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Isaac-Saxxon 10-15-2006 11:11 AM

Russia the sleeping giant.
Russia who the west thinks is a broken country is a sleeping giant. Russia has been behind every problem
we have ever had. Central America, Cuba, China, Vietnam, France, Iraq, Iran and many others. They hate
us as it is written in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Russ or Tubal Cain, Gog and Magog and all there hoards are just
inching up on us. Russia has missiles in the Bering Straights inside the exclusion zone placed there during
the Clinton years and still there today. We can not appease this giant with sugar it only helps them to reach
there ultimate goal of bringing down the west. President Regan had it down to the mark and that would be
only strenth is respected in this world and that means carry a big ass stick. I don't think we can put the monkey
back in the box. Starting in the early 60's the ACLU and there evil little pack of wolves has done the
damage from the inside and our dear friends in the Kremlin have slow but sure expanded there campaign
to diminish the west. We need Reagan for a President now and George Patton leading our armed forces
but even that might be to little to late. It is written in Ezekiel that God has a date with the evil forces
of Gog and Tubal Cain and HE does not need us to fight that fight for HIM !

This is a shot of what those communist-socialist think of the USA !

U.S. wasted chance to improve the world: Gorbachev

Oct 13, 12:07 PM (ET)

BERLIN (Reuters) - Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who played a key role in ending the Cold War, said the United States had squandered an opportunity to improve global politics after the Cold War, a paper said on Friday.

In comments that were among the harshest he has made about the United States, Gorbachev compared U.S. foreign policy to one of the deadliest diseases on the planet -- AIDS.

"Today our American friends are suffering from an illness worse than AIDS. And I would say this is the victor's complex," Gorbachev was quoted as saying in an interview with the Netzzeitung.

Unable to extricate itself from its Cold War mentality, the United States was playing a dwindling role in world politics, while Russia, China, Brazil, Europe, India and Japan were becoming stronger, Gorbachev said.

North Korea, which said on Monday it had successfully completed a nuclear test, was an example. Only China and Russia were in a position to handle Pyongyang, he said.

Washington will in future have to act less on its own and get used to a position of diminished importance, he said.

"The Americans will have to understand that in future they will have to cooperate and make decisions jointly, instead of just always wanting to give orders," Gorbachev said.

He said the United States and other Western countries had missed an opportunity to make the world a better place after the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 ushered in the end of communism.

"At that point, the West focused more on its geopolitical interests," Gorbachev said, adding that Western countries had been more interested in cashing in on the "unbridled burst of globalization" that followed the end of the Cold War than in improving the international political climate.

Santabot 04-23-2007 10:57 PM

Except for the fact that it's not "OUR" problem to begin with. When a country is so economically tied to war profiteering as ours has become, that's when national and public interests decline, and it's only the weapons contracts that our citizens fight for, the men in suits leisurely accept victory or defeat, no matter the deaths they've become the primary cause of.

A lot of the wars/conflicts that you've mentioned as Russia being a "problem" were none other than their national support behind their interest groups, that doesn't make them inherently wrong, but it's just like changing United States to Russia in that sentence and coming out with the same thing: countries that use war to support political interest groups.

Just because the United States decided to go against the orders of every peace organization internationally to fight these wars doesn't mean its ideas are unique, nor does it mean the United States is the only one "brave" enough to fight these conflicts, it means that the leaders of the time period thought it okay to submit the citizens of their country into places they didn't want to be, their families didn't want them to be, and where the only support was from the tyrants behind the missile launch command buttons.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-24-2007 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Except for the fact that it's not "OUR" problem to begin with. When a country is so economically tied to war profiteering as ours has become, that's when national and public interests decline, and it's only the weapons contracts that our citizens fight for, the men in suits leisurely accept victory or defeat, no matter the deaths they've become the primary cause of.

A lot of the wars/conflicts that you've mentioned as Russia being a "problem" were none other than their national support behind their interest groups, that doesn't make them inherently wrong, but it's just like changing United States to Russia in that sentence and coming out with the same thing: countries that use war to support political interest groups.

Just because the United States decided to go against the orders of every peace organization internationally to fight these wars doesn't mean its ideas are unique, nor does it mean the United States is the only one "brave" enough to fight these conflicts, it means that the leaders of the time period thought it okay to submit the citizens of their country into places they didn't want to be, their families didn't want them to be, and where the only support was from the tyrants behind the missile launch command buttons.

Now that is just real good. You should move on over to Russia and live there and I am sure you would fit right in to your anti American way of thinking.

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 06:35 AM


Just because the United States decided to go against the orders of every peace organization internationally to fight these wars doesn't mean its ideas are unique, nor does it mean the United States is the only one "brave" enough to fight these conflicts, it means that the leaders of the time period thought it okay to submit the citizens of their country into places they didn't want to be, their families didn't want them to be, and where the only support was from the tyrants behind the missile launch command buttons.
Well seeing as how 9/11 didn't happen to the international community, I don't see the point in even asking their opinions much less actually taking them into consideration.

Now I'll concede that we are not the only country that's "brave" enough to try and solve the problems of the middle east, but trying to establish a democracy in Iraq IS a never before tried idea and therefore by definition, unique.

Neo 04-24-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Except for the fact that it's not "OUR" problem to begin with. When a country is so economically tied to war profiteering as ours has become, that's when national and public interests decline, and it's only the weapons contracts that our citizens fight for, the men in suits leisurely accept victory or defeat, no matter the deaths they've become the primary cause of.

A lot of the wars/conflicts that you've mentioned as Russia being a "problem" were none other than their national support behind their interest groups, that doesn't make them inherently wrong, but it's just like changing United States to Russia in that sentence and coming out with the same thing: countries that use war to support political interest groups.

Just because the United States decided to go against the orders of every peace organization internationally to fight these wars doesn't mean its ideas are unique, nor does it mean the United States is the only one "brave" enough to fight these conflicts, it means that the leaders of the time period thought it okay to submit the citizens of their country into places they didn't want to be, their families didn't want them to be, and where the only support was from the tyrants behind the missile launch command buttons.

"Our problem" nice try. Tell that to the Jews saved from the Nazis. Tell that to the Taxation without Representation. Tell that to the victims of 9/11. Tell that to thousands that died in the genocide war from Saddam. Liberty and freedom is our fight. If heart ain't in it, get the Hell out or Vote.

As a side note that is what Our soldiers signed up for... to fight for the oppressed of the world. Get a Clue

Santabot 04-24-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Now that is just real good. You should move on over to Russia and live there and I am sure you would fit right in to your anti American way of thinking.

I can't be patriotic without exposing wrongs about my country's leadership? I've not yet been able to vote, but in the 2008 election, I will make sure to cast my vote if any reasonable candidate is available, otherwise I will abstain, because it's seen as almost a "waste of a vote" if you don't put your money into a Democratic or Republican candidate, that's where the funding is, sadly.

Santabot 04-24-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
"Our problem" nice try. Tell that to the Jews saved from the Nazis. Tell that to the Taxation without Representation. Tell that to the victims of 9/11. Tell that to thousands that died in the genocide war from Saddam. Liberty and freedom is our fight. If heart ain't in it, get the Hell out or Vote.

As a side note that is what Our soldiers signed up for... to fight for the oppressed of the world. Get a Clue

Hundreds of thousands of Jews were immediately turned away from the United States in World War II because there was seen to be no problem until AFTER Russia invaded Berlin and captured the highest of the Nazi Regime (that hadn't suicided out yet). Russia has been one of our greatest allies, and most of the conflict has been from political and media hype.

"What our soldiers signed up for", Do you not realize that most of "our soldiers" are 1. Barely 18, still feeling they're invincible, and no real loss to political standpoint if they are slain? 2. Poor and uneducated citizens who mostly don't know the repercussions of joining the army, and are only there for the money/education benefits?

BrainSmashR 04-24-2007 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
"What our soldiers signed up for", Do you not realize that most of "our soldiers" are 1. Barely 18, still feeling they're invincible, and no real loss to political standpoint if they are slain? 2. Poor and uneducated citizens who mostly don't know the repercussions of joining the army, and are only there for the money/education benefits?

So if the 18 year old soldier isn't old enough and/or educated enough to understand what he is doing, then what does that suggest about someone who's even younger?

Santabot 04-24-2007 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
So if the 18 year old soldier isn't old enough and/or educated enough to understand what he is doing, then what does that suggest about someone who's even younger?

They're tricked into joining a social club named "ROTC" that tries to get them to enlist in the military later on as a career / source of education.

Just because some people are uneducated before they join does not mean all are, I made a general statement but I did not mean to say that they all are unaware of the consequences and have no rationale before joining. It also does not mean that someone of a lesser age is necessarily uneducated about the consequences, I don't personally believe you're a proper citizen unless you know and understand the law, not necessarily abiding by it, but by enacting your voting power and through (what should be proper) legislation, you and others who support a common idea (should be able to) pass new laws or revoke old ones that are more suited for the people of the country, which is what the laws are for, not to impede on us.

Isaac-Saxxon 04-25-2007 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
They're tricked into joining a social club named "ROTC" that tries to get them to enlist in the military later on as a career / source of education.

Just because some people are uneducated before they join does not mean all are, I made a general statement but I did not mean to say that they all are unaware of the consequences and have no rationale before joining. It also does not mean that someone of a lesser age is necessarily uneducated about the consequences, I don't personally believe you're a proper citizen unless you know and understand the law, not necessarily abiding by it, but by enacting your voting power and through (what should be proper) legislation, you and others who support a common idea (should be able to) pass new laws or revoke old ones that are more suited for the people of the country, which is what the laws are for, not to impede on us.

Santabot you may want to try and get that foot out of your mouth :footinmouth:

BrainSmashR 04-25-2007 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
They're tricked into joining a social club named "ROTC" that tries to get them to enlist in the military later on as a career / source of education.

You mean like drug dealers "tricked" you into thinking getting high was fun and not detrimental to your health, future, and freedom?

Simply put, your decision to do drugs was 100% of your own doing, just like joining ROTC and/or the Military.


Just because some people are uneducated before they join does not mean all are, I made a general statement but I did not mean to say that they all are unaware of the consequences and have no rationale before joining. It also does not mean that someone of a lesser age is necessarily uneducated about the consequences, I don't personally believe you're a proper citizen unless you know and understand the law, not necessarily abiding by it, but by enacting your voting power and through (what should be proper) legislation, you and others who support a common idea (should be able to) pass new laws or revoke old ones that are more suited for the people of the country, which is what the laws are for, not to impede on us.
Well last time I checked, we had a special place for people who chose to "not necessarily abide by the law". Hopefully you'll realize the error of your ways before you end up on vacation at one of those special resorts.

BTW, study up on the Constitution, kid. We CAN change the laws of this country with a majority vote in's called Democracy.

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 11:27 AM

I believe Santabot that you have been put in your place by Brain. That's scary in itself. Good for you Brain...and I really hate saying that.

BrainSmashR 04-25-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I believe Santabot that you have been put in your place by Brain. That's scary in itself. Good for you Brain...and I really hate saying that.

My intention was not to "put him in his place", but rather to show him that his youth prevents him from viewing the world objectively AND as an adult.

I feel he is wrong because of lack of experence, not because he chooses to be that way as is the case with other users on this forum.

The ROTC is a perfect example. I remember most of the ROTC kids being fairly unintelligent.....not a knock against them, that's just the way that it was. Now since Santabot is only 17, I can surmise that his expose to REAL military personal has been limited as is the case for most high school why wouldn't he think most of the military consists weaker minded individuals like he sees everyday in ROTC?

Santabot 04-25-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
You mean like drug dealers "tricked" you into thinking getting high was fun and not detrimental to your health, future, and freedom?

Simply put, your decision to do drugs was 100% of your own doing, just like joining ROTC and/or the Military.

Well last time I checked, we had a special place for people who chose to "not necessarily abide by the law". Hopefully you'll realize the error of your ways before you end up on vacation at one of those special resorts.

BTW, study up on the Constitution, kid. We CAN change the laws of this country with a majority vote in's called Democracy.

Are you initiating those votes in congress? I don't believe so. Your vote does not mean anything unless you send it to the two major political parties with the same agenda behind them: making money.

If I end up in jail, then that's under circumstance alone, as criminals like myself get away with things every day, and it's purely by chance that anyone is ever caught and reprimanded for their actions. By the by, I've been caught before by police with drugs and been let off.

No drug dealer ever came to me wanting to sell drugs, I researched them for myself and administered them myself without any other help from people near me. You, like everyone else here, don't know my situation or my past and can't speak for anyone except yourself, to which you've done nothing so far; all you can do is reply to people by telling them they're wrong.

Santabot 04-25-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
My intention was not to "put him in his place", but rather to show him that his youth prevents him from viewing the world objectively AND as an adult.

I feel he is wrong because of lack of experence, not because he chooses to be that way as is the case with other users on this forum.

The ROTC is a perfect example. I remember most of the ROTC kids being fairly unintelligent.....not a knock against them, that's just the way that it was. Now since Santabot is only 17, I can surmise that his expose to REAL military personal has been limited as is the case for most high school why wouldn't he think most of the military consists weaker minded individuals like he sees everyday in ROTC?

I'm not weak in knowledge of military actions and personnel involved. I've got many family members that have been and currently are on active duty for our country, friends with parents (and friends themselves) in the military, and I never bashed the fact of the matter. I only suggested that a main reason for some people is joining to get certain benefits that should otherwise be free of cost of your life.

I suppose in a few months I'll be an entirely transformed mind and person to make decisions for myself adequately and appropriately, since there are no "adults" in prison, by your own argument.

Neo 04-25-2007 07:02 PM

People do not need to join the military for benefits. The government gives away plenty!

Santabot 04-25-2007 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Neo
People do not need to join the military for benefits. The government gives away plenty!

My point exactly. It's just turned into an advertising and propaganda and "call of duty/call to arms" scheme more than a legitimate military service for its true reasons.

Those who risk their lives and serve do deserve the benefits, but they should focus more on other aspects when recruiting. (Even though their current method will rope in more people into the bunch that maybe are not necessarily wanting to be involved in what they didn't think about).

But yes, I agree.

BrainSmashR 04-25-2007 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Are you initiating those votes in congress? I don't believe so. Your vote does not mean anything unless you send it to the two major political parties with the same agenda behind them: making money.

1.)That's why it's called a Republic, kid. Get used to it.
2.) I'm a conservative, not interested in initiating or even supporting a change to the constitution.
3.) I have been proud to cast my vote for one of the 2 major political parties since I was old enough to vote. Feel free to waste your vote on any third party candidate of your choice as often as you see fit.

If I end up in jail, then that's under circumstance alone, as criminals like myself get away with things every day, and it's purely by chance that anyone is ever caught and reprimanded for their actions. By the by, I've been caught before by police with drugs and been let off.
Honesty, another difference between children/criminals and adults. Pretty soon you won't have that excuse so you better make sure that buzz is worth a permanent record.

No drug dealer ever came to me wanting to sell drugs, I researched them for myself and administered them myself without any other help from people near me. You, like everyone else here, don't know my situation or my past and can't speak for anyone except yourself, to which you've done nothing so far; all you can do is reply to people by telling them they're wrong.
Actually everyone here has been 17 and I'm sure more than are willing to admit have experimented with drugs. I don't have to know your past to know your situation and where it will lead you, kid. I can give you a list of friends I buried to prove it.

Santabot 04-25-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1.)That's why it's called a Republic, kid. Get used to it.
2.) I'm a conservative, not interested in initiating or even supporting a change to the constitution.
3.) I have been proud to cast my vote for one of the 2 major political parties since I was old enough to vote. Feel free to waste your vote on any third party candidate of your choice as often as you see fit.

But why is it a third-party and not a legitimately considered and supported opportunity for others to branch out and support less popularized and lesser known ideas? Because people view it as a waste to support those who are known by history's showing that their vote will not be seen in the large scheme of things.


Honesty, another difference between children/criminals and adults. Pretty soon you won't have that excuse so you better make sure that buzz is worth a permanent record.
I have no record, and don't ever hope to have one in the United States, I will almost certainly be emigrating immediately after getting my free education offered by my scholastic achievements and them moving on to better places.


Actually everyone here has been 17 and I'm sure more than are willing to admit have experimented with drugs. I don't have to know your past to know your situation and where it will lead you, kid. I can give you a list of friends I buried to prove it.
You don't even know me, nor anything about my drug use or personality at all. You can tell me everything you want, but the only information you have is my age, and if it floats your paper boat to try to disassemble my moral foundation, so be it, do as you please, but I will believe and permeate those ideas I see fit, just like you ignore and filter what I say to you and others, got it?

Isabella 04-25-2007 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1.)That's why it's called a Republic, kid. Get used to it.
2.) I'm a conservative, not interested in initiating or even supporting a change to the constitution.
3.) I have been proud to cast my vote for one of the 2 major political parties since I was old enough to vote. Feel free to waste your vote on any third party candidate of your choice as often as you see fit.

Honesty, another difference between children/criminals and adults. Pretty soon you won't have that excuse so you better make sure that buzz is worth a permanent record.

Actually everyone here has been 17 and I'm sure more than are willing to admit have experimented with drugs. I don't have to know your past to know your situation and where it will lead you, kid. I can give you a list of friends I buried to prove it.

Hooray for BS!

BrainSmashR 04-25-2007 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
But why is it a third-party and not a legitimately considered and supported opportunity for others to branch out and support less popularized and lesser known ideas? Because people view it as a waste to support those who are known by history's showing that their vote will not be seen in the large scheme of things.

Because the next number in line after 2 is 3?!?!?!!

If you want to know why third parties aren't popular, try talking to people outside of your circle.


I have no record, and don't ever hope to have one in the United States, I will almost certainly be emigrating immediately after getting my free education offered by my scholastic achievements and them moving on to better places.
Well good luck with that. We'll see you back when you figure out what the Found Fathers figured out more than 2 centuries ago.

You don't even know me, nor anything about my drug use or personality at all. You can tell me everything you want, but the only information you have is my age, and if it floats your paper boat to try to disassemble my moral foundation, so be it, do as you please, but I will believe and permeate those ideas I see fit, just like you ignore and filter what I say to you and others, got it?
Most of us here "got" a depth of perception you've yet to achieve kid. It's not because you're stupid or where you live, it's because you're 17.

and you know what.....I don't care how you feel about that because you will get over it, you will grow up, you will come to realize the truth just like so many of us have done before you.....assuming you don't wind up dead in a ditch first.

Isabella 04-25-2007 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Because the next number in line after 2 is 3?!?!?!!

If you want to know why third parties aren't popular, try talking to people outside of your circle.

Well good luck with that. We'll see you back when you figure out what the Found Fathers figured out more than 2 centuries ago.

Most of us here "got" a depth of perception you've yet to achieve kid. It's not because you're stupid or where you live, it's because you're 17.

and you know what.....I don't care how you feel about that because you will get over it, you will grow up, you will come to realize the truth just like so many of us have done before you.....assuming you don't wind up dead in a ditch first.

:clapbig: :clapbig: :clapbig: :clapbig:

Santabot 04-25-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
and you know what.....I don't care how you feel about that because you will get over it, you will grow up, you will come to realize the truth just like so many of us have done before you.....assuming you don't wind up dead in a ditch first.

Then why don't you exercise your obviously supreme skill in this field by educating all of us who haven't had the opportunity to experience these alleged events in our lives that have brought us to the realization that we are all BrainSmashR minis inside.

Every human is equal and there is only one singular way to view the world and its workings. You are one deluded mind.

BrainSmashR 04-25-2007 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Then why don't you exercise your obviously supreme skill in this field by educating all of us who haven't had the opportunity to experience these alleged events in our lives that have brought us to the realization that we are all BrainSmashR minis inside.

Every human is equal and there is only one singular way to view the world and its workings. You are one deluded mind.

If every human is equal, how come you nearly failed 5th grade math?

Isabella 04-25-2007 09:27 PM

Introducing BrainSmashr in this corner............................................

BS posted while I was posting mine. Well, BS I am surprised you are going light on the boy. I am sure if he was an adult you would eat him alive. LOL

Santabot 04-25-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
If every human is equal, how come you nearly failed 5th grade math?

A C is not a failing grade, nor is it even near such. I don't even remember 5th grade math, but I know it affected the rest of my classes.

Were you in calculus even in your Senior year of high school? Did you have full scholarships to enter a good well-known state college in their honors section? Did you apply and get accepted into two colleges and take classes all the while completing and passing your college-level courses in your junior year of high school? I never claimed to be an expert on any subject here, I've only come to express myself and to learn more things, and obviously I have.

My statement of equality was sarcasm, ass, if you're not also such a whiz in English, either.

Santabot 04-25-2007 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Introducing BrainSmashr in this corner............................................

BS posted while I was posting mine. Well, BS I am surprised you are going light on the boy. I am sure if he was an adult you would eat him alive. LOL

Unnecessarily being rude here, but why the **** do you bother posting? As I've stated before, all you do is cheer people on, rather than producing any meaningful content to introduce to any post you stick your large ass into.

BrainSmashR 04-25-2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
A C is not a failing grade, nor is it even near such. I don't even remember 5th grade math, but I know it affected the rest of my classes.

Were you in calculus even in your Senior year of high school? Did you have full scholarships to enter a good well-known state college in their honors section? Did you apply and get accepted into two colleges and take classes all the while completing and passing your college-level courses in your junior year of high school? I never claimed to be an expert on any subject here, I've only come to express myself and to learn more things, and obviously I have.

My statement of equality was sarcasm, ass, if you're not also such a whiz in English, either.

Yes well, for future reference, you might want to use the [sarcasm] tags[/sarcasm] indicating your intention. It's not like we can hear the inflections of your voice and your sarcasm has achieved nothing more than making you defensive about an event that will ultimately prove to be quite trivial in your life.....a C in 5th grade math.

Santabot 04-25-2007 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Yes well, for future reference, you might want to use the [sarcasm] tags[/sarcasm] indicating your intention. It's not like we can hear the inflections of your voice and your sarcasm has achieved nothing more than making you defensive about an event that will ultimately prove to be quite trivial in your life.

As I said, state this event and educate me if you're that knowledgeable about these specified events you're citing.

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Isabella

Hooray for BS!

Go Brain..:clap: :clap: :clap:

rhertz 04-25-2007 10:24 PM

Ok I actually gave Brain some rep points for the first time.

Santabot 04-25-2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Ok I actually gave Brain some rep points for the first time.

. . . why?

rhertz 04-25-2007 10:40 PM

because (a) I agreed with his post, and (b) the notion of him having 4 red cans and you having 1 green can.

Santabot 04-25-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
because (a) I agreed with his post, and (b) the notion of him having 4 red cans and you having 1 green can.

I think they're just squares, and he's built his reputation over time, I assume, whereas I've only briefly been involved here.

rhertz 04-25-2007 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I think they're just squares, and he's built his reputation over time, I assume, whereas I've only briefly been involved here.

Well I was being sort of facetious about the squares..

BrainSmashR 04-26-2007 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
As I said, state this event and educate me if you're that knowledgeable about these specified events you're citing.

It should be enough for you to know that in 1988 at age 17 I was arrested for simple burglary and have that permanent record I'm warning YOU about, by age 36 I've buried a total of 6 friends/family members resulting directly from their drug use. We're talking AIDS, suicide, overdoses, and murder. I've had two girlfriends murdered one of which is not included in the above number, Kelly's body hasn't been recovered after 16 years and I was the prime suspect for 7 months until the murderer confessed to killing Wendi. I even have 1 friend serving 2 consecutive 55 year sentences for 2 counts of Attempted Capital Murder in Dallas. He'll be eligable for parole when we're 82.....needless to say, Dave may as well be dead too. Sound like the kind of life you want to lead Mr. It'll never happen to me?

If you "knew" any of those people then I'd be more inclined to share their stories with you, but you don't so you can either learn from their mistakes and the mistakes your own friends will make, or you can wait until you're sitting in jail or laying in a coffin before you get it.

The choice is yours and yours alone....

BrainSmashR 04-26-2007 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
I think they're just squares, and he's built his reputation over time, I assume, whereas I've only briefly been involved here.

They ARE just squares but they represent something very specific. What you are unaware of is that just a very short time ago the visual indicators were accompanied with specific numerical data. In addition to 4 red blocks I have a -313 reputation. Why is the numerical data gone while the "graph" and the ability to approve and disapprove of posts is still available, I don't'll have to ask the admin.

This is another example of something you could have learned just by listening or even asking questions. Instead, in typical teen fashion, you have an opinion and therefore the implication rhertz made cannot be correct, right?

BTW, I joined 2 months ago. You might be surprised to see how quickly those who get off exploiting the feature can drive you into the red.

Santabot 04-26-2007 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
It should be enough for you to know that in 1988 at age 17 I was arrested for simple burglary and have that permanent record I'm warning YOU about, by age 36 I've buried a total of 6 friends/family members resulting directly from their drug use. We're talking AIDS, suicide, overdoses, and murder. I've had two girlfriends murdered one of which is not included in the above number, Kelly's body hasn't been recovered after 16 years and I was the prime suspect for 7 months until the murderer confessed to killing Wendi. I even have 1 friend serving 2 consecutive 55 year sentences for 2 counts of Attempted Capital Murder in Dallas. He'll be eligable for parole when we're 82.....needless to say, Dave may as well be dead too. Sound like the kind of life you want to lead Mr. It'll never happen to me?

If you "knew" any of those people then I'd be more inclined to share their stories with you, but you don't so you can either learn from their mistakes and the mistakes your own friends will make, or you can wait until you're sitting in jail or laying in a coffin before you get it.

The choice is yours and yours alone....

And I don't doubt your story at all, but I believe you think I'm involved in some things I'm very much not a part of. I am very humanistic, and could not even imagine committing a brutal crime or murder, there's just no way, and no need for me to do so. I'm not involved with anything more than the drugs that you can smoke or drop, no needles or odd methods of ingestion for me, I know what drugs can do to people, my friends are already showing signs of it, but I keep away from what I see them doing because I know what things it can cause. I am not a thief, I have no reason to burglarize, and it's not just doing drugs that causes you to get there to a point where you have to steal to "survive?" or make ends.

BrainSmashR 04-26-2007 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
And I don't doubt your story at all, but I believe you think I'm involved in some things I'm very much not a part of. I am very humanistic, and could not even imagine committing a brutal crime or murder, there's just no way, and no need for me to do so.

Do you think crackhead Steve was born a crackhead?
Do you think Mike contracted AIDS sharing a joint after school?
Do you think Lance was mixing Methadone and Xanax when were were hanging out?
No, these were activities they progressed to later on in life.

Look kid, I'm not trying to tell you smoking pot is any worse for you than smoking cigarettes, but unlike cigarettes, the consequences of doing drugs are significantly higher and you might not have the ability to quite or every realize it IS time to quite and move on to the next stage of life. Thousands upon thousands of people have been down the path you're about to take, and as I indicated earlier, a lot more people than you think will fail to complete the journey.

I'm not involved with anything more than the drugs that you can smoke or drop, no needles or odd methods of ingestion for me,
Like LSD huh. In college, Mike and James stopped on the side of the road to take a leak one night tripping. Mike got hit in the back of the head with a side mirror of a truck. Some of you Natchitoches folks might remember the cross across the By-Pass from Con-Agra through-out most of the 90's. WHY was he just pissing out on the side of the road instead of in the grass or ditch or his home? Hmmmm, I guess he was on a mind altering substance he "dropped" that severely altered his judgment at a rather critical time.

BTW, Mike isn't one of the above numbers either....we weren't friends, he was a pledge in the fraternity some of my friend were in. Just a kid going to college here like you might be in a year or so....

I know what drugs can do to people, my friends are already showing signs of it, but I keep away from what I see them doing because I know what things it can cause. I am not a thief, I have no reason to burglarize, and it's not just doing drugs that causes you to get there to a point where you have to steal to "survive?" or make ends.
correction, you aren't any of those things today.

Pocahontas 04-26-2007 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
And I don't doubt your story at all, but I believe you think I'm involved in some things I'm very much not a part of. I am very humanistic, and could not even imagine committing a brutal crime or murder, there's just no way, and no need for me to do so. I'm not involved with anything more than the drugs that you can smoke or drop, no needles or odd methods of ingestion for me, I know what drugs can do to people, my friends are already showing signs of it, but I keep away from what I see them doing because I know what things it can cause. I am not a thief, I have no reason to burglarize, and it's not just doing drugs that causes you to get there to a point where you have to steal to "survive?" or make ends.

The crimes and burglarizing begin when you become addicted and have to have your fix at any and all costs!! You become a different person altogether.:(

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