Les Miles is ‘The Long Tall Cajun’ “ …he rides a Tiger into Death Valley.”
Local Video Song Parody makes front page of cnnsi.com day of BCS January 7th, 2008
By: Tom Pace, Executive Editor, SBLive!
January 11th, 2008
Everything LSU sells. That includes Tigers’ head coach Les Miles, “…riding a Tiger into Death Valley,” in a local video song parody set to the tune of “A Long Tall Texan.”
Since it’s been posted by MMCC, Saturday, January 5th at noon, the uploaded YouTube video has made its way around the world, via cyberspace (a.k.a. the world wide web)
According to a source at MMCC, as of 4:30pm, cst, Friday, January 11th, the Les Miles “Long Tall Cajun” video parody has had nearly 8,000 views/plays….not to mention the 4,330 views on the Sports Illustrated website:
If you enjoy a good laugh, chuckle, or grin, take a listen & watch…(and, you may want to e-mail this to a friend, or college football fan. Enjoy! Geaux Tigers!!