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Texasbelle 06-12-2007 06:34 AM

9 y/o killed on Highway
I drove past this accident yesterday within minutes of this child getting hit by a car. I found out when I got home that the boy had died which is very sad to me as a parent. My heart goes out to this family.

The accident happened on North Market just north of the split with Hwy 71. There are two low income apartment complexes there and a neighborhood with lower income people in it as well I assume. My problem is this...I get up this morning, read the newspaper, and find that because this child and another in September were killed trying to cross A FIVE LANE HIGHWAY that Calvin Lester and the black community are in outrage that the speed limit of 50 on the highway hasn't been changed, nothing is being done for these people, etc. My thoughts go more like this.. Why haven't you people stopped crossing a five lane highway? Where are the parents of these children? Why is everything that happens to these people somebody else's fault? When do they begin to take responsibility for their lives and actions? The poor man that hit the child and could not avoid the accident will probably have Morris Bart calling any day now. Uggghhh these people irritate the snot out of me when they act like this.:nono:

joepole 06-12-2007 08:51 AM

You can't say "you people," it's racist. Report to your nearest re-education/tolerance center.

piemaker720 06-12-2007 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I drove past this accident yesterday within minutes of this child getting hit by a car. I found out when I got home that the boy had died which is very sad to me as a parent. My heart goes out to this family.

The accident happened on North Market just north of the split with Hwy 71. There are two low income apartment complexes there and a neighborhood with lower income people in it as well I assume. My problem is this...I get up this morning, read the newspaper, and find that because this child and another in September were killed trying to cross A FIVE LANE HIGHWAY that Calvin Lester and the black community are in outrage that the speed limit of 50 on the highway hasn't been changed, nothing is being done for these people, etc. My thoughts go more like this.. Why haven't you people stopped crossing a five lane highway? Where are the parents of these children? Why is everything that happens to these people somebody else's fault? When do they begin to take responsibility for their lives and actions? The poor man that hit the child and could not avoid the accident will probably have Morris Bart calling any day now. Uggghhh these people irritate the snot out of me when they act like this.:nono:

I do agree Belle, for some reason , people tend not to take responsiblity for their own actions. If you have to cross that 5 lane highway why is there not a cross walk there. What is on the other side of that road. Again why were the parents lettig these children play near this highway. The man that hit this child will have to live with this for a long time just as the boy's family will for losing him. I don't know who Calvin Lester is and he can be outraged all he wants, but the change needs to start with the parents keeping a closer eye on the children. If they need to cross the highway walk them over. But I'll tell you I have seen people crossing highways just step out into traffic, it's like stop or hit me. I have went down roads where kids would be playing in the street, and would not move to let the cars pass. This is taught to these children. Like I said the problem is the PARENTS, make the change.

AnimeSpirit 06-12-2007 09:20 AM

I agree with TBelle. Parents need to watch their kids and adults need to remember how to cross the street properly. If they reduce the speed limit on that highway, guess what will happen....TRAFFIC JAMS!!! Try getting across the street then.

Texasbelle 06-12-2007 10:24 AM

This is a HIGHWAY where this incident happened. It's not just a road, it is a major highway (Hwy 1). Nobody should really be trying to cross the road here. It's just asking for an accident like this to happen. I travel this road about 3 times a week going to my trainer and also happened to live about an 1/8 mile from where this accident happened when I was in High School. These kids and people are trying to get to a convenience store located across the highway from the neighborhood and one of the apartment complexes. To me, they are all playing Russian roulette if they try to cross it. The only solution would be one of those over the highway crossings but why should this have to be done because people can't use common sense?

AnimeSpirit 06-12-2007 10:33 AM

I've seen such overpasses for on-foot traffic. They actually aren't a bad idea. However, I can't imagine the city government placing one for merely convenience store traffic. If there were a large shopping center across the street from a major housing area, then maybe, but not for a mere convenience store. It's a question of how much traffic crosses that road.

joepole 06-12-2007 10:57 AM

I wasn't even allowed to cross Line Ave. when I was 9 years old, and I lived on a cross street that had a traffic light and sidewalks!

rhertz 06-12-2007 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
I wasn't even allowed to cross Line Ave. when I was 9 years old, and I lived on a cross street that had a traffic light and sidewalks!

This is a true story. I grew up near you, and I wasn't allowed to cross my street either. In my back yard was a bayou, and there was 4 or 5 foot culvert that ran under my back yard, front yard, Gilbert, and into my across-the-street neighbors side yard.

It was a long tunnel with a slight bend so you could not see the other side from one end. But in the middle, we could see the light at both ends of the tunnel. The older kids traversed the tunnel without a sweat. I only made it a few times, it was a pretty scary trip to make at 7 or 8 years old. My parents eventually found out and put a quick stop to that!

Pocahontas 06-12-2007 03:42 PM

Growing up in a small town was so awesome! We road our Honda mini bikes all over the place up to the edge of the highway...stopped parked them, walked across the highway and then road motorcyles back home! We stayed out til dark and ran all over the neighborhoods til my mother "rang the bell" (I kid you not) to come in. We had this big old dinner bell that originally belonged to my great grandmother and we could hear it a mile away! I'm not a hick either....just a small town girl!:D I loved it!:heart:

rhertz 06-12-2007 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Growing up in a small town was so awesome! We road our Honda mini bikes all over the place up to the edge of the highway...stopped parked them, walked across the highway and then road motorcyles back home! We stayed out til dark and ran all over the neighborhoods til my mother "rang the bell" (I kid you not) to come in. We had this big old dinner bell that originally belonged to my great grandmother and we could hear it a mile away! I'm not a hick either....just a small town girl!:D I loved it!:heart:

LOL, as I grew older, we had Honda mini-trail 50's and 70's and bigger and bigger dirt bikes as time went on. By the time I was 12 or 13, I was riding wheelies down the street! It's a wonder I made it. Yes once I actually got hit by a car while I was on my dirt bike. No broken bones but lots of scrapes and bruises. Shreveport was not quite the small town I thought it was. :D

But those were different times back then. I remember riding to high school with my shotgun in the rear window of my pickup! Lot of us did. And then we went to gun club at school as an extracurricular activity after school. Nobody got hurt and nobody got arrested. Nowadays there seems to be a lot more of both. There is something to be said for learning some personal responsibility and common sense the hard way (as long as you survive to remember the lesson)

piemaker720 06-12-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Growing up in a small town was so awesome! We road our Honda mini bikes all over the place up to the edge of the highway...stopped parked them, walked across the highway and then road motorcyles back home! We stayed out til dark and ran all over the neighborhoods til my mother "rang the bell" (I kid you not) to come in. We had this big old dinner bell that originally belonged to my great grandmother and we could hear it a mile away! I'm not a hick either....just a small town girl!:D I loved it!:heart:

I too came from a small town. We had a hiil behind our house that when it iced in the winter, instead of salting the roadway the mayor would have the town block the road on both ends so the kids could slid down. They used everything from baking pans to cardboard. It was nice because they thought of the kids. I have seen the kids in the winter take water out and pour on the road to freeze up. They were desperate, we don't get much snow here in Louisiana.

joepole 06-12-2007 04:00 PM

There is a drainage tunnel that runs all the way from behind Azalea Cleaners (by Pierremont Mall) under Line Avenue and under South Highlands Elementary all the way to Erie@Thornhill, where you can crawl through a small (18-inch-ish) pipe to emerge out of those rectangular drains. It's amazing we lived to adulthood.

Pocahontas 06-12-2007 10:44 PM

Now that's scary! I wonder who discovered that!? Surely one journey through was enough to last a lifetime. I can't imagine any repeat runs through there! Ooh gives me the creeps thinking about crawling through small enclosed underground spaces!:eek:

Isaac-Saxxon 06-13-2007 05:45 AM

How about a trip down Thrill Hill ? It is like Mt. Everest for this area. I know Joe and Rhertz have made that thrilling run. :eek:

Leadbelly 06-13-2007 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
How about a trip down Thrill Hill ? It is like Mt. Everest for this area. I know Joe and Rhertz have made that thrilling run. :eek:

It's a blast! I ride My bike down that sucker all the time and hit about 35 MPH
The ride back up is a blast as well, the old heart hits about 172 most of the time. Makes it that much stronger. About five times in a row is enough.



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