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sbl_admin 06-13-2007 07:32 AM

Convicted Sex Offenders Offered "Chemical Castration"
Sex offenders are to be offered the opportunity for “chemical castration” as part of a series of measures to be published on Wednesday to tackle child-sex offending.

piemaker720 06-13-2007 08:31 AM

Well this ain't worth a crap. It is only voluntary. do they really think that they will have a line at the door for the drug. Maybe from a druggie. If it has to be voluntary then to me it is a waste of time. Try again.

joepole 06-13-2007 08:52 AM

If you woke up tomorrow with an urge to rape someone or have sex with a child and you felt that you might not be able to control that urge, would you volunteer for this?

piemaker720 06-13-2007 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
If you woke up tomorrow with an urge to rape someone or have sex with a child and you felt that you might not be able to control that urge, would you volunteer for this?

These people are monsters, do you think they would really volunteer for the drug. I don't, you still have some that don't register and try to hide out, why would they want to volunteer. You see on the news all the time where people are busted when they meet children on the net and go there to have sex with under age girls. They knew it was wrong but they wanted it anyway. Will they volunteer?

joepole 06-13-2007 09:23 AM

No, they won't. Doesn't mean that it won't help others.

piemaker720 06-13-2007 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
No, they won't. Doesn't mean that it won't help others.

They have to admit they have a problem before it will help and I don't know any that will admit it beforehand.

joepole 06-13-2007 09:59 AM

I don't know any British sex offenders, period, so I can't really assume to speak for 100% of them.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-13-2007 10:34 AM

I have a pocket knife that will do the trick. No repeters :eek:

Texasbelle 06-13-2007 10:49 AM

The pocket knife is the only 100% sure method. The chemical only works A) if they take it and B) if they go get it regularly. It's not a one time shot so the offender can change his mind at any time about his desire to take the right path.

joepole 06-13-2007 10:50 AM

It takes days/weeks/months to wear off so it eliminates the ability to act on impulse.

BrainSmashR 06-13-2007 12:07 PM

I'm pretty sure this is a case of cruel and unusual punishment....that's why it's offered on a volunteer basis. Those who want the help can get it, just like alcoholics can take antabuse to help stem their drinking problem, but the court will never order you to take it.

Their method is more to the extent of ordering the completion of a substance abuse course, and a stipulation of the substance abuse class will be the supervised ingestion of antabuse.

Texasbelle 06-13-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
It takes days/weeks/months to wear off so it eliminates the ability to act on impulse.

It doesn't take months to wear off Joe. The medicine used for this is the same medicine given to prostate cancer patients all the time to shut down their production of testesterone (sp?). Those patients have to receive it monthly to continue the effectiveness.

Texasbelle 06-13-2007 02:55 PM

I went and did a little reading on Wikipedia and it seems that sex offenders are often given a weekly dose. More reading informed me that the ACLU considers this to be cruel and unusual punishment and very unfair to the criminal because it usually renders them sterile. Imagine that..the ACLU leading this charge!

piemaker720 06-13-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I went and did a little reading on Wikipedia and it seems that sex offenders are often given a weekly dose. More reading informed me that the ACLU considers this to be cruel and unusual punishment and very unfair to the criminal because it usually renders them sterile. Imagine that..the ACLU leading this charge!

I have a question. How can it be cruel and unusaul punishment when it is voluntary. No one is forcing them to take the drug. So the ACLU needs to rethink this.

Texasbelle 06-13-2007 09:04 PM

Actually if you read that link you will see that some states, Louisiana included, use this form of punishment. Judges do hand it down as part of a sentence so it is not always voluntary. I think the only sure way to "castrate" one is just to cut the boys off! No worries then about them getting their shot on time.

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