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Old 12-31-2007, 07:46 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon View Post
This problem is not going away and running home will just feed the beast. Yea I would love to love everybody and save tax dollars but it is so much more than that.
I never will understand this connection of the war on terror and freakin' Iraq.. didn't have nothing to do with it.. I've said it before, I'll say it one more freakin' time. When we went into Afghanistan.. to take out the Taliban.. here were folks with immediate connection.. I was all for that.. even ol' RON PAUL was for that. But we got no business being in the nation building process.. it never freakin' works.

Nobody here has problems with air strikes on training camps.. execution of terrorist leaders, etc....

Invading a country like Iraq.. which HAD NO CONNECTION.. all that does is piss off folks over there.. makes more folks willing to join Al Qaida and the like. To think all that goes on in Iraq.. makes us safer, is absolutely absurd.

And I never will understand this media.. that stand up and cheerleads for this war in Iraq and **** like the Patriot Act.. like it's all freakin' good for us.

the "war on terror" is likely to go on as long as the 'war on drugs'. This war in Iraq, helps us ZERO with the 'war on terror'. The more we expect the Government to protect us.. the more control they will have on us. The Bigger it will get. Passing up an opportunity to do something about that. Republicans USED to be about smaller government.. has not been the case in a long freakin' time.

Congressman Paul is no stranger to military support. Former president Ronald Reagan said, “Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country!”

Last edited by LateNight; 12-31-2007 at 07:59 PM.
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Old 12-31-2007, 08:42 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Al Swearengen View Post
Yeah, and that's exactly what we've always had to do...until now. Now, for the first time, ya have an opportunity to vote for someone with real integrity and credibility backed by a solid voting record, for a man who walks it like he talks it. This time ya have a true republican to vote for as opposed to those bogus-ass party hacks. This time ya have a choice, and a chance to fix what's wrong with this country. Squander this opportunity, and when things get really phucked up, and I guarengoddamntee ya they will if Paul isnt elected, you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves. As for those of us who voted for Dr. Paul? We'll blame you...the sheople.
have already promise that if Ron is a viable candidate up against the left, then I will vote for him rather than the Democrat. Now here is what I have to ask of you. (and I'm sure it will be no problem) If the good doctor doesn't make the runoffs, go out and vote anyway.. Vote Hillary/Obama out.... Please! A small victory is better than no victory at all.
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Old 12-31-2007, 09:05 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by rhertz View Post
have already promise that if Ron is a viable candidate up against the left, then I will vote for him rather than the Democrat. Now here is what I have to ask of you. (and I'm sure it will be no problem) If the good doctor doesn't make the runoffs, go out and vote anyway.. Vote Hillary/Obama out.... Please! A small victory is better than no victory at all.
Yeah, and Ron will be a viable candidate against the left if ya do your part to ensure that he gets the party nomination. Dont half-ass it people, either you're in or you're out. If he doesnt get the nomination, dont worry, I'll always vote for the phony republican over the socialist democrat if it comes to that...lets just make sure it doesnt come to that.
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 01-01-2008 at 12:08 AM.
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Old 01-01-2008, 08:03 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by LateNight View Post
I never will understand this connection of the war on terror and freakin' Iraq.. didn't have nothing to do with it.. I've said it before, I'll say it one more freakin' time. When we went into Afghanistan.. to take out the Taliban.. here were folks with immediate connection.. I was all for that.. even ol' RON PAUL was for that. But we got no business being in the nation building process.. it never freakin' works.

Nobody here has problems with air strikes on training camps.. execution of terrorist leaders, etc....

Invading a country like Iraq.. which HAD NO CONNECTION.. all that does is piss off folks over there.. makes more folks willing to join Al Qaida and the like. To think all that goes on in Iraq.. makes us safer, is absolutely absurd.

And I never will understand this media.. that stand up and cheerleads for this war in Iraq and **** like the Patriot Act.. like it's all freakin' good for us.

the "war on terror" is likely to go on as long as the 'war on drugs'. This war in Iraq, helps us ZERO with the 'war on terror'. The more we expect the Government to protect us.. the more control they will have on us. The Bigger it will get. Passing up an opportunity to do something about that. Republicans USED to be about smaller government.. has not been the case in a long freakin' time.

Congressman Paul is no stranger to military support. Former president Ronald Reagan said, “Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country!”
Happy New Year LN The beauty of this whole thing is we live in America and have a choice I like the debate and you and Al have been free to speak your mind. I too have said what I think as rhertz has too. I see the cup half full. America could in my humble opinion consolidate our troops in a few areas and save that precious American tax dollar but that would be missing the big picture. We need bases all over the world. Russia supports the Arabs and anybody else that does not like America. They ARE NOT going away. We (USA) can not afford to retreat. Not now not ever. Maybe I am old school but this country was not built by running from those that hate us. We can not buy friends. It has been that way from get to go. There is a good reason the socialist/communist support liberal and moderate candidates If one candidate just one would stand up and say " I am a Christian and believe if and when this country as a country turns our face "back" to God then and only then will see a great healing of our country" I think this man would win the election ! Hey before you fire this is my opinion and I reserve all rights on it It is written that this will happen one day. Just how bad will it have to get before something of that magnitude takes place God only knows. 911 sure did not get ever ones attention.
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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Old 01-01-2008, 03:52 PM   #20
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I just cant believe you people who still reject the IRAQ connection to terrorism. It's completely ignorant to the facts- which we've already been over on this forum. Let me explain this to you in simple terms: RonPaul Is NOT electable. He is a bafoon. His "few" good ideas do NOT make-up for his MANY weaknesses. I think he has "little man syndrome"(maybe some of his supporters too) Get over it- Its NOT gonna happen. "NEXT"
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Old 01-01-2008, 06:21 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by vixweb View Post
I just cant believe you people who still reject the IRAQ connection to terrorism. It's completely ignorant to the facts- which we've already been over on this forum. Let me explain this to you in simple terms: RonPaul Is NOT electable. He is a bafoon. His "few" good ideas do NOT make-up for his MANY weaknesses. I think he has "little man syndrome"(maybe some of his supporters too) Get over it- Its NOT gonna happen. "NEXT"
Ya sound awfully sure of that, Vix. Could it be that you've somehow overlooked the massive grassroots movement to elect the man? Could it possibly have escaped your attention that his supporters have set record after fund-raising record? I think you're in denial. Maybe if ya removed those blinders you'd see what's goin on around ya. I can promise ya this much...if Paul is elected, you'll never hear the end of it. Same goes for Joe, as I believe he also said Paul is "un-electable".
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 01-01-2008 at 06:38 PM.
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Old 01-01-2008, 07:52 PM   #22
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Grassroots campaign are worthless, just ask Howard Dean or Wesley Clark.

Also, has anyone noticed that Ron Paul and Ross Perot:

1. Have the same initials

2. Are both from Texas

3. Talk funny (although, see #3)

4. Have never been seen together

5. Are much more likely to hurt the Republicans than the Democrats, while having absolutely no chance of actually winning?

A group of Ron Paul folks were picketing E 70th @ Youree this weekend for some reason. Campaign tip: You need better looking women.
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Old 01-01-2008, 09:09 PM   #23
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"Grassroots campaign are worthless, just ask Howard Dean or Wesley Clark"

Howard Dean and Wesley Clark aint Ron Paul. They dont have his credibility, dignity, integrity or his massive support.

"Also, has anyone noticed that Ron Paul and Ross Perot:"

"1. Have the same initials"

Chances are good your initials match someone else's, probably someone infamous.

2. "Are both from Texas"

Lots of folks are from Texas. I'm from Texas. Where are you from?

3. "Talk funny (although, see #3)"

How exactly does Paul "talk funny"? I'll wager he's alot more eloquent and articulate than you are.

4. "Have never been seen together"

Insinuatin they're the same guy? You've been readin comic books again, havent ya?

5. "Are much more likely to hurt the Republicans than the Democrats, while having absolutely no chance of actually winning?"

Maybe, but Paul wont do half the damage not only to the party but to the nation as you'll be doin if ya dont vote for him.

"A group of Ron Paul folks were picketing E 70th @ Youree this weekend for some reason. Campaign tip: You need better looking women."

"Picketin"? Poor choice of words. "For some reason"? Dope it out. "Better lookin women"? That's funny, turns out they've all been propositioned by you in the past...and they all turned ya down.

All in all, a disrespectful, pathetically ham-handed attempt to make fun of and marginalize a thoroughly decent man and perhaps the greatest American leader of modern times. Shame on ya, ya rat bastard.
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 01-01-2008 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 01-02-2008, 07:15 AM   #24
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Seems AL must have been one of those "picketers"! But don't worry AL, According to the poll on this forum, Paul will win!
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Old 01-02-2008, 08:37 AM   #25
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>perhaps the greatest American leader of modern times

Delusional much?
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Old 01-02-2008, 05:27 PM   #26
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That was Dr. Howard Dean One other thing RP is a fossil and maybe that is why he comes off a bit spaced out. I had never maid the Ross Perot connection but they do share some qualities.
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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Old 01-02-2008, 06:18 PM   #27
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well.. I always thought Ross Perot was a bit of a nut. other than that, a successful business man.. Ron Paul.. is a doctor.. and has been a congressman for some time.. As a congressman, he had one goal.. to change things from the inside.. he doesn't like the size of our federal government.. doesn't like laws being passed that infringe on personal freedoms.. has never voted for any gun control laws.. has never voted for a tax increase..

From what I've seen and heard on this website.. I can't help but to think that if any of your read Ron Paul's views on the many different topics.. you would be in agreement.
He wants a smaller federal government..
Never voted to raise taxes
never voted for an unbalanced budget
never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership
never voted to raise congressional pay.
never voted to increase the power of the executive branch
Believes if you want to allow prayer in school, that's a LOCAL decision to be made.
and above all us.. believes the federal government needs to get back to a size that is more manageable.. The government just gets bigger and bigger.. requiring more and more money to keep running and to keep growing.. the bigger it gets, the more restrictions we have.

Something needs to be done. To get the spending under control.. or else this is all going to just blow up in our face.

I honestly feel you all would be in agreement with most of his ideas.. other than his foreign policy.. however the alternative.. continuing the war in iraq.. planning on going into iran.. it's all more the same.. means the feds are just gonna need more and more of our money to continue paying for all this.. the value of the dollar going down...

This is our opportunity to do something about the size and the scope of the federal government. pass it up.. I guarandamnteeya.. it'll be more of the same.. bigger government, more intrusive government.. and more taxes taken out of our wallets.
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Old 01-02-2008, 06:42 PM   #28
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I bet I agree with Ron Paul on many, if not most, things, but leadership isn't just about (or mostly, in fact, about) opinions. I agree with myself on 100% of the issues but I would make a terrible President.

Wow, that was a lot of commas.
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Old 01-02-2008, 08:03 PM   #29
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Somebody please explain to me what's wrong with a "non-interventionist" foreign policy? Meddlin in other nation's affairs is a bad idea on so many levels I wont even bother goin into it here. "Non-interventionism" is not the same thing as "isolationism".
Molon Labe!
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Old 01-02-2008, 08:16 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by LateNight View Post
well.. I always thought Ross Perot was a bit of a nut. other than that, a successful business man.. Ron Paul.. is a doctor.. and has been a congressman for some time.. As a congressman, he had one goal.. to change things from the inside.. he doesn't like the size of our federal government.. doesn't like laws being passed that infringe on personal freedoms.. has never voted for any gun control laws.. has never voted for a tax increase..

From what I've seen and heard on this website.. I can't help but to think that if any of your read Ron Paul's views on the many different topics.. you would be in agreement.
He wants a smaller federal government..
Never voted to raise taxes
never voted for an unbalanced budget
never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership
never voted to raise congressional pay.
never voted to increase the power of the executive branch
Believes if you want to allow prayer in school, that's a LOCAL decision to be made.
and above all us.. believes the federal government needs to get back to a size that is more manageable.. The government just gets bigger and bigger.. requiring more and more money to keep running and to keep growing.. the bigger it gets, the more restrictions we have.

Something needs to be done. To get the spending under control.. or else this is all going to just blow up in our face.

I honestly feel you all would be in agreement with most of his ideas.. other than his foreign policy.. however the alternative.. continuing the war in iraq.. planning on going into iran.. it's all more the same.. means the feds are just gonna need more and more of our money to continue paying for all this.. the value of the dollar going down...

This is our opportunity to do something about the size and the scope of the federal government. pass it up.. I guarandamnteeya.. it'll be more of the same.. bigger government, more intrusive government.. and more taxes taken out of our wallets.
LN, this is the bottom line. Show me a Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS or ABC poll that shows RP as a front runner (1st, 2nd or even 3rd place). If he ain't in the race, he ain't in the race, "votes" be damned. Polls are pretty accurate nowadays. Within a handful of points. Do you really want to place a vote for Ron Paul and by default, place a REAL vote for Hillary or Obama?? Are you willing to take that chance? I mean if RP shows to be in 3rd or 4th place, why vote for him if it isn't going to win by all scientific proof? Wouldn't you vote for George Bush if you could instead of electing Hillary or Obama to the throne (assuming Hillary or Obama are front runners in the polls). If RP is in first or second place in the polls, I will vote for him too just to keep the DNC from gaining more power. it's not what I would have chosen in an ideal world, but it is common sense to tilt the board in the direction you want the ball to roll....
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