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sbl_admin 04-16-2007 02:28 PM

Deadly Shooting At Virginia Tech
A lone gunman is dead after police said he killed at least 21 people Monday during shootings in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech -- the deadliest school attack in U.S. history.

AnimeSpirit 04-16-2007 02:46 PM

Where are these psychos coming from? :freaky:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-16-2007 03:18 PM

They are now saying on the news 32 dead
They said that includes the shooter in that count. It will take a day or two to find out the whole story. If someone wants to do something like this it is very hard to stop them and the anti gun people will be singing at the top of their lungs but this would still happen if someone has lost their mind and hell bent on killing people. I think back on the guy in the tower at a Texas college that was sniping people so this has been going on and I hate to say will continue to go on. So much for Imus taking front page. I wonder why we are seeing this kind of thing in America :confused: :confused:

Sheba 04-16-2007 05:28 PM

So deeply saddened
I can only imagine being one of the families that get a call from the authorities tonight. I can concur with Isaac's thought on how this happens in the land of the free and home of the brave. Other countries view America as a very violent land. Events like this make one wonder.... :confused:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-16-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sheba
I can only imagine being one of the families that get a call from the authorities tonight. I can concur with Isaac's thought on how this happens in the land of the free and home of the brave. Other countries view America as a very violent land. Events like this make one wonder.... :confused:

Thank you Sheba for the post. American's heart was broken once again today and signs of the times and sad it is. God comfort the families and friends of these souls that past today. :(
Sheba good to see another female on the board these boys could use some help being told how it really is :laugh: :laugh: and the girls seem to team up and work as a force to be reconed with. Welcome and I hope you make more post. :banana:

AnimeSpirit 04-16-2007 07:22 PM

Welcome Sheba! We didn't see much of you before your trip. Welcome to SBLive! :D I am AnimeSpirit, general of the smiley army :flag: and seer of all ANIME!!! :xd: I look forward to seeing your activity on the board. ;)

:banana: :matrix:

Texasbelle 04-16-2007 07:59 PM

This story just makes you want to grab your children and hold them tight. When we first heard it, I had to just call my college daughter (the supermodel mini me) and hear her voice. I felt so saddened for those parents who were probably frantically dialing their children's cell phones. I can not imagine the heartbreak those parents are enduring tonight.

I really hope that this shakes some souls for Isaac is right that it is a sign of the times we live in. I do want to know why it did take authorities so long to lock down the campus.

rhertz 04-16-2007 09:58 PM

I am very saddened by the events of today. I have two children not yet of college age, but after today there will be one more thing on my mind as they grow up, that my parents didn't have to think of. Lucky them. Sign of the times as you all say. My 14 year old son is on a field trip to New Orleans today. New Orleans has a worse rap sheet than Virginia Tech...... But bad things can happen anywhere.

But I also have a bad feeling about the fallout from a major event such as this. Perhaps it is premature to be thinking along such lines. So I won't say anymore other than to quote Tom Gresham from his website which pretty much sums up my feelings:

"April 16, 2007, just might be a turning point in the battle to restore gun rights to Americans. The tragedy at Virginia Tech today, with more than 30 people being killed in a premeditated murder spree, will be the fulcrum upon which the anti-gun rights forces leverage their efforts to restrict (destroy, if possible) your right to not only own guns, but to protect yourself and your family.

Quite simply, this is the mass shooting the anti-self defense forces have been waiting for, as we will see over the coming days and weeks. The papers are already drawn up; the proposed restrictions were penned long ago; they have merely been waiting for this moment.

Lost in the coming cacophony will be the utter failure of the "perfect" gun law -- a total gun ban. You see, on that university campus, no one is allowed to have a gun for self protection in dorms or classrooms. It is the latest in a long string of murderous failures of "gun free" zones, or as they are better called, "victim-rich environments."

According to the school’s “Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy”:
“The university’s employees, students, and volunteers, or any visitor or other third party attending a sporting, entertainment, or educational event, or visiting an academic or administrative office building or residence hall, are further prohibited from carrying, maintaining, or storing a firearm or weapon on any university facility, even if the owner has a valid permit, when it is not required by the individual’s job, or in accordance with the relevant University Student Life Policies.

Any such individual who is reported or discovered to possess a firearm or weapon on university property will be asked to remove it immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student judicial referral and/or arrest, or an employee disciplinary action and/or arrest.”
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Policy 5616, Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy,

A similar situation to the one that happened at Virginia Tech occurred on January 16th, 2002 at Appalachian Law School in Grundy, Virginia. A disgruntled former student began a similar shooting spree. The difference in this case was that the attack was stopped by three individuals, two of whom were legally armed with handguns. Unfortunately, the attack was not stopped until three people had been killed and three more wounded. Why did it take so long to stop the attack? The good guys had to retrieve their guns from their parked cars before they could confront the gunman. ALS was a gun-free zone, you know."

Texasbelle 04-16-2007 10:35 PM

Rhertz you very plainly pointed out the reality of what the fallout of this shooting spree is going to be. Our daughter called quite shook up by this and wondering "Is this something that could happen here at LSU Baton Rouge and what would I do?" You know it was a hard question to answer here and brought the biggest tears to my eyes. All I could think as a mother was "Dear God, please don't ever let her be confronted with being in this situation." But the advise I passed along to her was to lay down and play dead. If you can't get out of the room, or you are not low enough to jump from a window, then play dead. I never in my life when she was born thought I would have to give her that kind of advice. It's a sad world.

Al Swearengen 04-16-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
"April 16, 2007, just might be a turning point in the battle to restore gun rights to Americans. The tragedy at Virginia Tech today, with more than 30 people being killed in a premeditated murder spree, will be the fulcrum upon which the anti-gun rights forces leverage their efforts to restrict (destroy, if possible) your right to not only own guns, but to protect yourself and your family.

Quite simply, this is the mass shooting the anti-self defense forces have been waiting for, as we will see over the coming days and weeks. The papers are already drawn up; the proposed restrictions were penned long ago; they have merely been waiting for this moment.

You're absolutely correct, Rhertz. The anti-gun extremists will definitly use this tragedy to push their agenda of stripping gun rights from the Republic's citizenry. You're also absolutely correct in pointing out that had students and faculty members been allowed to lawfully carry guns on their persons, this tragedy could've been eliminated or at least minimized.

To those who would disarm us, I have only four words:


rhertz 04-16-2007 11:15 PM

My wife, a church school teacher, just mentioned to me that had she been there with a gun, she would have shot the b@stard with no problem if it would have helped to prevent such a heavy and senseless loss of life. I guess killing is a relative thing. She's agrees. It's ok to kill the psycho killer when he is on victim 5 of 32 and you happen to be there with a gun.

BrainSmashR 04-17-2007 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz
My wife, a church school teacher, just mentioned to me that had she been there with a gun, she would have shot the b@stard with no problem if it would have helped to prevent such a heavy and senseless loss of life. I guess killing is a relative thing. She's agrees. It's ok to kill the psycho killer when he is on victim 5 of 32 and you happen to be there with a gun.

Couldn't agree more.

What about thou shall not kill?

See, this is what I'm talking about folks. A direct contradiction of the Commandments handed down by your Lord. Not only would she (and presumably you too) willingly murder another man, you've even deemed it "ok".

Does anyone even want to TRY and explain that rational or is this just another subject you'll choose to ignore?

Sheba 04-17-2007 06:07 AM

Not even a challenge
The Bible never advocates giving up your right to self defense or protecting your family. God is the ultimate in justice. A careful line must be drawn between premeditated murder or blind revenge and the act of having the tools to protect yourself in the line of gunfire.

Sorry, but there doesn't even seem to be an issue here!

Texasbelle 04-17-2007 06:44 AM

Sheba, that was perfectly well said. :clap: And no more needs to be said. The Bible is perfectly clear on the subject to all those who CHOOSE to understand.

I guess none of us ever thought part of the school supply list for college would need to include a weapon but it appears we may have to start adding that to the list. You are all absolutely correct if just one person with a concealed weapons permit had actually had theirs in the building this could have been stopped in short order. There are so many questions here though to be answered in this situation. How did he get the doors locked and someone not notice? How did he get all the way across campus dressed like he was and the police there investigating the first shooting not notice?

The good people are not the ones doing the shootings of innocent people. Take away the guns and the criminals will still find ways to have them.

BrainSmashR 04-17-2007 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Sheba
The Bible never advocates giving up your right to self defense or protecting your family. God is the ultimate in justice. A careful line must be drawn between premeditated murder or blind revenge and the act of having the tools to protect yourself in the line of gunfire.

Sorry, but there doesn't even seem to be an issue here!

Well I have to say carrying a firearm, even for defensive purposes, shows a certain degree of premeditation. I mean you aren't just going to pull your gun and try to intimidate someone, right?

Not to mention the training and practice it would take to not only over come your initial response to immediately seek shelter, but to effectively engage the "enemy" while under fire. That's ballzy and rarely seen outside the police and military.....notice how many people this **** killed before killing himself.

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