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Old 03-30-2007, 08:57 AM   #1
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Question Are your pets like your children

I have four Border Collies and have had five generations over the last 30 years and I know how much a part of our family they are and how I lament when on passes on. I feel like many people on this board share the same feelings about their pets be it dog, cat or other. I am going to post some photos of my pack animals and I hope all you other avatars do too.
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Notice something in the wood pile ?
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Our wise old female Liley on her birthday
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Kanga not happy with Gus flirting with her at all
I will post more if this thread takes off.
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Old 03-30-2007, 09:26 AM   #2
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yup, I'll agree, our ol' dogs are somethin' else.. they're somethin', just not sure what

We got Taz, Taz the wonder dog, the blue eyed devil dog
She's a mutt, a Mala-mutt to be more precise.
Don't know what we'd do without her.
That bottom picture, is Taz after a night out on the town.. TGIF everyone !

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ID:	176

Last edited by LateNight; 03-30-2007 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 03-30-2007, 09:34 AM   #3
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Taz is a cool looking dog

Originally Posted by LateNight
yup, I'll agree, our ol' dogs are somethin' else.. they're somethin', just not sure what

We got Taz, Taz the wonder dog, the blue eyed devil dog
She's a mutt, a Mala-mutt to be more precise.
Don't know what we'd do without her.
That bottom picture, is Taz after a night out on the town.. TGIF everyone !
She sure looks like he lives a ruff life Nice shine on the coat and bright eyes very nice K-9 you have LN and I am sure your best friend. I hope there will be more photos. What about that man eating dog Tbelle has and I know when Sheba gets back her puppies will make the board. Thanks for the post LN. TGIF
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Old 03-30-2007, 09:46 AM   #4
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I'm loving this thread!!!!!!

Of course my pets are like my children!

Let me give you the rundown of who actually runs this house:

Rosie the fluff Kuvasz, next

Chanel, a 3 y/o Yorkie. She is known for being the snob who thinks she is a princess.

Christian, the baby, a 6 month old male yorkie. He had six teeth pulled yesterday poor thing. But the tooth fairy came and left a biscuit! We call him the Demonator, he is the Dennis the Menace of the house.

Greta, the Matriarch. She is a 11 y/o Schnauzer who just kind of tolerates the rest.

Max, a 3 y/o male Yorkie. I think he has issues. I am quite sure he suffers from separation anxiety when Mom leaves. He is quite a large Yorkie weighing in at 12 pounds! I actually think there is some poodle in his gene pool.

Blitz, an 8 y/o male German Shepherd. I have a love/hate relationship with him. He's my husband's dog. He is the biggest baby in the world, scared of thunder and jealous of the other dogs. At 95 lbs he is intimidating but the reality is...he'll just lick a burglar to death and show them the way in!

and finally Shadow. We rescued him from the shelter for our 18 y/o son. He is a Siberian Husky and about 10 months old. Beautiful dog but a little on the goofy side.

Now there are four horses in the pasture Babe, Bandit, Traveler, and Morgan. Traveler is a miniature horse who is my other baby. I don't have time to post pictures this morning but will later!!! I think there is not greater love than that an animal gives you. It is totally unconditional. We actually at my husband's office had a therapy dog come to visit twice this week and it was amazing to watch the effect it had on the patients.

We adore our pets and would do anything and everything for them.
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Old 03-30-2007, 10:34 AM   #5
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Here's my baby. I named her "Uriko" after one my favorite anime characters, Uriko the Half-Beast. By the way, she's not missing her tail.
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Old 03-30-2007, 01:49 PM   #6
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The Red Rooster with the golden eyes

This is Rusty the Red Rooster who is the father of 39 litters of puppies
that would be 234 children for him. Glad there are no child support payments on this guy. He is now 10 and I think done with the stud service but still has many years kick back and get fat Clifford the big Red Dog
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Old 03-30-2007, 06:42 PM   #7
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Here are my babies.
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Old 03-30-2007, 07:14 PM   #8
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Are they litter mates ?

Originally Posted by Isabella
Here are my babies.
Very nice dog family you have there Isabella. I have always thought that having more than one is good for the dogs they are pack animals and I have four and they have their pecking order but do work as a pack to any visitors of any kind man or beast so your two should be two very happy dogs. Not to say having just one is bad in any way they all are so full of unconditional love. Great photos.
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Old 03-30-2007, 09:55 PM   #9
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Isaac, they are not litter mates. Sadie is 9 months older than Lillie. We got Lillie 7 months after Sadie. Our Schnauzer we had for 9 1/2 years died suddenly from cancer. We were so sad without her. We found Sadie in Covington, La. and 7 months later we picked up Lillie in Fort Worth, Texas. Sadie was so active we thought she needed a playmate.

Your dogs are beautiful. I always wanted a black and white Border Collie dog. Do they all stay inside?
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Old 03-31-2007, 12:55 AM   #10
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Great thread. Before we had (human) children, my wife and I were married 11 years. During that time we had 2 cats, both shaded silver persians which lived 17 and 19 years old. I'm glad my human kidos got to spend time with our cats which we had back in college. Now we have a Pug, the most disgusting creature on earth. Snot blower!
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:06 AM   #11
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Rhertz, I'm calling your dog and telling them you said that!!!!!

Is that your dog on your Avatar? If so it sure is cute.
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:24 AM   #12
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.....The ugliest cat I've ever seen.

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I swear to you all that this is a REAL LIVE cat! Can you believe how ugly it is?
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:55 AM   #13
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They do live inside I guess they are rotten

Originally Posted by Isabella
Isaac, they are not litter mates. Sadie is 9 months older than Lillie. We got Lillie 7 months after Sadie. Our Schnauzer we had for 9 1/2 years died suddenly from cancer. We were so sad without her. We found Sadie in Covington, La. and 7 months later we picked up Lillie in Fort Worth, Texas. Sadie was so active we thought she needed a playmate.

Your dogs are beautiful. I always wanted a black and white Border Collie dog. Do they all stay inside?
Wonderful breed and yes they are the shepherds dog. I have one young female and then 6,10 and 13 so my pack is a bit old. I will breed Kanga in about another year or so for the 6th generation. This should be a fun thread and it might help if sbl would give a bit more info on how to upload the photos.
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Old 03-31-2007, 02:00 AM   #14
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I am definitely not a cat person. Sorry, Anime. It is my mother's fault. When I was young she would not allow me to touch cats.
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Old 03-31-2007, 02:05 AM   #15
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Tuff one here to post to

Originally Posted by Isabella
I am definitely not a cat person. Sorry, Anime. It is my mother's fault. When I was young she would not allow me to touch cats.
My mama told me the same thing but I did not listen like the wayward young man I was at the time and now I have a house full of them
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