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sbl_admin 02-28-2007 07:45 AM

Prince Charles Outspoken About McDonalds
The Prince of Wales told a nutritionist in Abu Dhabi Tuesday that the “key” to people eating healthily was to ban McDonald’s fast food restaurants.

AnimeSpirit 02-28-2007 07:51 AM

Oh sure! Like if McDonald's disappears, people won't get their hamburgers and fries somewhere else.

joepole 02-28-2007 09:19 AM

Prince Charles is as wise as he is handsome.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-28-2007 09:27 AM

I have not been in a McDonald's in ten years
Their food sucks. Even worse are the people that work there. Charles has very bad taste look at who he married :eek:

Neo 02-28-2007 10:06 AM

If they do that, we need to look at getting rid of girlscout cookies, and all candies, cokes, and meat..... we all can meet at Luby's for bland cafeteria food

The government should help people with self control and not remove temptations just because someone has a lack of will power or a disorder:clap:

Isaac-Saxxon 02-28-2007 10:55 AM

It is not the governments job to check either one

Originally Posted by Neo
If they do that, we need to look at getting rid of girlscout cookies, and all candies, cokes, and meat..... we all can meet at Luby's for bland cafeteria food

The government should help people with self control and not remove temptations just because someone has a lack of will power or a disorder:clap:

Neo you might need to jack back into the matrix and get some tasty wheat or was that chicken ? The government needs to back out of so much personal control of people. We have plenty of laws on the books and way to many lawyers.

rhertz 02-28-2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Neo
The government should help people with self control and not remove temptations just because someone has a lack of will power or a disorder:clap:

In my opinion, the government has a history of treating the symptoms while ignoring the underlying problem. I suspect this is because there is more money and/or power in it that way. What is important is that we NEED them (the government) more and more while we rely on ourselves less and less. Lets face it, I'm just too dumb to decide if I should eat at McDonald's today or not. And if this is the case, imagine what else I need help deciding on. I think they call this a "slippery slope". Maybe I'm wrong.

joepole 02-28-2007 11:39 AM

People choosing to be unhealthy is not a problem that the government needs to fix.

rhertz 02-28-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
People choosing to be unhealthy is not a problem that the government needs to fix.

Well I hear you there joepole. And I agree. But now that so many citizens rely on the government to pay for their healthcare, then this creates a new problem for government to solve.

Again, this goes back to the "slippery slope" concept. Once you allow the government into your life, it is an open invitation for even more intrusion in the future. Because lets face it, governments rarely grow smaller and less intrusive over time all by themselves without some form of revolution or radical change in structure. So even when I think the government has a good idea, I usually am not voting for it as a matter of principle. I ask myself, should government even be in that business? (healthcare for example)

Rough Rider 02-28-2007 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
People choosing to be unhealthy is not a problem that the government needs to fix.

oh, if only that were true. We could legalize SO MANY THINGS. However, since it's not true. And as rhertz pointed out, the problem lies with the staggering cost of health care and what it's gonna cost these people down the road with Medicare etc because they are so fat. There in lies the problem.

Personally I agree. Just because some people are idiots and can't show control, doesn't mean we should simply outlaw something.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-28-2007 12:57 PM

I agree with Joe on this one

Originally Posted by joepole
People choosing to be unhealthy is not a problem that the government needs to fix.

The government is not their mother or daddy maybe big brother :D The welfare people and all the government entitlements they get make them lazy and nonproductive one in the same. In short they want to be kept and they do not want to be told what to do. Same thing with children (teenagers) !
To many laws and to many lawyers. I am still for the big ten like Judge Roy Moore :clap: :clap:

Neo 02-28-2007 01:23 PM

I concur....Throughout all papers except the big ten and the constitution, lets restart the game with an empty playbook. Wait, then the politicians would need welfare:peace:

Isaac I've been unplugged from the matrix for a long time. I've seen how far the rabbithole goes,,,, how 'bout you.

Isaac-Saxxon 02-28-2007 01:39 PM

I do not want to see the bottom of the rabbit hole Neo

Originally Posted by Neo
I concur....Throughout all papers except the big ten and the constitution, lets restart the game with an empty playbook. Wait, then the politicians would need welfare:peace:

Isaac I've been unplugged from the matrix for a long time. I've seen how far the rabbithole goes,,,, how 'bout you.

I think there are dead things down there. You have been down that street and you know what is there. You know the government is full of Smith's and they all think the same. Public dole. These rude people at the post office could never find a job in the public sector so the government hires them and pays them twice what they are worth. :nono:

Neo 02-28-2007 01:47 PM

Maybe we can tell them what to eat, since we pay their paycheck!

We should be telling the government what to do and not the other way around. What happened to for the people by the people?

Isaac I'm proud of you, grammer is much better than when you first started:cool: :cool: :cool:

Isaac-Saxxon 02-28-2007 01:53 PM

I gets better with da hep of Joepole

Originally Posted by Neo
Maybe we can tell them what to eat, since we pay their paycheck!

We should be telling the government what to do and not the other way around. What happened to for the people by the people?

Isaac I'm proud of you, grammer is much better than when you first started:cool: :cool: :cool:

The grammer police is alive and well. Joe jump in here and tell us how it really is :clap: What happened to for the people by the people? The socialist have got their hands in the pot.

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