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Old 06-08-2007, 05:15 PM   #1
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Anyone know their snakes?

My yard guy told me today he saw two snakes in my yard today while he was cleaning out some stuff. He said one was green and brown and I'm not too worried about that one. But he said the other was big and lunged at him and then quickly ran into a hole in the ground. What kind of snakes live in holes in the ground? Could it be a copperhead or other poisonous snake?
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Old 06-08-2007, 07:27 PM   #2
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Any snake can go in a hole. But rule of thumb is if the head has a diamond shape it is poison, if the head is oval it is not. If you have alot of pinestraw in flower beds watch out, good for hiding snakes. We just got into it with my ex-son-in-law about snakes. He caught a knig snake and was letting my grandkids age 4 and 3 touch it. he said he explained about good and bad snakes. But how many little ones like these kids can tell the difference between good and bad snakes. What an idiot.
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Old 06-08-2007, 09:09 PM   #3
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The mean snakes we have around her that would do something like that are like water moccassins/cottonmouths, but do you have water near you? A copperhead wouldn't do that they are usually quick to run away. There are rattlesnakes in the area so it's a possibility.

But here is the thing to do...put mothballs in the hole and around your hard or also there is a product at Lowe's called Snakeaway. It works.

I HATE SNAKES and think the best thing for them is a shotgun!

Hey Piemaker...at our office the other day one of the nurses was telling us that her friend's 4 y/o daughter was playing outside last year and found a snake. She picked it up and when her parents found her she was sitting and trying to put it in a bucket. It kept trying to get out and she kept trying to put it in. She was bitten 4 times on her arm by the WATER MOCASSIN. The poor girl almost lost her arm but after about two weeks in the hospital finally got to go home. Now that story is a very good reason to teach your children that are young to stay away from snakes. They don't understand at a young age the dangers and definitely can't determine good from bad.
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Old 06-08-2007, 09:22 PM   #4
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Belle, that us exactly what we told my ex son-in-law. The kids are too young to know the difference and if they see daddy pick it up then they think it's okay. I have been trying to tell them different. Some people don't use common sense.
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Old 06-09-2007, 04:57 AM   #5
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There are TONS of snakes that live in our area and "he went into a hole" really isn't an accurate enough description for even a guess.

However I suspect that with two in the yard, that neither was poisonous, however that IS just a guess and regardless....all snakes can bite anyway. I'd certainly "keep on your toes" until you've properly identified both animals or are confident they have moved on....
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Old 06-09-2007, 05:36 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Texasbelle
But here is the thing to do...put mothballs in the hole and around your hard or also there is a product at Lowe's called Snakeaway. It works.

I HATE SNAKES and think the best thing for them is a shotgun!
LOL, "Robin! , hand me that Bat-snake-repellent!" "Sure thing Batman!"

Only good snake is a dead snake, that's what I say..

I used my trusty machete on this one. can any of you snake experts tell me what kind this was ??

After I took this pic, I hacked it up into more tiny pieces.. then about 5 little birdies came walkin' up to me, just a chirpin' away.. a bunch of happy birds.. funny as @#$@#. It was these same birds, who were making a hell of a racket outside my son's window, that alerted us to this damn thing crawlin' up the side of the freakin' house ! once it was hacked to little pieces, all the birds were like "Hail to the snake killer!" LOL
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Old 06-09-2007, 06:52 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by LateNight
LOL, "Robin! , hand me that Bat-snake-repellent!" "Sure thing Batman!"

Only good snake is a dead snake, that's what I say..

I used my trusty machete on this one. can any of you snake experts tell me what kind this was ??

After I took this pic, I hacked it up into more tiny pieces.. then about 5 little birdies came walkin' up to me, just a chirpin' away.. a bunch of happy birds.. funny as @#$@#. It was these same birds, who were making a hell of a racket outside my son's window, that alerted us to this damn thing crawlin' up the side of the freakin' house ! once it was hacked to little pieces, all the birds were like "Hail to the snake killer!" LOL
LN I believe that is a common rat snake. The reason he might have been near your house is that you may have mice or rats running around and they can pick up on the smell of rodents. I must say they like bird eggs and birds too so your bird friends and rat friends will be happy. There are four kinds of venomous snakes in LA. Copper Head, Cotton Mouth (Moccasin) Rattle Snake and Coral Snake. They are easy to identify and the good snakes I choose to let live as they are doing me a great service.
Oh and the Water Head and the Copper Moccasin
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Old 06-09-2007, 07:26 AM   #8
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We see those snakes in our barn from time to time. It usually has a rat or two in it and they like to feed there!!!! Which would be why I don't venture in the barn. T'belle does not like snakes and usually needs CPR after sighting one that is within 20 feet of her!!!
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Old 06-09-2007, 08:23 AM   #9
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I'm with LN the only good snake is a dead snake. As Belle said she usually needs CPR after seeing one close, even though the snake may not be poison it can still make you hurt yourself trying to get away. A lot of people don't know which is which, so I kill all I see.
Another story: My sister is a nurse for home health, she went to visit this little elderly black woman one day. On the woman's dresser was a snake skin, she ask the almost blind lady if she knew the snake skin was there. The lady said yes and for her not to touch it because it was a sign. My sister said it was a sign, a sign for her to haul a**. The snake was in the lady's house and had shed it's skin there.
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Old 06-09-2007, 06:29 PM   #10
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I usually don't kill a snake, lizard, or spider unless it's a dangerous one. They eat mice and insects and other annoying pests.
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Old 06-10-2007, 08:26 AM   #11
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Strangely enough, I'm with Joe on this one, except for spiders....they all must die.
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