bossier Visit

Last Modified: September 12, 2008Yogie and Friends Exotic Cat Sanctuary

Founded in 1999 by Bill Strunk and Timothy Mills, Yogie and Friends Exotic Cat Sanctuary is licensed by the USDA, the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to provide a permanent home for lions, tigers, leopards, cougars and other exotic cat animals that have been abused, neglected, or are unwanted for some reason. Their mission is to rescue these kinds of animals and provide them with a safe and stress-free home, to educate the public, and to assist other similar animal sanctuaries. The non-profit Yogie and Friends Exotic Cat Sanctuary employs 2 full-time animal caregivers, 3 part-time animal caregivers, 15 regular volunteers, and over 100 community service workers and Air Force volunteers who donate their time and energy every year to help take care of 6 lions, 7 tigers, 2 cougars, 1 black leopard, 3 African servals and 1 bobcat.  

Yogie and Friends Exotic Cat Sanctuary has a master plan for development

The master plan includes an Animal Education Center in which formal training for volunteers, interns and school visitors will be conducted in classrooms, a Veterinarian Clinic where emergency medical procedures can be performed, and special quarantine housing facilities for use whenever it becomes necessary to separate an animal from the rest of the animal population. Also planned are additional natural habitats for the big cats and an internship program with live-in dormitories for serious students who wish to develop a career in animal care.  

Yogie and Friends Exotic Cat Sanctuary is located at 128 Fob Lane in Frierson, and their contact phone number is (318) 795-0455.