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Old 01-31-2007, 08:07 PM   #3
Al Swearengen
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[quote]How would you explain the 100,000+ individuals gathered down at Cape Canaveral who personally witnessed the launch of each of the Apollo Saturn space missions?[quote]

To this I would simply say that a rocket launch does not a lunar landing make! That would be like saying "I saw you start up your car and drive off, so I KNOW you made it Disney Land!" Amateur astronomers and radio operators? Aboriginies? Tom Hanks? Surely you jest? Im reasonably certain I could get Mr. Hanks to check and see if his shoe laces were tied or that his fly was zipped. The fact of the matter is that it wouldve been far easier to convincibly fake the moon landing than to actually accomplish such a feat, especially given the era's level of technology. Besides, if we really did land on the moon, why have we not colonized it by now...almost half a century later? And where are those missing tapes NeverAStraightAnswer conveniently lost? But why not ask "them"? Im sure "they" would gladly answer these questions to your satisfaction.

Fake a moon landing? The good people who brought us such gems as "MKUltra", the "Bay-O-Pigs" fiasco, and "Operation Northwoods"? Why, the United States government would NEVER do THAT! Absurd! Out of the question! Perish the thought!

By the way...that last little beauty I mentioned..."Operation Northwoods"...thats for all you trusting souls that dont believe 911 couldve been an inside job!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 01-31-2007 at 10:46 PM.
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