04-10-2007 06:40 PM

Having sex with fifth graders is just wrong! Dont do it!

AnimeSpirit 04-10-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Having sex with fifth graders is just wrong! Dont do it!

I agree. Unfortunately, the 5th graders in this story were having sex with each other. That was the whole problem. :p

Texasbelle 04-10-2007 08:20 PM

Can you imagine getting the phone call from the principal?

"Hello Ms. Anime'.We have had a slight, umm actually big problem at school today with your son...umm he's well I don't quite know how to say this. but ..umm well we caught him in the back of the classroom with Jill, you know the girl, having sex."

There's a big thud on the other end of the phone line as Ms. Anime' passes out. I know I would but hopefully I have raised my children better than this.

AnimeSpirit 04-10-2007 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Can you imagine getting the phone call from the principal?

"Hello Ms. Anime'.We have had a slight, umm actually big problem at school today with your son...umm he's well I don't quite know how to say this. but ..umm well we caught him in the back of the classroom with Jill, you know the girl, having sex."

There's a big thud on the other end of the phone line as Ms. Anime' passes out. I know I would but hopefully I have raised my children better than this.

Maybe I'm just being a wuss by saying this, but if I were the principal, I'd invite the parents to the school for an urgent conference and have the kid confess to his parents himself to spare myself the loss of face. :p

Al Swearengen 04-10-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
I know I'm dating myself but back in the 5th grade the most we did was "go steady".

Yeah, in my day, they'd say "he/she is "goin with" so & so. Always thought that was a pretty stupid way of sayin theyre "an item"...When I'd hear that expression, my first thought was always "Yeah? Goin with em WHERE?" "Where the hell are they GOIN?"

sbl_admin 04-11-2007 07:40 AM

Updated News Story
A new story has been added to the "Read More" section of this topic, as follows

KTBS -- Apr 11 2007 7:40 AM
Principal of school where students had sex in classroom resigns

Interested w/ an Opinion 04-13-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Yeah, in my day, they'd say "he/she is "goin with" so & so. Always thought that was a pretty stupid way of sayin theyre "an item"...When I'd hear that expression, my first thought was always "Yeah? Goin with em WHERE?" "Where the hell are they GOIN?"

Al....they aren't "goin with" anyone they are "talking" with someone...

AnimeSpirit 04-13-2007 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Interested w/ an Opinion
Al....they aren't "goin with" anyone they are "talking" with someone...

Seriously? That's the term used nowadays to indicate a couple are dating? No wonder today's generations are confused by the mechanics of dating. They don't even know what to call it.

There is also a new one that I've heard and CAN'T STAND. Nowadays, if you are having sex with a person, but you are not officially commited to them you are "friends with benefits." And what's even more stupid, some of such couples (and I use the term loosely) treat their so called "relationships" as if they were commited. You know, they refuse to date others who might ACTUALLY commit because they are "friends with benefits" with some other person.

Neo 04-13-2007 04:58 PM

I guess if there having sex in the fifth, the Elm Grove teacher must have figured it was OK to give out marijuana and alcohol in the seventh grade....
What wrong with this world besides this, the Middle East, and Dems.:mad:

Texasbelle 04-13-2007 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
I guess if there having sex in the fifth, the Elm Grove teacher must have figured it was OK to give out marijuana and alcohol in the seventh grade....
What wrong with this world besides this, the Middle East, and Dems.:mad:

And if all of that above is not enough when you get to high school you are in serious danger of being molested by your coach.

Isabella 04-13-2007 10:50 PM

I blame the parents. People are not teaching their children the right values today. Sex is everywhere and guess what, society allows it!!!!!!!!!!!! The word NO appears to be a forgotten word these days.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-14-2007 03:51 AM

NO it is not Isabella

Originally Posted by Isabella
I blame the parents. People are not teaching their children the right values today. Sex is everywhere and guess what, society allows it!!!!!!!!!!!! The word NO appears to be a forgotten word these days.

That would be the few not the many but there are still kids out there that will say no I know I have a high schooler that is holding the line. Now in Shreveport best to send them to private school becasue you do not want you child to speak ebonics and turn to the gangsta :nono: :nono:

Texasbelle 04-14-2007 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
That would be the few not the many but there are still kids out there that will say no I know I have a high schooler that is holding the line. Now in Shreveport best to send them to private school becasue you do not want you child to speak ebonics and turn to the gangsta :nono: :nono:

I have a 21 y/o still holding the line!:clap: :clap: :clap: Fingers are crossed that she can continue.

I support private Christian schools for this very reason though they seem to still deal with the same issue but how they handle it seems to be the difference between public vs. private schools. My preference now though is homeschooling. I absolutely know he is getting a firm Christian education and not being exposed to anything of any sorts that we don't want planted in his noggin. He is even learning far better than children his age because all of the distractions of school are not there for him.

It all comes down to parental involvement and choices.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-14-2007 09:57 AM

Not everybody has the time or desire to home school

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I have a 21 y/o still holding the line!:clap: :clap: :clap: Fingers are crossed that she can continue.

I support private Christian schools for this very reason though they seem to still deal with the same issue but how they handle it seems to be the difference between public vs. private schools. My preference now though is homeschooling. I absolutely know he is getting a firm Christian education and not being exposed to anything of any sorts that we don't want planted in his noggin. He is even learning far better than children his age because all of the distractions of school are not there for him.

It all comes down to parental involvement and choices.

Me and my wife have a good balance I am bad cop and she is good cop and homework queen. She makes sure she knows where they are most all the time and we have been blessed to haver her stay home with them until last year she is now using her Education degree to teach. Post children and pre grandchildren so it is a good zone to be in. Discipline is consistency and is consistency is discipline !! :clap:

Pocahontas 04-14-2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I have a 21 y/o still holding the line!:clap: :clap: :clap: Fingers are crossed that she can continue.

I support private Christian schools for this very reason though they seem to still deal with the same issue but how they handle it seems to be the difference between public vs. private schools. My preference now though is homeschooling. I absolutely know he is getting a firm Christian education and not being exposed to anything of any sorts that we don't want planted in his noggin. He is even learning far better than children his age because all of the distractions of school are not there for him.

It all comes down to parental involvement and choices.

Yes I agree Texasbelle it is all about choices. You must be a very very patient woman to homeschool! I consider myself patient but needed some down time after being a stay at home mom. Our school zone has been a very good one too. Thank goodness!:)

refugen3 04-14-2007 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I have a 21 y/o still holding the line!:clap: :clap: :clap: Fingers are crossed that she can continue.

I support private Christian schools for this very reason though they seem to still deal with the same issue but how they handle it seems to be the difference between public vs. private schools. My preference now though is homeschooling. I absolutely know he is getting a firm Christian education and not being exposed to anything of any sorts that we don't want planted in his noggin. He is even learning far better than children his age because all of the distractions of school are not there for him.

It all comes down to parental involvement and choices.

Ditto x 3 :D

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