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sbl_admin 12-07-2007 10:26 AM

Comments on: Catfish Grabbin Girls
Reader comments and feedback for the Video titled Catfish Grabbin Girls.

Author: Isaac-Saxxon

Isaac-Saxxon 12-07-2007 10:28 AM

You know when my daughters were growing up I liked the fact they enjoyed fishing. These gals take it a bit far and I could only guess what kind of man they will end up with :laugh:

AnimeSpirit 12-07-2007 11:07 AM

Wow! That is just amazing. Those are some huge fish. I found an article on how it is done. Very interesting and sounds like a lot of fun.


Catfish Grabblin' is the art of fishing with your hands. In the spring of the year the catfish move to shallow water to lay their eggs. Spawning is triggered by the increasing length of the days and the warmer water temperatures. Spawning in the Tennessee River area usually starts about late May.

The female will look for a sheltered location to deposit her eggs. Holes in rocks, boat ramps, hollow logs, and other secluded areas all provide good shelter for spawning activities. After the female deposits her eggs the male will move in to guard the eggs. He will stay in the nest to keep the eggs aerated and protect them from predators. He will stay until the fry leave the nest. The male will eat very little while guarding the eggs and will strike out at anything that comes too close to the nest. Especially a bare hand!

Most of the time we practice catch and release. However we will keep some for the freezer to have a big catfish fry. Occasionally we will have to use a pole with a crooked end to assist in pulling the catfish to the opening of the hole where they can be reached.

Pocahontas 12-07-2007 08:29 PM

Now this looks like a sport Piemaker would have created!!:laugh:

rhertz 12-07-2007 08:39 PM

I remember back in the 70's when I used to scuba dive, they used to hold some sort of catfish rodeo at lake bistineau with visibility somewhere between 0 and 3 ft... I think they shot the huge catfish with a spear gun IIRC.. I never partaked in that branch of the sport. But its hard to imagine girls doing this. I've been finned once or twice by much smaller catfish and it hurts...

Isaac-Saxxon 12-08-2007 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas (Post 26217)
Now this looks like a sport Piemaker would have created!!:laugh:

I bet she could catch them with her teeth and gut them with her bare hands and cook them over some nice dry cow chips :laugh:

Morpheus 12-08-2007 08:41 PM

Al Swearengen 12-09-2007 12:40 AM

I've been finned exactly twice in my life, Rhertz, and I'll never forget either occassion. Just as ya said, it hurts like hell...and the pain lingers for a hell of a long time. Its my understandin that its the slime that coats the fin that makes the puncture wound so exquisitely painful...I'll buy that.

rhertz 12-09-2007 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 26277)
I've been finned exactly twice in my life, Rhertz, and I'll never forget either occassion. Just as ya said, it hurts like hell...and the pain lingers for a hell of a long time. Its my understandin that its the slime that coats the fin that makes the puncture wound so exquisitely painful...I'll buy that.

About 15 years ago some of us guys went down to Grand Isle to fish for speckled trout. But at nighttime we would get drunk and fish for "hardhead" catfish just for kicks. My one friend named Don, yanked a catfish out of the water so quick it flew at him and stuck him right in the arm. So there he holding out his arm with a 1 or 2 lb catfish dangling from the stretched skin. We other guys laughed like hell. A picture I won't soon forget.

But a catfish "sting" is nothing like stepping on a stingray and having it turn around and gig you in the leg. This is a real problem down there. I would slide my feet on the bottom of the water while fishing so I wouldn't step on one.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-10-2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 26295)
About 15 years ago some of us guys went down to Grand Isle to fish for speckled trout. But at nighttime we would get drunk and fish for "hardhead" catfish just for kicks. My one friend named Don, yanked a catfish out of the water so quick it flew at him and stuck him right in the arm. So there he holding out his arm with a 1 or 2 lb catfish dangling from the stretched skin. We other guys laughed like hell. A picture I won't soon forget.

But a catfish "sting" is nothing like stepping on a stingray and having it turn around and gig you in the leg. This is a real problem down there. I would slide my feet on the bottom of the water while fishing so I wouldn't step on one.

rhertz you need to man up and show no fear. You grab that cat just right and it will not hurt you. You grab it wrong and you will never forget it. You just wiggle your hand in front of that cat and they will jump on it kind of like a worm of sorts. ;)

Morpheus 12-10-2007 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 26311)
rhertz you need to man up and show no fear. You grab that cat just right and it will not hurt you. You grab it wrong and you will never forget it. You just wiggle your hand in front of that cat and they will jump on it kind of like a worm of sorts. ;)

Yeah rhertz, I hear that REAL men catch them with no hands by wiggling something else in front of them, a worm of sorts ;)

rhertz 12-10-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 26316)
Yeah rhertz, I hear that REAL men catch them with no hands by wiggling something else in front of them, a worm of sorts ;)

yeah the catfish whisperer maybe... not me..

Isaac-Saxxon 12-11-2007 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 26362)

yeah the catfish whisperer maybe... not me..

get a big worm and it might help the fishing. Big bait big fish :D

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